We did a post last year called Why Do Cats Eat Grass? The reasons may surprise you but it’s both normal and healthy. Like people, cats need vegetables in their diet to aid in digestion and to provide balanced nutrition.
Kitty’s Garden from Pioneer Pet supplies your cat with the tasty green grass that it craves, and gives cats a safe alternative to nibbling on your houseplants, which can be potentially toxic to them if swallowed.

All you do to serve your cat is place Kitty’s Garden near their food dish or in some other place they’ll find it.
Features and Benefits
o Includes Oats, Wheat, Rye and Barley
o Grows in 4 to 6 days
o Helps prevent hairballs
o Aids with digestion
o Helps prevent ingestion of potentially toxic houseplants
o Aids with digestion
o Sturdy wood frame keeps your cat from knocking it over
The Pioneer Pet team were kind enough to offer 5 Kitty’s Garden kits for five lucky Purrington Post readers to WIN!
* Contest is Now Closed
This contest ended on March 26th, 2019 and was available to US residents only. To enter you simply needed to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
My cat’s name is [insert your cat’s name] and he/she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because [your cat’s reason]
The 5 winners were chosen by Pioneer Pet from all the correctly submitted entries and contacted by email.
You can read more about Kitty’s Garden from Pioneer Pet here => Kitty’s Garden.
My name is Joey, I would love a kitty garden because my mom has never given me any kitty grass.
My cats’ names are Nixie, Sugar, Lucky, George, Stormy, and Mishka and they (one male, 5 females) would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because all are former strays /rescues and three are used to playing with / eating grass while the other three are curious about grass (we have grass available periodically throughout the year). Also the oldest two Cats are 9 and 8 years old and grass is good for their health. The youngest had never had grass before until our current crop (just got in the last week). And finally, 6 Cats go through grass quickly so a new and healthy crop is always good. Thank you.
My cat’s name is Luda and he/she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves salad and his staff does not buy it often enough.
My name is Pixie and I would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because I am a rescue who has never had kitty grass. It looks yummy and would be healthy for me.
My cat’s names are Jolly and Donald and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they believe in having a healthy diet, but also enjoying what they eat, plus, they covet the super cool box / try it comes in! They would quite possibly love you forever, well probably not at all, but that’s just the way there are 😉
My cat’s name is Deano and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because we just recently lost his best friend Dwight and he needs some cheering up. Deano loves our human garden and it would be great to watch him enjoy his own garden!!!
My cat’s name is Gandalf the Grey and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because winters in Minnesota don’t allow him to enjoy grass for over 6 months out of the year, and he’s ready to have his own patch for grazing whenever he wants!
I grow orchids & Hoya plants on my lanai have had to put them up by stacking tall pots inside of each other or baracading the plants behind objects. They love kitty grass & in the past have even loved to sit in it.
very awesome cat stuff, would love to win the pioneer grass for my huge black cat Hurley, he is getting on in age, would be purrrfect for him,, and he is a black Persian, was a cat out on his own for a long time. I managed to coax him into the house and he has settled in very well, and is now my big baby, very loving as well.. Colleen Wenn
I would love to have the kitty garden for my two kitties. I had three that drove with me from Cali to our new home on the east coast. Jasmine my baby was found abandoned in a box very shortly after being born. No one believed she would survive because she was so young. But she had a strong will to survive and she was with me for 15 years! She died of kidney disease. Two years later another of my kitty family died also from kidney disease. Now only one of my original three is still with me. I adopted a little kitty from the shelter to keep him company. I want to do everything thing I can to keep them healthy and happy! Now I keep them indoors and want to make sure they get their greens! I love my babies!
My cat Gandalf would love a Kitty Garden because he’s an indoor cat who was once an outdoor cat and misses the smell of green grass. He used to have it every day in California, but misses a few months worth in Illinois.
I am Babies and my friends Angle and Eclipse would love some fresh grass. We do not go outside because Mom won’t let us. And to be honest I have eaten most of Mom’s plants and are not as fun as having my own Kitty Garden.
Thanks for hearing my Meow!
My cat’s name is Staza and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because since Radar crossed the Rainbow Bridge Rover (a cat) is being a bully with Staza and Pepper. They think it is because he is the only boy kitty now. They are proud to say that they are all rescues and hope the kitty grass will entice Oscar, a feral who visits the yard for both food and shelter, to move in with them.
My Mugsy would love to win this…..he is not allowed outside and needs this
My cat’s name is Buddy and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he used to be an outdoor stray and I think the grass would remind him of his pre-indoors life
My cat’s name is Monkey Boy and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he’s a grass nibler when he goes outside to survey his domain
My cat’s names are Cali and GG and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they keep eating the weeds in the backyard.
My name is Button. I would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because I love to eat grass but I’m an indoor cat. This would let me have all the grass I crave!
Thank you!
My cat’s name is Peep and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because I’m mean and won’t let her outside to enjoy nibbling grass even though she loves it.
My cat’s name is Roxelana, and she would live to win a Kitty’s Garden because she has a green thumb.
Our names are Jitterbug, Tabbie Kitkat and Gypsy and we would like to win a Kitty’s Garden because we are indoor kitties and would love to taste the sweet wild grass! =^..^=
My cat’s name is Lulu and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because it would prevent hairballs
Cassius loves nibbling on fresh grass so having his own garden would be perfect for him.
My cat’s name is Nalla and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because the two big bully dogs make it hard for me to have anything fun, so I know my mommy would put this in a place just for me to enjoy in peace! Please help me! Meow!
My cat’s name is Zeke and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he’s never gone outside. We’ve had him since he was adopted at 8 weeks. He loves to chew things, and I think he would love this, plus it would be good for him.
