Cats have long held a reputation of being aloof, serious, and not in need of as much attention as their canine counterparts. The truth is that cats need enrichment and exercise as much as any other pet.
Bored, frustrated, and under-stimulated cats can develop health and behavior problems that no cat parent wants. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to make a difference. PLAY WITH YOUR CAT! by animal behavior expert Dr. Mikel Maria Delgado explains the key to cat well-being: interactive play!
In this comprehensive, illustrated guide she shares the wide-reaching benefits of play and how to develop play habits that work for your schedule and your cat’s.
This book is a fun, comprehensive guide to the key to cat happiness—play!
Delgado is a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist with a PhD in animal behavior, the resident cat behavior expert for Rover, and co-founder of Feline Minds, a cat consulting business. She has been interviewed and extensively quoted by outlets like NPR’s All Things Considered, The New York Times, and Scientific American, and she is the co-author of bestselling cat care guide TOTAL CAT MOJO, with Jackson Galaxy.

Using an evidence-based approach and the latest scientific research, Delgado shares:
- Why play is just as important as food, water, and a clean litter box for a cat’s welfare
- Tips for selecting toys your cat will actually use and enjoy
- The different types of play and how play behavior develops in cats
- Ways to encourage play when you have multiple cats and how to distinguish playing from
fighting - Ground rules for child-cat play to keep both safe
- How your cat’s age, sex, body type, and health can affect play
- Guidance on determining your cat’s personality type and matching it to play behavior
- Fun facts, like the function of the adorable pre-pounce butt wiggle
- Using play to improve problematic cat behaviors, like disruptive late-night zoomies
Playfully written and with cute illustrations, PLAY WITH YOUR CAT! is an essential read for cat parents looking to understand their feline friend—and have some fun in the process.
We’re pleased to announce that the publishing house (Penguin Random) kindly offered us 5 copies for five lucky Purrington Post readers to WIN!
This contest ended on April 5th, 2024 and was available to North American residents. To enter you simply needed to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
My cats [names of your cats] and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because [your reason]
The 5 winners were chosen by the publishing team from all the correctly submitted entries and contacted by email.
Author Bio
Mikel Maria Delgado, PhD, is a certified cat behavior consultant and animal behavior scientist. She is an internationally recognized cat expert and has been interviewed by the BBC, NPR’s All Things Considered, Science Friday, The Washington Post, The New York Times, National Geographic, The Atlantic, Newsweek, and Scientific American. Delgado currently lives in Sacramento, California, with her boyfriend, Scott, and their three happy rescue cats: Coriander, Professor Scribbles, and Ruby.
I would love to win this. I have two new cats I’m blending in to my family and they are younger than the rest. We need to do a lot of playing.
My cats Olafo, Jamie, Milo and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because with it I can show my new son how to play with his siblings! Thanks for the giveaway!
My cats Besame, Moses, Hobbes, Gizmo, Henry, Rufus, Toby, Houdini, and Mim and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because they know that I am the best toy the have and I love to play with them.
I hope to win
My cats Ra, Little Rascal, Mowgli, Tiger, & Aubie and I would love to win a copy of Play With Your Cat because they are always following me around wanting me to pet them or play with them. When I lay down they all cuddle up to me & play with my hands or hair or whatever I am holding. Plus I love your books.
My cat, Dodo, and I would love to win a copy of this book, PLAY WITH YOUR CAT, because my Dodo is so spoiled that he has become bored with just about every toy that he gets (and he gets plenty), or any games I try to play with him (except try to grab my hand under the blankets). Maybe the book will.give me fresh ideas. Thank you!
My cats Smoky, Sky and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT’ because they absolutely love to play and especially love new games.
My cats Ruby and Kenzie and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because Ruby is older and Kenzie gets bored a LOT; she’s very inquisitive and fearless. I want to tailor play to each of their personalities and give them the happiest life with me they can have!
