Our pals at Paint My Furkids specialize in custom pet portraits done by their very own in-house artist. They also do oil paintings and other forms of memory keepsakes such as digital artworks and photo prints.
Check out the meowsterpiece they did below with our tuxie (Newman). Impressive huh?

Known for their hyper-realistic hand painted pet portraits, here are two more examples of their work featuring feline subjects Wilbur and Olga.

We’re excited to announce that Paint My Furkids kindly offered us 5 digital cat portraits (1 per winner) for five lucky Purrington Post readers to WIN! The custom portrait of your cat will be digital art in a headshot style.
* Contest Closed
This contest ended on April 15th, 2022 and was available to residents worldwide. To enter you had to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
My cat’s name is [name of your cat]. I would love to win a digital portrait of him/her because [your reason]
The 5 winners were chosen at random from all the correctly submitted entries and contacted by email.
Learn more on how this digital art process works.
My cat’s name is Pippy. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she is the prettiest calico cat. She’s the most interesting, fun calico cat we’ve ever had. She’s almost died from Kidney failure twice but she keeps on truckin’ and making our lives better.
Our cat is 15 year old Charlie. We got him as a rescue cat aged 9. He is the most affectionate cat and we all love him. He has hyperthyroidism now but wonderful vets that really do care have him on a course of tablets that really help. I , myself have health problems but Charlie is a tonic for me and a wonderful companion.
My cat’s name is Punkin. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she is the most interesting cat we have ever had. she makes all kinds of funny faces. Example if she does not like the smell of something she will actually gag and turn away. She smells everything. I think she thinks she is a dog! She brings us great joy and we enjoy her little antics every day, especially when she gets the zoomies!!
I would love a photo of my girl Luna. She passed away last year at 24 years old. She was my best friend and I miss her dearly.
Would love a portrait of my girl Luna. She passed away last year at 24 years old. She was my best friend. I miss her dearly.
My cat’s name is Penuche she is 11and although I have many photos of her I would love a digital portrait that I could frame.
I have two beautiful Bombay black cats, Boo and Hoo, they’re the joy of my life, I rescued both of them, they’re strictly indoor cats and happy enough! I’d like for them to get more exercise I love the new wheel I’ve seen, but a senior on fixed income it’s out of my reach, my boys are my strength
My cat’s name is Cashew. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because he just went to the Rainbow Bridge after a long illness and I would love to keep his memory alive.
This photo is not him. This is my other cat Jake.
My cat’s name is Raina. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she is a senior cat and I want to capture her beauty in order to keep her memory alive long after she crosses the rainbow bridge.
My cat’s name is Ghoulie. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she is a work of art!
My cat’s name is Celeste. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she passed away in March of 2020 at age 18. I miss her.
My cat’s name is Mayhem. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because these portraits are beautiful and he is as regal as can be!
My cat’s name is Miss Caity Sunshine. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she is such a loving, beautiful creature, that she makes me smile every time I see her adorable face.
My cat’s name is Miss Cat. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she had a rough first half of her life, and she deserves to have a special portrait done of herself.
My cat’s name is Barney. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because we have artwork of porour first furbaby, Pixie (rip xoxo) + our second furbaby, Cleo …but we haven’t got any yet of our third + newest furbaby, Barney. He’s so handsome + we need to get him up on our walls!
We would all treasure a portrait of our cat Sparkles. She has deteriorating chronic kidney disease but she rallies daily for her mom, dad, grandma and grandpa. Her Sweet 16 is coming up and this would be a great gift to us
My cat’s name is Maggie. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she’s a beautiful little girl who was found near our house.
My cat’s name is Mr. ManCattan. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because he’s so darn picture purrfect—and he knows it!
My cats’ names are Luna and Aurora. I would love to win a digital portrait of either of them because I am moving to Japan in a couple years and would love to have this hanging from my wall to remind me of them forever. They probably have 10 years left but Ill be in Japan for much longer.
My cats’ names are Nemo, Herbie, Rio and Fiji I would love to win a digital portrait of one or all of them together as they are all special, sweet and loving and deserve a portrait.
My cat’s names are Max and Callie. I would love to win a digital portrait of them because they are the most beautiful cats on earth. I have a portrait of my dog that passed away a year ago and would love to have portraits of my cats to hang with hers.
My cats names are Valentine, Vanya and Jack. Unfortunately, I lost Valentine last fall at thirteen years of age but I still have her sister Vanya who gives me such pleasure every day. Jack is a feral rescue that adopted us 8 yrs ago and lives outside year round but he is such a survivor and a happy go lucky cat, love him dearly! I would love a portrait of any one of the three!
