This 2-level hideout from Catit offers the purrfect lookout point for any cat. The romantic cottage style design with cat-shaped decorations and comfortable cushions is great for lounging and napping.

The Vesper Cottage is a cubical piece of cat furniture with a snug hideout at the bottom and a lookout point on top. The hideout at the bottom has two entrances so your cat won’t feel cornered and comes in two colors: oak and white.
Both the hideout and the lookout are equipped with soft, padded cushions for your cat to relax on.

The Catit team were kind enough to offer 2 Vesper Cottages for two lucky Purrington Post readers to WIN!
* Contest Now Closed
This contest ended on March 15th, 2019 and was available to US residents only. To enter you needed to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
My cat’s name is [insert your cat’s name] and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because [your cat’s reason]
The 2 winners were chosen from all the correctly submitted entries and contacted by email.
You can read more about Catit’s Vesper Cottage here =>
My cat’s name is Harper and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he would be able to tease his big sister, Sienna
My cats names are Maia, Comet, Emmy and Andie . They would love to win a Catit Vesper cottage so they could hide and jump out at each other from the cottage!
My cat’s name is Phineas and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he likes to hang out in cubby holes
My cat’s name is Phineas and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he would love to think he was hiding in the cubby or judge me while perching on the top! 🙂
My cat’s name is Gemma and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she is so curious and loves to find new places to crawl into and explore!
My cat’s name is Little and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves to hide inside of things.
My cat’s name is Mira and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she enjoys hanging out in enclosed places away from her annoying siblings.
My cats names are Celeste, Allison, Lavene, and Antonette, and they would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because they are crazy lady cats and enjoy playing and hiding from each other!
My cat’s names are Anna, Clover and Bouncer. They would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because it would give them a place to hide from my 2 young boys! 😊
My cat’s name is Monkey Boy and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves to play
My cat’s name is Roku and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves to hide things actually anything he can carry..
Hello, My name is Denise and I work for an organization called Alley Cat Rescue. We would love to win a Catit because we are always trying to provide enrichment and new ways to keep our cats entertained at the office.
My cat’s name is Perky and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she thinks that she’s a Princess and needs a castle!
We have 5 furbabies: Blackie, Nutmeg, Koko, Toby and Riley. They would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because they all love to play hide and seek. Being able to hide I side while a sibling plays on top would give them a lot of joy.
My cat’s name is Boots and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves to hide and explore new things.
My cat’s name are Sanford, Magnum, Felicia and Stinky and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because it looks comfy and another option to get higher if they want. Felicia is going to be 14 so getting high is not always possible for her but I think she can do this one but if not she has the lower level.
My cat’s name is Honey and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she could hide inside or sit on top and scare the other cats when they walk by.
My cat’s name is Shadow Kitty and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because since she sleeps all day she might as well do it in style.
I have a cat family of 5…..Patches, Willow, Ginger, Miss Kitty and Buddy. Patches is the grandmother of Willow & Ginger. They’re favorite thing is boxes to be in and on top playing. They would love to have this wonderful Vesper Cottage to share.
My cat’s names are Mozzie and Tortie and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love hanging out with each other but prefer sleeping in separate spots!! This would be perfect for them!
I shelter elderly cats. I have 12 at the moment. I would love to win for my shelter.
My cat’s name is Buddy and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves to lounge.
My cats’ names Cooper, Zeke and Oz, and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they are always wanting where the other’s spots are, so we always need new “spots”. I think this is so cute.
My cat’s name is Kitty and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she appreciates fine architecture and design. When she isn’t surrounded by beauty, she becomes depressed, sad. The cottage would bring her happiness!
My cat’s name is Ginger and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she could hide from our two Boston Terriers and sneak attack them when they come near.
My cats’ names are Rudy, Ellie, and Zero, and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love playing, grooming, and sleeping together every day.
My cat’s name is bootsie and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because She is very young and playful and would truly love this
My four boys would love love love getting a Catit Vesper Cottage. They are Aiko (20 years old) Ash (15 mos) Augie and his brother Fred (18 mos). They all lounge on my bed or the Ikea chair in their room during the day but would be so happy if their Cat Mom won this cute cottage. Purr on!
My cat’s name is Truffles Van Gogh and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she needs her own get away for peace of mind. I have been very involved in kitty rescue for many years and Miss Truffles has been with me for 14 of these years. She is so loving and magical but not as ‘kitty social’ as the other furbabies. My sweet, black beauty is such a wonderful caregiver when I am sick or feeling down. I have been trying to figure out how to provide her with her very own calm haven and this cottage would be the perfect present for my petite princess.
My cat’s name is Lucy-Fur and she would love to WIN because she’s smart and wickedly good looking just like the Catit Vesper Cottage! 😻
My cat’s name is TJ and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because I am always rescuing canine fur babies
My cat’s name is “Pretty Girl” & “What Honey” would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage, so they could have a little snuggle cottage to cuddle in.
My cats would love this cottage
My cat’s name are Jacob, Barney, Finnegan, and Mugsy and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because their mom works a lot and having one more snuggle place to use while mom’s working to bring home the “catnip” would be sublime >^. .^<
My cats’ names are Koki and Fireball and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love to lounge together.
My cat’s names are Tarifa, Suha, and Elvis, and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love lounging and hiding in comfortable spaces and boxes, and this Catit Vesper Cottage combines the best features of both in one stylish unit! Suha, who’s feral and loves to hide, would especially love it in Oak, her favorite finish!
My cat’s name is Finn Robert and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he is about to celebrate his 16th birthday, and we had to move to a small apartment where space is limited so the Cottage would be perfect for his lounging needs!
My cat’s name is Maddie and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves small quiet private places to curl up and sleep away from the kids and younger cats in this house
Yes, this would be very useful and kitty fun! Thanks
We have four cats–Spike, Buffy, Sophia and Darth–and I know that they would love to have a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love enclosures when they want to be alone or have some privacy. Thanks for the chance to win!
My cat’s name is Sam and Dinah they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because Sam loves to have places to sneak attack from and pounce from. Dinah loves warm places to cuddle and sleep
My cat’s name is Cinnamon Girl and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves to play “hide and seek”: hiding out after she meows at us to let us know she wants to us to chase her! Plus, she absolutely loves napping in secluded places and Catit Vesper Cottage would be the perfect place for her to take a nap without being disturbed. And, she loves to climb, as well, so that she can survey her surroundings—and check out the birds outside of the windows! All in all, this would be a prize that My Cinnamon Girl would PRIZE!!!
My cat’s name is Ginny (short for Genevieve), and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves to hide from the other cats.
My cat’s name is Cosima and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because Cosima is often overshadowed by her twin brother Mark. He’s more outgoing and a bit of a trouble maker therefore Cosima needs a bit of pampering!
My cat’s names are Booboo and Bonkers and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because “mom makes us sleep in cardboard boxes not realizing we are QUEENS that need a REAL BED. “
My cats names are Smokey, Chesney, Gandolfini, Jakey, and Halloween and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love to climb, play frisky, and they lost their pup-sister suddenly last month, and it would help comfort them.
