Introducing a delightful new book called ‘Locked Down‘ where our house bound cats break the silence and share how they really feel about the ongoing pandemic. Who suspected that cats had so much to say about being locked down with us in these difficult times?
Here, in wacky poetry and photos that will make you giggle, you’ll find cats singing duets with their people, riding Roombas, talking to goldfish, and zooming with their feline friends.

Written by Linda J. Wright — an award-winning author of animal rights mysteries, and a lifelong cat lover.
Here’s an excerpt from the book sharing some feline wisdom:

Besides being delightfully entertaining, every book you buy will feed a shelter/rescue cat at least one good meal. We really are all in this together!
And now, we’re really excited to announce this latest contest where five lucky Purrington Post readers will each WIN their very own signed copy of Locked Down!
* Contest Details
This contest ends on February 12th, 2021 and is available to North American residents only. To enter you simply need to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
My cat(s) names are [enter your cats names] and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic [enter any lessons you learned from your cats]
The 5 winners will be chosen from all the correctly submitted entries by the author and contacted by email on or around February 19th, 2021. Have fun with your entry. Be creative and good luck!
Disclosure: Please note that by entering this contest entrants agree that their email address would be made available to the book’s author (Linda J. Wright).
Author Bio
Author Linda J Wright is a lifelong cat lover, the founder of the rescue group The Cat People (Bakersfield, CA), and an award-winning author of animal-themed mysteries. You can read about her, her books, and her animal advocacy work at She’s taking a break from writing her mystery series and is writing not only cat humor “LOCKED DOWN: Cats Write Pandemic Poetry” and coming soon “LOCKED DOWN 2: Cats Write More Pandemic Poetry” but also a series called “The Rescue Chronicles” which are a retrospective of her work in The Cat People. The “LOCKED DOWN” books and the “Rescue Chronicles” are available from her website on the “Little Books” page. Take a hop over there and get to know Linda.
My cat(s) names are Wispeth, Levii, Doodles, Gibson, Chewbacca, etc, etc and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic lots and lots of patience
Mycat’s name are black tail, molly, gibson, shadow, Henry. cholde and shane. They teach patience which runs short at times. but I love my cats andmy two dogs Dana and sandy
My cats names are Fluffy, KD, Nala and Ellie and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic. Family is the most important thing. We can all cuddle together and get through this.
My cats names are Cleo and Storm and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic: Even though our humans seem to be around ALL the time these days, it’s still okay to ignore them because they won’t take it purr-sonally. Also our mom is a radio host with the same last name as the author and would love to win a copy of this book and do an interview with Linda on her Minnesota Morning radio show!!
My cats names are Dexter and Gracie and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic: the best place to live is in the present moment; a warm laptop makes a great place to rest; it’s important to stick to a daily routine; make self-grooming a priority; the squeaky wheel gets the oil (or at least another treat); the best spot in the house is wherever the sun hits; if you need to blow off steam, run a circle around the house as fast as you can; when all else fails, take a nap.
My cat(s) names are Gooseberry, B.W. Huckleberry and Strawberry and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic, cuddling is always better than fighting!
My cats names are Tina, Chip and Dale and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic, that, being single and alone, the cats bring love and companionship when times get rough. Chip and Dale are 5 month old kittens, their antics make me laugh.
My cats’ names are Pikachu, Victoria and Chimera a/k/a Baby LaLa and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic: multiple cat naps are great, group cuddle puddles are the best and our daily meetings of Snuggle-pie Nation make us feel productive. Also, each cat doesn’t need their own “theme song” – too late – and they’re probably tired of hearing their rescue stories but Mom is the treat holder.
My cat’s name is Boo, and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic:
Sleeping is a good way to pass time
So is searching for treats
There’s no such thing as too much cuddling with your favorite human
My cat B.C. (Bella the Cat) has taught me during this pandemic, that when he seems alone and looking for me, lap time is as great as it can be, for both you and me.
My cats names are Molly, Lucy, Mo, and Bitsy and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic, all that matters is that we have each other through thick and thin.
My cat’s names are Sophie, and Delilah and they have taught me during this pandemic that I am always on call for the food bowl.
My cats name is Forrest and here’s what he has been taught me during this pandemic. Cats love to follow a schedule as long as it is their schedule. That it’s okay to be lazy and nap the day away. Just because your single doesn’t mean you don’t get good night kisses. He is still trying to teach me to pay better attention, I hear it 90% of the time but that 10% he has left some good marks telling me enough already stop touching me. But he always comes back later to run his head against mine and touch our noses. It’s his way of saying I’m sorry for getting mad. So he taught me to be more forgiving.
