A few years ago the ASPCA undertook a telephone survey of more than 1,000 pet-owning households across the country to get a sense of how many pets have been lost, how many ultimately made it home, and how their guardians found them.

The study involved a random survey of pet guardians to find out if they lost a cat or dog in the past five years – and if they did, did they find that pet – and where did they look? Here’s what they found:
- 15% had lost a cat or a dog in the past five years – a lower number than had been anecdotally reported
- 85% of those lost cats and dogs were recovered
- The percentage of lost cats compared to lost dogs was quite similar – 15% percent for cats and 14% for dogs
- Cat guardians were less likely to find their cat – only 74% of lost cats were recovered, while 93% of lost dogs were recovered
59% of cat guardians found their cat because it returned home on its own; 30 percent found their cat by searching the neighborhood and only 2% of cat guardians found their lost pets at a shelter.

“This research tells us that there is a possibility that a significant percentage of the stray dogs and cats in the shelters around the country do not have someone looking for them,” said Dr. Emily Weiss, vice president of shelter research and development for the ASPCA. It also highlights the importance of ID tags and other forms of identification to ensure the quick return of lost pets.
The IAABC (International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants) shared some interesting statistics on lost cat behaviors and found that 84% of 128 lost outdoor-access cats were found within a five-house radius of their home, and that 92% of 158 cases of displaced, indoor-only cats who’d escaped outside were also found within a five-house radius of their home.

A Better Solution to this Problem
Introducing Tractive – a GPS tracker for cats that lets you follow your furry friend’s every step in real-time on your phone. See where your cat has been and what they’ve been up to. Designed for cats, it’s lightweight and 100% waterproof – Rain, shrubs and trees are no problem for Tractive. It fits securely to your cat’s collar with an easy-to-use collar attachment. * [WIN a Cat Tracker – contest details below]

This device is a bit like a phone. It has a SIM card which lets it connect to the best mobile network, and give you the most accurate location. Its coverage is unlimited which means you can track your pet even if you’re on the other side of the world.
Never lose your cat again with a Tractive GPS. See where your pet is at all times with the app and your Tractive GPS cat (or dog) tracker.
Worldwide Location Tracking
Use your GPS tracker for cats throughout the USA, Canada and 150 other countries. It lets you manage all features via the free Tractive GPS app for iOS and Android or in any browser. Did we mention that it provides up to 7 days battery life.

Follow your cat’s every step with location updates every 2-3 seconds. Make sure they’re safe … or remotely join in on their adventures. You can even do location sharing with friends and family.

Virtual Fence
Set safe spaces, like your yard or your neigborhood. Get alerts in case your cat wanders a bit too far. Know the moment your cat leaves one – and when they come back safely.

All-Day Activity Monitoring
It even lets you track active time, rest and calories burned. Set fitness goals to keep your cat healthy and in great shape.
We should mention that it does require a subscription plan which is offered in monthly, 1 year, 2 year and 5 year plans available starting at $4.99 per month.

What about indoor tracking? GPS tracking does work indoors, but structures like thick walls are likely to impact accuracy. To pinpoint location indoors, you can use FIND Mode, which shows how close your phone is to your cat’s tracker.