My cat’s name is Maddie and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she wants to get vitamins and better digestion from that tasty cat grass.
My cat’s names are Odie and Reggie and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they are tired of eating the timothy hay the chinchilla (Boo Boo) throws on the floor. They would love a fresh garden of their own.
My cats names are Baker, Tyrion and Jaime and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they love to chew on the flowers we bring home to brighten up our house and we want to give them a healthier option to eat! They’re all indoor kitties and they would absolutely love to nibble on some cat grass!
My cat’s name is Buttons and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves to go outside and eat grass!
Hi. Our cat’s name is “Pumpkin.” (aka Peepers, Puppy, or Potato). She is a nine year old very pampered and beautiful Calico. She told me just this morning that she would simply love to have her very own Kitty’s Garden.
My kitty’s names are CharlieTaco and Sophie! We would love some kitty grass.
I have three cats who would LOVE this little garden. They’re inside cats so it would be good for them too.
My cat’s names are Oliver & Echo and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they love the outdoors and the grass would make them feel like they are back outside when it’s snowy in Pittsburgh!
I would love to try this. I shelter elderly rescue cats and have 12 at the moment. I have always wondered about this.
My cat’s name is Leonardo Prince of Pusses, aka Baby Kitty and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves to nibble on grass.
My cat’s name is Larry and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because Larry has digestive issues and more greens would help.
my name is sheba and i know my mom would like for me to have this
My 6 cats Dragon, Summer, Winter, Autumn, Gidget, and Olive would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they get lots of hairballs.
My cat’s name is Maggie Moo and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she isn’t allowed outside — Kitty’s Garden would let her get her greens while steering her away from the houseplants.
My cat’s name is Rucker and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he enjoys eating his greens.
My cats’ names are Tonks and Baby Reese and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because their humans never bring plants in the house anymore because they get eaten… this time it will be okay to eat!!
My cat’s name is Kayla and she would absolutely love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden …
I’ll let her tell you why.
This is Kayla, I figured it would be easier if I just told you than having to tell mom and then so on. 😺
1. A kitty garden! Seriously what’s not to love about that? I can’t think of one thing. My heart is just a pitter patter thinking about it! I can only dream…
2. I’m an only child, so we all know only children are always spoiled, right? Need I say more?
3. I didn’t want to have to out my mom but I’m going to. I love my mom to death. She does everything for me, but mom must be jinxed with those cheap ones you get at the store. They are dead by the time Mom gets home! I don’t know if mom picks bad ones out or if they are all bad but I never get to enjoy any.
I beg of you to please help me experience my dream and be able to taste and enjoy such a wonderful treat from my own garden. All of my paws & claws are crossed in hopes of winning.
My cat is Gracie (of Great Neck), NY. She turns 15 in June. I inherited her after being rescued 13 years ago. She is a delight.
My cats names are Chloe and Midnight and Ziva. They would love to Win a kittys garden because They love eating grass. And since they do not go outside to graze in our yard this would be perfect.
My cats name is Snowy, and she would love to win the kitty’s Garden because it gives her a healthy thing to do with the 1hr per day that she’s awake. Plus its even more fun getting green stains on her white fur
My cat’s names are Katie Mae, Kali and Joshua and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because being one time outside kitties and now living the soft indoor life they miss the opportunity to chow on some greenery…
My cat’s name is Trouble and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he is a catnip fanatic!
My cat’s name is Roku and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves to feast on greens !
My cat’s name is Monkey and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because IT’S SPRING! Cats love spring as much as we do, and Monkey says there are very few delights that he loves more than chewing grass in the warm sunlight. Give this old (formerly) feral kitty the fresh garden of his dreams.
My cat’s name is Trouble, and she would be so happy to win a Kitty’s Garden, as she is long haired, and thus has hairballs all the time. I’m sure the cat grass would help with that problem and she’d be ever so greatful !!
My cat’s name is Bum and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he will eat anything, but I like that it will help his digestion.
My kitties love kitty grass! Kitty’s Garden would be such a delight for them for them to win!
My cat’s name is Mia and I know she would love to win a Kitty’s Garden because right now she thinks most of my houseplants are cat salads.
My cat’s names are Lilly and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she loves snackies, enjoys rolling around in the grass and because she deserves a special treat!
My cats’ names are Choo Choo, Branson, Quincy, and Pengo and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because “We’re indoor cats and don’t have access to the green grass that the outdoor cats do. Three of us have medium/long hair. Sometimes we get hairballs and throw up. This makes our mama unhappy because she’d rather be playing with us or giving us cuddles instead of cleaning up the hairballs. Mama has some plants that she doesn’t want us to eat or chew on because we might get sick or die. She really loves us and only wants the best for us.”
This is noctis speaking for my final fantasy crew. There is lily the oldest. Then me and freya. The youngster is yuffie and she is a bit crazy. We like to eat our food at the same time, have our treats at the same time and partake in the Joy’s of catnip together. Four of us. Four sections on the Kitty garden. Sound like destiny to me. Sincerely Noctis.
My cat’s name is Sasha and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she is a muncher. This would help keep her away from my house plants.
My cat’s name is Oliver and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because it would give him a wonderful feeling of being outdoors while safely being indoors. He would be over the moon to win.
My 3 girls: Sammy, Lily and China would love this garden!! They are indoor cats and this would be a new and fun experience for them.
My cat’s name is Caboodle and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he needs plants he can eat to help with hairballs.
My cat’s name is Kitty and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she is tired of chewing on our broom and would like something fresh and green!