My cats names are JB and Billy Hoy, and they have taught me during this pandemic that selfcare is not indulgent, it is a matter of survival, and constant upkeep of your appearance is what you owe society, even if it’s over zoom or just to the lobby to get your mail, or to the other creatures you are locked down with. Nothing feels better than taking care of yourself and looking really good. And secretly or not so secretly, EVERYONE wants to see the cat during the video meeting! Stay curious. Even if you’ve been in the same apartment for years, there is always something interesting to learn. Stay curious.
My cat’s name is Clancy and he has taught me that just hanging at home is an good thing to do. “Just chill mom…it is going to be okay!” He is my most beautiful boy and my best friend!!!
My cat’s name is Captain Star Destroyer. He has taught me, through this pandemic, that it’s the little things that count. That kindness matters. He’s also taught me that HE runs the show, not me!
My cats names are Tawny & Mr. Bingo C. Huckleberry III, and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic – to CHILL out!
My cats are Zoe, Eustis, Gonzo and Jonesy. I work in healthcare as a nurse and my cats have taught me that they can be my little caretakers at times. My Gonzo, especially, has decided that I need more snuggles and purrs!
My kittos names are Ringo Toots and Popo. My cats have taught me during times such as these we must love one another and help one another wether it b friend family or complete stranger. Our love for all people and creatures will survive all
My kitties are Jitterbug, Tabbie Kitkat and Gypsy and they have taught me patience and enjoyment at home.
My cats names are Ghoulie, Boo & Biscuit and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic, you really don’t need much in life to be happy and content!
My cat(s) names are [Maximo and Baxter] and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic [WE quarantine really well together]
My cat’s name is Kikke, & he’s taught me to slow down & make time for relaxing with him.
My cats names are Muenster & Marley here’s what they taught me during this pandemic, even the simplest of things, like playing with a plastic bag are worthwhile endeavors during this pandemic.
My cats names are Thumper and Jack… aka “The Black-Jack”, and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic , that true love comes from within, and they give it oh so willingly. My cats never waiver, they always stand with us no matter the situation. I am so blessed to have them with us!! The Pandemic will not stop us EVER !! ,
My cats name is Sassie. We named her this because when we brought her home she would accept that dogs are supposed chase her. Now she’s acting like a dog. She gets in line for treats with the dogs and will help herself to our food if we don’t watch her. She is enjoying us being home more. She will grab our hands with her front paws when she wants attention.
She’s taught me to accept life as it is and just keep going.
My cat is named Mr. Beau and during this pandemic he taught me that everything is great as long as we’re together.
My cats’ names are Spot, Momma Kitty, Bear, Ginger, Raven, Cricket, Waffle Ann, Dusty, ButterBee, Misty, Liberty, Buddy, Pretty, and Li’l Bo, and what they taught me during this pandemic is to choose my battles wisely, because I am greatly outnumbered and I CAN lose! And keep stocked up on band-aids, alcohol wipes and Tylenol.
My cat’s name is Bindy, and he has taught me during the pandemic that what’s his is his, what’s mine is his, and that’s the way it is! (And I wouldn’t have it any other way.)
My cat’s names are Bandit & Mikko and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic; tenacity.
My cats’ name is Sally Ashes and here’s what she taught me during this pandemic, is Life is full of surprises so be prepared for anything.
I have 3 Cats & think this book will be great fun & informative 😻😻😻
My cats name are Molly and Bailey and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic, even a mom can get mad at her kid(s) and still love them and want to snuggle with them. Also, lots of patience for being locked up and too close for so long
My cat names are Crouton and Blisters here’s what they taught me during this pandemic…not only have they been so happy that Cat Mom and Cat Dad are always home since we have since been unemployed but they need more love than ever. We got Blisters as a kitten in 2020 and Crouton is a senior. It took months for transition for them to get along. He suffers from hyper thyroid disease, kidney failure and a heart murmur. We are all in this together. Family is everything!
My cat(s) names are Victoria and Elizabeth and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic: that it’s okay to sleep the day away when I need a rest; that I can create my own amusement and joy by sitting in sunshine or scaring people around corners; and that dry kibble is always unpleasant and never welcome.
My cats’ names are Domino and Kathleen and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic: just enjoy the day as it comes. Take naps, watch the birds out the window, don’t overeat and always keep up your grooming!
