Our previous contest from last month was so well received that we asked our pals at Travel Cat to partner on another similar contest this month (Dec.).
First off, big congrats to last month’s winners Lili & Andy!
Now another lucky Purrington Post reader will WIN the much sought after gift bundle called “The Whole Kitten Kaboodle.” Retail value ~$250 USD. This bundle of feline inspired goodies is everything you’ll need to travel with your cat and go on exciting adventures. For those that didn’t win last time, here’s your chance.

This Bundle Includes:
- Fat Cat Backpack
- Harness & Leash
- Retractable Leash
- Convertible Bed & Cave
- Travel Buddy Portable Cat Food & Water Dish
- Travel Litter Box
For details on the individual items within this giveaway package please see: The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle.
* Contest Now Closed
This contest ended on December 28th, 2021 and was available to North American residents. To enter you simply needed to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
My cat’s name is [your cat’s name] and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because [your reason]
The winner was chosen from all the correctly submitted entries by the Travel Cat team and then contacted by email.
Disclosure: Please note that by entering this contest entrants agreed that their email address will be made available to Your Cat Backpack by Travel Cat. Also, color choice and specific style will be based on availability.
My cat’s name is Boots and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he likes to lounge like Goldilocks – moving from comfy spot to comfier spot.
My cat’s name is Simba and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he hates when we travel. As soon as the suitcases come out he jumps in begging to come along!
My cat’s names are Figaro and Fergus, and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we love hanging out together and this would enable us to go other places as well.
My cat’s name is Silva and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I want to be a space cat and have my human carry me around in my own spaceship backpack!
My cat’s name is Lune de la Mort and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he could share with his sister Mouse and mother Miko. The three would enjoy new lounging and travel opportunities!
My cats name is Chloe and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Caboodle Bundle because Chloe is having to travel quite a bit lately as I am undergoing chemo and cousins and friends are cat sitting off and on for the foreseeable future.
My cat’s name is Pebbles (AKA Peewee) and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we like to go everywhere together and all of these goodies are what we need to make our adventures easier and more fun.
My cat’s name is Lilly and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because our cat is adventurous and also takes lounging very seriously.
My Black Cat is Named Tiki…I have had her for 13 years..still very Active…Loves her fancy Feast and Her Temptations…And Really Loves my Smoothies..I would love to Win theWhole Kitten Kaboodle..and My Tiki Would too…Thanks For Sharing this Interesting Contest..
My cat’s name is KT and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we love to travel!
My cats names are Gary, Oliver and Midnight. Gary and Oliver and we would love to win the whole kitten kaboodle bundle.. Gary and Oliver love exploring outdoors. I would love to take them on a hike in our area. Midnight is 16 and is definitely a lounger. She will sleep anywhere.
I work for a cat rescue and as a caregiver for people. I never have a day off it seems and when I do have time off it’s spent with my cats or finding forever homes for other cats.
My cat’s name is Buddy and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because it would make traveling more comfortable for both of us.
My cat’s name is Arwen and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she is a personable and sweet lady that loves to meet new people for pats!
My cat’s name is Pippin Took and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we live far away from family and little Pip would love to travel with us when we go visit them! He’s a very good kitty and deserves this very much 🥰This is a spectacular giveaway 🙌🏻
Thank you for the chance!
My cats name is Bunny and she came from a rescue. She’d been on the streets for years and some nasty human had shot her with a BB gun —— she had surgery to remove the pellets but one was too close to her spine so the vet left it there. She’s now 11 years old and would love to be able to not have to walk so much in her senior years. This prize would be a God send. Thank you for taking the time to read her story and have a very Happy New Year!
My cat’s name is Donkey and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he’s a sweet boy who deserves to be comfortable while traveling/ going on adventures.
My cat is Leon and he would love the kitten kaboodle.
My cat’s name is Muenster and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Muenster, like me ,deserves the best in life.
My cat’s name is Sophie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she’s our early Christmas present, our neighbors abandoned her outside when they got evicted last week.
My cat’s name is Renfield and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he is a much loved furbaby and an importand member of our family! Anything that can help keep him warm, safe and happy is a win in my book! All in this bundle would do that very nicely!!
My cat’s name is Cheeks and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she is the most amazing kitten ever and wants to be everywhere I am. I can’t leave the house without her pretty eyes watching me go from the window. She’s so lovable and deserves the world. I recently lost my furr baby after 18 years. Cheeks has brought the light back to my life.
My cat’s name is Sir Taco Spaghetti and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because it would be perfect for our trip next summer.
My cats name is Leiferman and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Leiferman loves to go on adventures and this would be purrfect to help keep him safe on his various journeys around town.
My cat’s name is Caspurrand we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because even tho my cat is a diva and would love this. I would use it in my back yard for all the ferals in the neighborhood. Already made a feral shelter. But could def make a few more out of these. Plus have bowls to put out more food.
My cat’s name is Sweetpea and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I would like to be able to take him on adventures and prove to him that there can actually be fun to be had outside and it is not just going to the vet!This beautiful package would not be used to go to the Vet!
We both thank you for the opportunity.
My cat’s names are Neru, Sousuke, Fubuki, Shinobu, Coco, and Boomer. We would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because my fur babies are all rescues and it would be awesome if they won a giveaway like this. They are great cat’s and deserve the very best!
My cats’ names are Cyan, Demon, Inky (kitten), Azucar and Doomz and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because it’d help mom when she takes us to the vet. Mom has trouble getting us to the vet sometimes because we–especially Azzy–don’t always do well with standard plastic crates. The last three times Azzy was in crates, he ended up all bloody because he freaked out: the first time he pulled out a claw and there was blood everywhere, The second Mom used a small “purse” like crate she has with mesh so he could breath but it wasn’t easy for him to see out. He hurt his nose. The third time mom changed the plastic crate to a top-down-only one. His nose still was roughed up and took weeks to heal and he did damage his claws, but not as bad as the first time. We think Azzy’s biggest issue is he doesn’t do well in closed spaces so being able to see out clearly sounds like it’d be super good for him. He’d share with the others of course.
Cindy, February 11th, neighbors in #5 tossed out all their cats and their dog when they got the eviction notice. Inky was found on the cold hallway floor sitting sphinx-like staring at their door in sadness. He was around 6 months old. We took him in and taught him love and treats and he learned how to trust humans again. He’s still recovering from his experiences with the Evil People (so many tales about their wickedness towards other tenants and their own family, friends, and their animals that just make me sick) but I’m glad we were able to rescue this baby. Sadly his other family members disappeared. Thank you for taking in Sophie and teaching her that she can be loved and cherished and spoiled. It sounds like you’re an awesome cat mom!
My cat Patches would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she needs all this stuff her is old and she needs new ones and thanks for the chance
Hi.My cats name is Caleb.I found him on a deserted back road at about 9 weeks old.He is a sweet and loving guy and deserves to win a great gift.
My cat’s name is Emrys and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because as soon as I unlock the front door, Emrys is ready to go exploring with me and we need new equipment!
My cat’s name is Maggie and I would like to win the Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she is a runt, refused by her mother. Maggie was rescued, and ate hard food at three weeks! We rescued her around four weeks, when she would sleep in our laps, but jerk awake with something like “night terrors.” Now she is four months old, doesn’t really have terrors, and I want to show the world to her. She’s had such a bad beginning, I want to continue to show to her the world is a better place!
My cats names are Cyan, Demon, Inky, Azucar, and Doomz and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Azzy doesn’t do well in traditional cages. (I swear I typed this, but it disappeared) He rips out claws, bloodies his nose and has a horrible experience with them when we need to take him out of the apartment.
My cat’s name is Mr. Meowgi and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he is the best cat in the world and deserves the best.
My cat’s name is Mew and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Mew just lost her best friend, she still has me though but she is sad without Itsy. I would love to take her out and about to see the world so she is not sniffing around trying to find Itsy at home. I have taken out on short jaunts, but without the proper supplies to do so, we can’t go as far as I would love to take her. She loves it when we explore nature and this would make her so very happy.
