Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion is an affectionate and insightful exploration of the deep connections between cats and their human companions. Through a series of personal stories, interviews with cat owners, facts, anecdotes, and adorable photos, author Pamela Wallin delves into the unique bond that exists between cats and people and explores how these feline friends bring comfort, joy, and even healing to our lives.

With a blend of humor, compassion, and a deep understanding of cat behavior, Wallin shares her own experiences as a devoted cat owner and offers practical advice for creating a happy home for both cats and humans.
You will discover that, despite superstitions abound, cats have played a powerful and positive role in the lives of many. Florence Nightingale owned more than sixty cats during her lifetime. When Anne Frank and her family were forced into hiding from the Nazis, she named her famous diary “Kitty.” Cats have also inspired great literature, from the likes of Rudyard Kipling, Ernest Hemingway, Mark Twain, Timothy Finlay, and Margaret Atwood. Stories like Puss in Boots, the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland, and The Cat in the Hat have amused and helped children tumble willingly into dreamland.

Editor’s Opinion
We thoroughly enjoyed our copy – a truly delightful read, full of fascinating titbits of historical fact, humorous and insightful anecdotes, as well as personal stories. Aptly titled “Life Lessons from A Purring Companion” this book offers something for every cat lover. Here are a couple of excerpts from the book to illustrate:
“The cat has been the companion of the human race since the long-forgotten beginnings of our time on earth, and it is no wonder that her powerful spirit has created many myths and legends about her mystery and secret knowledge.“
“Sailors, who risked their lives on the ocean, believed in many spells and superstitions that they hoped would keep them safe. It was very important to have a cat on board their ship, particularly a cat with six or seven toes on each paw. But cats in general were bearers of good luck. Yet, the word “cat” itself was unlucky, and sailors would not allow the little syllable to pass their lips. And if the ship’s cat was black, it must have no white hairs. Cats were thought to be able to either prevent disaster, or bring it down around people’s ears in a moment. If a cat was thrown overboard, a violent storm would blow up at once. As late as the nineteenth century, a ship’s cargo could not be insured against loss if there was no cat on board.“
A pleasant and engaging read (~45 min), Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion is an excellent addition to any cat lover’s library.
We’re so pleased to announce that the author (bio below) kindly offered us 5 copies for 5 lucky Purrington Post readers to WIN!
This contest ended on February 5th, 2024 and was available to North American residents. To enter you simply had to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
My cats [names of your cats] and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because [your reason]
The 5 winners were chosen by the publishing team from all the correctly submitted entries and contacted by email.
Read more about the book on Amazon here.
Author Bio
Pamela Wallin is a Canadian journalist, broadcaster, and author. Born on April 10, 1953, in Wadena, Saskatchewan, she began her career in journalism as a reporter for CBC Radio in 1974. Wallin went on to work for a number of media outlets, including the Toronto Star, Global Television, and CTV News, before becoming a co-host of CTV’s daily talk show “Canada AM” in 1985. In addition to her work in broadcasting, Wallin has been active in public service. She served as Consul General of Canada in New York from 2002 to 2006 and was appointed to the Canadian Senate in 2008 by then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper. She is currently a Canadian senator and has been since 2009. Pamela has written three other books titled “Speaking of Success,” “The First Man in My Life,” and “Since You Asked.” She received numerous awards and honors for her journalism and public service contributions, including the Order of Canada in 2007.
My cats, Fred and Sophie and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because before bedtime every night we like to read a story or two to unwind the day.
Would like to win a copy of the book
My cats are Dipper, SaHARa, OJ, Stella, Cinder, Delaney and Ruby. We would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because we love cats and can never have enough fun cat stories!
My cats Ms. Caity Sunshine and her son Mr. Frisky Business and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because we love spending time together furthering our horizons! And speaking of furthering our horizons, all of us in Florida would share “Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion” with my Sister Christine and her Newly Adopted Mr. Handsome and Thomas all the way in Connecticut! What Fun it would be to share this wonderful book from across the miles! From my Kitty Kingdom to her Kitty Kingdom!
My cats Lola and Remy would love to read and learn about each other. They would love to win the books.
My cats, Kitty LaBelle, Mommie Dearest, Bud and Sissy, Shasta, Marzo, and Trixie and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because our lives are all about cats!
My cats, Maximillian, Ragdoll, Dazzle and Pipsqueak and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because we like reading stories when it is cold outside and we all snuggle under the blanket to keep warm. We want to read all the stories the cats in the book are doing.
My cats, Ethel, Lucy, Bridget, Tuffy, Brody, Rusty, Rudy, Penny, Penelope, Joanie, Rosie, Elvira, Friday and Trouble would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from a Purring Companion” because they want to distract me with reading so they can get into trouble.
Hello! Me and my three kitties would like a copy of this book! I could read them this lovely book! I am sure that
AnnieLou, Mr Mickey, and Charlie B would enjoy the book! Thank you and have a great day!
My cat Penny and I would love to win a copy of Cats : Tails and life lessons from a purring companion because I have been a pet parent to 13 cats.