My cat(s) names are Spuds, Pip, Puff, Quinn, Ringo, Coco Chanel, Slinky, Pinky, Squishy, Michael, and Jack here’s what they taught me during this pandemic is feed them on time, clean litter boxes 2x daily and make time for petting and treats.
My cat(s) names are Squeeks & ZoZo and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic: 1. Cats rule 2. Cats eat all hours of the day. 3. Cats rule 4. Cats sleep whenever & wherever they desire. 5. Cats are allowed anywhere they can get to. 6. Did I mention Cats Rule 😻
Our cats names are Mother, Callie, Sunny and Marble, and what they taught me during this pandemic is that they are always LOVED, no matter WHAT is going on in this world!!
My cats’ names are Suha and Elvis, and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic: how very fortunate I am to be able to work at and from home in normal times or in crisis times!
My cats names are Raina, Topaz, Jake and Ali and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic – that cats make better coworkers than humans, wash your paws often and eat when you feel like it!
My cats name is Spiget, she is 18 years old.
Her brother passed away 2 years ago. We still miss him very much. She has taught me to be patient.
We don’t have to get in a hurry to go no place,
but it’s ok cause we order from Chewy,so her
bowl is always full with her dry food & she gets her
can food 3 times aday, or more. She has taught me that it’s ok to eat breakfast at 5am, we can just go back to sleep. So she has taught me to just take my time, we don’t have to follow the clock! If u are
on cat time, life is easier.
My cats name is Louie and here’s what he taught me during this pandemic, that everything is better after a snack and a nap.
My fur baby’s name is Patty and she has taught me to play hard and sleep a lot during this pandemic.
My cats’ names are Cleo & Oliver, and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic. Even if you are working at home – you are not allowed to sleep in. EVER. Nightly kisses & bathing sessions, even on weekends, make sure you know how much you are appreciated at home.
My cat(s) names are Valentine, Vanya and Jack and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic. Jack, the only one of the 3 cats is an outdoor -semi-feral who adopted us 5 years ago. He is a treasure in that no matter how difficult his life may be with weather and predators, he is ever grateful for the food and shelter provided, always happy to see us and receive some pets and give us some purrs. The two indoor cats live the very best of life with everything that is very basic, food, water shelter, love, a warm fire at night. All three cats live in the moment, harboring no ills against anyone or anything. The cats have taught me what really matters in life as we live through the challenges of the pandemic, that wants are not needs, that if we all care for others, are grateful and satisfied with what we have, tough it through hard times but then move on, we are living life as it was meant to be and we will have peace.
My cat(s) names are Lil Bear and Gabriel and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic: computer work is boring and it is so much fun to sleep on the keyboard. Do not get upset when a document gets erased by a single step on the keyboard. Turn autosave on for all documents. Take time to play. It’s not all about work.
My cats names are Smores, Sylvester and Ginger. Here’s what they taught me during this pandemic: 1. If humans cleaned themselves as much as cats do, we might not be in this predicament 🐺
2. It’s ok to wake up your humans at 3:00 am since they don’t seem to ever leave the house anyway
3. It’s ok to protest the food since the humans are home and can offer you something better, not like when they went to work all day.
4. Last of all, there’s nothing as precious as a soft, warm, purring cat to make you forget your troubles 🐺🐱
My cats (Pudge, Smithers, Brody, Buttercup) have taught me patience during the pandemic. Each has had medical issues since last March, ranging from a diabetes diagnosis to pancreatitis to osteoarthritis. They have also taught me that not travelling so much means more time with them (and money available for vet bills)
My cats’ names are Phoebe Bebe, Teddy Bear, Fluffy the UNfluffy, Kitteh, and Meiko all came to us as abandons we took them in over the past 16 years. Each one has brought with them so much love and joy and comfort, priceless and unique in every way. It has been a blessing to see their relief and happiness to have a home where they know they are safe and loved and will never go hungry or thirsty or worry about the cold or heat or rain or snow or thunderstorms or dangerous animals. During this pandemic they have given us their unique and endearing company, my husband looks forward to seeing them every night (he is an essential worker) and they wait to see him every night as well. Teddy Bear sits at the door like a puppy when he hears his truck pull into the driveway. We have both come to see and truly feel that their unconditional love and their sheer joy of just being alive is the most important feelings to hold onto.