My cat’s name is Alison. I would love to win a digital portrait of him/her because I would love beautiful artwork of her to print and frame and hang on my wall.
My cat’s name is Moe. I would love to win a digital portrait of him/her because he is the most majestic cat ever. Moe came to us frail, bleeding, and hair nearly bald as a tiny baby kitten. He is now 9 and a 17 pound nebelung kitty! He is the best companion and the most loyal kitty I’ve know. As majestic as he is, I know he’s look rad in one of these painting!
My cat’s name is Rockey. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because he has literally been my rock for the last 10 years as I have adjusted to living with Multiple Sclerosis. He is such a sweet and entertaining companion. We snuggle watching tv, he sleeps with me at night, and he seems to just enjoy being wherever I am. His presence has helped me cope with the tough emotional days. I would love to have a beautiful picture to display on the wall to honor him.
My cat’s name is Evinrude because he purrs so loud it sounds like a boat motor! Many a time I have been in an online meeting and someone asks, “What is that buzzing sound?” I tell them it’s Evinrude, who is over 3 ft away, lol. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because is 17 years old and still devastatingly handsome. Thank you for this opportunity to win!
My cat’s name is Newton. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because he is beautiful and full of love just like your portraits!
My cat’s name is Chilli. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she is almost twenty years old, and soon I’ll be wanting a keepsake of my heart-cat.
My cat’s name is Niko. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because he is the goodest boy in the whole world! He has especially round eyes and an expressive face for a cat, and I would love a portrait to help capture that.
My cat’s name is Ruby. I would love to win a portrait of her because she is extra special . She was an abandoned feral kitten when I brought her inside at 4-5 weeks of age. The bond between us goes very deep because I bottle fed her for weeks. She TRULY is a “gem” and makes me smile every day when she plays fetch and comes when I call.
One of my cat’s name is Miss Waikiki. I would love to win a digital portrait of him/her because she said me after I lost Leinani and she taught me I could love another cat just as much.
My cats’ names are Nox, Luna, Gryf, Bee, Sage, Ginny, Bonnie, Poppy Sue, Newty, Emmy Grace, & Harry. I would love to win a digital portrait of one of them because they are my children and I adore them.
My cat’s names are Smoky and Shyla. I would love to win a digital portrait of them, because they are beautiful babies.
I currently have 4 rescues, but my chosen cat’s name is Felicity. Chosen, not so much as I choose her, but as that she chose me. She was a feral outside around the visitor cabins at a local resort where I used to work nearby. Felicity would show up out of nowhere whenever I was doing turnaround, cleaning and restocking the little log cabins. She would follow me around outside, take amazing levitation jump bounces while I was inside to see what I was doing, watch my car exit from one cabin and beat me to the next as soon as she decided where I was going. When I finally decided to try taking her home because the owners wanted her off the property (visitors often arrived with dogs), she settled right in, and then watched over the next 3 rescues, brought them up and showed them how to be house cats, how to do pet therapy, people massage, and delicate, ethereal kitty-puncture, and now supervises both their play sessions and group big purr pile love naps. So now, at sweet 16, she’s Queen Felicity to all of us!
My cat’s name is Andy. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because that much beauty deserves to preserved in art.
My cat’s name is Mad Eye Moody. I would love to win a digital portrait of him/her because he was a rescue from Kuwait where he was abused and lost an eye and he has the most love of humans in spite of how awful they were to him!! He loves people and cheese and purring and he is an absolute delight. He does not let is disability stop him from jumping or playing or finding snackies, he is just awesome
My cats’ names are Thanx and MauMau. I lost them both last year, one month apart and miss them terrible.
Hello. My cats names are Dazzle and Ellie. I would love a custom portrait of Dazzle, as she is our older cat and means so much to all of our family. I call her our “watch cat.” She is big and beautiful with wide eyes that look like owl eyes. She poises so beautifully. She has “rewarded” our family numerous times by brining her prey right to our doorsteps. She loves to cuddle up with us. I know she loves us as much as we love her!!
My boy is Kuba – Big and Bold – a real looker. Pretty independent, but when I come thru the door after a long day’s work, he is right there greeting me with the loudest mews. Love this boy and would like to have a portrait to put on the wall for everyone to marvel at.