We’re excited to announce that Tractive kindly offered us 1 Cat Tracker for a lucky Purrington Post reader to WIN!
* Contest Now Closed
This contest ended on February 15th, 2022 and was available to residents worldwide. To enter you simply needed to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
My cats [names of your cats] and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because [your reason]
The winner was chosen at random from all the correctly submitted entries and contacted by email.
Tractive GPS Cat Trackers comes with everything you need in one box. You’re good to go the moment you get your device. To learn more check out Tractive GPS Cat Tracker.
My cats Snickers, Bowie, Nemo and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because i would love to see where they go when i am not home
What an amazing tool to reunite furr-kids with their family!
Great device. Should help pet parents find and bring home their wayward feline.
What a great idea! My wee one is indoor but she’s always wandering the hallway and I worry as she’s come close to getting out of the building a couple of times. This would provide such peace of mind,
My cats are named Lucy & Sam, and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because the idea of either of them being lost and in danger would be unbearable.
My cat Elvendork and I would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because would provide such peace of mind.
I have 2 cats. Tigger is an outside barn cat that likes to roam. There have been days where I have walked my whole property and haven’t been able to find her. Max lives in my house but he is very curious. He loves to look out the windows and watch the birds, and bees. I’m afraid he may run outside one day if the door is left open to long.
My kitty’s name is Freddie, and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because I love him so much. I don’t want him running into the busy street in front of our house. He has never been outside alone since we got him.
My cat Simon and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because it would be cool to track him to see where he goes.
My cats name is Clawde, and I need a GPS tracker, since if he got out beyond our yard ( we don’t let him out, but he sneaks out sometimes) I would absolutely be devastated. I am a proponent of micro- chipping, all 6 of our cats are microchipped- but that is only as good as hoping the finder A. Can get ahold of the cat, and B. is willing to take the cat to a facility to be scanned. IF the cat is not found by a decent human, the micro chip does nothing. But this device will allow me to find out precious boy no matter what!
My cats Bumper and Cagney and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because then would know if they wander too far.
My cats Piper and Harley and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because I would love to see how far they travel off my property. I want to know if they are trespassing!
My cat Bootsie and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because she is a stray that lives in a house on a deck for 6 months. We are slowly taming here but would like to know where she goes.
Our cat Koko is special needs and is always trying to get outside- We always worry he may succeed . There are so many places for cats to hide. This is a great idea and tool to use.
My sweet girl, Arwen, loves to go outside, but she lost her brother and litter-mate about a year ago. If he had had a Tractive GPS cat tracker, maybe she would not be missing him. I worry that she may wander too far and not find her way back home, like her brother. As for me, I would love to be able to see where she is when she goes out. I considered getting a Tile for her, but they are too big and cluncky for a cat to wear. This tech is purrfect and designed for cats.
My cats are Grayson and BeeBee and wewould love to win a Tractive GPS cat tracker because we were feral cats all of our lives and just moved in with our family a year ago. Our family took care of us for a long time outside until one-day we got stuck in a cage then the vet and now in a warm house with heated beds and 3 meals a day. My Mom says she worries we will run away and would love to have a GPS on us. Thanks, Grayson and BeeBee
My cat Fergus and I would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because per Fergus “my human gets REALLY worried if I am gone for long periods of time” Human here: He got locked inside another house (I can only assume) for 36 hours in 20 inches of snow and I was SUPER WORRIED. If I had known where he was I could have retrieved him.
My cats Arwen, Jazz and Xena and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because my sweet girl, Arwen, loves to go outside, but she lost her brother and litter-mate about a year ago. If he had had a Tractive GPS cat tracker, maybe she would not be missing him. I worry that she may wander too far and not find her way back home, like her brother. As for me, I would love to be able to see where she is when she goes out. I considered getting a Tile for her, but they are too big and cluncky for a cat to wear. This tech is purrfect and designed for cats.
Hello! My cat’s name is Whiskers and we would really like to win this wonderful GPS cat tracker. Whiskers has a little habit of trying to sneak out the back door at night! Whiskers scares the living day lights out of me when he does this. We have wild critters here that like to snack on little kitties. The tracker will help me find him right off, before he gets to far away.
Thank you for this chance!
My cats Tank, Shera, Aphroditie, Hawkeye, Thor, Panther and Tigger and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because we have already lost 4 cats, 1 was being set up for an ESA to a neighbor catching and killing them. They were indoor cats that ran out with the kids opening the door for school, never to be seen again.