My cat’s name is Jonesy, and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because even though he’s not the romantic type, he’s the perfect date, and a romantic cat cottage would be fantastic for a quiet evening (or for entertaining a friend, too! :D).
My Taco would love this she loves to go in and out and hide from us LOL… she was rescued from the middle of the street and we took care of her and brought her back to life!! She is so precious how fun this would be for her!!
My cat’s name is Spook and he would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves to have as many places to cuddle and sleep as possible. He already has a whole room devoted to him we call his Play Palace, which used to be my bedroom. 😺 He is a true kitty King.
My cat’s name is FatGirl and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves to burrow!
My Cat’s name is Spirit, and she’d love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because she’s 14 years old now, and would really love a cottage of her very own, instead of having to share with her humans. Not that she minds, but sometimes a girl just needs to be alone, and the Vesper Cottage would be purr-fect.
My cat’s name is Taia, and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because it’s fit for a princess, and she insists she is, and she loves to play and cuddle with her brother Toby, this would be perfect for the 2 of them.
One of my cats’ names is Genny and she would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage to share with the other 22 abused and abandoned kitties which I care for. I was widowed in October and there is little money for nice things for the cats.
My cats names are Loki and Minimoose and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because Loki LOVES any size box even though she is 20 lbs! And Minimoose likes to play hide and seek and LOVES to put her paw out of cubby windows!
My cat’s name is Emma. She would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because she has annoying younger brothers and she would love a place to have away from them.
My cat’s name is Maurito and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves a good cozy hiding place to watch the world from.
My cat’s name is Cleo and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because as the only kitty in the house she loves alone time and loves hiding to sleep or to sit up higher and spy on the neighbors dogs between the curtains on our picture window.
My cat’s name is Mama Gray and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she really does not like her 3 sons that live here too and would love to have a place to hide from them.
My cat’s name is Briseis and she would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because she is the Queen Brie and she deserves her own custom castle to rule from her domain and to relax in a bed befitting of a true queen!!
This looks like the purrfect size for the bedroom. I am sure my 16 year old black cat Piper Samantha Midnight Began Jones I would just love it. I call her Piper the Puma. She is a rescue kitty and really rescued me!
My cat’s name is Pumpkin and he would love to WIN a Catit Casper Cottage because he loves to be away from the activities of our house and be hidden in a place he knows is only his. He would be so happy!
My cat Bella is very lazy. She would love to hang out in this cottage and hide intention when she wants to get away from it all.
My cat’s name is Moonbear and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he likes to sleep in tight spaces and no other cats will fit in there with him.
My cat’s name is Ninja and she would love to win a Vesper cottage because she’s a formerly feral kitty who still isn’t quite used to being around people and would love a new place to hide when she needs a minute to herself.
My kitties would love climbing in and out of this cute box and laying on the pads . Puuurrfffect.
My cat’s name is Odin and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves little hiding places where he can jump out and surprise the dog (Atlas)
My cat’s name is AmyJo and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she just lost her brother, Grayden, yesterday when he had to be put to sleep and would like to have a comfy, safe place with all the readjusting that is taking place in our home.
My cat’s name is Frito and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he is a kitten who loves to run and hide and jump and leap in and out of things and then pass out for a nap. The Catit Vesper Cottage is purrfect for all the cats in the house but especially Frito!
My cat’s names are M, Bliss and Saku and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love to explore new places and climb inside of things as well as on top of them. They could all share it happily.
My cat’s name is Tilley and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she likes little places to hide from her 4 cat siblings.
My cat’s names are Joey, Anna and Will and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they would love to squeeze into it all at the same time!
My friend’s cat is Lilly – she is so cute and active, that I know she would love the Catit Vesper Cottage. She might even share with her dog bro, Tux.
My cat’s name is Sunny and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because it looks like a terrific place to play.
My cat’s names are Kit and Caboodle and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love to play together. This looks like it would be fun to play in!
My cat’s name is Pink and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she has no bed. This would provide her with a cozy little space of her own.
My cat’s name is 1. Little bit, 2. Romeo, 3. Otis and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love to play and very adventurous
My cat’s name is Bongo Pickles. He would love a Catit Vesper Cottage because he is 18 and can’t jump on the cat tree like his baby sister. He would live his own spot❤️
My cat’s name is Tinker and she would love this….She love to play hide and seek
I have 7 cats, Oreo (Cookie), Truman, Roo, Nod, Scout, Jimmy and Fuzz. They all would love this, Cookie, the oldest, to lounge in the bottom of the Catit Vesper Cottage, and Fuzz and Jimmy (youngest) to compete for top cat! Please make my babies happy by giving them this great cat furniture
My cat’s name is Oliver Queen and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he needs a hideout he can call the Quiver and plan how to keep crime out of his city, er, keep the house safe? 😉
My cat’s name is George and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves to hide out in things.
My cat’s name is Chester and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he tries to own every box that comes in the house.
My cat’s names are Kimber and Charlotte and these sweet 5 month old sisters would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they can play on it, play IN it and lounge! And their favorites things to do are play and lounge! 😻😻
My cat’s name is Ginger and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she wants a safe place to hide when her big brother Fred decides to pick on her.
My cat’s name is Butterfly and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because Butterfly, Loves the play hide an seek an stad tall when I come home from work.she is my little I would put this by my front door..the Butterfly cottage
My cat’s name is Monkey and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he has to fight for space on the cat furniture with his 5 brothers and one sister.
My cat’s name is Little Man and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves to play in boxes.
My cat’s name is Boo and she would love to win the Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves to go in and out of rooms, so she would have so much fun going in and out of the cottage.
My rescue cat’s name is Jonesey and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she needs another special hide-away
My cats names are Moses and Patches and they would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage, because every cat deserves their own hideaway
My cat’s name is Pip (short for Pipsqueak) and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she would like to find a hiding spot to escape Max’s pouncing. She tried to play with Max when he was a wee kitten (about a month old) and his mother Dazzle whapped her. So now that Max wants to play, Pip says no.
My cat’s name is Zoe and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she would love to play on it with her sister Sandi.
My cats’ names are Cocoa and Beans and they would like to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because it would be good for both their favorite activities: playing and sleeping.
My cat’s name is Inky and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because at 18 years old, she would like a special place of her own.
My cat’s name is Charly and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves new hiding places.
My sister in laws cats would love this, they love playing and sleeping.
My cat’s name is Smokey and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he has a younger sister (a cat named Layla) that can be a bit of a brat and pounce on him – this would give him the perfect place to hide from her in peace and comfort! 🙂
My girl Spotty needs a place to relax, she would love a Capital Vesper Cottage! I can’t afford all the cat trees and play areas, but she was a wild rescue, and I think a cottage would turn her into an indoor cat, I don’t like her going out all the time.
My cat’s name is Tortelline Wallenda Trill (Tortie) and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because Torties love teepees, and boxes, and cottages with comfy and hidey and “survey the subjects” high bits.