My cat’s name is Cali. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she is my baby and means the world to me. Having a digital portrait of her will be so much fun to decorate and put up in our home. I want to be able to decorate more of our space of Cali so this would be the perfect opportunity to have something new and specific that shows my beautiful girl.
My cat’s name is Molly. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because I love her dearly and, since she is 14, I would treasure this portrait forever!
My cat’s name is Bobby. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because he’s an old guy and I’d be delighted to have something to keep his memory alive whenever he crosses the rainbow bridge.
My cats name is Luna. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she is our whole world! She is a rescue and has come SO FAR since she’s come home.
My cat’s name is Mister Beau. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because he is a gentleman and a loving, gentlecat.
My cats name is Ziggy and I would love to win a digital portrait of him because we don’t have a picture of us together and I never get my pictures developed !! He has such a cute quizzical face so I think he would look great
My cat’s name is K. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because it would look purrfect on my wall.
My cat’s name is Itsy. I would love to win a digital portrait of any of my cats, but mainly one of Itsy, because she recently crossed over the rainbow bridge to kitty heaven. It would be wonderful to have that loving face watching over the rest of the kitties, and keeping an eye on me all of the time. I miss her so very, very much this would be the best gift to myself at this time to help deal with my grief over losing her.
My cat’s name is Elvendork. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she is the most gorgeous fur baby that ever was and I want her lovely face captured for all eternity.
I have three cats and their names are Infinity Rose, Destiny Iris and Harley Classic. I would love to have a digital portrait of one of them or all of them together. My oldest cat is getting up there in years and my youngest isn’t a baby anymore and I would like to capture their beauty now before the years start to show on each of them.
My cats name is Tokala. I’d love to win a digital portrait to capture his gorgeous blue eyes.
My youngest cat’s name is BB-8. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she is just so darn cute!
My cat’s name is Jazzy. I adopted her when she was 16 yo and had been in a shelter for 2 years because no one wanted to adopt an “old” cat. That was just before Covid. We rescued each other and have been inseparable for the last 2 years. I would love to have a painting of her while she is still with me.
My cat’s name is Buddy. My son adopted him from a shelter last year. I would love to win this to give to my son because Buddy has become a member of our family and saved my son from loneliness during Covid. Thanks for offering a great giveaway!
My cat’s name is Kovu. Well, actually, he is the beloved cat of a good friend of mine. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because I think it would be an amazing way to thank her for all she’s done to help me. It would also be an good way to memorialize him as the sweet, healing angel that he is.
My cat’s name is Sunshine. I would love to win a digital portrait of him/her because she is all black and I have not been able to capture her beauty in a photograph.
My cat’s name was Buddy. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because he recently passed away suddenly. He threw a blood clot, had a stroke, and lost the use of his back legs. The prognosis was extremely poor so I had my boy put to sleep. I miss him so much, I would love to have a digital portrait of him.
My cat’s name is Bootsey. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because he is 15, and I have had him since I adopted him when he was 3 months old (along with his sister Bailey, and she passed away 2 years ago).
My cats name is Boogie and I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she is my precious girl & she is 17 years old!!
My cat’s name is Odo and I would love to win a digital portrait of him because I love him very much and he loves me unconditionally!
My cats name is Eddie Murphy I would adore to win a digital photo of my purrfect little man.
My cat’s name is Boo, aka BooBerry Muffin Butt. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because he’s tired of me taking pictures of him! I can’t help myself- he’s so cute!!!
My cat’s name is Buddy. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because he was a feral who chose us to be his ‘forever family’.
My cat’s name is Freddie. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because I love him so much! These portraits are really beautiful!
My cats name are Mikko, Machi, Mia and Moshi… I would love to win a digital painting because I’ve always wanted a painting of my cats ! They are two maine coons and two adopted strays from the street. Mia is a stray rescued from the temple and Moshi was rescued at a few weeks old , his mother died protecting all 4 siblings in a dog attack. Moshi was bitten on his face and arrived to me a scrawny 1 kg and scared. It would be awesome to have a painting of one or all four of them

Mikko is my first cat and my first love
My cat’s names are Pooky, Elsa, Olaf, BingBong, Mal, & Lilo. I would love to win a digital portrait of one of my cats because it would make me smile everytime I look at the digital portrait.
my cats name is bear and I would love to win a portrait
My cat’s name is Smokey. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because he is so handsome.
Little Gizzy, blind and deaf, is a very special, well-loved, member of our family. This portrait would be cherished. Thank you.
my wife would love this
Our cat Koshka passed last week after almost 17 years, unfortunately he had kidney failure and his little body was just too worn out to hang on to his birthday this week.