This book sounds like fun. I love poetry and cats. I can’t wait to read this book that I am going to win. Thank you for your consideration and have a good day
My cats names are Rucker, Mira, Hewitt and Tori and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic: the house is a great place to hang out, 4pm is the perfect time for dinner, and there’s never a bad time for a nap.
My cats are Rocky and Gabby. They thought they were going to get treats all the time. And they think 4:30am is breakfast time. 5 minutes after they ate they slept for most of the day.
My cats names are Lilly(Genius cat), Gigi (putter puss) and Sam. Lilly and Gigi were rescues I adopted while living in Florida and they came with me to NC when I moved in with my future husband. Sam was adopted by my mother-in-law for her elderly cat but lasted 1 hour and we took himbbecasue he reminded my husband of another Sam of his. So glad we did because Lilly and Gigi have never bonded , but Gigi has with Sam. They are a joy to watch. We both work from home but since the pandemic they have had a chance to enjoy my husband as all his trade shows were canceled. We now feed myriad birds and squirrels that they can watch from the long windows plus opossums and a raccoon we feed at night, for their entertainment. They teach us every day about love and caring and taking care of each other.Of all the cats we both have had over many years, Lilly is an exception with a huge vocabulary and so many expressions, and she plots as well! They have taught me and my husband the value of spending time together and that time has n price! They are priceless and I hope they know how loved they are. I am learning to take better care of me again, not just for us but for the us that included them:)
My cats’ names are Harley, Jake, Rusty, Remi, Willow, Skylar, Carly, and Emma and I have learned that sleeping 18 hours a day is a great way to get through the day during a pandemic!!! O f course getting up to eat every once in a while is ok too.
My cats names are Coco, Tank and Normy. They have taught about the love a cat can display when you love them…
My cat(s) names are Tory and Yeller, [enter your cats names] and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic that they get just as bored at home all day and think that they own me and that they start running through the house at 5 am if I am not up out of bed, and they have taught me the importance of taking a nap during the day and stretching before I get up and moving. I thoroughly enjoy my cats..
My cat(s) name is Spunk and here’s what he taught me during this pandemic – Since his humans are home, he needs more treats as payment for taking care of us with cuddles and rubs and 4 foot high wall jumps :).
My cat’s names are Judah Ben Katz, Isis Bas Katz, and Mordechai Avram Ben Katz and they have taught me to love life to the fullest and not dwell on the past.
My cats are Jack & Penny & they have taught me during this pandemic that there are never enough pets.
My cat’s name is Kitty and here’s what she taught me during this pandemic: To give her new treats, new kitty beds, and loads of attention!
My cats names are Sammy, Midnight, Moonlight, Alize and Star, and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic, they taught me they’d always be here for me through anything, good and bad, that cuddles and kisses can cure loneliness and depression, and that no matter what, they love me unconditionally.
My Panther cats Jinx and Carson have taught me nothing gets the students’ attention better than a cat walking in front of the zoom screen. Virtual teaching is better with cats.
My cat(s) names are Guimauve and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic : never close ur room door for any reason Cuz she Will scratch it till u get up 》.《
My reply is my previous message about the little back neadding and extra warmth
My cat (s) names are Autumn, Kefir, Reigny, Kiki, Tigger, Rev (chimney cat), Spook, Baby Leonard, Sabrina, Nikita, Fuzzy Bear, Sperry, Jazz, Abby and Squeaky and here is what my cats taught me during the pandemic. They are much easier to be around all day than people. They enjoy all the time you give them, though it’s never enough, unless they say it is. They love you unconditionally and will be around you whether you want them too or not. They are more appreciative than people and won’t argue or talk back to you. Some might meow at you just to make it seem like they are listening, even though they probably aren’t lol
My cat names are Philly and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic: Too much fear being spread on the TV.
My three furbabies have been in the thick of a crazy time during this pandemic because in the MIDDLE of the pandemic we sold THEIR house (it’s not ours y’a know) and BUILT them a brand new dream home on the water right next to a nature easement (oh yeah talk about DREAM kitty home (sooooo many birds and these weird tall cats with horns that mommy calls deer). They did so well in every AirBnB we stayed in (even the horribly TINY place with random critters running inside the walls that they thought were fun to chase). So this pandemic has certainly been on CRAZY adventure for Nefertiti, Bastet and Rowdy (they are all rescued kitties BTW) – I drove to Indiana to get Nefertiti, Bastet was adopted as a kitten, and Rowdy was “sent” from our furbaby who crossed the rainbow bridge, Pharaoh, he knew our hearts were broken after he passed, so he sent us looking for a new buddy and Rowdy came into our lives (he’s very much like Pharaoh in the personality department). After living in THIER new home for about 3 weeks they are happy and settled (and excited to be looking out at the world though HUGE WINDOWS). Stay safe everyone – Nefertiti, Bastet and Rowdy all send their love ❤️ 🐾
My cats names are Ms. Caity Sunshine and Mr. Frisky Business and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic: Being hunkered at home with two indoor-only cats is a Good Thing! Those two, mama kitty and her crazy son, give us smiles and laughs every single day. And oh yes, I think they are very happy to have us at home with them All The Time!