Except I may be a princess now but when I was a kitten someone found me starving on the street.
So what I’d really like is for the shelter ladies to win for their cats. Especially the elderly cats. I miss my beautiful sister who lived a long time. And no cat of many years should ever have to be in a shelter instead of ruling a home. So they should have the palaces.
Many Purrs, Tortie
My cat’s name is Bob and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because his favorite “game” is Hide & Seek! When I come home I have to go through the house searching for him – under beds, in cabinets, on top of the refrigerator, etc. – I never know where he’ll be! He comes out when he decides he’s worried me enough! This would be perfect for him!
My cat’s name is Sofie and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because Sofie has had to share her home with numerous foster cats and kittens and she’d love her own special space!
My cat’s name is Eggz and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he would like nothing better than to sit in it while staring directly at his sister Baykin and mentally saying “neener-neener”.
My cat’s name is Sumo and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because His Royal Rotundness enjoys squeezing places he shouldn’t be able to.
My cat’s name is Rocky and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he would love he own special place (besides the beat-up old pillow that he is currently using as his personal space).
My Cat’s names are Princess and Rosie and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because their mom is in rescue. She devotes her time and efforts to save, rescue and rehome kitties and pups. Mom has been doing this for over 50 years. She plays Elf to Santa at Petco every year for pics with Santa to raise money for her rescue GRASP. We were both facing death in a kill shelter when mom’s rescue pulled us out. We are lucky to be alive and think mommy should win
My cat’s name(s) are Friday, Pixie, Fluff, Mokiface, Califia, Rabbit & George and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they’re the best rescue kitties ever & they all deserve safety, good health, plenty of great snacks, sleeping in the sun on the inside of windows, fabulous toys, all the love I can give them, & a Catit Vesper Cottage. Thanks! 🐾
My cat is Hunter Ray and he would love to win a Catit cottage because his very first birthday is April 20. He had a very very rough start in his little life and fortunately he and I rescued each other when the time was right! He loves to hide and seek with his Mom and he loves to jump out and scare me. He deserves all the finer things in life and he would love to hangout, looking cool on his new cottage. Thank you!!
My cat’s name is Jasper and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because it would give his oldest brother Dixon a great spot at the top to watch him and his middle brother Reedus play hide and seek down below!
My cats names are Amy and daisy and they would love to have their own cottage to play in and enhance their kitty lives! They love to explore different places.
My cat’s name is Bilbo and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves hiding in holes he shouldn’t fit in.
Hello. My cat(s) name(s) are Milo & Otis. They are special needs cats who I’ve had since they were kittens. They would love this Catit Cottage because even though they are now all grown up (10 yrs) they still play like kittens. Milo has physical issues and Otis has neurological problems.
My cats name is Ziggy and he is a crazy boy and would love to play hide and seek with me in this !!!
My cat’s name is Patrick/Frankie and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because CATIFICATION is IMPORTANT.
My cat’s names are Ices, Nephthys, Osiris and Anubis and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love to play together and hide in areas while the other is outside waiting to pounce. They would enjoy playing with the cottage so much and promise to take lots of photos.
My cat’s name is Fifi and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because her old bed is looking tired and she could use an upgrade to a cottage!
My cat’s names are Uncle Willy, Uncle Ray and Dipper and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they deserve a home of their own. Thank you.
My cat’s name is Tatiana and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she could have a hideaway from her sister cat.
My cat’s name is Sydney Vicious and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves hanging out in small spaces.
My cats, Tonks and Baby Reese, would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love to get on or in any furniture or new bed/box/bag and they deserve to be spoiled!
My cat’s name is Marley and Lola and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because Lola is our new kitty and she would love a place to spy on and hide from Marley who has not quite accepted her as part of our family.
My cats name is Popcorn and he would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage. He might even share it with his friend Buddy
my cat’s name is sheba and she would love this,she is so inquesitive and love to explore
My cats, Mango, Mario and Mello would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they could have it on their screened it porch and to hide in when they are bird watching. Then after all that hard work they could have a comfy nap on top or inside!
My cat’s name is Princess Fiona Fuzzy Paws and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she often wants to be away from the foster kittens.
My cat’s name is Mojito and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he is so big, he doesn’t fit onto his cat purch any more.
My cat’s name is Lucky and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he is only a kitten, he is 4 months old and loves to play with all his toys, he loves to hide and jump out and this lovely cottage would be great fun!!
My cats name is Callie, and she would love towin a Catit Vesper Cottage to play in.
My cats’ names are Pudding and Biscuit and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love boxes and going into holes.
My cats names are Eddie, Sammy, Sophie & Joey (I’m a girl but Mom didn’t know when she found me) we would love to win the Catit Vesper cottage because we all like our turn at some alone time, with four of us in the house we are always trying to find a quiet space.
My cat’s name is Khatru and she would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because she likes to explore and “own” new places to sleep in my apartment.
My cat’s name is Ducky and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he’s huge and he loves being in things and that’d be fun for everyone!
My cat’s names are Lil’ Dude, Smudge, Daisy, ZuZu and Fiona and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because with 5 cats you can never have enough sleeping spots!
My cat’s name is Holly and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because it would give her another place to lounge while she totally ignors me!
My cat’s name is Thurl and he deserves this cottage because he is the KING, bitches.
My cat’s name is Jack. He would love to win the Catit Vesper Cottage because he already owns the house so why not a cottage!?
My cat’s name is Olly-O-Boy-a-Box! and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he’s an old scaredy cat and he likes to hide, but keep an eye on things from a safe haven.
Hi my cats names are Miss Moneypenny and Odin they would love to win a vesper cottage so they can have fish tea and cat nip cookies!
My sweet kitty Sissie would love this —. She’s 19 and needs something cozy to sleep in!
My cat’s names are Tiger and Twin and she and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because even though I know they will fight over it, they both would enjoy hanging out in it or on it.
My cat’s name is Sheldon and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he likes to nap.
My cat’s name is Pyewacket and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves to be hidden yet watch over everyone.
My cat’s name are Stanley, Mango and Larry and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love to play hide and seek!
Hi. My cat’s name is Tiny though his personality is far from tiny. He would love to win this Vesper Cottage because he loves his own space and would feel like the king his mommy thinks he is. I am sure he dreams of owning one when he takes his catnaps.
My cat’s names are Bandit & Mikko and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because it’s the purrfect cat play & resting place depending on their moods & levels of energy. They can go from napping to playing & back to napping in a short period of time & they can do it all in & on the Catit Vesper Cottage.
My cat’s names are Abbie, Emmie, L.C. (Little Cat) and L.E. (Large Ears) and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they need all the indoor action they can get as they don’t get to roam outside.
My cat’s name is Luna and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she is a diva and deserves nothing but the best!!