My name is Sibling. I love to eat grass and I will sneak out of the house to eat despite my Momma and Aunt’s protest
My cat’s name is Celeste, Annie, Sonny, Lilly and Wendy. And they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because, so that certain someone’s will stop running out and eating the grass in the yard. :o)
My 11 cats, Nipper, Pixie, Nacho, K.K., MiMi, Oreo, FiFi, Sweetie Pie, BoBo, Lucky and Smokey, would all love to have this. They love eating grass, and would really appreciate it.
My cat’s name is Mimoso and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves to have some tasty greens to munch on.
My name is Mr. Fluffy Flufferton and I would love to win the Kitty Garden because I love to sit in the window and look outside at the grass and trees. My Mom says it’s safer for me to stay in the house but I sure would like to have a little patch of grass for my brother, Chester and me to play with. Thank you.
My cat’s names are Tarifa, Suha, and Elvis, and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because this is a really nice kit and we would enjoy horking up grassballs throughout the house *well, you asked!* Seriously, we would love some top-quality grass blend to add to our diet.
My cats names are Boogie & Mr.Dink’s & they would love to WIN a kitty’s garden so they won’t get in any trouble eating meowmy plants it will be there own!!
My cats’ names are Sienna Rose and Harper and they would like very much to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because then they won’t be sad when mommy is out on the balcony working in her garden. We will have our own garden… and we think it will be nicer than mommy’s.garden
My cat’s name is Princess and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she screams at her humans for grass. Even when there’s no grass outside.
My cat’s names are Spooky, Mi-Mi,Diamond, Lover Boy,Gizmo, Boots,Max,they would really LOVE to WIN a VERY great kitty garden cause they love to eat grass to stay healthy. That way meow mommy don’t have to go outside and cut grass for them and she could FINALLY grow some inside instead and that way it would make her VERY HAPPY and knowing that she is taking great care of us all meows.
My cats names are Romeo Luigi and Ralphie Lee. They would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they are strictly indoor cats and would love to have the opportunity to munch on kitty grasses.
My cats Merlin, Crush, Sebastian, Lily and Berlios would love to win a Kitty Garden as they need healthy things to keep them busy too.
My cat’s name is Luna and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she’s already digging, or attempting to, in any plant we have around the house.
My cat’s name is Boots and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because every chance he gets to escape out the front door, he eats the weeds in the flower bed. So he would love having his own indoor “weeds.”
My cat’s name is Milky and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he needs something nutritious to add to his daily diet.
My cat’s name is Maggie and he/she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because having their own Kitty’s Garden keeps her from chewing on my houseplants.
I have 7 cats, and they all love cat grass because they are indoor only. Their names are Oreo ( Cookie), Truman, Roo, Nod, Scout, Jimmy and Fuzz, and they all say, “Pick us, please, we need grass- the legal kind-thank you!”
My cat’s name is Monkey and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he is an indoor cat and terrified of going outside but loves to chew on plants.
My cat’s name is Jonesey and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because it is sturdy & unbreakable. She has already destroyed 2 other cat grass planters.
My cats name is Twink and she would love this.
My cat’s name is Sheba and shewould love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she has had it before and loves it!
Our names are Boo and Loki and we would love to win a kitty garden because we’re indoor kitties and don’t get to go outside to eat the grass
My cat’s name is MacDuff and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he has tummy issues. MacDuff was rescued, after being dumped, from behind a shopping center known to poison kitties. He has been to the Vet twice because of his sad tumtum. Hopefully, this grass will help him feel so much better!
My name is Miss Kitty. And I would Love to win a Kitty’s Garden because I used to be a wild feral barn cat. But then I met a wonderful Mom. Eventually I became an indoor kitty. I am very happy and loved.
The Kitty Garden would be a way of bringing the outdoors in 😺😻
My cat’s name is Molly and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she is a spoiled diva and she told me she wanted it!
My cats’ names are Dazzle, Cinder and Pip and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because then they would have something to chew on instead of my hanging spider plant. They hop up onto a table and reach over to pull the hanging leaves over to them.
My cat’s name is Lyle and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves eating grass, but rarely gets to go outside and eat it/
My cat’s name is Max and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he is a inside cat and he would enjoy his own little garden.
My cat’s names are Fizzgig and Sally and he/she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they loved their last kitty garden.
My cat’s name is Blackfoot and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he has never won anything.
My cats’ names are: Muggles, Mitzie, Bentley, Heidi, Duncan, Schubert, Anya, Ellie, Collette, Sasha, Wanda, Luigi, and Heather. They would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because being from Idaho, they do not have access to outside grass year-round. Healthy grass not exposed to outside contaminants would be a welcomed addition to their nutritional needs. Thanks!
My cat’s name is Spirit and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because it’s nearly St. Patrick’s Day, and I’d love to be able to have some lovely Greens growing on my Catio, and it’s also nearly Spring, and it’s the perfect time to start a garden. Thanks Purrington Post. Happy St. Patrick’s Day & Happy Spring.
My cat’s name is Eddie and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she’s a lazy girl and can barely drag her butt outside to do her ‘business’ so the Kitty’s Garden from Pioneer Pet would mean she can pretend she’s outside, living the dream, whilst also getting quality nutrients.
My cat’s name is Takara and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she gets in trouble for playing with my plants all the time and it would be so perfect for her to have her own!
My cat’s name is Fluffy and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she loves her greens.
My cat, Sophie, is going through some medical problems and would benefit from fresh greens.
My cat’s names are Douglas, Linus, Ursula, and Paul Simon they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they are indoor cats and love some fresh greens! Plus, cats love novelty, right?
My cat’s name is Patchouli and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because that would be an awesome treat!