My cat’s names are Sammy, Midnight, Moonlight, Star and Alize, and they would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because they would love to go outside and be in nature. They are indoor cats, but I can tell they’re dreaming of going outside when they look out of the windows.
My cat is named KiKi Petals and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she is such a special girl and she follows me everywhere. If I win this, I could take her with me, and she would be safe.
My fur baby is named Aries ,He was a present from my daughter and her children. After having my beloved Aries ,for many years I am hoping to win this prize as he is a very loving cat and a well deserved cat of the prizes .
My cat’s name is monster and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we travel to college and sometimes monster has to stay behind. traveling can be difficult for him. We would love to be able to spend more time together. And this travel kit will help do that for us
My cats’ names are Bodhi & Flora and we’d love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we are moving from Colorado to Vermont and want the trip to be as comfortable as possible. Purrs and thanks for your generous offer to all of us!!
My cats name is Kitty, and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle because she is so sweet. She’s an indoor cat, but I’d like to expand her universe a tiny bit.
My cat’s name is Strange and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Strange is my best friend in the whole world. And she has awesome magical powers!
My cat’s name is Zuriah and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she loves to go outside! I would love to take her when I travel but she’s scared of dogs. If we have the backpack, I feel like she would feel safe enough to enjoy herself!
My cat’s name is Arthur and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he loves exploring outside!
My cat’s name is Herbert and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because everything looks amazing!
My cat’s name is Peanut(aka Sweet Pea), We would like to win the whole kitten caboodle bundle because Peanut came from a shelter, having been there for over 2 years, and we would keep some of it and give some items back to the shelter for Peanut’s friends.
My cat’s name is Scout, Apollo and Vito and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because they are the most important thing in the world to me and I want them to experience as much of it as they can.
My cat’s names are Ralphie, Alice & TomTom And we would LOVE to win the Whole Kitten Kaboodle because we want to feel calm and safe when traveling with Mom! Paws crossed for luck!
My cat’s names are Little Kitty and Joey.
My cats and everyone else’s are worthy of your prizes, all cats deserve a good, loving life with lots of kitty fun.
My cat’s name is Bander, and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he is such an adventurous lil man. He loves to go every where with me, either on my shoulder or in his stroller. Lol! I would love to expand his travel experiences.
This would be great for our kitty Tigger. He loves to go on car rides with us, and travel in his stroller. I would love to take him camping, but I don’t want to leave him in the stroller, so the back bag would be perfect!
My cat’s name is Barry and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he has been diabetic now for 4 years. I getting old and need a better way to transport him to the vet. My carrier is way too heavy. Barry is my buddy so I want him to have the best! He lets me test him every day. All I do is call out it is time to play doctor and he jumps up on my desk and allows me to take a sample of blood from his ear. Best cat ever!
My cat’s name is Murray Scurry and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he loves to go hiking in the Colorado mountains with me and his Peepaw.
My cat’s name is Miss Poof and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Caboodle Bundle because she a 10-year-old senior rescue who deserves to live her last years as pampered as Violet Crawley (Countess Grantham) on Downton Abbey.
My cat’s name is Rory Calhoun and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she deserves to be a TravelCat!
My boy’s name is Stache. He’s a 11 year old perpetual kitten…The Peter Pan of kitties. He would love to win the Kitten Kaboodle..I would love for him to win it😻
My cat’s name is kitty tom and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Kitty Tom loves to travel. He goes with us everywhere I know that he would love the new travel accessories he would be styling.
My cat’s name is Jazzy and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because most of my family is allergic to cats so we have to stay in a motel/hotel when we visit. Jazzy is 18 so it would be nice to have her own easily portable travel potty and dishes that she can get used to before we travel.
My cat name is Storm and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle Because Storm loves to travel but she has a stomach issue since she was born. She likes to go outdoors and have fun . I just want her to travel more and have the time of her life. Storm loves to see the wonderful animals outside like the birds and squirrels. This Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle would make her day.
My cat’s name is Louie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he wants to enjoy the outdoors with us when we use the travel trailer
My cat’s name is Ponyboy and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Pony deserves an adventurous life like his dog brother Goose and a cave to hide away from him at the end of the day.
My cat’s name is Sally Ashes and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she deserves to get out of the house and travel. We have not been anywhere in awhile.
My cats’ names are Duncan, Mitzie, Fluffy, Anya, Wanda, Ellie, Ziggy, Reggie, Sammy, Soozie, Charlie, Sasha, Collette, Luigi, Baby Huey, and Heidi, and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because with so many furbabies, we could definitely put everything to good use! Many of these babies are semi-socialized and the backpack with the view would certainly help calm them during transport. Thank you!
My cat’s names are Yoda, Han, Vader, Obi, and Ani and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because then they could enjoy being outside while also being safe.
My cat’s name is Minnie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Minnie is an old gal of 18 who has a young heart but failing hind legs. She was an adventurer and would love to be one again.
My cat’s name is Finniagn and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we re an Army family, which means we are on the go a lot!
My cats’ names are Domino and Kathleen and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because only the best is good enough for them; when they travel it’s first class all the way. . .whether they are going near or far!
My cat’s name is Oliver Queen and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he’s an adventure cat who loves people and other animals. His favorite thing to do is go for walks and explore. Since we live in Nevada and it’s usually too hot for him to walk, this would be great for him to explore.
My cat’s name is Mario and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I travel a bit and he would love to go with me!
My cat’s name are Princess and Mousie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we were left behind when our families moved out Just starting a new life with someone who found us and gave us a new furever home
My cat’s name is Oxford and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he is an an adventurer. We are PNW residents and find ourselves in the lowlands hiking quite often. He is a trail favorite who is often asked for a photograph because of his prowling abilities on the trails. We’d love to take our adventuring to the next level with longer hikes further out into the Cascade range and this gear would help back out our adventure vehicle and set us up for the trails!
My cats are Aya, Tig, Smudge, Lil, Pepper and Moonlight. We would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we live in Northern California, and have been under evacuation warning the last 2 years, and this would help while trying to find a place to land!
My cat’s names are Max and Callie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we are very adventurous and would love to go journeying in style!
My cat’s name is Patty and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she loves to travel with us so we would love to be better equipped to take her on new adventures with us.
My cat’s name is Dustbunny and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he likes to have his own space we resued him from the road
My cat’s name is Hannah-Nannah Pudding-Butt and we would like to win the Whole Kitten Kaboodle bBundle so that Hannah and her mom can walk through Moab and see dinosaurs.
My cat’s name is Q-tip and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because
she is a busy girl. She loves her outings on leash. With this Bundle we would beable to have many more adventures.
My cat’s names are Quomyia, Tomyia, and FannyMaeOmyia and we would love to win the whole kitten kaboodle because my for kitties and I have had a really rough year because of my health conditions that seem to be getting worse and that we just lost our home to foreclose because the owner I paid didn’t pay the mortgage, so we all have to be out in less than 3 months, I know this has been and will be so hard on my for babies, they didn’t do anything to deserve this and deserve better, we’re hoping that we can get in this apartment soon because I just don’t know what will happen if we become homeless again like in 2018 when we lost our home to a fire and had to stay in a hotel for 5 months that cost me like $10,000, but we had to stay somewhere right? Please, my fur babies deserve something great in their lives, and not a mommie that’s just a loser and just can’t be homeless again, I just can’t, not fair to them, please.
My cat’s name is Patton and he would love all these prizes!!
My cat’s name is Momoa, and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I love climbing and being wild, and sometimes my Mom just needs to get me out of the house!
My cat’s name is Ace and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we live in Michigan and have a cottage “up North” but it is difficult to take him with us due to the long distance and he is a nervous traveler. This would put him more at ease and help him enjoy the trip. Plus it would help us make sure he had everything necessary to have as fun time at the cottage as we do.
My cat’s name is Larry (plus his 4 brothers) and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because the cats would really love to safely explore the great outdoors and travel with me.
My cat’s name is Darwin and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because is my best friend and deserves to be pampered.
My cat’s name is Inky and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Inky could travel in safety and comfort wherever we go.