My cat’s name is Flower and she taught me that eating when I want, sleeping when I want, and curling up in my favorite spots at home isn’t a bad thing at all. She has been my “stay at home” pandemic guru.
My cats names are Pooky, Elsa, Olaf, BingBong, and Mal. They havetaught me during this pandemic that cuddles are the best remedy for feeling stressed out.
My cat(s) names are Little Bear, Puffi, Myusha, Sparkey, Yona and BB-8 and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic: the boys – Little Bear, Myusha and Sparkey have decided that cuddling on the sofa at night is good. Miss Puffi and Yona prefer their own space (they’re just aloof girls). BB-8 has decided that when I stretch out for an afternoon nap on the sofa, it is her prerogative to slither into one side of my hoodie and join the nap.
My cats names are Scrat, Double, Trouble, Ninja, Monkey, and Lynx and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic it is still not acceptable under any circumstances even a pandemic to feed them late.
My cat(s) names are Boris & Jonesey and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic to take more naps.
My cat’s name is Chilli and here’s what she taught me during this pandemic; snuggle those you can.
My cats are Sammy, JR, KitKat, Callie, BW, Blackie, and Whitey. They taught me that life continues regardless of what is going on outside the home.
My cat(s) names are Kitty and Mama and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic — to remember and appreciate the beauty and circle of life and to love the simple things in life (Mama is a stray that got pregnant and we fostered her kittens and found them homes – best experience ever), as well as to slow down in such a fast paced world to spend time together and get some cuddles in <3
Our cat’s name is Tequila! He’s taught us you needn’t drink it to be buzzed but play, play and more play can be done in the smallest of spaces and rewards both us and him with fitness and ultimately relaxation. With no bad side effects…
My cat’s name is Liam, and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic … that Liam is my life line, and just as he saved my life 7 years ago by entering it during one of the most darkest periods up till then (suicidal/heavy depression), he continues to still be the one who keeps saving me through anything/everything. That unconditional type of love is priceless, and is something that can’t be replaced… LOVE MY SQUISHY LIAM!..(: (: <3
My cats’ names are Bobby (10), Teddy (9), and Frankie (1). The 2 older ones were my mother’s cats. When she passed away, I brought them into my house. The older boys are buddies and still feel a bit of disdain for the youngster. Although I’ve had cats my entire life (68), I never really noticed all the little nuances other personalities. Being quarantine with them allowed me to really get to know them and their idiosyncrasies, and even though I realize they are cats, I look at them as people with their own little peculiarities. They show love in different ways, and I’ve learned to appreciate each one of them.
My cat(s) names are Luna, Leo, Princess Fluffybut, Felix, Sassy, Freckles, Chirper, and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic: always land on your feet, pounce on possibilities, stretch often and delight in the simple joy of a long nap, and kitty cuddles are the best cuddles.
My cats names are Ra, Little Rascal, Tiger and Mowgli. They are all rescues who have taught me all about unconditional love. Ra likes to sit on my lap and give me kisses. Little Rascal likes to get as close to me as he can on bed or sofa. Then he “flops” over against me. Tiger likes hugs and kisses. He will climb on my lap and puts his arms around my neck. Then he actually hugs me ! He also likes to crawl under the covers with me on the bed. They always seem to know when I am feeling bad or depressed. I wouldn’t make it. They bring me so much joy!
My cat(s) names are Abby, Winston and Roy, and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic; you can never take too many naps, naps are always better when taken with a cat, no matter how busy you are you there is always enough time to stop and pet your cat, and that it is sometimes the simple things that can make your the happiest, in their cases…sitting on someone’s lap, empty boxes and string…lots and lots of string! Slow down, enjoy yourself, and make the most of what you have is their daily lesson for my family.
My cats’ names are Kimba and Lynx and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic: There is ALWAYS time for a snuggly nap after a good game of chase the bouncy ball … always!!