My cat’s name is Tabatha, Storm, Cocoa, Fuzz and Dommy and he/she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because the love the outdoors, although fenced in and smaller area, this would be amazingly fresh and fun for them!
i am a stray black cat in the neighborhood that would like to nibble on some green grass
My cat’s name is Daisy and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because the plants are made for kitties to enjoy.
The plants would help to keep Daisy healthy. A 15 year old cat needs all the help she can get!
My cat’s name is Sonny and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because I rescued him from an animal abuse situation where he was an outdoor cat. I had to break his outdoor roaming because we have coyotes where we live. I’d love to give Sonny just a “piece” of outtside to enjoy with the opportunity to munch on the plants.
My cat’s Tillie and Hank are blind and would LOVE this! Their siblings, Pippi, Bea and Penny aren’t blind, but would also partake in the WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they love to chew on my plants!
My cats Chloe & daughter Nova love cat grass. I try to keep some growing but ladt package is not growing bit a fraction of what I planted. Plus I always have foster kitties that love the grass too.
My cat’s name is Albus and he would love to win because he has quite the hair ball problem. He also tries to “steal” my salad greens!
My cats are Citrine and Topaz. Citrine is a scavenger & I hope this garden will curb the scavenging. It would be a lot healthier than what he goes after. Topaz doesn’t enjoy treats, no matter what flavor I try him on, so maybe the garden would be something he’d enjoy.
We’re so looking forward to winning the Kitty’s Garden!
Paws crossed!
My cat’s name is Gina and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because then she can nibble on grass during cold winter months with snow on the lawn!
Pickles needs this and so do I!!! He is constantly plagued by hairballs, poor little guy, so he can benefit big time from his own garden. Hopefully that will satisfy his desire to nibble on my indoor garden.
My name is Zoey my brother Zeus would love to win a Kitty’s Garden because we go outside and would love to eat the grass but even though it looks yummy we are afraid to eat it not knowing what is on it being dogs being walked use our yards which Mom hates and we could eat this and be safe which would make all of us happy.
There are 21 of us, and we LOOOOVVVVEEE our grass! Mom gives us lettuce when we run out, but we definitely prefer our grass.
My cats’s name is Jack & he would like to win a kitty’s garden because he has trouble with digestion.
My cat’s name is Fred and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves to nibble on greens!
My cat’s name is Cleo and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she is so very tired of winter. She can’t even remember the last time she saw grass!!
My cat’s names are Jethro and Peek and we would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because Mom won’t let us go outside. 😉
My name is Sir Webster and I would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because I like to eat it and play with it.
My name is Perky, I would like to win the kitty garden, so maybe my mom and dad can have some green in the house again… Before they knew I snack’d on the plants when they weren’t looking I ate some and I ended up seeing purple elephants at the hospital, and they got rid of every last one plant…. I’ll tell mom about this too, in case I don’t win 🙂
My cat’s name isMotoroboar and he/she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because it ‘s fun. Ready for Spring.
I, Laffy would dearly love to win a Kitty’s Garden because the humans don’t plant anything for me. It would be fun and taste good for me to have my own place to harvest that the dumb dogs can’t have
My cat’s name is Raider and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves to go outside.. And “mow” the lawn… And it’s really not safe… So he would like to bring it inside!
My cat’s name is Vince and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves to chew on strings when he wants me to feed him so this grass would be better for him!
My cat’s name is Cubby and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because because he’s addicted to grass. Cubby is an indoor cat, but every chance he gets he tries to run outside to eat grass! This would be perfect solution for him.
My furbabies would LOVE to have this garden. They love to nom grass, but my landlady’s gardener is too on top of lawn maintenance to let the stuff outside grow long enough. It is very expensive to buy a new container of cat grass every week or two at the pet supply store. I get it because I value their health, but if I can grow it at home, that would be far more preferable.
My name is Pippa I would love to win a kitty garden as my human mum rescued me after I had been abandoned I tend to eat her grass and it would be nice to have my own grass Thank you Pippa
My Kitty Katy would really enjoy this
My cat’s name is Toby and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he was just diagnosed with diabetes and is regaining his mojo as a beautiful Maincoon !
My cats’ names are Jesse, Pablo and Buck. They would love to win a Kittys’ Garden becausethey can’t get out in the catio yet and munch on greens. They keep on eating My windowsill parsley.
Mistake on email. It is [email protected]
My cat’s name is Pi and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves his greens, and a salad of oat, wheat, rye and barley grass is his idea of a balanced meal!
My cat’s names are Clarabelle, Rudy, Cooper, Luciano, Marcello, Georgeanne and Bandit and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because well there’s SEVEN of us.
My cats names are Cleo,Ninja,Stormy,Sophie,Simba,Eddie and Panda and
they would love to win a kitty’s Garden because they
Love to munch on fresh grass and this would be purrfect
To help fulfill this need while helping to sooth their
My cat’s name is Lucy and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because likes to nibble on my bamboo plant no matter where I place it and then barf it up in the piano studio in the middle of a student’s lesson. It’s quite entertaining for the kids; not so much for me. 🙂
My cat name is Jasmine and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she love to chew on our plants and
she loves fresh catnip and this would perfect for her when she sits by the patio watching the birds and squirrels and all the other animals that visit our yard. (we have had foxes, deers, raccoons , and groundhogs)
My cat’s name is Lucille and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she is an old, spoiled gal who deserves all the special things in her life!
I have two wonderful cats. Maxx and Missy would love to win a Kitty’s Garden. We have never heard of this before and would love to try it. Thanks for the offer.
My cat’s name is Bernie and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because his mom’s a jerk that won’t let him go outside and he wants some of that delicious looking greenery to chew.
My cat’s name is Philly and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she loves plants.
My cat’s name is Montee aka Monster and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he says “He’d love him some salad!”