My cat’s name is Yum Yum and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he is the youngest of four cats and is very curious. He loves having a place to hide out and also being able to have a lookout so he doesn’t miss a thing. This would be purrfect for him
My cat’s names are Topaz, Raina, Ali and Jake and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because the bottom is like a box and Jake and Ali love boxes to snuggle into, while Topaz and Raina love to survey their kingdom. The top is perfect for them to do that!
My cats’ name are Jake and Elwood (brothers), Oscar, Betty and Agnes(sisters), and Delores and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they need plenty of spaces to play and enjoy.
My cat’s name is Finnegan (Finn- Finn for short) and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves to play hide and seek with his brothers and sisters even if they don’t like to play with him. He would love to hang out and torment everyone in a Catit Vesper Cottage while claiming his domain.
My cat’s name is Buttons and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves to hide from the dogs and his sister Sophie. He is old and grumpy and would love the privacy!
My cat CiCi would love to have this cottage. She is using my end table as a tumble all. LOL She loves to play and knock off anything that is on the tables starting at 10 pm each night.
My cat’s name is Woodrow and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he deserves the best for putting up with the refugee cats that have shown up (Sambuca, Bailey, and Leonardo).
My cats’ names are Bat and Midnight and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love to curl up together in snug places.
My cat gang’s names are Teddy, Albert, Lucy, and Mina. They would love to win a catit vesper cottage because, Teddy especially loves cube hideaways.
My cat’s name is Lucille and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she is an demanding old gal who thinks she runs the joint! Which, don’t tell her, but she really does…she doesn’t even drink from a water dish anymore, she drinks from her own mug. She deserves to have her own cottage 🙂
My cats names are are Ace, Pip, Minnie, Lillie and Pebbles and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because it would be perfect to set by our deck doors so they can enjoy “kitty theater” produced by the multiple bird feeders in our back yard. Did I also mention their 9th birthday is March 27, so it will also be the perfect birthday present? Our cat family is made up of all rescues, including 4 black sibling kitties now approaching 9 years old who are my “failed fosters”; after 2 years on the rescue agency wanted to take them from our home to be replaced by new kittens, with these cats going to the agency’s no kill shelter until I realized they had already found their “forever home”. Then 2 years ago we added a 5 week old tripod kitten from a feral cat colony; Pebbles has grown up to be our alpha kitty – even has her big 22 lb brother terrorized!
My rescue cats names are: Laura (20), Tonkali (18), Bari (17), Cowboy (16), Andy (17), Big Guy (8), and Jake (6), and they’d all be taking turns who gets the top spot!
My cats’ names are Mickey Mouser, Rufus the Red and Ernie and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because sometimes you just need to hide out from your pesky siblings, and sometimes you want to stay on top of things. The Cottage looks like it would take care of both needs.
Thank you!
My cat’s name is Bailey and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because his brother Gingie is always picking on him. This would give him his alone time he so desperately seeks.
My gentleman cat Olivier would love to WIN a Catit Vesper cottage because he desires a secluded area to retreat quietly from his rascal friends in order to reflect upon his next thespian project.
I have two sweet cat babies that are the highlight of my life. One 16 one 12. Sunny and Willow are a wonderful delight and would love the cottage.
My cat’s name are Tinker & Simone and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they like to play together!!
My cat’s name is Sadie and she is a spoiled 7 year old tortie. Sadie needs this because I need to downsize to a one bedroom apartment and want to provide compensation for her loosing territory and she would love this llittle cottage space. Thanks Kathy and Sadie
I have 8 foster cats and two of my own cats, Muffin and Mr. Lee. I’m always looking for nifty new cat items to share with potential adopters when they come to meet the foster cats. This would be a great addition for all of the cats to try out. Our foster cats are Denali, Aiden, Penguin, Avi, Hannibal Harrison, Keri, Freyja, Bella and our newest Pink Floyd.
There are 21 of us…our Mom needs her very own Catit Vesper Cottage. 😉
My cats names are Leo, Meccailey, Zak, Percy, Dylan, Kileigh, India & Hiway and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love to play and hide or just find a cozy quiet place to snuggle up with each other!
My cats’ names are Annabelle (14), Ren (9), Emi (4), Yumi (5), and Pippa[Squeek] (3) and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they could sit and watch the birdies on the enclosed back porch and, in between, nap in peace. Pippa and Yumi, especially, would like a comfy enclosed napping place as they are both deaf and do not like people (furry or otherwise) creeping up on them while they sleep. Thank you for this offer!
My cat’s name is Shadow and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he is such a ‘fraidy cat’.
My cat’s name is Pancho and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because this cottage would withstand his love. There isn’t a box he doesn’t love and ultimately conquers and destroys!
He Godzilla’d the last cardboard box within the first hour.
My cat’s name is Mist Flower and she would love to
win a Catit Vesper Cottage because she lives with 16 other cats and kittens and she longs for a special hideaway where she can pursue a quiet, contemplative religious life.
My cat’s name is Alley and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she need a place she can call her own.
My cat’s name is Sherlock and he would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because he would like to have his own handsome piece of furniture to sit on and look out the window.
My cat’s name is Hoss and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he has eight other rescued fur sisters and brothers and he NEEDS a place to escape from all the chaos!!!! He says he would love you for the rest of time if he won!!
My cats names are Riley pearly and Charlie. Sometimes they need a place to get away from it all !
The Vesper Cottage is so nice! My cat would love it!
My cat’s name is Bentley, Bugatti, Latte, Maverick, Sonic, and Ducati and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love to feel secure in secure spaces they can sleep in or sit on.
My cat’s name islucy and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because my cat needs a place of her own
My cats names are Lil, Dot, Token and Catty Labelle and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because there just aren’t enough places to relax in kitty style in the house.
My cat’s Ophelia,Emily, Emma, Granger, midnight, molly and Buddie would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they would love to hide, jump and play w/the cottage!
My cats’ names are Marie, QP, and Tiny and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because there is no such thing as too many nap spots!
My cat’s name is Quinnie and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage, because sometimes a girl needs some alone time when her brother Arlo is getting too rowdy!
My cat’s name is Belle and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because we are going to move to my daddy’s house soon. There I will meet my Brother Jafar and Sister Nola and this would be an awesome addition to our new family home. 🙂
My cat’s name is Mike, Chad, Ryan, Daniel, Farley, Harley, Dave, Snowball & Chance and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they like to play with each other and hide from each other at the same time
My cat’s name is Raider and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because ..He would love to pay it forward… And donate to Milos sanctuary..
My cat’s name is Tawny and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because there is nothing he likes more than to hide, burrow, or crawl into something. He loves hiding!
My cat’s name is Bear and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he doesn’t like the other cats touching him while he sleeps.
My cat’s names are Bunny and Casper and they would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because at 18 and 25 lbs they think any ‘box’ will fit them. They plan to donate it to our favourite rescue to be used by abandoned street cats
My cats names are Ninja, Harley and Star Lord. They are Savannah cats who love a hidey hole. It would give them a place to hang out and maybe keep them from being so naughty and finding trouble. They really would think it purrtastic to have a house of their own. We brought in a small wire dog crate to introduce Harley and Ninja to Star Lord slowly as introductions weren’t going well. Turned out Harley and Ninja LOVED the crate and didn’t want to come out. Now I am stuck with a dog crate in my living room because I don’t want to take it away from them. Winning the Catit Vesper Cottage would be a win-win for the whole family!
