Here’s a holiday contest sure to make you smile … from Cats Paw Books comes a Christmas story like no other: WRECK THE HALLS: 12 Bad Cats Celebrate Christmas. This delicious little holiday book is full of cat humor and gorgeous photos. Best of all you could WIN a copy! (contest details below).

A passel of frolicsome felines led by the notorious Apple Brothers (Pippin, Macintosh and Fuji), wreaks havoc in their owner’s house as they topple the Christmas tree, delete the Christmas card file, sabotage shortbread cooking-making, hide nativity ornaments . . . and more. Sound familiar?

Will all eventually be well? You’ll have to read the book to find out!
On that note, we’re excited to announce that five lucky Purrington Post readers will each WIN their very own signed copy of WRECK THE HALLS.
* Contest Details
This contest ends on November 30th, 2022 and is available to U.S. residents only. To enter you simply need to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
My cat(s) names are [enter your cats names] and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is [enter your answer]
The 5 winners will be chosen from all the correctly submitted entries by the author and contacted by email on or around December 2nd, 2022. Have fun with your entry. Be creative and good luck!
Disclosure: Please note that by entering this contest entrants agreed that their email address will be made available to the book author. This post is a paid promotional placement.
For more hissterical feline humor be sure to check out
My cats names are Luciano, Clarabelle & Cooper and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is them eating something they shouldn’t
My cat’s names is Aliand when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is that she likes to run and jump into the Christmas tree and then climb to the very top on sit there like she is the angel.
Angel my cat is purrfect, so when it comes to holiday decorations, I never have to worry. She is more concerned with her gifts under the tree. She lost her canine “brother” this summer, so I would love her to win something and we can read it together.
I can already see the smug look of disdain on her face towards badly behaved cats! She will be 19 years old in January and truly understands every word I say to her.
My cats name is Roxy and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is that she’ll knock down our Chistmas tree. She’s too heavy for the branches now but, loves to climb in it.
My cat name is Tawny and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is The tree skirt. He likes to burrow under it.
My cat’s name is K. C.(Kitty Cat).he is never destructive with our tree. He does love to sit under it and look at the lights. He is 6 years old. I have had several cats in the past and I guess I have been lucky none of them have ever messed with the Christmas tree. just like to sit under it.
My cat(s) names are Gin-Gin , Kitty , Naomi, and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is that they better stay away from the tree and not get hurt by anything.
My cats’ names are Domino and Kathleen and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is instead of looking like we celebrated a holiday it will look like we survived a major disaster!
My cats names and Snowy and Nookie and when it comes to holiday decorations at home, my biggest concern is Nookie drinking the tree water. She burrows through the presents to getting it.🎁 She got her name from burrowing into nooks and crannies!
Snowy likes to play with the ornaments, I am concerned she might knock over the tree! 🎄😬
My kitties names are FannieMayOmyia, Tomyia, and Quomyia and when it comes to holiday decorations at our home my biggest concern is them opening their gifts from Santa Claus way before they should and then go to hide their goodie somewhere that I’ll never find it, wherever their stash hiding place is, lol, these guys are great, I can’t love them enough, and with all that we’ve been through in the past few years they’re still sticking by me and haven’t gone into cat depression, thankfully😻😻😻😇 as some kitties do go there, but I make sure that they know that they’re loved no matter what and always will be, I do hope that they’ll still be around for many years to come and still be healthy. Thank you for this contest, this book sounds like an awesome read, AND LOL, I will even read it to them, after telling them to not come up with any ideas that they hear about as I read it to them, yes, I read to my furbies, and massage them, buy great food and litter and probiotics with enzymes and they all work prrrrrrrfectly together, the litter box smell is basically gone, and I only use one litter box, I don’t have room for a second box because my place is so small now, so I’m very glad to have come across these items, they cost more then what I were buying, but it’s much more healthier for them and so the cost is my last concern.
Ooooops, sorry, I sure can talk for a long time, typing is the same thing, lol😂😳.
Again, thank you.
My cat’s name is Evinrude (his purr is as loud as a boat motor!) and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is that this year I have a little enclosed outdoor area where I’m going to put up my Christmas tree and Rudy will think he can climb up it like he did when he was a kitten (he’s now 17)!
My cat(s) names are Sparkey, Myusha, Yona and BB-8 and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is keeping the tree and decorations from being destroyed!
My cats Rocky Gabby and Nellie and when it comes to holiday decorations at my home my biggest problem is keeping tree standing up and anything shiny. Rocky loves Shiney things
My cats’ names are Ms. Caity Sunshine, and her son is Mr. Frisky Business, and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is, how much longer will they stay entertained by holiday festivities? This is the first year we are skipping a Christmas tree to rather focus on our two little furry-babies’ safety. No more tree-climbing for these two! Amazing how these two little 8-pound fur balls take over everything! But I would have it no other way. Christmas or any other day! I Love them!