My cats Bear and Pudge and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!’ because we just attended her zoom presentation last week and it was Meowvalous, and her advice and suggestions are purrfect for us cuz we love, love to play!
My cat Mystic and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because we love to play! I feel like we ran out of ways to play and for me to keep her busy and would love to spend as much time with my furbaby as I can.
My cat Mystic and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because we love to play and are always looking for new ways that I can spend more time with my fur baby.
I would like to win a copy of Play With Your Cat because I have two cats who I love!
My cats Smokey, Chesney , Gandolfini, Jakey, Halloween and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because with 5 boys, we need all of the new challenges tha we can get!!
I have 10 cats, several seniors included. We would really enjoy this awesome book.
Our fellas are: Brownie, Othello, Mellow (Yellow), Angus, Pirata and Munchkin. Our girls are: Princessa, Minnie, Gracie and Khali.
My cats Lily and Gizmo and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because we love to play together.
I would like to win a copy of play with your cat because my two rescue girls Princess and Rosie are on in years and I’d like more innovative ways to keep them enrichment and entertained. Princess (14) does multiple tricks and puzzle boxes. She’s really smart and I want to keep her from being bored and constantly stimulated thank you
My cats Arthur, Charlie, Wesley and I would love to win a copy of PLAY WITH YOUR CAT! because we lost our little girl kitty Karen Elizabeth last week and I would like to introduce these boys to some new things during this grieving time.
My cat Gooseberry and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because he has not been very active of late so maybe I need to learn some new techniques for engaging him in play.
My cats Valentina and Lacey and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because they are my sweet baby girls and I love to play with them always.
Misty needs more play tatics for an older kitty.
I would love to win a copy of “Play with your Cat”. I have three senior cats that I have rescued, “Cotton, Pickles and Katileana”. I am on the road a lot and take Cotton, my albino Siamese with me, but when I get home it seems that all three of them don’t get along and need other things to do besides argue or sleep all day! They do play with mice toys, and I try to have things for them- but if I could figure out how to play with them, they would stop following me around or sleep all day and keep me up at night. I need help!!! I would hope this book would help me with suggestions on how to keep them active so maybe they will settle in for the night and I will be able to sleep as well! Thank you.
My cats, Doodles and Ruby, and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because I believe it will help Ruby with her weight and engage Doodles more as he is getting older. I also feel it will strengthen our bond and help with my mental health.
My cats, Mookie, Lewis, Ricky (downstairs neighbor cat), and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because cats are pawsome and deserve lots of love, cuddles, treats, and playtime. Cats need healthy stimulation and exercise! And, it’s a great way to bond with your kitties.
My cats Trixie and Sourdough and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because all our kitties could use more exercise and playtime.
My cat Oliver and I would love to win a copy of ‘Play with your Cat’ since we would have more bonding time when playing.
My cats, numerous foster kittens, and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because I raise foster kittens. I not only get them medically healthy and spayed/neutered, but also socially healthy so when I adopt them out, I have them started on good behaviors and help them build confidence, so they will successfully assimilate into their new forever homes. I try to enrich their lives and provide plenty of play, so they grow up healthy and happy and ready for adoption.
My cats Pansy and Basil and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because more quality kitty playtime was my New Year’s promise to them.
My cats Domino and Kathleen and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because what’s more fun than play time with your cat?!?
My kitties come up to me at night to play. They have several options of play one being a laser toy and another favorite is a feather toy. Please let me win so I can know more options to play with my kitties.
My Boys Shaman and Shilah would love this
Thanks for writing this book !!!
My cats Gin-Gin and Kitty and I would love to win a copy of PLAY WITH YOUR CAT, because they can easily bored with old play things.
My cat, Ada, and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because she’s getting bored with the same ol’, same ol’. We need new, fresh ideas to get some exercise!
My cat Penny and I would love to win a copy of Play with your cat because it’s been a long winter of being cooped up .
My cats Zeke, Renata, and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because we all need a little more enrichment after the loss of our 3 senior cats last year and recent adoption of two rescue cats.