My cat’s name is Murphis (and he has 1 brother & 2 sisters) we would love to win the Whole Kitten Kaboodle as we have just moved away from his daddy and he could really use some cheering up. Sometimes you just can’t stay together, even for the fur babies.
My cat’s name is Simon and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because this would make being a travel cat on the go so much more exciting and stylish too!
My cat’s name is Fergie & Bella and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we could really use these items for them. My kids are immune compromised Cancer & transplant so I never have any $$$ left over for special items for the pets I have just basics.
My cat’s name is Bryan and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because my cat is a senior and Loves to play and this bundle would definitely make him happy
My cat’s name is Meilin and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she loves to check out new things and hide in them whenever possible 🙂
My cats’ names are Kit, Caboodle and Lily, and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because these products would make traveling so much easier!
My cat’s name is Simba and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he hates when we are gone and the cat sitter feeds him. This bundle would allow Simba to travel along with us.
My cat’s name is Solstice and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he loves to travel. His first time in the RV he was so excited, he sat right down and was ready to go!
My cat’s name is Philly and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because It would make a nice Christmas gift.
My cat’s names are Hermione Stranger & Princess Leia and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because they deserve to be spoiled.
My cat’s names are Sebastian, Bentley and Blu and we would love to win The Whole Kitten and Kaboodle Bundle because it looks useful and fun
Jawa would love this!
Since we don’t travel, I’ll let others have the chance for this amazing price pack! Thank you for the chance to win. Good luck, everyone!
This would be amazing for the kitten we’ve been planning on getting after the holidays!
My cat’s name is Claire and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because every item is just so cool. Claire would love them all!
My cat’s name is Cannoli and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we love going on adventures and socializing with new people!
My cat’s name is Alphonse and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he’s ginourmous (over 20 pounds), and I’d rather carry him in a backpack then by lifting a carrier. And he desperately wants to go outside, so a leash would be fantastic.
My cat’s name is Chloe and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because it would make her trips to PT more fun. (She has terrible arthritis and is regaining enough strength to walk again.)
Chloe would like to tell you – in her own words – why she wants to win the bundle.
“Meow meow mew. Meooooooooow mew meROW. Prrrrrrrrrrrrpt. *purrrrrrrrrr*”
My cat’s name is AmyPondCat, Weasley, and Toby Toebeans and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I need some distraction to keep them all from walloping each other. They’re crazy!
My cat’s names are Bali, Lily, Jack, and Clover, and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because my cats have individual needs when it comes to travelling. Jack, specifically, often travels with us since he’s a velcro cat who needs medications.
My cat’s name is Waffles and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he is a TNR fail as the R (release) never happened, he is the sweetest boy in the world, and we believe he deserves all the good things in life!
My cat’s names are Smoky and Shyla and we would love to win The Whole Kitten and Kaboodle because it feels like I have to take bags and bags of cat stuff when we travel.
My cat’s name is Zeus and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he is 15 years old & loves the out doors & traveling but there are safety issues to be concerned about for my old man.
My cats’ names are Purr and Rosie, and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we are looking forward to traveling together in 2022 to see family and explore new places after sooo much sitting at home since early 2020.
My cat’s name is Fuzzy Britches and he would love to win the Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because since he’s been rescued from the great outdoors and is no longer allowed outside, this would allow him to return to the fresh air and nature he so loves, safely.
My cat’s name is Sparkle and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Sparkle would have so much fun with all of the prizes!
My cat’s name is Starling and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Star is my daughter’s emotional support cat and it would enable our classy and pretty kitten to travel with us in style!
My cat’s names are Arthur and Suki and I would love to win the Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because they are the most amazing cats ever. They were both adopted a year apart from the same shelter but they are so bonded and love each other as much as we love them <3
My cats name is Mr. James Blunt…he has long long white hair,He loves to sit in the window and chirp to the birds. and chase the sunbeams…I know he would love this gift because our Chihuahua chewed Mr.s bed apart…
My cat’s name is Riki and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because it would make traveling over the hills and through the woods to Grandmas house so much easier!
My cats’ names are Rosie, LaFonda, Tiger, Maxie, Itty BItty Bear, Minnie, Mickey, BooBoo, and Pinky, and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we’re always short of travel kennels and beds and everything! Thanks for the chance to win!
My cats names are Wendy Bird and GlitterBomb and We would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because they have given me unconditional love. After the passing of our 2 year old Ouija they car for me like I care for them. I would love the backpack so I can introduce them to the world.
My cat’s name is Monkey and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he would love to head out on adventures with me.
My cat’s name is Molly and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we would both have a very Merry Christmas indeed with all of these awesome items!
My cat’s name is Spooky and we would love to win the Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we are going to be traveling a lot over the next couple of years.
My cat’s name is Tombo and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he is the most wonderful sweetest cat in the world and deserves everything.
I have 6 cats, or should I say they have me. Puffi, Little Bear, Myusha, Sparkey, Yona and BB-8. Each has a diffurent purrsonality. They (and I) would love to have some new goodies.
My cats’ names are Bougie Jensen and Max I work closely with the Carter County humane society getting cats fixed and finding them homes however my aunt fosters cats she currently has 17 & I know alot of the fosters these cats would get a lot of fun out of this since they are all different ages I would love to win the whole kitten kaboodle bundle because I would give it to my aunt for the cats that she fosters something for them to play with probably last years to come what they are doing is wonderful
My cat’s names are Bonnie and Owen and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we all love to travel together and this bundle is the cat’s meow to making that travel fun and easy!!!
My cat’s name is Otis and Romeo and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we lost are brother Little Bit this year he was only 5 years old and had never been sick he died of congestive heart failure and both cats miss him they walk around at night crying our house could use a win and a new adventure
My cat’s name is Lynx and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because his favourite thing is snuggling up somewhere cozy and snoozing. His second favourite thing is to go outside and sniff things and this whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle covers it all!
My cat’s names are Ollie Wendell, Baby, Pollyanna, and Buttons and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we love to explore the world.
“My cat’s name is Kitty and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Kitty values comfort and quality design!
My cat’s name is Loki and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we lived with my sister and her family for 6 months after our house fire and loki loved all the attention. Now it’s just her and me, and she’d love to visit them more and it wod be nice to travel in style with everything we need
My name is Cupcake. I sit at the door and cry when ‘“ THE DOG OF THE HOUSE’” gets to go out for walks. I NEED the
Whole Kitten Kaboodle Buncle. Why should the dog always get ‘“ the walkies’’. It’s my turn😇😇
My cat’s names are Demi, Maelstrom, Boogie, and Tempest and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because all of our other cats have met their grandparents and these four haven’t. It’s a long trip from Missouri to Virginia and cats deserve to travel in style!
My cat’s name is Chester and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he loves to be outside on our deck when the weather is nice, but we don’t let him roam freely so the retractable leash would be excellent to have! And the backpack? So cool! To be able to take him safely on walks with us? How fun that would be for both of us!!
My cat’s name is Simon and we would love to win the Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he doesn’t want to be left behind when we take the dog for a getaway.
My cat’s name is Lucifer and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I don’t have a car and I live in a small apartment with my abuser and I want a backpack so me and my son can have a way to leave together so I won’t leave him at the apartment alone with someone who isn’t trusted. It would help me feel comfortable leaving the house.
My cat’s name is Luci and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he would be very interested in traveling and this would be nice to get him and his cat friends to and from the vet office.
My cat Luna had 4 kittens last month would love to win this.
My cat’s name is freaker keaker and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because it would help her be the traveling master she aspires to be
My cat’s name is Kaci and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she loves being able to go outside and get some fresh air!
My cat’s name is Luke and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I would like to let him see the outdoors without being in a carrier.
My cat’s name is Basil and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Basil just recovered from very complicated surgery. Finally now he is back to wanting to be outdoors under supervision. He would really enjoy getting to go places in style!
My cat’s names are Cowboy (17.5), Jake (11), Big Guy (10), Minnie (4.5) and Sunny Boy (3.5) and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we love to get treats!