My daughter and her two cats Violet and Sora would enjoy reading this book together as they are great friends and love being near my daughter
My cats , Cuki, Tommy, Tiger, Mami, Baby and I would love to win a copy of “Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from a Purring Companion” because I adore books about the wisdom of cats!
My cats Ms. Caity Sunshine and her son Mr. Frisky Business and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because we love to broaden our horizons! Speaking of broadening our horizons, we, in Florida, would Love to share “Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion” with My Purr-fest Companion, my Sister Christine all those miles to Connecticut and her Very Newly Adopted Mr. Handsome and Thomas!
My cats, Dutchess, Tasmania and Aggie would love to win a copy of Cats: Tails and life lessons from A Purring companion’. It sounds like a good book!
My cats Sourdough and Trixie and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because we love to read cat books.
Cat stories are the best!
My cat, Buddy, and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because he came to me from a shelter where I volunteer in the cat area, so anything I can learn about cats from different perspectives is a positive.
My cats Rose, Rachella, and Lily and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because I love kitties, both pictures and reading stories about them. Kitties are the best pets!
My cats, Gooseberry and his mother Tourmalina, and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because we enjoy reading nonfiction about cats. What better genre can there be?
My cats Cashmere and Persistent andI would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because I love reading about animals.
My cats, Orli and Barney, and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because it would give me an excuse to tell them stories about my time in Canada (1990 – 2004) with my Canadian cat, Frisco. (Yes, the name “Pamela Wallin” jumped right out at me as a blast from the past!)
My cats Luke and Vince and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because they love to sit on my lap and read with me.
My cats Jemma, Elmer, and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because the cats want me to be a smarter cat person.
My cats, Double, Trouble, Ninja, Monkey, and Lynx, and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because we love to hang out and read together.
My cats, Abby, Sam-I-Am, and Sadie, as well as my grandson and his two cats, Finn and Delilah, and of course, myself, would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because Grandson loves his cats and reading the books to all the cats. They are entertaining (books, Grandson, and the cats).
looks like a great book!
My cat Beans and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because we love cats and love reading about other cats and their human companions, as well as seeing beautiful photos of beautiful kitties. Good luck to all entrants, and thanks for the great giveaway!
My cats Moses, Xerxes, Hobbes, Houdini, Mimi, Toby, Gizmo, Rufus, Besame, and Little Catand I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because they want me to continue to learn as much as I can about them. No matter how much I learn about them there is still so much I could learn.
My Kalico Kitty, MieKei, and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because we are Canadian like the author, Pamela Wallin. I have known Ms. Wallin’s name all my life due to her various careers in Canada.
However, I did not know that Ms. Wallin is an Ailurophile! MieKei and I are fascinated by the idea of sharing in what a person like Ms. Wallin has learned about, and from, Kitties throughout her successful life.
Of course, thinking of it meow, it makes sense that a Kitty Kompanion would play a supportive role in her success 😉 . Hmmm…. is there not a saying that “behind every Great Senator is a Purring Kitty” ? >^..^<
My cats Mango, Stanley and Larry and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because I just find cats fascinating and a bit unusual
My cats Hamilton, Jefferson and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because they want me to understand them better and I want to know what’s on their minds, if that’s possible.
My (our) cat Stella would love to win a copy of cats: Tails and life lessons from a purring companion, because she knows how I love reading and learning everything and anything cats.
My cat’s name is Tasha. She can’t read but if I win the book I promise I will read it to her. I’m not sure if she will like it but I am positive that I will.
My cat Tasha would love to win this book. She doesn’t read but I will read it to her. She may not like it but I am sure that I will.
My cats Pansy and Basil, and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because I actually read to my cats, and they actually listen on occasion.
My cats, Felicity, Vanna Ballerina, & Barnaby Carson Barncat and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because I’m trying to teach them to read with Mama rather than compete to sit on not only the page BUTT the exact paragraph I’m attempting to read !-)
My cats orion, sofie, cosima, donatella and pearl and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because when they aren’t napping, playing, snacking , napping, bird watching, napping, they love to read
My cats Maisy and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because I love cats and hoping to get a kitten soon!
Roxy Star is a diva. She was rescued as from a hoarder. She had lost all her fur from over-grooming herself. Her foster mom told me that lost her first litter from being kicked by someone in the hoarder’s home. She was pregnant when she was rescued and safely had her second litter. Her foster mom found excellent homes for her kittens. Her fur had only recently grown out when I adopted her. Roxy helped heal my heart after losing my incredibly mellow sealpoint boy to intestinal lymphoma. Roxy and I both would enjoy winning a copy of “Cats:: Tails and Life Lessons from a Purring Companion”!
My cat Penuche and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because we sit and read most afternoons. This would be a book that would be a book that would be all about her.
My cats (Asa and Saul) and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because my cats are waiting for me to sit in one place long enough to snuggle while cat napping!
My cats Pooky, Elsa, Olaf, BingBong, Mal, & Lilo and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because cuddling with cats and reading a good book sounds like a purrfect way to relax!
My cats Puma, Baby, Sophie, Little and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because we need to check off how may of the lessons we have already experienced and how many of the lessons we may still need to learn.