He was part old man, part golden retriever. By far the only cat I’ve ever known to play fetch, steal chicken nuggets and greet me at the door every night after work. He’d get mad if I was working late, and had a particular meow that sounded like “Hello”
I’d love to win this for my wife, and kids, to go on the wall near his urn so we can remember him.
Thanks for this wonderful giveaway.
My cat’s names are Larry and Cricket. I would love to win a digital portrait of either of my girls because I just moved in to a new house and would love some new art of my babies!
My cat’s name is Max. I would love to win a digital portrait of him
because we have several of our last 2 cats, but none of him, and he is my best little buddy
My cat’s name is Pansy. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she is such a precious little girl.
My cat’s name is Basil. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because he almost died last year and had to have complicated surgery. He is very special to me and I treasure his company every day.
My cat’s name is Cleo. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she is a tortie and I think she is beautiful. My family likes to tease me that she is ugly and this would be a constant reminder that they are wrong.
My cat’s name is Sammy. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because our bond is so strong. I’ve never connected this deeply with any other animal. He is especially important to me.
My cat’s name is Luna. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because my partner and I don’t have children and she is the third member of our family. We love her more than words can express and she brings us so much joy. It would be so cool to see her sassy little personality expressed in a digital portrait.
My cat’s name is Peanut and I would love a picture of her because she is no longer with us
My cat’s name is Tolka. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because it took me 2 months to catch him (he was living in my storm drain) so I could get him medical help. It was a long road to recovery. He had a variety of ailments – dental, eye, and skin infections, allergies, underweight, and the most striking problem – his missing ear! He has taken to indoor life amazingly well. He is both vision and hearing impaired, but loves to play with his brother and sisters and even learned to play with toys! I’m just so proud of him! He’s an amazing boy!
My cat’s name is Kourtney and. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she is the most extraordinary cat I have ever had the pleasure of sharing my life with,
I found her in the woods hobbling on 3 legs. The vet said she had torn a ligament .After treatment I kept her in the house so she could recover and by then she had won my heart and I kept her. Now she follows me around wanting to have her belly rubbed!
I love to get my cat Snownball paint picture because he pure white and long haired. I would like have forever painted of him
My cat’s name is Gavin. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because he is a rescue cat and I share him with my Cousin. He fell in love with her so now I have to go to her house to see him
My cat’s name is Burney. I would love to win a digital portrait of him/her because he is a handsome ginger floof.
My cat’s name is Sunshine. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she is 17.5 years old and I am not sure how long she will be around. I’ve had Sunshine since she was 6 months old, and she truly became my therapy cat in 2019. She wouldn’t leave my side for over two years when I was dealing with various major health issues.
My cat’s name was Lacey I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she was 16 years old and just the best cat! Was born when our daughter was 2 and was attached untii Lacey passed away. Would be wonderful to have a special memory picture of her!
My cat’s name is Oscar. I would love to win a digital portrait of him as he is a handsome tuxedo cat with a spot on his nose. I’d love to have a portrait of him to display in my home
My cat’s name is Forest. I would love to win a digital portrait of him/her because she was born with crooked front paws and has been able to overcome all and any challenges thrown her way. She’s a cutie and makes our house a home.
My cat’s name is cupcake I would love to win a digital portrait of him/her because she is such a good cat
My cat’s name is Taranis. I would love to win a digital portrait of him/her because he passed away a couple of years ago now, and would love a portrait to remember him by. I Still miss him everyday </3
My cat’s name is Stewart. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because he has been my rock and constant companion since the untimely passing of my son. Thank You
My cat’s name is Max I would love to win a digital portrait of him/her because he has the cutest face with speckles on his nose.
My sons cat’s name is lily. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because my son would cherish it forever
My cat’s name is James. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because I would display it at work so everyone can see my handsome furbaby!
My cat’s name is Link. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because he’s been an amazing support to my entire family through some hard times. We adore him and would love to have a beautiful portrait of him, now and always.
My spouse and I have three kitties- the oldest two females who are now 16 and 17 years old he’s raised since they were kittens (although not from the same litter, but he’s always called them ”The Twins”. The youngest is a male, not quite a year old, he brought home last summer. The oldest two are his he got before I met him, and the kitten is more attached to him than he is to me.
However, I would personally love to win a digital portrait of my beloved late orange tabby cat, Rocky- who passed away due to kidney disease at nearly 17 years of age two years ago. While I have many pictures of him, it would be SO nice to commemorate his memory, as he was my own cat before he joined our current cat household, so I naturally have many fond memories of him when it was just the two of us living together.