My cat’s name is Catticus and here’s what he taught me during this pandemic: I’m always out of toilet paper.
My cats names are Lucifer, Loki, Cleo, Louie, Martin and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic: They are always there for me not matter what, that they support me and love me and life with cats is the best life!
My cat’s name is Woozle, and here’s what he taught me during this pandemic:
[in my words, translated—poorly—by my hooman, FeedME…she has some other name she goes by, but that is of no consequence]
Birds don’t wear masks.
Fish don’t wear masks.
Therefore Birdy TV and Fish TV channels are unaffected by this thing you hoomans wear muzzles for.
Turn on the TV. And you can go, until I need you.
Why are you still here?
Why aren’t you wherever it is you go?
I don’t want to be pet right now. It’s nap time. Just because you don’t sleep all day doesn’t mean I have to be open for business. Please stop.
And why do you keep bribing me with treats? You are getting fat. I don’t need to join you in your indolence. You are irresponsible. Stop using food to distract me. I have things to do. And undo. And not do.
Ummm… alright, I’ll allow you to pet me. This is nice. Yes….more, FeedMe.
I will lie on your legs and you won’t be able to get to the kitchen. You aren’t even aware that I am taking care of you. I own you. It’s my responsibility.
My cats names are Riki Tiki Purr Purr, Sassy Lassy and Annie Banannie and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic… love and prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrotect the ones you’re with.(wear a mask)
Be patient and don’t howl and hiss when things don’t go your way.
Brown paper bags and ping pong balls are a good thing.
My cat’s names are Punkie/Norton/Sweet Pea/PaNina/Mama Bella/Boomer/Lenny/Squiggy/Miss Violet/Mango…(phew!)…and what they taught me during this pandemic is how important they are to me as family! It was the goings-on of 10 fuzzy kids with all it’s perils and love and laughter.
My cat’s names are Lucy and Paulie and what they taught me during this pandemic is how much we love each other. They have also taught me how blessed I am , and how truly grateful I am to have not only one best friend, Lucy, but now Paulie is a new best friend.
My cat’s name is Chester Barkley, and here’s what he has taught me during this pandemic: Nothing. Zippo. Zilch.
Big ol’ goose egg.
Chester has never taken it upon himself to impart advice to me, as I am not worthy. And the lockdown situation has provided no relief. As of yesterday, I have been kicked down the ladder to a new rung of despair: I am now less interesting than the UPS delivery driver. Shocking, I know. It’s been a difficult time, no matter how many Mewber Eats meals I personally deliver to him within his private gated residence — AKA, The Closet.
I am in dire straits. I’d love a copy of your book so that I can discover what he’s been doing in that closet for ten months. All I ever see in that room is a floor littered with empty Pizza Uno boxes and shredded take-out napkins. I need to understand my master.
Thank you for your help.
I remain,
Yours in need of insight and humor,
My cat’s name is Norris. He has taught me that variety is the spice of life. He endures dry cat food as long as there is delicious wet food at least once a week. He moved in with me at the very start start of the pandemic. He had been abandoned at the Harlem stop of the Green Line of the Chicago elevated train line. Truly the end of the line on a very busy street. Fortunately a kind soul found him and brought him to the animal shelter, where I then found him. .
My cat’s names are Sunshine, Chi chi, Ashley “Meep,” Sedona and Angel. During the pandemic my opportunistic cats taught me how to be the purrfect hooman love slave who caters to their every whim. My fur babies never cease to amaze me.
My cats are Tatiana, Alexander, Leonardo, Giovanni and Antonio and here’s what they taught me during the pandemic: there isn’t anything wrong with taking a cat nap during the day, enjoy the solitude, find a sunny spot and bask in the warmth, and purring is the best medicine. My cats taught me they are the best therapy money has to offer.
My cats names are Boo and Floyd and here’s what they taught me during this pandemic : that when you work from home they are very helpful. They know how to staple papers with their claws, they know how to be my very own paper shedder, they are very fast typers, they love to be on Zoom, ( they really were a hit!) , they are the best alarm clocks, and they know how to show you when and how to take a great nap. That anything can be great toys, a box of paper clips? They found out that when you open your door your food is right there, and we should be very grateful.
Best of all they taught me it’s free to snuggle and be together and be very thankful that we have each other. Gotta love that!
Hi Linda,
My cats names are : Tiger & Felix, what they taught me during this pandemic is we all have to stay positive and hope for the best to come back again.