Hope I win. Thanks for the chance
My cats Jasper, Penny, and Louise and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because they are all different ages and all have different needs for play!
Looks interesting.
My cats Ms. Caity Sunshine & her son Mr. Frisky Business and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because their aunt (my sister) just adopted a kitten, Jordan, to keep her 2-year-old Thomas company because Thomas lost his partner to FIP after a courageous battle. Caity and Frisky would like to gift the book to the new kitty of the family. That would make all the kitties purr-fectly happy!
My cat Charlie and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because he loves to hunt and catch things outside. I really need some ideas to encourage him to play more inside with his toys. Sometimes he’s in the mood to chase a bird, mouse or feather and sometimes he just sits and watches. We would love to win a copy of Play With Your Cat so we can both play more together inside!
I would love to win this. I have 10 cats in the house all of which need entertaining at different levels and times. I also feed several feral cats outside who I buy toys for at thrift shop so they are entertained too.
My cats Pooky, Olaf, Elsa, Mal, BingBong, & Lilo and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because I am always trying to find new ways to play with my fur babies.
My cats, Asa and Saul, and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!’ because they live to be active and I enjoy watching them engage.
My 12 rescue cats would love a copy of this.
My 12 rescue cats would love a copy of this. Always in need of new ideas
My cats Mickey, Minnie, Tiger, Maxie Leopard, and Rosie and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because it’s always great to continue learning about how to best care for and entertain our furbabies! Thanks so much for the chance to WIN! 😀
My cats Double, Trouble, Monkey, Ninja and Lynx and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because we love to play and are always looking for new and creative ways to enjoy each other’s company. Monkey also needs to play more since he has gotten a bit fluffy if you know what I mean.
My cats Misha and Twister and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because we all need to have some new types of fun things to do together.
My cats, Sassparilla and Daisy, and I would love to win a copy of “PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!” because I could share it with my granddaughters (who Sassparilla adores) and they could learn how to play with him in a way that he likes.
My new boi Boo would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT’ because he’s really serious about play time 😸
My cat is named Kira Grace after our last beloved kitty named Kacey Grace. I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ as I can’t get Kira to play for very long. If this book can teach me how to play with my Kira, I know it would make her life more enjoyable and that is what I want for my Kira kitty. She was a very scared kitty when we rescued her and it has taken years fro her to learn to trust. I would like to be able to enrich her life by helping her to enjoy playing.
My cats Hamilton and Jefferson and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because I need new ideas to play with my boys. I feel like they are abored with their current toys and I need new ideas that I can interact with them. Thanks for the chance.
My cats Charlotte, Leeloo, Ginger, Socks, Antonia and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because Charlotte recently became blind and we would love to find a way she can still play with us. Also, I foster kittens and I think this book would be very helpful to get them more social and playful so they can get adopted.
My cats Rufus the Red, Ernie, and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because they have become less playful as they have gotten older, or maybe I am less creative at playing with them. Anyway, we could use some new ideas, tricks, and techniques. Play With Your Cat sounds like the answer for us.
My cat Molasses and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because she says some of my games are lame and I need some fresh ideas. 🙂
My cats Jinxie and Scooter would love to win a copy of Ply with your cats because they love their human parents and want to them to play more
My cat Ada and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because Ada lives to play.
My cats Myusha, Sparkey, Yona, BB-8, Tomo, Ninjin and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because they range in age from 17 years (Myusha) to 6 months (Tomo & Ninjin). They all play differently from each other which is why this would be good for us.
My cats Mama Bella, Lenny, Squiggy, Mango and Miss Violet and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because unfortunately I am not meeting that need for them! I need {fun} motivation!!
My cats Mitsy and Teddy and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because we need fun new activities. I want my cats to get plenty of mental and physical exorcise.They have a morning routine that includes a squeeze-up treat, their usual hard food, and fresh catnip, but they still aren’t satisfied. Their toys have become boring, even the floppy fish and battery-operated butterfly on a wire. We could use some fun ideas.