My cat’s name is Mousey. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she’s my best friend and it would be nice to have this hanging on my wall for everyone to see
My cat’s name was Raider. I would love to win a digital portrait of him/her because he Left us too soon..We honor him everyday on Facebook..I started a”contest” page to help animal rescues and shelters win money..
This would be for my sister’s cat, Pippin. He was a rescue who had a hard start in life, my sister was able to nurse him back to health. He’s one and a half years old and thriving now! I would love to get the chance to surprise her with a digital portrait of her cat
My cat is a comfort kitty and a tuxy, Sherlock! Sherlock is very gorgeous, and has markings that make him special, under the chin, on the nose, white with white whiskers. Sherlock would look wonderful on my wall! I hope to win this !
My cat’s name is Kasumi. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she’s just the cutest little thing.
My cat’s name is Lucy. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because my late husband found her shortly before he died….she brought us such joy and she really is my angel and toes to hy husband.
My cats names are Hamilton and Jefferson and I would love to win a digital portrait of him/her because they are my best friends and they deserve to have a special picture to honor them.
My cat’s name is Tootsie. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she was very special to us. Tootsie came to live with us on the same day we buried our baby daughter and she was with us for almost 20 years. We miss her so much and would love an amazing reminder of her.
My cat’s name is Luciano. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because he is the last of two litters born to a feral mom that I fed. His brother Rudy passed away in February and I know my days are numbered with Luci. He’ll be 20 this fall and is a sleek black cat who’s coat has grown speckled with flecks of white and has these gorgeous white whiskers that ofter droop like a mustache. He has beautiful green eyes all of which could make for a stricking portrait
My cat’s name is Poobah!

I would like to win a digital portrait of him because he’s almost 16, and is palliative due to cancer in his upper and lower jaw. He was diagnosed 3 months ago, and is still the weird little house Panther we know and love. This would be the perfect memorial to immortalize him.
My cat’s name is Leo. I would love to win a digital portrait of him/her because he provides our daughter so much love!
Our cat’s name is Augustus. We would love to win a digital portrait of him because he is a senior cat who has started having difficulty with his jumps, and it would be nice to have a piece of art to remember him by, one day when he goes to cat heaven. He’s a very special tabby cat
My cat’s name was Barkerman. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because it would be a beautiful piece of art as a special keepsake of him since I lost him to cancer. These are stunning and while photos are great memories there is something very special about a one of a kind art piece of a loved one. Sadly we all know the pain that comes with the loss of our fur kids or the sadness as they age and fall ill. This is something very special to have.
My cat’s name is Kitty. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because he is the sweetest kitty cat in the world and deserves to have his space decorated with himself! ^.^ Kitty can match with his dog brother’s portrait hanging in the house. They are besties!
My cat’s name is Chiana. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she is my rescued, foster fail wild child and is such a beauty!
My cat’s name is Shadow. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she is a pretty cool cat with double paws…
My cat’s name is Noodles. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because I miss him so much and it would be a great tribute to him.
My cat’s name is Velvet Thunder. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because I don’t have any artwork of her to put up around my apartment but I would love to have some!
My cat’s name is Mona. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she has the most expressive face and would make for a beautiful portrait.
My cat’s name is Moxie. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because black cats can benefit from the positive PR as they are often the last ones to be adopted from the shelter despite their loving purrsonalities, sleek shiny fur and velvety noses! A lovely portrait would do wonders to help increase black cat adoptions by showcasing how truly beautiful they really are!
My cat’s name is Reedus. I would love to win a digital portrait of him because I believe he’s such a handsome boy and I would absolutely treasure a portrait of him.
My cat’s name is dexter. I would love to win a digital portrait of him/her because my mom would adore it
My cat’s name is Aubrey. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she is a gorgeous cat and the artwork would take pride of place in our home.
My cat’s name is Philly. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because it would make a beautiful gift.
My cat’s name is Sugar. I would love to win a digital portrait of her because she is my best friend and her beautiful green eyes would look amazing in a portrait!
My gorgeous girl Rosie just passed away. She gave birth to 3 babies. A day and a half later she was sick. Took her to the vet and she had to have an emergency C Section. 2 babies stuck inside her. She did well for the surgery and an hour into recovery she had cardiac arrest and the vet could not save her. She is gone…I would love this as a tribute to my beautiful Rosie