I have 8 cats, 6 male and 2 female. They are all rescues and while 2 are brothers and 2 are brother/sister the rest are all unrelated. They would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage so they would have a new place to hide from each other.
My cat’s name is Figgy and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she is in dire need of another spot to hide from these dreadful pups. Her napping is taking a hit.
My cat’s name is Jagz and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because my mommy and daddy are tired of me sleeping in the dogs bed. The need a new bed for me.
My cat’s name is Ninja and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because He loves to play and hide in things.
My cat’s name is Hanabi and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because well-made, well-designed classy simplicity is her thing!
My cat’s name is The Paw and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she’s getting older and loves a comfortable place to nap. I would like to win because I would like her to have a comfortable place to sleep that also looks great in my home!
My cat’s name is Maia and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves to snuggle down in cavelike spaces.
My cat’s name is Luna Lovegood Cox and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she absolutely loves to lay around, and needs a sturdy, well-built place to relax.
My cat’s name is Boo and besides being spoiled rotten, he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he has scorned all the other cat beds in the house. He would also like to brag to his brother Ashy, and sisters Chloe and Minki that he has moved up in the world and they will require a special invitation to enter his new domicile. I’m sure I will need one too even to approach it!
My cat’s name is Bailey and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because sometimes a cat needs to lounge in privacy.
My cat’s name is Ruby and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves having her own spaces to rest and relax in.
One of our three cats name is Felix and he has some behavior issues and can’t be nice to the other two kitties therefore he is separated from them and alone, he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage so he could have a place to hide out when he is in his bedroom and gets scared or nervous of a noise. =^..^=
My cats name is Sheba and she would love this. She is always looking for places to hide.
My cat’s name is Serra and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves being comfortable and hidden while still being able to peek out and see what’s going on. Beautiful cottage!
My cat’s name is Mia and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves a comfortable place to sleep and also a spot where she can sit and watch the world go by.
I have several TNR cats that stay in my barn, they would LOVE this!
My cats’ names are Bella and Moshi and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love to play and cuddle together and the Catit Vesper Cottage would be a great place to do that.
My sister’s cat; Zen, would love to have this Cottage. She loves to have her own private space and this would be perfect for her.
My cat;s name is Emma and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she is a recently adopted previously feral cat that is still adjusting to becoming a house cat and is still very shy and would love to have a place to “chill.”
My cat’s name is Fluffy and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she’s very playful & would definately enjoy herself in this cottage.
My cats names are Patches and Boo and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because Patches is a senior cat that loves pampering, Boo is a kitten that loves to sleep in enclosed spaces like under the couch.
My cat’s name is Bob and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he was born outside under the neighbor’s porch. We have been taken care of him ever since and he would love a special place just for him.
My cat’s name is Coopurr and he would love to Win a Catit Vesper Cottage because the amazon box that he is currently using is sagging in he middle (even though it has been reinforced many times) and needs to be thrown out.
He never has won anything and I think He would be thrilled to win this!
My cat’s name is Yodel and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because her fiesty brother, Tabasco, has taken over her Christmas Gingerbread cardboard house and won’t give it back. Saaaaadness. Daddy has promised he will turn this Catit Vesper Cottage into a special retreat JUST for her — a remake of Thoreau’s tiny cabin so Yodel can commune with nature watching the birds and squirrels from the safety of indoors, but equally at peace from Tabasco! Paws crossed!
My cats Mama & ner son would like to have one of them own & Mr. Puddy that stays at my son’s would like one of his own so that he could sleep in peace away from the dog.
My cat’s name is Wasabi and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves to sleep in and under things. He has a small quilt on the loveseat that he will crawl under and sleep. Sometimes the only way I know he is there is that I can see the quilt move as he breathes. He chose us at the shelter when a bunch of kittens was running around playing. He is a Mommy’s boy and loves to be loved.
My cats’ names are Lucky and Sky and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they need a peaceful retreat from the new puppy in the house.
My cats name are Abby and OJ and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they are a bonded and vision impaired pair that LOVE snuggling in cozy secret spots.
We live with kitties Wilson, Beans and Zoe. They would all love this beautifully designed Catit Vesper Cottage, and for Zoe it would give her a secluded place to go to, to get awhile from Wilson and Beans now and then.
my cats name is tiger and she would love it so she can spy on her kittens ahahha
My cat’s name is Yoda and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves to sit and he loves to hide. It would be the best of both worlds.
My cat’s name is Bandit and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she’s always on the hunt for cozy, new places to hide from her sister Aerial!
My cat’s name is Perry and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because it would keep him warm and snuggly during this cold winter!
My cat’s names are Joey and Chucky, and they would both love the Catit Vesper Cottage because, like most cats; they love boxes and other things that they can play and hide in.
My cat’s names are Spitz(14), Stinker (nearly 2) & Derp(4-5 months)and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they need a new place to nap
My cats name is Norman and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he (and all my other rescues) are always looking for new places to explore, play and hide in…and I think it is really cute.
My cat’s names are Cisco and Barry and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love to play inside boxes.
My cat’s names are Sasha, Fionnlach, Merlin and Mandy and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because They all like to have a quiet place to sleep and places to lord over everyone!
My two cats would love this! One of my cats is named Pumba. she would be all over this! She runs the house. The other cat Calvin would love to hide out in it waiting for someone to find him. He is a snuggler! This is absolutely the best cat house ever!
My cats’ names are: Edward Cullen Kittenpants, Marley Parleypants, Mr. Pumpkinman, Mrs. Clarissa Dalloway, Lucy-fur, Loki Toes, Thor-burt, Penelope Jane, Bridgette the Smidgette, Samuel L Carson, Bruce, Murphy, Professor Snoofle de Poofle, Pussy Galore, Polly McMittenpuss, Freddie Purrcury, Ozzy Fur Assassin, Reverend Kettering Fluffpuss, Dottie, the Great Catsby, and Sparkles and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love to play hide and seek. Some would enjoy a new hidey hole and the rest would enjoy sculking on top, waiting to give their siblings head boops.
My cat’s name is Tessa and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves new things to try out.
My cat’s names are Pudge, SuperGirl, George and Peppa and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they are my bottle fed furbabies, are all very loving, playful and each have their own personalities that are deserving of the best.
My kitties here at Camp Happy Cat (Willow Rose, Ms Oakley, Duncan Doodle, Sir Kobi and CeeCee) would be thrilled to win a CATIT Vesper Cottage because they love things they can climb on top of and into.
My cat’s name is Maggie and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves to hide and sleep in boxes and cubby holes!
My cat’s name are Sasha, Dakota & Snickers and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love to climb in & around … and curl up inside things like this.
My cat’s names are Tigger & Kitty and they would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because they are always looking for new places to play.