My cat’s name is [Baby, Callie and George ] and he/she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because because they love nature and grass and exploring
My cat’s name is chloe and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she has never been outside and she looks longingly at the nature through the screen door.
My cat’s name is Tiny and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he is a spoiled rotten baby who has never been outdoors so it would be nice to bring a little bit of nature indoors to him 🙂
My cat’s name is Carlton and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because when he entertains the ladies he likes to offer them a little snack.
My kitties are called The Furry Purrhannas! They got that name because when I give them treats they swarm me like a school of Piranhas! LOL! There are 14 of them and they are indoor only kitties so I have to grow and give them grass to munch on. They would really love to have the Kitty’s Garden!
My cat’s name is Mr. Business and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he needs to mellow out with some grass after a long, hard day at the office. 😉
I have 3 cats but Mama & PuffBall never get outside so I’m pretty sure that they would LOVE to eat some grass.
My cats’ names are Pandy, Baby Girl and Shadow, and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because it would keep them out of trouble for trying to eat my plants!
My cat’s name is Woodrow and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because his hooman keeps trying to pass off spinach or kale as decent greens.
My name is Emmy and I would love a kitty garden because I’m getting older and don’t get out much anymore
I have seven indoor-strictly cats who LOVE it when I weed my outside garden and bring them in a “treat” of weeds and grass. This Kitty Garden would be their feast for a long time, keeping them happy and satisfied with all those natural, healthy grasses included! I could set it near their dry food bowls and let them have a “salad” with their meals!
My cats’ name are Midnight and Bat and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because we don’t have any greenery around at the moment and they would love to have something safe to munch on!
My cat;s name is Carley and she would love to win a KIttys Garden so then she can eat HER plants instead of mine!
Gizmo wants a kitty garden too!
My cat’s name is Finchley and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he is mischievous & has never been around cat grass so this would be a new adventure for him!
My cats names are Bunny and Casper. Casper would like to win a Kitty’s Garden because I am mean and won’t put the spider plant where he can snack on it
My cat’s names are Yummy, Biscuit, Zippy and Rousey and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because it has for one been a hard winter and this would be an excellent treat! Second being inside kitties, bringing the outdoors in is good for them!
We are Tess, Oscar, and Anastasia and we would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because we would like some greenery that we can eat, instead of the leaves of momma’s plant that makes us throw up slimy green stuff for her to step in.
My cat is Rosie and she would love to win a Kitty’s Garden because she loves to eat grass! I feel this would be better for her than outside grass. I take her out on a leash so she can get fresh air and she always eats a little grass while we are out.
My cat’s name s are Abbie, Emmie, L.C. (Little Cat) and L.E. (Large Ears) and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they are not allowed in the real garden outside, so having one of their own would make our feline family very happy kitties.
My name is Wasabi. Yes, I am as spicy as my name suggests and I can get into trouble as quickly as you can say my name. My mommy would love for me to win a Kitty’s Garden so she can enjoy her own plants and I can have the yummy taste of my own garden, which would be so much better for me than hers. Thank you.
My cat’s name is Coraline and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she loves chewing on my succulent plants so much, she might as well have her own healthy grass to chew on and also help with her digestion!
My cat’s name is Arthur and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he can enjoy the outdoors, inside! We have 2 cats and while Camo is allowed out, Arthur is not and he gets upset when she goes cat-a-vanting and has to sit by the window and watch.
My cat’s name is “No, Ernie!” and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because it would give him a place to run amuck without the humans yelling, “No, Ernie!”.
Thank you!
My cat Cody would love to win this product. Cody has been depressed ever since his sister Abbie unexpectedly passed away two months ago. Abbie was only six years old, but she died because of a blood clot. I think that this product would bring a smile to his face.😼😊
Our kitties are Wilson, Zoe, and Beans. They love fresh greens, and they love trying new products! This looks like a really super blend of greens. Thanks for the giveaway!
My cat’s name is Mister Beau and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves to chew grass but since he is afraid to go outside, he nibbles on my in-door air plants which look sort of like cat grass but don’t taste as good.
Our cats are indoors only and would love to have real grass to chew on!
My cats names are MeMe and nubbin. They are strictly indoor cats and would love to win a Kitty’s GArden because they have never had the pleasure of eating fresh greens and it would be helpful for both of them with their digestion in their senior years
My cat’s name is “Skye Everest Flower Sparkle” (named by a 4yo) and he would love to win a Kitty’s Garden because maybe then he wouldn’t be constantly eating the houseplants down to nubbins.
My cat’s name is Dunkin and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because it looks even better than the grass that he can see and smell from the patio.
My cat’s name is Lemon and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because it helps her digestion!
My cat’s name is Wolverine and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he LOVES to eat grass, and tear them right out of their weak, plastic bases to carry around. Grass is sometimes the only thing that will get him out of his room at 2 in the afternoon, little moody pre-teen (he’s 8) and by the looks of it, this item’s heavy type base might actually keep him in check! Our other cat Starla will truly enjoy watching this, as will we if we win. 🙂
Thank you!
My cat’s name is Titus and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he’s 16 years old and needs all the help he can get for health.
My cat’s name is Seurat and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he is indoor only and kitty grass gives him something special that’s good for him. He loves food…all food.
My cat’s name is Sunshine and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she wants to celebrate Spring with her own personal garden; she’s been looking at too much snow this winter!
My cats names are Boxer and Mister and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they are spoiled and demand nice things.