My cat’s name is Winnie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because even though she’s battling Kidney Disease she still likes to go with me everywhere and this would make it so much more comfortable for her.
My cat’s names are Bellatrix LeStrange, Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy and Mad Eye Moody and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because rescuing my cats was the greatest gift i ever got (who rescued who, right?) and i want to show them the love and affection none of them ever received (all abused before me) so my goal is to spoil them rotten with great gifts and products that allow them to live their best lives with me
My cat’s name is Charlie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I travel a lot, and it used to be a breeze to come and go with my baby boy Charles, but as he gets older (he’s 10!!) I can tell he’s not very comfortable in his old travel bed anymore. This would be awesome to try and make him more comfy during travels!!
My cat’s name’s are [KIKI, & TRIKER] and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we have been such wonderful kitties all year long. We bring so much love & joy to our Human parents, they love to keep us around all the time. Unfortunately, we lost our beloved sister kitty “Izzy” this past week. That has been so tough on all our family. The Dr.’s said she had heart trouble, but we never knew this. We all miss her so very much. We would love to win !!
my cat’s name is lucy and she would love to win the whole kitten caboodle bundle because I know she would love to travel with me instead of staying home with a catsitter.
My cat’s names are Owen (aka FuzzButt), Spot (Her Empress Spotness), Snowy (The Twirly-Girl), and Missy (The Demon Fluff). FuzzButt actually LIKES to travel… The rest of them not so much, but we would love to win the Whole Kitten Caboodle, which would make trips to the vet much easier!
My cat’s name is Packard Bell and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Packard actually enjoys traveling. He is a special needs rescued cat who is deaf and he loves going new places and meeting new people. I’m in the midst of getting him certified as a therapy cat (just need to work on the “staying on a lap for 30 seconds part). Once he passes we will travel around LA bringing happiness to those in need. This would help us so much when we’re on the road!
My cat’s name is Vanya and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle because Vanya has never traveled before other than trips to the vets office. She would like to be able to travel south for a piece of warmer weather and to visit family who miss seeing her and are not able to come north.
My cat’s name is Momma and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Momma’s babies Orange and Whitey keep taking up Momma’s whole bed.
My cats’ names are Pooky, Olaf, BingBong, Elsa, Mal, & Lilo and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because my cats get bored being stuck indoors.
My cat’s name is Obsidian and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I love to go on walks in nature and I want to take Obsidian on adventures with me. I just received a kidney transplant and was too weak to exercise before so now I intend on being outside as much as possible. Being able to take my fur baby with me would be excellent. Thank you for the opportunity.
With 5 cats i need all the stuff I can get.
My cat’s name is Cleocatra Piper and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she loves to travel with the family.
My cats names are Rudy, Sapphire, and Kachina and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle so we can go on adventures with mom i and dad in first cats style!!
My cats name is Katniss, I adopted her from a shelter November 20th 2021 and I guess she was shuffled around a lot between different shelters and the last one she was at, she just shut down wouldn’t eat or drink, just sat in her corner of her cage and hissed and claw at anyone who would try to touch her. I saw her and saw potential and knew if I adopted her,she would open up, and she is slowly opening up in my home, her forever
home, where she is the queen of my house and the only cat.
My rescue cats are Calvin and Hobbes. I would love to see them win the Kitten Caboodle set. They deserve it-they are so cute, fluffy, friendly, stubborn and in charge-just like cats should be.
My cats name is Rusty, Booby, Hissy and Sherman and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle so we can continue on our lifetime adventures together in real cool cat style.We are outdoor cats and would really love to have some cool gear to keep in our porch for where we stay warm and cozy.
My cat’s name is Steve and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Steve doesn’t own any of these and we really love them all! It would cover all our travel needs and keep him safe!
My cat’s name is Reggie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I’ve been reluctant to travel with Reggie. I am always afraid of what might happen. Having high quality travel gear that is safe would make it easy to venture outside. The fear of him being lost or injured is my biggest fear. With this bundle, we could hit the road!
My cats’ names are Pepper and Jackson and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we could bring them with us on road trips, and not feel guilty about leaving our fur babies behind!
My cat’s names are Beans, Orange K, Cindy, Maggie, Franklin, and Tiggy and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because most of them are active and some like to travel with us so the whole bundle would be very useful.
My cats names are Smokey, Chesney, Gandolfini, Jakey, and Halloween, and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because they deserve the BEST, and right now one of them has CHF, plus our puppers has mast cell, finances are tough right now, but they mean more to me than I can say. Having to travel for treatments, this would be so appreciated and purr-fect!!!!!!!
May cat’s name is Half-Pint and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she came to us after being in a home and then being left to fend for herself outside. She came to our home and we started to feed her and got to the point where she came inside to stay. We feel so fortunate to have been able to keep her safe from the elements and other feral cats. Thank you for your consideration.
My cat’s name is Walker and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because both Walker and I have put on a few COVID pounds and we wold like to start the new year off in the right direction by walking and hiking, enjoying nature.
My cat’s name is Slate. We would like to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle as we are newly retired and want to take Slate with us in our trips!
Thanks for this great offer!
My cat’s name is King Arthur and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because
We would like to try out kitten kaboodle products.
My cat’s name is Ranger and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I have a plan to leave my abusive boyfriend and it would be very helpful in the move.
My cats name is Sierra and we would love to win The whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because my cat would be able to travel in style and be other me as he previously would jump in my suitcase when she knew I had to travel and couldn’t accompany me!
My cat’s name is Finn and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I’m in my mid-40’s and I’m very overweight and it’s starting to be really bad on my knees. My doctors want me to lose weight because I’m developing arthritis in my knees, but I find it very hard to get motivated to go on walks or hikes or trips just for myself or alone. I suffer from severe OCD, depression, and anxiety (all diagnosed and being treated), and so…Finn is my emotional support WORLD (because he’s far more than an animal). When it comes to him? I am always motivated. I go places with him. I take him places. He loves being outdoors, but I don’t let him be an outdoor boy off a leash. This would open up so many opportunities for both of us. He would get to be outside and go on trips with me (I’ve wanted to take him camping). I would get the exercise I need, lose some weight, and help my knees. It might help my depression, too…and with him with me? I wouldn’t be as anxious about being out. I really can’t afford anything like this. Money is tight and I take care of an elderly family member pretty often. Finn is my new boy and he’s almost a year old. My last boy died very suddenly last year of an undiagnosed heart defect (I guess it’s pretty hard to spot without doing EKG or something and the vet had no reason to ever do one). I went down for a nap with a perfectly healthy 8 year old and when I woke up? He was gone and I found out why from the necropsy the vet did. It made the pandemic even harder and until Finn came into my life, I barely went out for months. I used to travel a lot and hike a lot. I’d love to start doing those things again with my new boy.
My cats are quite the adventurous type and love car trips. They would love this opportunity to travel in style!
My cat’s name is Zorro and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Zorro is so adventurous and curious and I’d love to take him outside with this amazing gear!
My cats names are Remi, Putters and Ruger and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I live in Northern California where there have been numerous fires. At a moments notice we may need to evacuate. It would be wonderful to know my kitties will be safe.
My cats name is Boo and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle bundle because Boo lost her sister recently. They were best friends. Boo won’t use anything that her sister used and we are slowly trying to replace everything. Unfortunately, unforeseen expenses have occurred due to Covid. This would be a great help to our family & a very nice present for our precious, Boo.
My girl Gretchan would love this bundle. With the backpack she could go with us instead of staying in the hotel when we vacation.
My cat’s name is Kytig, and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we want to start having outdoor adventures in 2022.
My cats name is Susie, and we would love to win The Whole Kit and Kaboodle Bundle because Susie wanrs to be outside with me so bad!
My cats’ names are Skyler, Panther, Lira, Ashley, and Ursu. [your cat’s name] and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we lost five of our brothers and sisters in the past year, one to cancer, three to kidney failure, and one we’re still not sure. We miss them all terribly, and so have been very good this year because our people have been so sad.