My kids, Sunny, Josie and Matilda would all love this cottage!
My male cats Ozzie and Mouse would love a Catit Vesper Cottage because they like to sleep beside each other and sometimes they just don’t fit in their homemade cardboard box houses.
My cat, Fresca would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she is a timid cat and likes to watch me from hidey holes.
Yoshi would love to win because he is shy and likes to hide.
My cats Clyde, Sherman, Charlie, Mickey, Minnie, Oscar, Gertie, Lizzy and Mya would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they’re tired of my furniture and want their own, lol!
I have five kitties. This would be perfect, like a little weekend retreat when one of the furry ones would like a change of pace from the usual cat perch or window sill. The Catit Vesper Cottage to the cats would be like me being able to go to a day spa!!
My cats’ names are “New Cat” and “Gray Ghost” and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because it would be a cozy place to keep warm on the porch in the wintertime.
My cat’s name is Seti and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he could hide from his dog sister and brother when playing around with them!
My cat Octavia (Tavvy) would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage so she could hide out and get away from Captain Cuddles, Bebop, and Zoodles, her pesky little brothers.
My cat’s name is Barnaby and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he is a barn cat and would love to have this in his barn to sleep in and keep watch!
My cats Miisu, Heather and Magic would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because they need more hideouts and lounging spaces in their lives.
My cat’s name is Thor and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he’s spoiled boy and would love his own personal palace!
my cat Violet Marie would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves o look down on her brothers, George, Percy and Sam
My cat’s name is Sam and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because sometimes he just needs to get away from his people and hide out somewhere cozy.
My cat’s name is Simon and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he love playing peekaboo and this would be purrfect!
My cat’s name is Lucy and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she is a little old lady who could use a good cottage in which to hide from the pesky rescue kittens!
My two cats are Cassidy and Evinrude and they would LOVE to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they would each have their own spot!
My cat’s name is Mush and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he’s recovering from a leg injury and is preferring to hang out in quiet, enclosed spaces.
Your spell check changed his name – it’s MYUSHA, not MUSH.
My cat’s name is Jasmine and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she would like to have place
away from our dog Bailey he wants to play all the time and she wants to just sit and watch the birds in the yard.
My cat’s name is Clarabelle and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she’s the cat’s meow and as such deserves a cottage
My cat’s names are Pootie & Loki and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because it looks like a fun hideout for playtime, and a great place to take a nap!
My cat’s name is Gina and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she can play hide-and-seek with her friend.
My cats’ names are Harley, Cody and Raj, and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love hidey holes and elevated sleeping/hanging out spots.
My cat’s name is Tori (the tortie) and she would LOVE to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because she needs a hiding spot from our other kitty who sometimes picks on her.
My cat’s name is Rexi and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she is Queen of all she surveys. Though the Queen reigns over her domicile, even Rexi admits she needs a quaint cottage to escape those pesky human servants multiple times a day. Huzzah!
My cat’s name is Marceline and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves loungers and after the Camp Fire we are looking to rebuild.
My cat’s name is Ruby and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she is our 3-legged Humane Society rescue and we want to pamper her with a special cottage she can call her own. Thanks
This is for my mom’s cat Oreo, I am trying to get him to like me, so far he only likes her.
My cat’s name is Kotoha and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because while she loves our dogs (we have three rescued Treeing Walker Coonhounds), she does need a place to get away from them and be a cat. She loves sleeping in boxes but this would be so much better!
My cat’s name is Fritz, and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves to hide, play and sleep in boxes and bags, this would be perfect!
My cat’s names are Clover, Bali, Lily, Jack, and Dave, and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because with five cats, someone could always use a nice place to sleep!
Pippa is a fluffy black and white playful cat she loves to be the centre of attraction and this would give her the opportunity to show offf
my cat’s names are Simon & Jasper & Melvin & Bunny to name just a few & they would love to WIN the Vesper Cottage for the whole herd! I do rescue/adoptions! this would be a great diversion for my fosters!
My cat’s name is Miss Hissy and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she LOVES to hide. She loves small and cozy enclosed spaces- I think it makes her feel secure. She is quite the little character.
My cat’s name is Button and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves boxes. The Catit Vesper Cottage would be perfect for my Button!
My cats name is mismatch and she would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because I have 5 other cats and she would love to have her own special place you can be layed on crawled over and chewed on just so much before you loose your cat mind.. This would be hers and everyone else is welcome by invitation only.
My cat’s name is [Benson and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves finding secret hiding spots, and places to lounge on like the bachelor he is!
My cat’s name is Schyler. He is a 29 year old Ragdoll, living these senior years as simply as possible. This Vesper Cottage would be wonderful for him, as well as his house partner Maine Coon named Gandalf. Schyler has lived a long and happy life, even moving across the U.S. from California to Illinois. This cottage would be a great reward for him. Thank you.
My cats name is Koala. He is an 8 year old Himalayan and has always been extremely shy. My guests never see him because as soon as the door opens all you see is a bushy tail rounding the corner to get under the bed. He would love this house because it would offer him a new place to hide and maybe become a little more social since he could hide in plain sight. He loves to sit on my lap and have his belly pet but only with me.
My cat’s name is Snickers and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves to cuddle up inside boxes!
My cat’s name is Marmalade and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because I love ambushing the other cats in the house, by popping out of no where and tackling them in surprise.
My cat’s name is Nemo and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because this new habitat is a perfectly tantalizing setting for playing ‘cat and mouse’ with the other cats and a great spot to unwind from the daily rigors of eating, cleaning, and spider hunting.
My cats’ names are Napoleon Solo, Shameless Seamus O’Shaughnessy, Julia Snow, and Sirius Black, and they could love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because Julia can cozy up in the bottom and the big boys can rumpus on the top.
My cat’s name is Velma and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she recently contracted ringworm and has to be contained in a single room by herself for the next month. She loves to hide in things and she is my best baby and she is crying at night. I have so many pics of her hiding in things and this would be purrfect! This would be another nice toy for her have — that we could clean afterwards. Paws crossed.
My cat & I would love to WIN the Catit Vesper Cottage.
My cat’s name is Zoe and she would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves on Vespar Court here in Wilmington NC. It would keep her busy during the day when I’m at work.
My cat’s name is Tipper ManBearPig and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she is a crazy feral kitten who needs to learn better house manners.
My cat’s names are Oliver and Harley and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they are always trying to find small spaces to take naps in
My cat’s name is Cookie and he would like to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he enjoys napping beside my desk while I work.
My cats names are Thumper, Blackjack and Cleo, and they would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because they like to hide in secluded places!
My cats’ names are Chloe, Simba, Misty, and Callie, and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love small, snuggly places to nap, and this one would accommodate more than one of them at a time!
My cat’s name is Maddie and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she needs a private place to get her beauty sleep away from her annoying younger kitty brother.
My cat’s name is Chilli and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because old bones deserve soft napping spots.
My cat’s name is Lynx and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because it would be a great spot to hide out and keep a look out for things to pounce on too!!