There are ten of us and we all love our grass. We would love to have a study garden vs the plastic pots from the pet store
Buttons, Aurora, Kane, Tinker, Atticus, Moki, Grayson, Roxi, Luna and Bella
My Ziggy loves wheat grass from the store in the winter !! He would love it if his mom would try to grow her own
My cat’s name is Komfy and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because at 19 years old, it’s tough to get outside to nibble on grass so this would give her a little bit of the outdoors indoors!
My cat’s name is Mickey and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she is always trying to eat the regular houseplants!
My cat’s name is Tessa and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she doesn’t get to enjoy the outdoors and this would give her a chance to make believe.
My cat’s name is Remus and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves cat grass, and if he had some maybe he would quit trying to dart out the door to eat real grass
My cat’s name is Max and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he’s 17 years old and loves to chew on cat grass. I know that he would share with his little brother Sam.
My cat’s name is Leni and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she is an indoor cat but longingly dreams of stalking the wild outdoors.
My cat’s name is lucy and he/she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because my cat love to eat grass and she doesnt have any right now
My cat’s name is Mandy and Mason and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they are indoor cats. They would love some fresh grass to eat. I am hoping it would make them stop bringing up scrap wire from the basement to chew on.
My cat’s name is Gwen and he/she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she’s getting older (17) and needs some help with her diet and digestion.
My cat’s names are Little Bear, Puffi, Myusha, Sparkey, Yona and BB-8 and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they’re TOTALLY indoor only cats.
My cat’s names are Stumpy, Patches, Smokey, and Mama Kitty and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they are all rescue kitty s living inside for the past 5+ years. When they we outside, I used to see them graze on our grass and wondered why, but now I know the reason. Stumpy and Mama Kitty has sensitive stomachs and would benefit the most from the Kitty’s Garden grasses.
My cat’s name is Bear and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he misses the outside and the grass bouquet. He used to get outside/grass eating time – but the stinker hid behind the rose bush or hid when he didn’t want to come back in – so he lost his outside time.
My cat’s name is Marble and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she would love to help and play in it. THank you
My cat’s name is Tilley and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she LOVES grass. She waits for her daddy to come home from work and then runs to the front door after he comes through the garage entry and starts crying and rubbing her face against the door until he takes her out. She rolls around for a few seconds before jumping up and running over to try and eat the grass. That’s when she gets scooped up and brought back in so she would love some safe, high quality grass she can enjoy indoors!
My cat’s name is Smokey and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves being outside and hates when we bring him in. With this, he would still a little of the outdoors indoors.
My cats name is Lucy and she would love to win a Kitty’s Garden because she loves to play in the grass but she can’t be trusted outside most of the time.
My cat’s name is “Pretty Girl” and she would love to win a Kitty’s garden, cause she loves her greens!
My boys are named Phil & Oswald.
They both would love this, especially Oswald, they love chewing live plants!
I have two cats. I rescued both right off the streets 10 months apart years ago. They have not had their paws in grass since and I’m sure they would love to smell the grass again!
My cat’s name is Kimba and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she thinks it would be awesome to have her own munching garden!!
My cats’ names are Kali and Pippin and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they love to look out the window but they’re not allowed outdoors.
My cat’s name is Shadow and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because it would bring a bit of the outdoors in for her
Hullo! This is Finn, Angel, Lizzy and Seogi; we would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because we’re not allowed to go outside — we want greens so bad, we worked hard to pull a green vine inside that was starting to grow under our back door — but mama threw it back outside, saying it would make us puke. We were sad.
We are Bindy, Pyranna, and Choco. We would love the kitty grass . It’s pretty and delicious looking. It even looks more inviting than my mom’s houseplants. We get into trouble when we try to eat our mom’s houseplants.
We are Princess and Rosie and we would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because mom says we’re indoor kitties. Lots of dangers outside, even coyotes “YIKES”. Mom is in a local rescue and that’s where we came from. She tried to leash train us but we were not having it, so we need our greens. Also we live in the very cold northeast. Thank you
My cat’s name is Sunny and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because I know it will taste delicious.
My cat’s name is Tigee and she would like to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she is sure a fresh, green salad of oat, wheat, rye and barley grasses would be purrr-fectly delicious! She might even stop chewing Mom’s houseplants, but she does find that a -mew-sing, so she’s making no promises.
My cat’s names are Bandit & Mikko and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they aren’t allowed to go outside like they had at their previous homes. Kitty’s Garden would help prevent hairbalks & help their tummy’s digestion.
My cat’s name is Karma and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he holds space for a tribe of special kitties who are rescues. Karma is on his 2nd incarnation, acting as a spiritual leader & having a Kitty’s Garden would be a wonderful place for the kitties to gather round for meditation & ponder cosmic questions.
My cats names are Sugar, Alley and Coco and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they love eating momma’s plants, but get in trouble. This would be good for them and no mad momma.
My cat’s name is Buddy and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves cat grass! I would love it because I am tired of buying fresh cat grass all the time! Buddy loves to eat it and rub his whiskers in the cat grass. This would be the best gift I ever got him!
My cat’s names are Carlea and Cloudi and they would love to win a Kitty Garden because they are indoor kitties who could use some variety in their diet. They have tried oat grass and loved it. They really look forward to trying the other varities of kitty grass.
My cat’s name is KD and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she’s the best sweetie and she deserves the best.
Gracie is my 15 year old indoor gray cat. She sleeps most of the day now but she has always like the cat grass I purchase for her. Because she does not go outside I want her to have the benefits of have fresh grass. She would thoroughy enjoy her own garden instead of the small grass comtainers purchased at pet stores. Gracie would be a really Happy Cat with her own grass garden!
Gracie is looking forward to hearing she won!
My Cat’s name is Carmella, and she would love to win a Kitty’s garden because she likes to eat
My cat’s name is Wasabi and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden so she can cat snack and calm the rumbly in her tummy. When my fierce and fiery Sabi is happy, I am too!