Meowing Christmas my cats would love to win any of these gifts. Good luck to all fur babies
I love the purrington post and I want to enter to win the whole kitten kaboodle. I’ve got 7 furbabies and this would be a great to have for them. Thank you and keep up the wonderful work you do.
My cat’s name is Midnight and we would like to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we get stressed when Momma needs to go away and Midnight has to stay home. This would make Midnight feel as important as her canine brother.
My cat’s name is Pansy and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Pansy is elderly and kind of a nervous kitty, and this would give her some places to feel more secure at home and on the road.
Hi ya, my lil puss shedz and I would love to win and use all of these awesome gifts! We travel regularly go on walks thru the Fields near our home.
My cats’ names are Kali and Pippin, and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because they have to go stay with their grandma next month while I have a medical procedure, and the travel kit would help.
My cats’ names are Rusty, Tilley, Eddy, Chester, & Audrey and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because our cats have a lot of mileage between them, having criss-crossed the country multiple times. We had to buy an SUV just to make sure we had space for everyone with 2 adults, 5 cats, and all their travel needs. 🙂
My cat’s name is Henri and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because all of the wonderful products would help with our active lifestyle! LOVE everything!!
My cat’s name is Binx and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we want to travel cross-country to see where they are filming the sequel to our favorite movie, Hocus Pocus!
“Come, sisters, we fly!” (Line from the original Hocus Pocus.)
My cat’s name is Wubbles and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he’d love to travel around in that awesome Fat Cat backpack. It’s our favorite, but we absolutely love every item in this bundle.
My cat’s names are Destiny and Derby and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we love to travel with our humans, but we want to be comfy and these products look like they were made for us!
My cat’s name is Spanky and Boo3 and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we travel to mom’s house. They are very good kitties. I would love to give them things.
My cat’s name is Luna and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we have a couple trips coming up and Luna can’t stay home alone, even for one night! Thanks for the chance to win!
My cat’s name is Sayuri but often called ” Kitty Girl”. She would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she loves new comfy spots and also loves visiting family. LOVE every item in the bundle. Thanks for the chance!
My cat’s name is Alfred and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because He likes to travel in style
My cat’s name is Buster and this would be great for traveling and camping with Buster to keep him safe. Buster and I would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle as we are planning on traveling/camping in the near future.
My cat’s name is KiKi and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Kiki is deserving of surprises to keep him happy and comfortable.
My cat’s name is Croutin and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he is dealing with health issues and I want him to live his best life.
My cat’s name is Cleo and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I work from home and this would keep her in style and comfort as I do so.
My cat’s name is Hope and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Hope only has a cat taxi for travel. It’s really time we added to her traveling products list.
Rowdee Yates and I would love to win the Whole Kit and Kaboodle Bundle. Rowdee is a reluctant traveler and this just might help her travel in comfort and if not traveling, keep her in style at home.
This would be great for Oscar, so he could be pampered some more
My cat is named Loki and I would love to win the Whole it and Kaboodle Bundle for him. He is hyper and curious and I know he’d love these items!
My rescue cat Tucker would love all of these items and would donate any that he doesn’t like to our local shelter.
My cat’s name is Rhett and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because then he could travel safely and in style with our family.
My cat’s names are Jax and Diezel and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we are they best cats and love to be pampered
My cat’s name is Biscuit and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he is a very good and loving boy
My cats are Lily and Saqqara (although we call her chubby as she loves to eat) I would love to win to spoil the girls.
My cat’s name is Kayley and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I we are traveling together during the holidays and this seems like a great collection of items for cats on the go.
My cat’s name is Jasper and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we are travelling soon and we want him to be as comfortable as possible.
Our cats’ names are Rusty, Dusty, Lucy, and Gracie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we love traveling to see our children and this would allow us to take one of our babies with us instead of boarding all of them. Our kids love our pets and would like to see them, so we would probably purchase an additional carrier in order to take two instead of one. Great idea and products.
My cat’s name is Cocoa and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she needs all these awesome things to make her happy.
My cat’s name is Tom and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he is a very curous cat, loves getting new things, I love to treat him as he is such a wonderful cat, great company and brings so much joy to the household.
My cat’s name is Noel and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she is a very nervous traveler and these look so comfortable for her!
My daughter has 7 rescue cats. This would be wonderful for her.
My cat’s name are Molly and Bailey and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I love my girls and they mean the world to me.
My cat’s name is Tuesday and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Tuesday would love these products and she’s such a good kitty.
My cat’s name is Daughter Cat and we would love to win the Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because her daddy recently passed. She enjoyed going places with him. With him gone I would like to take her backpacking and on adventures with me. The backpack would be a wonderful addition to our bike rides and trail rides. She would be safe but involved. Thank you
My Beautiful Cat is named MIa-Ming, who is 14 years old and a Siamease breed. We would love to take her on road trips and your collection of travel wares would make it easier for her to travel in comfort.
My cat’s name is [Oreo] and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because [Oreo loves toys & cardboard boxes/packages]
Paws Crossed…
My friend’s cats’ names are Pickles and Popcorn and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because while I am allergic, I love to visit these happy little fluff balls and my friend could use a neat out of the box pick me up
My cat’s name is Midnight and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we love the idea of making traveling together so much easier and convenient.
I have two cats Lucy and Ruby. Lucy has a stroller she loves to ride in it outdoors. Ruby is a homebody and enjoys her cat tree. We would love to win!
My cat’s name is Blinky and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he is such a great kitty and deserves to be pampered
We have 8 rescue cats and would love to share this with all of them!
My cat’s name is Dogs and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she is an adventurous soul.
My cat’s name is Buffy and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Buffy needs to be everywhere all the time. If she hears another cat getting attention then she comes running to butt in! Keeping her occupied with gadgets would help us all! lol
My cat’s names are Roxie, Rosie and Billy is and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Roxie would love the Convertible Bed & Cave so she can hide from her sister and brother, Rosie needs the Harness & Leash for her daily walks and Billy needs the Fat Cat Backpack because he wants to go outside but is scared when he out.
My cat’s name is Trixie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Trixie is a shy, fraidy-cat and the bundle would provide protection.
My 10 year cat June Bug likes to go everywhere with me this would make it so much easier .
My cat’s name is Mousey and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I would love to go out on a great adventure with her and spend some cool outside time with her
My cats’ names are Daisy and Milo and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because although we are very spoiled, we don’t have a cool carry backpack, so our kitty lives are obviously not complete.
My cat Tuna and we would like to win The Whole Kitchen Caboodle Kit for awesome,luxury travel.
My cat’s name is LooLoo and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we love to pamper our 3-legged kitty.
My cat’s name is Sasha and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she deserves the very best because she’s a treasure (and this coming from a dog person).
My cats meowzer, fluffy and blue would love this. All siblings.
My cats’ names are Lyle and Linus and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because the bed looks super comfy! In truth, Lyle and Linus probably wouldn’t mind seeing the travel accessories go in the dumpster because leaving home on anything other than their paws is considered cat-abuse! But their human thinks having these items for vet visits and her emergency bag would be awesome.
My cat’s name is BELLA and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because ITS AN AMAZING PRIZE!!!
My cat’s name is Queen Bunny and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she has been a very good girl this year and also had to endure dental surgery so she really deserves this!
My cats’ names are Lenny and Squiggy and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because my cats deserve the best in travel accessories.
My newest cat’s name is Maxie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she just loves getting presents!
My cat’s name is Zeus aka Chicken and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we love to go out and about on adventures and these items would help Zeus be more comfortable when we go out.
My cat’s name is Sacha and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she hates her current cat carrier!
My cat’s name is Wolfie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Wolfie is so adventurous and has much more exploring to do!
My cat’s name are Montego and Tahiti and they would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we love them
My cat’s name is Casket and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he is the BEST boy.
My cat’s name is Piper and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Piper only deserves the best and loves to get new things.
Pepper would love this
My daughter has two cats Willow and Poe that she fostered and then ended of adopting (surprise, not). Willow does not travel well but with these wonderful products they might help. Hopefully it would be less stress on them. Thank you for the chance. Happy Holidays.