Our names are Molly and Hatchet and we’re twins! Aren’t twins always supposed to bunk up!?! We promise we won’t jump on the beds…too much. ^..^ ^..^
My cat’s name is Bruno and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he love to be stylin’ and napping in enclosed spaces
My cat’s name is Prince Louie and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he needs his own special place of sanctuary to relax without being chewed up by his JackRussell sister!!
My cat’s name is Rory and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because He’s the baby of the group who loves to jump my other 5 much older kitties and steal their hang out places. Little feisty Rory could hang out in his own little cottage and not have to be a little stinker 😉
My cat’s name is Petey and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because as the youngest member of the family he can pounce much easier on his cat & dog brothers & sisters!
My cat’s name is Lulu and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she is a rescue and wants to be left alone. She’s been through a lot and prefers to hide away and not interact with any humans or animals. After such a hard life, she deserves to live out the rest of her days in a peaceful and safe environment which this would provide.
My cats names are Lemon and Luna and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they need a place to hang out together!
My cat’s name is Kaci and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves to find new places to cuddle up and nap!
My cat’s name is Bella and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she needs her own place to nap.
My cats’s name is Wuzzny and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she needs something new after all she has been through. Wuzzny was found digging in the snow trying to stay warm covered in garbage . We rushed her to the vet, poor little one.
My cat’s name is Shadow and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves hiding
This is awesome! My cats would love it!
My cat’s names are Itsy and Mew and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they absolutely adore getting under covers, inside boxes or cubby holes and anywhere they can. This would be absolutely fabulous for them!!!
My cat’s name is Ms. Piggy and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she spends most of her time being a little cuddle bug and sleeping.
My cat’s name is Hunkules and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he enjoys getting into boxes to hide. Thank you for the opportunity!
My cat’s names are Zeek and Herky. They would love to win this cottage because they love to be inside anything box shaped and often compete with one another for the best spots! If they fits, they sits!
My cat’s name is Mikey and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because as much as he loves our family, he enjoys some alone time too. Right now he has to utilize our spaces (beds, chairs, floors, etc>) but he would love a spot to call his own and won’t get kicked out of when we come along.
My cat’s name is Meadow and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she’s invented a slogan/tagline for the Cottage.
Vesper: “Let Us Play”
My cat’s name is Murray [IG: MurrayMcfurry] and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he’s getting ready to move into a new apartment, away from his cat brother for the first time, and needs a cozy place to call his own!
My cat’s name is Walker and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she is a Wildlife Biodiveristy Meow Activist and the Catit Vesper Cottage would help her complete her research from a safe distance and in comfort from her favorite window spot. Walker also supports the LA County Wildlife Corridor from the safety of her home and hopes that local LA Wildlife, with the assistance of a wildlife corridor, can also enjoy their home in safety.
My cat’s name is Corduroy and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he’s a chubby, lazy old man who LOVES napping in the sun 🙂
My cat’s name is Luna and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she is always getting into everything in my house. She can open doors, climb around, and chases around the dogs as if she owns the house. I think she’d love to own this as her own house!
My cat’s name is Gwen and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she likes her privacy (sometimes) and enjoys being a lookout (at other times).
My cat’s name is Dakota and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loved climbing in, on and around things.
My cats names are Leo,Dream,Sunny,Simi,Hope,Angel,Smokey and Dakota and they would love to win a Cait Vesper Cottage because they love to hide and jump out at each other and me. This would be so much fun.
My cat’s names are Cheddar and Benji and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they like playing hide and seek.
My cat’s name is Sammy, and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because it would be a great way to escape all the dogs in the house!
My cat’s names are Jethro and Sally and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they could hide from our doxie, Otis, and pounce on him as passes by looking for them!!
My cat’s name is Panda and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because her favorite pastime is napping in new places. A Catit Vesper Cottage would be the purrrrfect place!
My Purrbugs name is Shoshoni, he is 1 of 4 rescued indoor only Purrbugs that I live with. Shoshoni was declawed when he found me. Shoshoni would love to win the Catit Vesper Cottage because he still looks for places to hide, and The Catit Vesper Cottage would be a great place for Shoshoni, Miss Lola, Batman, and last but never least, Miss MeMe, to hang out on and in. And yes, I am a Crazy Cat Man! 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐾🙂
My cat’s name is Hercules and he would love a Catit Vesper Cottage because he would love to upgrade his housing!
My cat’s name is Tux and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because I was a feral cat, but now I have a loving family and home and want to play in/on this cool Cottage and enjoy life’s luxuries just like my kitty sisters, Violet and Zinnia, get to with all of their toys and accessories!
My cat’s name is Stoli and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves to chill in a quiet cubby.
My cat’s name is Harley and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves to play in boxes and play hide and seek as well looks for places that she can hide.
My cat’s name is Hougini and she would love to WIN a Cait Vesper Cottage because she loves to play hide and seek. She also loves to curl up and nap in a cozy place.
My cat’s name is Merkley and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves to play and this looks pretty cool!
My cat’s name is Lillykoi’Ani and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because one of her favorite games is racing in and out of hidey spots … especially when she can have her own spot to nap and then “attack” her sister Sukie from! She’s an ADHD cat!
My cat’s name is Snickers and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because Mama would make a cozy pillow for the top for me to curl up in.
My cat’s name is Sasha and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she would love to climb around this AND would love to take a snooooze on the cushion Mom would make for it.
My cat’s name is Cubby and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he would love to have a nice cottage he can watch his humans all the time.
My cat’s name is Koko the Miracle Cat and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he is special needs and has problems with high cat trees due to him being born with half a brain. He loves to climb on things and even though he is blind in one eye and has only his right side of his brain he is able to do everything a normal cat can do except purr. So when he is happy he grunts. We love your Catit fountains!
My cat’s name is Elizabeth and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves curly up in a little “hideaway” and take a nap.
Hi, my rescue cats’ names are: Jasmine, Monty, Butch, Annastashia, Montaque, Sebastian, Turk, Sunny, Morley, Mr. T, Mittens, Stormy and Kitkit; and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because even though they try to get along with each other all of the time, there are those certain times, when someone needs to find shelter from one or two of the other cats; and since my husband unexpected passed away 2 weeks ago, they are definitely missing him as much as I am; and the tension from his death continues to run through the house. This would be the perfect piece of furniture for them to hide out in, even if their tormentor were right above them; because, I believe even the tormentor would fall asleep in those cozy digs, quite quickly. Thanks to Catit for the generous offer and good luck to all of the entries. =^..^= God Bless!!
My cat’s name is Sunny Bun, and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she’s our friskiest cat, and keeps all the rest “on their toes!”
My cats are Teddy and Minnaloushe and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love to crouch under the table and look out the window. This looks far more comfortable!
My cats are Peeka and Cheeky and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they are getting old and they would like something new and stylish.
My cat’s name is kitty and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he would feel independent.
My cat’s name is Benson and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he needs a man cave!
My cat’s name is Fei and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she needs a she-shed!