My cats names are Scrat, Double, Trouble, Monkey, Ninja, and Lynx and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is finding Monkey in the Christmas tree, Double and Trouble tearing the ornaments off the tree and Ninja going ninja on the ornaments as they make great practice foes.
My cat(s) names are [Kitty-Kat, Bunni-butt and Baby. And when it comes to holiday decorations at home, my biggest concern is to put up anything besides lights this year
My cat’s name is Oliver and when it comes to holiday decorations my biggest concern is that he’ll sit on the wrapping paper thinking he’s the gift, so he’ll try to wrap himself. Or he may sit under the tree thinking he’s a gift.
My cats names are Squeeks and Sophie and when it comes to holiday decorations my biggest concern is when they get the zoomies they will break every Christmas decoration I have.
My cats are Violet, Pip, Finn, and Delilah, and my biggest concern with holiday decorations is that I can only have a fake Christmas tree because they’d destroy a real one. Also tinsel.
My cats’ names are Beans, Franklin, Ruby, Tiggy, Cindy, Orange K, and Maggie and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is glass Christmas balls.
My cat(s) names are Smokey, Chesney, Gandolfini , Jakey, Halloween, and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is fighting!!
My cats’ names are Chaos, Boots, Maxx, Sandy & Peter and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is they all enjoy the tree as much as possible. We went years without one and only in the last three have we gotten a tree due to now having a room where the door can be shut, yet it still is seen from the front of the house. So we did not have a massive amount of decor and then the cats “hindered” our ability to display it. The collection has been built around what we can get that is not toxic, won’t break, can be put somewhere out of reach, etc. They always have stockings and get gifts but they really amazed that for a few weeks each year, a tree from the outside is inside their house covered in lights and shiny things they would love to get to. They get lots of supervised time and for the most part are very good, just laying on the tree skirt.
My cats names are Quinnie and Arlo and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is putting up a tree. When Arlo was one, he completely wrecked the tree I had, so it and a lot of my ornaments have to be tossed. I haven’t had a tree since! Maybe this year I will try as he is now six and hopefully older and wiser.
My cat’s name is Evenstar and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is that she feels cheated of the opportunity to destroy them, because I stopped decorating for the holidays years ago.
My cat’s name is Clarise and when it comes to my holiday decorations in my home she hardly bothers them. The main thing is that at first I have to watch she doesn’t bite on the cords though. She only does it when I stretch them out but all I have to do is make my voice a little stern and she stops right away. She is even a tortie but very well behaved. No tree climbing either at 6 years old!
My cats’ names are Suesse, Siggy, Sisi, Sophie, Freja, Odie, Beeker, Smudge, Tatiana, Parker, and Gunda, and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is that they won’t get finished decorating be the holidays.
My cat(s) names are Remus, Charlie, Archer & Theo and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is Archer climbing into the Christmas tree and Remus eating the Christmas tree
My cats names are Pansy and Basil and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is that the decorations become cat toys and are batted around until they are ragged.
My cats name was FLUFFY and when it comes to holiday decorations at home, my biggest concern used to be him biting the Christmas tree lights!!! All he did was nap under the tree though like a good sphynxy. ❤️
My cat’s name is Whispurr, and when it comes to holiday decorations at home, my biggest concern is keeping him from climbing up into the tree branches! He does that outside, altho not into an evergreen, so the Christmas tree might be safe.
My cat’s name is Rexi and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is that she’ll ruin the nicely presented gifts by eating the tape (because it tastes so good?) and shredding the wrapping paper (because it feels so good?).
My cat(s) names are Luke and Vince and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is them chewing on things.
My cat(s) name is Jemma and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is her knocking everything over.
My cats names are Lucy and Paulie and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is them eating the tinsel.
My Cats names are Skipper and Duncan. My glorious girl Skipper is a perfect angel and does no wrong! However, my mischievous boy Duncan does leave me concerned about Holiday decorations. He insists on trying to chew on the string of lights on the Christmas tree. One Christmas a few years back, I poked my eye with one of the branches when I dove under the tree to stop him from chewing! I ended up making a trip to urgent care… Bad Kitty!
My cat’s names is phil and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is electrocution.
My cat(s) names are Snickers, Lil Guy and Fluffy Rose and when it comes to holiday decorations at home my biggest concern is what will they try to eat!!
My cat’s name is Jake and when it comes to holiday decorations my biggest concern is when he removes decorations from the lower tree branches and places them in his food bowl. Not sure whether he plane to eat them or wants to share his food with them!!!