My cat’s name is Kat and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because the Fat Cat Backpack will keep all her essentials together. The harness and leash will keep her safe when outside walking. The retractable leash will come in handy for the longer walks. The Convertable bed & Cave will help her to feel safe and comfy. The portable cat dish,water bowl and travel litter box will keep her comfortable one those trips out. So would love to win The Bundle!!!!
We’ve had our cat Dot for about a year. He used to be a stray but came into our house during last year’s big snowstorm. He doesn’t travel well, so this kit would really help.
My cat’s name is K and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he’d look so cute in the convertible bed and cave!
My cat’s name is Mushu, and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because—despite Mushu being an indoor-only girl, she LOVES to be harnessed, leashed, and carried around for adventures outdoors (safely). We live in an area with incredible scenery: Smithers, BC. Hoping to do a day or weekend trip, bringing Mu along!
My cat’s name is Magnus and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he is my constant companion and gives me so much love.
This would be great for my cat that thinks he is a dog. Gavin is my special man.
My cat’s names are Smokey and Gris and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because traveling with them can be stressful.
My cat’s name is PJ and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we often have to make a journey far from home. Instead of leaving PJ in the care of others, we take her with us. It is nerve wracking traveling with PJ because is so stressed and scared and will attempt to bolt at any opportunity. This prize will enable us to keep better control of PJ and lessen our anxiety and hopefully hers, as well.
My beautiful girls name is Alowishus. And she is ready to explore. She and I would love this. ty
My cat’s name is Juicy Couture and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she is a DIVA!. She is so spoiled! She has a brother, named Will, and a sister named Pepper, and we are fostering a boy named Snoopy! She hisses and growls at poor Snoopy and is generally very rude to her brother and sister. But she is so soft and so pretty! She LOVES boxes and bags, so I am sure she would love the cat bed and back pack!
My daughters cata name is Venus and we would love to win the Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because my daughter loves to travel with Venus and the jundle includes everythi g they need.
My cat’s name is Mawatha and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we live alone in Ottawa and regularly go to visit family in Winnipeg where we also go adventuring.
Sometimes we fly and sometimes we do the 3-day trip by car. The Travel Buddy Portable Food & Water Dish and Travel Litter Box would totally fit the bill! In the motel and once arrived at our destination, the Convertible Cave & Bed would provide a familiar scent and make Mawatha feel at home no matter where we are.
We usually spend a few days at the family cottage where we hike along the Trans-Canada trail (Fat Cat Backpack enter stage right!) and where Mawatha takes me bushwhacking (enter Travel Cat Harness & Leash stage left!)
I now really understand why most mammals get around on four legs: so much easier to get under and through all the fallen debris and low branches in the woods! I will never forget how surprised I was when I first took Mawatha into the woods. Instead of being scared, Mawatha seemed confident and invigorated, as if she instinctively knew that this was her real habitat. She advanced enthusiastically (all 7 lbs of her!) with me trailing at the other end of the leash, the clunky, noisy Human slowing her down and, yes, getting whacked by bushes! 😸
Mawatha’s harness is worn, and part of it has been repaired with an elastic band, so I know she would be thrilled by a new Travel Cat Harness and Leash set. The Retractable Leash would be catnip icing on the tuna cake!
In anticipation of a positive response to our request, Mawatha sends warm purrs to all the Fabulous Felines of the Purrington Post! 🐾
My cat’s name is Coco and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because it would make traveling back and fourth to the vetinarian so much easier & more comfortable for us!
My cat’s name is Licky and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he is my health cat and needs to go everywhere with me because I have a disability. He loves me so much he licks my face constantly and wants to be with me all the time that’s were the Fat Cat Backpack would come in handy. He lives with me in my bedroom because he wont leave my side the Portable litterbox would fit in my room and we could live happily ever after forever and ever
My cat’s name is Molly and we would love to win the Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because it would be the ideal stuff for us to use. Molly loves going out but has lost her eyesight and can no longer explore as she wants. I am diabetic and need more exercise. This bundle is ideal for both of us!
my cats name is mini and he would love that cave.
My cat’s name is Never and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because deep down she’s a fancy cat who’s been forced to live below her standards.
My cat’s name is Tom and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Tom has none of these.
My cat’s name is Zoey and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because loves to travel!
My cat’s name is Sammy, and she’d love this because she’s 15, and deserves all the fun stuff for being such an awesome cat for so long.
My cat’s names are Rug Rat & Rag-a-muffin and we would love to win the Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because they would love anything to get away from their brother and sister pitties, Samson & Delilah. The bundle would be a wonderful thing for my senior kitties.
Wow this is amazing. Our cats name is Midnight. She was born in 3/26/2020 per the vet. When she was a kitten she was a stray and we took her in. She has been amazing getting use to being a house cat. She is so kind. She would love this.
My cat’s name is Twilight and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we want to travel more and go on the road again.
My cat’s name is Charlie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he loves to travel!
Abigail would like to win the Kitten Kaboodle because she attends shows and would like to travel in style.
My cat’s name is Buddy. He’s named after my grandpa’s nickname to remind me of him and my Dad’s older brother who passed away as well and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because i want to start taking Buddy to the local parks and walk him in my rural neighborhood of about 50 houses in a one way in and out rural subdivision. He loves watching the other dogs being walked and a cat. I adopted him as a kitten and he’s been around dogs and enjoys them. So he gets bored looking out of the windows at the birds I feed and excited when he sees other pets being walked on a leash.
MMy cat’s name is Brownie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because This is amazing!!! She love to take short trips with me….as long as someone is holding her so she can look around. A travel litter box! amazing. She is 7 years old and this would be a great March 1st birthday gift for her!
Thank you for this giveaway!
I just adopted 3 kittens and have 1 older cat. My cat’s name are Buddy is my senior cat and the new kittens are Huey, Dewey, and Louie. and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we want to be able to take our cats for walks and to the park, the Fat Cat Backpack and harness & leash would be great for this! Plus I work in a pet friendly office and when we go back to work in the new year I want to be able to bring them with me. I also would like them to be able to travel with me to our cabin. All of these Travel Cat items are Amazing! Things I didn’t even think of for traveling with my cats! The Whole Kitten Kaboodle is everything I need to take my kitties on adventures! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!
My cat’s name is Addie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because our cats current house and toys are several years old and are showing lots of wear. She would be one happy kitty!
My cat’s name is Jake and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because it would make it easier to travel, take him outside safely.
My cat’s name is Phoebe, Drizella and Anastasia and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because there are three of us and we like to share but could use a few more beds!
My cat’s name is Willow and we would love to win this prize because I would like to keep her safe. We live in the country and she wants outside. I go out with her but she get;s away from me, this package would be wonderful.
My cats Kyle, Ben and Jack got to got to win these!
My cat’s name is Chloe and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she is the queen of our castle and she deserves the best of everything.
My cats name is Anne and we would LOVE to win The whole kitten Kaboodle bundle because at one time Anne was feral and LOVES to be out there in the world traveling !
My cat’s name is Yoji and she is my smart kitty.
My cat’s name is Peaches and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she would love to have these
My cat’s name is Boba and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we adopted her a couple of months ago and she can really use this stuff! May I add she’s also a calico cat? 😀
My cat All is over 20 years old and needs all the goodies of the Whole Kitten Caboodle Bundle to make her life more enjoyable.
My cats: Moe & Rexi would love these prizes. Thank you for the opportunity to win!
My cat’s name is Stickers and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she loves exploring new things.
My cat’s name is Jack Wrigleson and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I have seven brothers and sisters and since I am the oldest at 13 and I could use some peace and quiet! Plus my ultimate favorite thing to do in the world ever since I was a kitten is go for a walk with a harness and leash! Thank you for the chance to win this awesome prize!
My cat’s name is Duchess and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she loves exploring but is getting older and could use a safer way to explore.
My cat’s names are Smokey & Moe and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we just pit together a room totally dedicated to our fur balls. We still need so much!
My cat’s name is Snacks and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we have been quarantine too long. It would be great to take a nice walk through the woods before it gets too cold.
Our cat najib would love the travel bundle. He could have used it when he traveled cross country to his new home in AZ. Would now like to explore the southwest.