Fred would love to win a cat condo for his foster cat buddies that periodically visit. That way he doesn’t have to share his own bedding with other cats!
I would love to spoil Annabel and Dexter with this lovely cottage.
My cat’s name is Charlie and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because She is an explorer and would have a lot of fun!!
My cat’s name is Smudge and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he would like to have somewhere to hide.
My cat’s name is Sasha and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because I love climbing & exploring and I bet Mom would make a cushion for the top so I could curl up there.
My cat’s name is Dolly and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she’s newly adopted, just a year old, and loves to play inside boxes and laundry baskets. Thank you for the chance to win.
My cat’s name is Mufasa; and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage, because he needs his own place to sleep.
My wife works from home and both cats want to be in her lap. We need some good alternatives.
I have been a volunteer at the Highland Animal Shelter in Highland Illinois for 20 years
and have helped a lot of cats. This will be a great addition!
We are looking to get a cat from the shelter. It sure would be nice to spoil it.
My furbabies would snuggle up together in this awesome cottage.
My kitties would be so happy with this adorable cottage.
My cat’s name is Maggie and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves sleeping and cuddling up in cubby holes and boxes!
My cat’s name is Smokey and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he needs his own little cottage to hide out in.
My cat’s name is Henry and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because sometimes he is on lookout duty and sometimes he is reclusive.
My cat’s name is Junebug and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves a cozy bed and a good lookout spot!
My cat’s name is Steve and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves getting cozy in little hideaway spots around the house.
My cats names are Sassy, Moxxi, and Mrs. Kitty and these three she’s would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because we like to sneak into mommy’s dresser drawers and scare the bejesus out of her
My cat’s name is Snickers and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she would love to climb in & around this .. and.. bet Mama would make me a cushion so I could curl up on top.
My cat’s name is Benjamin and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he is young and loves an adventure!!! He loves to have fun and this would be right up his alley!
My cat’s name is Leo and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves to lounge.
My cats’ names are Stinky, Mr.Business, and Sergeant Squeakers and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they’d be overjoyed to come home from a long day of work at the office and lounge and chat about how rude Gerald cat was during the meeting.
My cat’s name is Jax and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves to hide
My name is Oakley and I’d love to win the Catit vesper cottage because my brothers don’t let me on our vesper cabana very often and I would like the cottage all to myself 😹😹😹
My cat’s name is Renata and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves a quiet space to meditate on spiritual cat philosophies though humans may consider this napping.
My cat’s names are Frosty, Zena, L’il Bit, Sonny and Jules and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they need something to put at the back door that would allow them to look outside!
My cat’s name is Dakota and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because Mom would love to make this even MORE special & cozy by making a cushion for the top.
Meow!! My name is Miss Kitty and I would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage. I’m a senior kitty, but I still love to play and snooze. This cottage looks like an ideal place for me to do both 😺
My cat’s name is Char Coal and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves finding new places to investigate.
My cat’s name is Takara and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she is about to move into a new home with a new dog friend and could use a good hiding spot!
My cat’s names are Jethro and Peek and we would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because we are bored waiting for spring!
My cat’s name is Gilla and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he loves to hide and sleep
My cat’s name is Oscar and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he would love hiding out from his inquisitive canine brother or lounging on top watching this human family go about our business.
My cat’s name is Simone and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she can feel like she is invisible in the cabin or out in the middle of the party if she is flopped on top.
My cat’s name is Duck Tape Eddie and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he needs a hide out! This would be perfect!
My cat’s name is Gumdrop and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she is always exploring and looking for a new challenge.
My cat’s names are Odie and Reggie and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because their favorite pastime is sleeping
my Cat’s Batty ,Tigger, Angel ,Mouse , Red , Blondy ,Edward ,Baby ,and Little Boy would love it because they like to have place’s to hide and sleep or just have fun hiding from each other.yes that was 9 names.
My cat’s names are Luna, Drako, Lincoln, Jasper and Herminee and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love to play all day long!!
My cats names are Sprinkles, Nebbie and Hiney, and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because there are only so many seats on the couch.
My cat’s name is Ringo and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he just got a new dog friend a few weeks ago and needs lots of places to chill out and watch. We also want him to know how much we still love him even though we have a dog now too so winning him something special right now would be purrrrfect!
My cat’s name is Jughead and he/she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she is a store cat in a second hand store. Her spaces are changed around all the time & it would be wonderful for her to have a constant in her life.
My cat’s name is Mocha and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she wants a safe and comfortable place to hide and play with her sister Latte.
My cat’s names are Todd and Flower and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they both need some comfortable alone time from their rambunctious 7 year-old human sister. Also Todd is an old man and his year-old brother Flower plays a little hard sometimes and I can see him hiding out inside.
My cat’s name is Sassy and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she likes having her own alone time area!
My cat’s name is Cody and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because he gets really scared during thunderstorms, and he needs a safe space to run to that is all his own!
My cat’s names are Star, Leo, and George and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love to lounge comfortably on special area’s and climb on and into areas that can be explored and provide a “hideaway”.
Star especially would love the hideaway to get away from the boys who sometimes harass her.
My cat’s names are Jerrie, Ninja and Boots, and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they like to climb, but also love to “hide” in small spaces and this would give them both of those options! Thanks and God bless!
My cat’s name is Sheeba and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she knows she is special and special cats deserve special prizes.
My cat’s name is Dazzle and she would love to play and hide in a Catit Vesper Cottage because she loves to razzle and play 🙂 Thank you much.
My cat’s name is Snuggs and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she just had kittens and needs a place of her own this would be perfect thank you for the opportunity
My cat’s name is precious, rascal, chocolate, baby, awesomeo, white kitty and clover and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because they love lounging around and finding new places to sleep and play.
My cat’s name is Eli and she would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because she likes finding new places to hide and is always playful.
My cat’s name is Gwen and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she could have privacy when she wanted it and a great lookout post at other times.
At the moment I have 12 cats. I shelter elderly rescues and I love them all. They would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because someone will like it. I do have 2 younger cats that I rescued from behind the Food Lion grocery store.
So much fun, great for my cat!
My cat’s name is Abby and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because she deserves to have her own home to live in.
I have a ten year old cat, named Kitty and don’t judge, I did not name her LOL. She would love this!
My cat’s name is Cinnamon and he would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because it would be endless fun.
All my four cats would love to win one! Cat, Cattoo, Cathree and Ross! Amazing product! Thank you for a chance to win it!
My cats name is Sissy and she would really love this cat cottage..
It would give her some privacy to when she wants to hide …
My cat’s name is Faramir and he would love to win a Catit Vesper Cottage because it would be a good place to hide in and sneak attack the dogs when they pass by.
My cat’s name is Sasha and she would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because I bet Mama would make a cushion for the top of it to make it extra cozy.
My cat’s name are Sasha, Dakota & Megan and they would love to WIN a Catit Vesper Cottage because it looks like so much fund the way it is but… we bet… Mama would make a cozy cushion for the top to make it even more fun.