My cat’s name is Malin and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she doesn’t ever go outside but she loves grass, so I go out and pull some grass for her. The kitty garden would be great for both of us.
My cat’s name is Mocha and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she and her sister enjoy chewing on and sleeping near the house plants and it’s a safer alternative.
My cat’s name is Sasquatch and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he already loves feasting on houseplants.
My sweet boy would have hours of fun!
My cats Shaman and Shilah love cat grass !!!
My cat’s name is CeCe she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because She always wants to go out side and eat the grass and now we would have it inside for her!
My kitty’s name is Mr. Lucky. Someone threw him out at a gasoline station when he was only three months old. We stopped for gas the Sunday after Thanksgiving 2014 and he came running out of the car wash meowing his little head off. I bought him a can of sardines and he ate them like he was starved! I drove back to that gasoline station every day for over a week taking him Kitten Chow and bottled water. I finally got a trap from the SPCA, caught him with a can of sardines, and have had him ever since! He is the most beautiful and affectionate kitty I have ever had! He loves kitty grass and would love to win the Pioneer Pet Kitty Garden!
My cat’s name is Jasper and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he’s new to living indoors and is missing the great outdoors.
My cat’s name is Siren and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she’s 15 and loves it when I grow grass for her something I have not done this year due to my illness
My 12 Rescue cats names are: Jasmine, Annastashia, Butch, Monty, Turk, Sunny, Morley, Mr. T., Stormy, Mittens, Kitkit and Sebastian and they would love to win a Kitty’s Garden because their mom never has any greener in the house to make sure they don’t eat anything that is bad for them.
My name is Mew, and I am a silly fun kitty, and I would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because I loves to get my greens, but i is hard to do in the Winter or when mommy won’t take me outside so having my own garden of them would be more than wonderful and make me one happy kitty.
My cat’s name is Eli and she would love to win a Kitty’s Garden because she used to be an outside cat, but I can’t let her out in this neighborhood because there are lots of strays, traffic and I don’t trust a lot of my neighbors.
My cat’s name is Chilli and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because mommy hung up all the house plants. 🙁
Hi,my cat’s name is Mimsey and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because despite being on a “hairball food” diet, it’s the time of year where we both are sad at the amount of hacking in the poor sweet furrygirl, shedding all her thickness from winter coat.
my cat’s name is Chloe and she would like to win the kitty garden kit because her mommy is always promising to provide some yummy grass, but, she keeps forgetting.
My cat’s name is Smudge and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves being outside and chewing on grass.
My cat’s name is Elsie the Cat and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she’s now had to become a housecat and misses dearly being outdoors on her own. Kitty’s Garden would bring that nature indoors.
My cat’s name is Calico–she would love a Kitty’s Garden since the houseplants keep attracting her attention.
My Kitty companion’s name is Cleopatra. Cleo would LOVE a kitty grass garden because she is now an indoor cat and misses chewing on safe plants outside.
My cat’s names are Sally and Fluffy. Fluffy would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because every time we take him outside, he goes straight to nibble on grass- he doesn’t have any front teeth so he loves teething on on things. Sally would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she is a kitten and loves trying new things 🙂
My cat’s name is Yoda and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves to eat grass when he is outside in the summer (on his harness and leash). But Yoda lives in Wisconsin where we swear we have snow for 9 months out of the year. So grass snacking time is limited. Having a fresh supply in the winter would be wonderful
My cats names are Bella, MyLove, Callie, KitKat, Sammie, JR, BW, Demon and Whitie; I house several cats, all of whom were feral at one time and a couple still are!! I am sure that they would love to win a Kitty’s Garden and if they enjoy it I will get one for all of them. ~^..^~ It has been over a year since any of them have eaten grass.
My cat’s name is Benjamin and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he is always in mom’s plants and he deserves his own plants.
My cat’s name is Kitty and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because this is the only brand of greens she will eat! She loves munching on her plants!
My cat’s name is Willow and he/she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she needs a potted plant of her own so she wont be eating all of moms flowers and veggies.
My cat’s name is Pantera and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves chewing on grass and plants and deserves his own garden.
My cats name is Mr Cookies and he would absoluetly love to win Kitty’s garden. He loves cat salad !
My cat’s name is Beau and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he likes to chew on grass, and so does his brother, Scruffles.
My cats name is Otis and my mom would love me to win a Kitty Garden so maybe I would stop chewing up all of her phone cords
My cat’s names are Sammy, Midnight, Moonlight, Alize, and Star and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they are indoor cats, but just love grass and it keeps them busy.
My cat’s name is Boo-Boo and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because his human managed to kill the Italian stone pines before he could chew on them (probably for the best, since cats and pine don’t mix).
My cat’s name is Kitty and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he is terrified to go outside. I can bring outdoors to him.
My cats are Annabel and Dexter. I thought that they were always trying to escape the house to get away, but finally realized that every time they got out all they did was run to the grass and start eating. I really need this.
My cat’s name is Drucilla and she would love to win a Kitty’s garden because she loves to eat grass but it is too cold for her to go outside right now.
My cat’s name is Jake and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he likes to try to eat weird things, maybe this would curb his weird appetites.
My cat’s name is Simon and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he would love to have his very own garden growing inside.
My cat’s name is Blackie and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he’s playful and hungry. An indoor garden would, at least for a short time, satisfy both elements.
My kitties would love the kitty garden.
My cats’ names’ are Guinness and Harper. They would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they long to be outside but it’s too cold for them. Thank you.
I will be graduating from college soon and finally be able to adopt a cat. I would love to get this and have it growing hardy and ready for my new kitty.