My cat’s name is Olive and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she is smart and very adventurous. This would help her enjoy her life more than ever.
My cat’s name is Mei and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she’s our purrfectly precious rescue kitten.
My cat’s name is Mr. Mittens. We would love to win the whole kitten caboodle so that we could go on adventures together and enjoy our at home chill time. 🐈
My cat’s name is Sadie and we would love to win the Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she loves being outside, but isn’t an outside cat. I would love to be able to bring her on my hikes with me and feel safe; the backpack would make the two of us the perfect pair in the woods. She loves exploring outside, but since she’s middle-aged and has little outdoor experience, I keep her close to me to keep her safe.
My cats name is Jenkins. He was a trap and release cat that found his way into our yard and hearts. When he 1st showed up, he wouldn’t let any one near him, but he gradually warmed up to us and now he is the sweetest most balanced cat I’ve ever met. Even our dogs love him. Jenkins is a very special cat and we’re thankful he chose us.
My cat’s name is Maggie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because it would be a life saver when we travel to visit my brother in Florida and back. Thanks for the chance! Happy Holidays
My cat’s name is Ozzy and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because bc he would love it and so would his 9 year old owner!
My cat’s name is Kasumi and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she loves to sit by the window and stare outside. This would open up a whole new world of adventure!
My cat’s name is Asha and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we’d love to learn to go on happy rides together! Asha is a 6 month old rescue kitten, and her inquisitive and fearless nature makes me think she’d be a fine travel companion.
Our kitten doesn’t have a name yet, as we haven’t received him yet! 🙂 We will be getting him for sure before Christmas and he would absolutely love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he is still a baby, and we want to teach him to travel with us and to learn to adventure!
My cats name is Eclipse Moon and I would really love to win this for her.I got her when she was only 2 and half weeks old from my niece after my cat of almost 12 years passed she is my emotional support cat she helps me through all my mental health issues I believe she really deserves it.
Our kitty’s name is Freddie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we want to take him traveling with us in our repurposed RV/Bus! We want him to go camping with us!
My cat’s name is otter and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we travel alot
My cats are both boys – Sam and Teeger. We would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle so those boys xan travel in style!
My cat’s name is Dorito and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he would love this!
My cat’s name is Milky and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we would love some new gifts this year. They all look so interesting and we would love to show them to our cat friends.
My cat’s name is Leo and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he deserves to be spoiled!
My cat’s name is Harley and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because it would make a great present for both of us. We love traveling together and this would be perfect, the backpack would allow me to take Harley everywhere with me and she would love it.
My cat’s name is Fred and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we have places to go!
My cat’s name is Smokey and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because traveling is always a little traumatic for her. I’m hoping with the right tools and support she’ll at least become more resigned to our occasional trip, if not enjoying it!
My cat’s name is Luna and we would love to travel and this bundle has everything we need to make it comfortable.
My cat’s name is Rosemary and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she loves to go on adventures with us but we want to keep her safe.
My cat’s name is Nora and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we would love to take her on walks.
My cat’s name is Jake and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because because he is spoiled rotten and thinks he deserves only the best!
my kitty is named morris. he would love this
My cats’ names are Dobby & Hermione. We would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because then we could take the cats to Grandma’s house for Christmas!
my cat’s name is Eliza Jane and she is the first kitten I have ever own. I’ve been alone for 20 years and my sister took me to a farm to get this little kitten, at first I was afraid of how to take care of her. But she has melted my heart. She would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle so we can have more time together
Fendi Lou & Molly Sue (Fenrir and Molly) and I would be overjoyed to win this amazing Christmas surprise bundle! We love to play in the sun and find the most enjoyment life can offer. Thank you so much and blessings
My cat’s name is Stella and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I would love for her to travel with me but am always worried for her safety
My cat’s name is Marvin and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because our sweet kitten was diagnosed with FIP. My daughters picked him out flown their birthday- and they are best friends. We started treatment on him and have seen a 360 change. Fluid in stomach gone, energy back, appetite back, etc!! The injections are painful for him (and us). He is a trooper and a fighter !! He would love this kitten prize pack!
We want to take our kitty on vacation with us. He would love riding with us on the bus. First we have to train him.
My cat’s name is Hazel and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because then we can travel with her and we like to go to the mountains.
My cat’s name is Tippy Dee and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we think he is awesome and deserves the very best.
My cat’s name is Nugs and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I think he will love traveling in a comfy and cozy carrier.
My cat’s name is Augustus and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he would really like the items!
My furry owner’s name is Murphy, and I think he’d really like the Fat Cat Backpack as his human (me) would love for him to get more exposure to the outdoors…safely…when we travel versus staying in his hard travel case.
My cat’s name is Jinx and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she does not like anybody and deserves a treat!
We’re getting a little kitty for Christmas and we need everything!
My cat’s name is Milo and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he deserves the best!
My cat’s name is Garfield and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we now have another precious cat in our family named Misty Mama. She was a stray who hung around each of our windows after we moved into our new home two years ago. After taking her in and getting her health up to date, Garfield and Misty Mama are now inseparable friends. Garfield has always been a trained leashed adventure cat. Now Misty Mama is his new adventure cat sidekick. Their bond and the experiences my family and I share with them both are priceless.
I have two lovely, sweet, quirky, mischievous, handsome male cats! My cats names are Smokey and Casper, and we would LOVE to win the WHOLE KITTEN KABOODLE BUNDLE because my handsome boys would absolutely be thrilled and love these wonderful items made especially for cats! I know Smokey would love the Fat Cat Backpack, while Casper absolutely loves a harness and for mommy to walk him on a leash! The boys would be very happy with Convertible Bed & Cave, I can just see them now, relaxing and enjoying all of these wonderful items! The Travel Buddy Portable Cat Food & Water Dish would make it easy on me, as we love to go places together, and this would be such a convenient item, along with the Travel Litter Box! We are truly appreciative that You love cats as much as my husband and I do! Thank you for your kindness, wishing everyone good luck!🐱🐱❤❤
My cat’s name is Boo Boo and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because because Of Covid and my health problems we have been in quarentine for a long time. The Whole Kaboodle Bundle would be wonderful for us to get back out. With money so tight Boo would get something new and wonderful.
My cat’s name is Mr Pickles and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he would be a jazzed cat
I have 8 rescue cats and they would love a cozy place to chill
My cat’s names are Tootsie, Ziggy, and Muppet and we would love to win the Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because it would be purrrrrrrfectly awesome!
My cat’s names are Pearl and Paisley and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we love to travel with our humans!
My cat, Thomas, would love this!!!!!!!!
I would love to give this to my friend for her new kitten Lightening. She would love it.
My cat’s name is Bo and we would love to win the Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle as she would be a happy girl enjoying life even better since she has blessed our family so much so much. Thank you for offering this awesome gift.
Love to win this for my gran kitties
Entering for my favorite sister’s cats. Her cats could visit us with the correct travel tools. The cat cave would help them.
Ourcats’ names are Nichole and OB1. We would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because they are indoor cats who want to be able to explore the outside world safely, on excursions with their fav humans. They could travel in luxury and style, something they have yet to do.
My cats’ names are Smithers and Shayna and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because they are 2 snuggly, friendly fur balls that love each other and me. Smithers is 10 but acts like a kitten when Shayna, who is 1 1/2, is around. Both play hard, hunt well and are generally loving, happy cats.
My cats’ names are Violet and Phoenix and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because your prizes would give us a better and more enjoyable life!
My cat’s names are TeeTee and Rainger and we would love to win the Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we are very active kitties.
My daughter has 4 kitties and would love to win!
My cat’s name is Meaty and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she deserves the best and would be pampered.
my best friend has cats who would love this
My cat’s name is Prissy and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she really is tired of her present carrier.