My cats, Frank, LC, and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because I always want to do the best for them, and want to continually to have them be “Best Cats Eva!” The love we have for each other is strong, and want it to continue always!
My blind cat Ollie would love me to read him your “tails “ of other cats. His house mates Tigger a large orange tabby would also enjoy hearing the stories. As would Fiona a one eyed eyed feline with great interest in subtext. The book sounds fabulous and I look at to reading it to both the kitties and the canines. Best of luck to you from all of us.
My cat, kitty, and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons From A Purring Companion’ because I know our kitties KNOW what we are saying to them and he is SO super smart he would love to hear about life lessons from other perspectives 💙🥰
My cat Lucy and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because a true cat lover always has a thirst for knowledge about their beloved furry companions, and 19-year-old queen of the house Lucy is getting bored with our current reading material
My cats Oscar and Topaz and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because we I am a big reader and my furry companions love nothing more that me being home with them on my lap while I read.
My kitty Oliver would love to win ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion” , since he knows cats are the best and this book would prove it.
My girls Sassie and Bijou would love to win a copy of Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because they are getting older (16 & 17 this year) and I would love to read it to them , before they leave us.
Our dynamic duo, Jynx and Binx, would love to read about their fellow feline friends! Us humans would enjoy the read as well!
My cats, Ken and Andi, and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because 1. I need a good read. 2. We always need great books for #readpawty
My cat Scarlett and I would love to receive a copy of this book. I always read when I go to bed and sweet Scarlett always sits on my lap after rubbing her chin on my book. This would probably offer an extra rub.
My cats Rocky, Micky,Luke, Sami,Saki ,Sara ,Peanut,Ollie , Midnight,,Jesse, Lilbit,Spirit,Peaches , MaggyMay,Spanky and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because We saved each other and adopted each other .My cats saw me through my cancer battles and the aftermath of the surgeries/treatments with their great love for me .My cats are all resues who needed a loving home and care and i am blessed to be their forever ‘mom’ .I am an avid reader of all things cat and my cats benefit from that, we love hearing about other cats lives and their humans .
My cats Jake, Ali, Agatha and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because having cats is not enough, you also need to have lots of books about cats!
Hello, my cat’s name is Milky. He would love a copy of Cats: Tales and Life Lessons from a Purring Campanion. He would like me to read it to him while he’s resting on my bed. Milky is getting on in years and I’m taking care of him the best I can. We’ve been together for so long. A nice cat book would be delightful for him and me.
My cat, Tessa, and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because she needs more books to fill up her bookshelf.
My cats, Tae, Ricky and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because we love laying on the couch with a good book. If the book is especially engrossing, Ricky will adorn it with toothmarks.
I always enjoy your emails. The new book you recommended sounds quite entertaining. Have you ever read “The Silent Meow”?
My cats Herbie, Nemo, Rio and Fiji and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because I always like something good to read and if it’s about cats all the better. I also like to share my finished so others can enjoy too and I know several people that would enjoy reading this too.
My cat RolyPoly and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because we could read it together and he could make snarky comments about the stories.
My cats Valentino, Romeo, Manolo, Lena, Jade and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because CATS are the centerpiece of our lives– we love them and want them happy and healthy and cherished for the furry angels they are now and for all time.
My cats Rosie and Gidget and I would love to win a copy of the book “Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from a Purring Companion” because we are very amused and captivated by almost anything that comes from the mouths of our fabulous feline friends.
My cats, CheSai and Kahlua and I would love to win a copy of your warm, wonderful book because they are no longer with me and want to remind me of the days we shared together. Maybe it would encourage me to adopt some new feline forever friends.
My cats names Gin-Gin and Kitty and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because I enjoy reading about cats and their humans. I have lost 15 beloved cats over the years, most recent Dec. 5, 2023. Lost my husband of 42 yrs in Nov. 2023 , so both losses are hard.
My cats [Johnny. Fleur, St. Paul and Bob I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because I love reading about cats. I am a senior and my cats are my loves.
I would love to win a copy of this book. I am also loving reading all the other comments and seeing the names of all these precious fur babies!
My cats, Snowy and Kitty Bobby, and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because they are my life companions. They are always there for me when times get rough. We read together at bedtime every night (story time!!) They travel with me when I visit my parents in Arizona and Washington. Snowy rings a bell when she wants treats! I love cats and cat stories!! Please pick us!
My cat, Jasper, and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because we want to understand each other better. I also want Jasper to learn how to play chess with me.
My cats Daisy Mae and La Luna and I would love to win a copy of “Cats: Tails and life lessons for a purrington companion” because we love to read books about cats.
My cats Pooky, Elsa, Olaf, BingBong, Mal, & Lilo and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons from A Purring Companion’ because I love learning about and sharing interesting stories or myths about cats.
My incredible fur babies, Rapunzel and Rocky would love to win a copy of this book.
My cat, Floyd, and I would love to win a copy of ‘Cats: Tails and Life Lessons From A Purring Companion’ because we just lost our friend Boo Boo and we need to heal and this book is just what we need. It won’t bring back Boo be we could read this together for some comfort.