My cat’s name is Frosty and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she is 19 and a half years old and she loves to be pampered and showered with gifts. LOL
My cat’s name is Kia and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because when she was a younger gal she was a fierce outdoor huntress, but as she’s aged and been moved around she’s become the queen of the house and misses the wonderful smell and taste of grass. This 12 year old lady would love to have grass to bring back the memories of her younger years.
Annabel and Dexter would love a Kitty Garden. I know that it would be great for their digestive system.
My cat’s name is Harley and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she likes to chew on grass sometimes and will help with digesting her foods, it is healthy for her.
My cat’s name is Choo Choo and she would be thrilled to win a Kitty’s Garden due to her health issues she is no longer allowed out side.
My cat’s name is Duncan and he would love to win a Kitty’s Garden because my Mom just doesn’t let me out as much as she did when I was a younger man. I’m pretty sure it’s because I try to get out of my yard to find a better grass in our neighbors…but please don’t tell my Mom that! Thank You, Duncan
My cats name is Kitty she is 9 years old think she would love this.
My cat’s name is GRACIE and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she misses chewing the grass in weather extremes or days of bad air quality.
My cat’s name is pumpkin and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she loves grass but I can never let her outside so this would be perfect for her. 🙂
My cat’s name is Steve and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves chewing grass and exploring!
my cat baby would love to win because she is always wanting out to eat grass and I’m not hardly ever filling well enough to take her out side.
My cat’s name is Ali and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because hopefully she would eat this instead of my spider plants.
Our kitty is named Ginger….He would love this because he loves grass and gets an upset tummy often but is scared to go into our yard today it.
My cat’s name is Kenya AKA Meow and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she’s cute and deserves presents
My cat’s name is Oscar and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he is a strictly inside kitty and would love some greenery in his life.
My cat’s name is Finnagan and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because it’s often a choice between nibbling on grass or the newspaper and the news has been very unpalatable lately
My cat Miss Ellie would love to have some cat’s grass to eat and that would make her very happy and healthy and that makes me feel very good 😊😁☺️😁
My cats names are Cocoa and Baby Alice. They would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they love plants.
Katniss wants grass. Now. Meow.
My cat’s name is Summer and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because mommy is always growing yummy stuff for her, but she forgets all about me.
My cat’s name is Bo and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves to eat grass
when I take him for a walk outside.
My cat’s name is Milo and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he needs his greens.
Our cats name is Joe Dirt, and he would love to win a Kittys Garden because he gets in trouble for
messing with the house plants
My cat’s name is Rosco and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves messing with my plants.
My cat’s name is Chewie & Rosie and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they both have frequent hairball issues.
My cat’s name is BeBe and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she’s a long haired cat & it would help with hairballs.
My cat’s name is Baby and she would like this
My cat’s name is Gilla and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves plants and follows me whenever I am gardening
My cat’s name is KITTY and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves eating the grass that crops up in my plants out on the deck and I realize I’ve been a bad kitty mommy by not giving him kitty grass all the time 🙁
My cats names are Jerrie, Ninja, and Boots and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because then they can stop chewing on plastic bags!
Thanks and God bless!
I am so happy to know that there are healthy products like this for my beloved cat’s.
My cat’s names are Star, Leo, and George and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because are all 3 rescue cats from the porch and have become permanent indoor residents. They no longer traverse outside and I can say they all probably miss the grass so this will give them something from their past.
Our cat’s name is Pumpkin and he would live to win because he always watches his mommy garden and would love a new plant of his own! She is secretly starting to grow him catnip, but he would love to have some other healthy greens to nibble on too! Preferably some that don’t make him act like a loon lol
My name is Juniper and I would love this!!!
My cat’s name is Sherlock, and he would LOVE to win the kitty’s garden because he loves the taste of fresh grasses!
My cat’s name is Abby and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she likes to nibble on grass but cannot go outside all the time.
My cat Sammi could definitely use this. She is always trying to eat at my house plants. I would hope this would deter her from going after my nice plants and give her something that is good for her to nibble on.
My cats would love playing in this!
My cat’s name is Callie and he/she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because her and her brother Kitten don’t get to go outside due to the roadway we live by. They love when we can open up the windows and this would be a perfect addition for their summertime fix!
My cat’s name is Lil Guy and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he is very active and curious.
My cat’s name is Pepper and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she likes living a luxurious life.
My cat’s name is Fritz, and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he loves to sneak out and play and munch on the grass.
My cat’s name is Spazz and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she is an indoor cat who needs a taste of the wild!
My cat’s name is Sprinkles and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she’s always meowing to go outside and eat our lawn!
So awesome. I love the idea of a kitty garden
My cat’s names are Simba, Yoshi and Ginger and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because it’d be a fascinating and tasty new experience
XD Plus they have issues with throwing up and this would probably help their digestion
My cat’s name is Reedus and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because being an indoor cat he’s never had the opportunity to enjoy the grass outside.
My cat’s name is Kody and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she currently enjoys chewing on boxes and envelopes, and it would be a welcomed change for something to chew on.
My cat’s name is Bagheera and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he’s prone to hairballs and we really don’t want to ruin our new housemate’s carpet!
My cat’s name is Ricky and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he’s depressed & wants something new to cheer him up.
My cat’s name is Juliet and she would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because she loves to eat grass! She has a weak stomach so it helps keep her from getting sick, and she likes to think she’s helping her human garden!
My cat’s name is Cheeto and he would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because he is not allowed to go outside and munch on the yummy grass and rub it on his face.
My cats’ names are Cleo and Lorelei and they would love to WIN a Kitty’s Garden because they LOVE to munch on cat grass!