My cat’s name is (are) Dante, Nova, and Nebula and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because it would be great to teach them to be comfortable going places with us. I hate leaving them home alone when we have to go out of town and always worry that the people whoa re checking on them might forget. Also, Nebula has become overweight due to stress eating from the loud noises road work is making and she teaching her to walk on a lease would really be beneficial to her health. Thank you for the opportunity! 🙂
I have 13 former strays now in the family. The oldest is probably Max who is also kind of the cat whisperer. He has a way with the newest strays who are a little nervous at first, and helps them stay calm and makes them feel at home. They all would end up sharing these great gifts and having a new place to nap which as we all know is a cat’s favorite thing to do. Thanks for the contest and have a safe and joyful holiday season.
My cat’s name is Shadow and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Shadow would have lots of fun with it
My cat’s name is Luna and she would love to win these prizes.
My cat’s name is Harley and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Harley likes a quiet spot to rest.
My cat’s name is Forest and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Forest has persisted and thrived throughout her life, not allowing her physical disability to stop her! She was born with crooked legs and deserves all the pets and things!
My cat’s name is Saffire and Cinder and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we’re cute!
My cats’ names are Bailey and Milo and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because it’s great to travel with them!
My cat’s name is Bandit and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because, well truth is, it’s mom’s cat (AKA: Mr.’Smelly Kat’ and he lives outside because he does bad things to the other cats and likes to roll in his poopy dirt so he’s stinky but I feed him and feel sorry for him and I really need the cave so he stays warmer
Mom is soon 90yrs old and he also tripped her and made her fall
Hello my cats need some lovely gifts.
My cat’s name is Hope and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she started sleeping in our garage ever since her mother passed away a year ago. We have tried to keep her inside but she will only sleep in the garage. Since it gets cold in there in the winter, we put a heating pad under her bed. I think she would love this cozy little cat home and it would help her stay warm and cozy.
My cat’s name is Sophie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she loves going outside but is sometimes like Houdini when she tries to escape from her harness. 😀
My cat’s name is Snickers and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Snickers is always freezing cold and this looks like it would keep her warm.
My cat’s Puffy and Kitty would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because they are already so spoiled that they would go crazy for this awesome prize!
My cat’s name is Sylvie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she needs a break from Pippin, her adorably obnoxious 20 lb. brother.
My cat’s name is Gracie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she would adore it. I named her after my late grandma and she is with us always.
My cat’s name is Elvis and he is afraid of most people. He does like nice things though so we would love to win The Whole Kitten and Kaboodle.
My cat’s name is Kitty and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because even though she is getting older, she is more playful than ever! We want to take her out on adventures with her dog siblings to explore and have fun all together! They are besties!
My cats’ names are Bubba and Bibbi,and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because even though we fight like “cats,” lol, we would love to be able to go out with our mommy to visit places and see new things. We especially love the carrier with the bubble–how great is that. We will be able to see everything. Thanks for offering such a great prize for us to win.
My cat’s names are Fluffy, Tiger, Sammy, Whiskey and Joker and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because these are fashionable items, and my fashionable kitties need something stylish for Christmas! Thanks for the opportunity!
My cat’s name is Liza Rose and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Liza Rose is really laid back and likes to be with me all of the time – I think she would enjoy traveling around with me!
My cats’ names are Wes, BE, Bobbie and Franklin and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because what is not to love and there are four of us, litter mates then can sometimes be a challenge to the human in the mix
im adopting a kitty and I know shed love this
My cat’s name is Juliet aka Jules and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she’s spoiled and I like to take her to new places!
My cat’s name is Sexy Lexy and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I can’t afford cat things so I wind up making toys that she likes, but it would be a joy to spoil her.
My cat’s name is Joss and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we are moving to Costa Rica next year.
My cats names are Lucy and Moo. We would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because they love looking out the window hoping to get out to see the world. This would help them explore what’s out there in safety.
My cat’s name is EDITH and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because SHE DESERVES IT and I can’t currently afford to treat her like the queen she is 😉
I have 4 indoor cats and I am also the ‘trap neuter release” lady of the block. I feed them and make sure they have warm kitty houses for the winter. I love them all. My indoor cats are Barnaby, Isla, Phoenix and Mr. Man 😊 theres probably 12-16 outside
Most have names but i havent had any coffee yet lol
my cats name is simon and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because i like going to parks and walking trails with my cat and this would help keep him safe and happy
My cat’s name is Chloe and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she’s a diva and loves to travel in style!
My cat’s name is BOBCAT and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he lives with 2 dogs and they seem to get all the toys and bedding. Poor BOBCAT ;O
My cat’s name are luna and nova (IE Sun and Moon) and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because I have two babies who would love to have their own stuff. Right now we have the stuff from when the dogs were puppies.
My cat’s name is Zelda and Kitten Little and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because my 2 kitty cats would love it.
My cat’s name is Arya and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because If I don’t win she’ll be mad at me and make me pay for sure!
My cat’s name is Mama Cat. She showed up at our house the first of November and had her kittens in our garage. She is the sweetest cat & the best mother to her three precious babies. She found her furrever home when she found our garage. She will be spayed next month, and hopefully we will find loving homes to her little angels.
My cat’s name are Pixel and BB and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because our neighbor came down with a kitty back pack and now we want to go on adventures outside, too!
My cats name is Cody and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he is the goodest boy and he deserves the best !
My cat’s name is Sheba and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she adores being pampered!
My cat’s name is BoBo and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle because he loves living the high life!!
My cat’s name is Gary and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he’s nearing the end of his life and I always like to keep him near and these products would help!
My cat’s name is Katniss and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Katniss is our sweet babbou and she deserves it. My brother rescued her from a life on the streets and she’s such a good girl.
My cat’s name is Minni and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he like to go in caves.
My kitty’s name is Lucky. He is solid black and we got him on Friday the 13th last year. He loves to cuddle and I love to cuddle with him. I would love to win this because he deserves to win it.
My cat’s name is Loki and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she is so sweet, she really deserves a special gift!
My cat’s name is Binxy and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because it’s everything that he needs & we want. How cool would it be for us to take him on a stoll in the backpack or him lounging on the bed. Thanks for the the amazing chance to make our furever rescue even happier.
My cat’s name is Onyx and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he would love to get out in the world. Best. Cat. Ever!
My cat’s name is JT and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he’s lazy and would love to lay in the cat cave for his naps.
My cat’s name is Mouse and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because she likes to accompany me on adventures whenever possible.
My cat’s name is Rosie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because her siblings just got adopted out of the house and this would make her happy
I have 6…Guapo, Raven, Prince, Cleopatra, Dora, and Peluce
My cat’s name is Thunder and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Thunder was saved from the life of a barn cat. While Thunder was wild when we brought him home, he is now one of the calmest, and fluffiest cats we have ever owned. He doesn’t scratch or bite anyone and loves to be cuddled.
My cat’s names are China, Trouble, Imp, and Esther, and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because it’s time to add some exciting new products to spice up their lives!
Our cat Ginger would like to win the Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle as well as the kitten because it would really make life easier and fun for them!
My cat’s name is Tubsy and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because we would like to take each other for walks with the harness and leashes so we could lose some weight together.
My cat’s name is Sky and we would love to win the Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Sky says he deserves them. (At least that is what I think he said when he pawed my tablet and meowed.)
My cats’ names are Douglas, age 17, Vinny, age 1 and our two barn rescue twins, Homer and Mo and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because they have all settled in so happily (we also have 2 dogs and a bunny) and deserve to have so much fun!
My cat’s name is Ollie and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because he loves to go on adventures with me this would be purrfect!!!!
My cat’s name is Torti (or mom to Heather, Joey and Tammy) and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because Torti goes for walks on our make-shift leash and loves to ride in the car on short trips!
My cat’s name is Felix, and little brother Freddy, and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because it includes enough cool stuff for both of them!
I would love to win my “Furry Family members” Marinet & or Pudding would love this travel package… please choose me…!!!
I would love to win my “Furry Family members” Marinette & or Pudding would love this travel package they would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle… please choose me…they need the travel and family time together with us!!!
My cat’s name is Mr. ManCattan and we would love to win The Whole Kitten Kaboodle Bundle because as purr his last email to me, he’s “tired of having us work from home, is beginning to like the dog, and just needs to get the f*** out!”