My cat’s names are Nelson and Kiki. I would love to win a copy of “PLAY WITH YOUR CAT” because I need to be more engaging with my senior cat who turned 19 in February. He is very loved and just wants to snuggle but I know he needs stimulation as well.
My cat KyKy and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because we need ideas for more enrichment and the kitty could use more exercise.
My cats, Tuffy and Jinks, likes to play with anyone. We will try playing with the book’s games to have something new to do. Please, help us win a copy.
Tuffy and Jinks
I would love to read this book. We have an adorable cat named Willow. It is super to know all we can about our cats.
My cats names are Tyler, Maggie, Cindy, Tiggy,Ruby and Franklin and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because I would like some inspiration and ideas on this topic.
My cats Charlotte & Corbin and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because Charlotte is living the good life and needs to slim down a little. Corbin gets bored easily even when a human is attached to the string. We would love some need ideas for keeping them active and happy.
My cats” names are Harley, Rusty, Emma, Skylar, Remi, Kourtney, and Carley and I would love to win a copy of Play With Your Cat because it is a great way to bond with your cat and spend quality time with them.
My cat Luke and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because Luke gets bored of play time easily and needs some very intriguing play sessions to keep him interested.
My cat Jemma and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because Jemma loves to play with all types of toys and enjoys lots of playful games.
My Cats (Sugar, Stormie, Bunny, Allie, Lael, Bindi, and Jojo and my Niece’s Cat Daphne) and I would love to win a copy of Play With Your Cat because we need to learn productive play that doesn’t include younger Cats tearing up and down the hallway and disrupting and angering older Cats. Sugar (about 15) is now really angry at Bindi (about 5) and has started hissing if she even comes near.
My Cats (Sugar, Stormie, Bunny, Allie, Lael, Bindi, and Jojo and my Niece’s Cat Daphne) and I would love to win a copy of Play With Your Cat because we need to learn productive play that doesn’t include younger Cats tearing up and down the hallway and disrupting and angering older Cats. Sugar (about 15) is now really angry at Bindi (about 5) and has started hissing if she even comes near.
Be fun to win.
My cats, Kimba and Lynx and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because Kimba and I need to get more play out of Lynx, who is a couch potato in need of some exercise!
My cats [Woodrow, Bailey, Sambuca, and Leonardo] and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because I try to be a good cat dad but I know I could be better.
My cat Raijin and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because he’s a play-a-holic and I often feel I’m not being creative enough in what we do together…
My catsname is Silver and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because he is a kitten and needs lots of play time and has a lot of energy!
My cats, Olive, Ridler, Ember, Penny, Mumps, Mandy, Pewter, Pepper and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because I need something actually worth reading.
My cats, Lucky and CeeCee and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because i feel like don’t know how to properly play with them and I don’t want them to get bored.
My cats Kitty and Helix and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because we all appreciate that knowledge of cat behavior and the way their minds work will strengthen our interactions and increase activity, playfulness, and alertness through more mental and physical stimulation whilst decreasing boredom.
My cats Snowball2 and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because he’d like it.
My cats, Archie, Veronice, Milton, Cooper, Mister Pink and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because they are all becoming chonks and getting in more active play would help with weight management. Plus, it would entice them to stay indoors more, which would save Mom a lot of anxiety.
My cats Sophie, Kishke, Boo and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!‘ because they are bored out of their minds.
My cat Floyd and I would love to win a copy of ‘PLAY WITH YOUR CAT!’ because with Floyd turning 11, I need to keep him active, happy, and healthy.
This is a delightful and insightful exploration into the importance of play for our feline friends. It challenges the stereotype of cats as aloof creatures, highlighting how play is essential for their health and happiness. By offering practical advice on how to engage our cats in play, Delgado not only fosters a deeper understanding between cats and their owners but also enhances the overall well-being of our beloved pets.