My cat Nutmeg and I would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because I cannot possibly live without her and cannot ever ever EVER lose her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a fantastic idea!
My cats, Zoshe, Cindy, Lucy, and Fatty, would love to win a Tractive because sometimes they run out and we worry!
My cats [Kitty and Mama] and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because we want to know where Mama goes to explore when she’s outside! It’s been a mystery for 2 years now and we need answers Lol ^.^
I have Gigi, Yuri, Tomassino, Micky Jagger, Timmy, Tommy, Daisy, and Gina.
My cats are indoor cats but I have been worried that if there were an Earthquake
and I wasn’t home, how would I find my cats.
I think this tracker is brilliant!
My cats are Piwacket and Buttercup, and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because Pi is a stealthy ninja cat and somehow manages to slips out the door when we’re not looking. His sister (and me!) are nervous and upset until he is safely back in the house.
My cat Inky and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because we want to be sure that if she every got out, we could find her and not have to worry that she would get lost.
My cat Jack and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because it would help me know where Jack travels. Jack is a semi-feral, live outdoors in a shelter on my deck, has been with me for 8 years and I know from a Blink security system that he does roam during the night. Since there is a lot of territory around where we live, it would help me to know how far away his trips might take him.
My cats name is Jazz and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because I don’t know what I would do if she was gone.
OMG! This product would give me such peace of mind! Years and years ago, my kitty got out and was never seen again. My heart was broken and I still yearn to know whatever happened to him. I loved him so much. Now I have 4 kitties and have been known to sneak out a time or two and maybe be gone for hours until we find them. It is very scary and heartbreaking!
My cat Finley and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because he is very much loved!
We have two cats but only one is interested in going outside. Taz is such a sneaker! He has learned how long it takes the screen door to close behind us and has been getting out in the non-snow seasons here. Luckily he is not a cold-weather guy. He is also a nosey boy and follows us around mostly to see what we are doing and we catch him. Other times he wants to check out the neighborhood. I worry a hawk, loose dog, or one of the local strays will get him when we can’t quickly find him. Having a tracker on Taz would help us greatly.
I would love to win a GPS Tracker because I know the worry and heartache of losing a cherish family member! Several years ago our little boy disappeared and we searched for weeks and never found him! We hope he was found by a loving family that took him in but the fear of not knowing what happened to him still hurts to this day! This would help to hopefully prevent the same thing from happening to our newest addition!
My cat Mora and I would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because she’s getting older and she loves to go outside and while she usually always comes home sometimes I worry that shell get lost or forgetful so this will really help.
My cats Walter and Peter and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because. Walter loves to pee in the house and would be happy if he could wander outside and do that instead and Peter just wants to meet all the new friends waiting for him in the neighborhood. At the moment their mom is too afraid to let them outside without supervision.
This is my biggest worry when I adopt cats out, will the cat go off exploring and I’ll get a panic call from the adopter. Having had cats all my life and a few door dashers in the mix I know being able to track my cat quickly would be an immense relief. Hey, they are cats. Sometimes they like to play this game in doors, they hide so you think they got out, you search your house a dozen times. Go outside and look. Repeat . then they suddenly are sitting on your couch. Having a tracker would be a big relief!
My cats Panther, Kora and Flurry and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because one day we heard a loud noise and it turned out Kora had cannonballed through the screen on the window and was running through the street after a squirrel. Another time we had a friend over and found out the next morning Kora had run out when he went to grab something at 2am and he spent the night chasing her around. It would be great to have the peace of mind that Kora is safely indoors. Not to mention, if she busts out while we’re gone Panther and Flurry might eventually follow suite. She just wants to chase animals, roll around in the dirt, and eat grass, but we just want to keep her alive cause we love her so much!
My cats Loki and PumPum would LOVE to win a Tractive GPS cat tracker because, we don’t always come when called if we’re outside, then our mom freaks out and wanders the neighborhood ugly crying until she finds us but we like to run home before she does to play hide and seek and she’s not normally too happy about it. If we had a Tractive GPS mom would know that we are close and safe 24/7 and not have to redo her makeup 😹
Sir Pums & Loki Beans
My cats are, Chloe, baby cat and hank, and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because they are all inside cats but got out recently when we had paramedics here and it took 2 days to find baby cat. hank and Chloe came back once the neighborhood slowed down but baby cat had never been out before and she still runs in a blind panic when the doorbell rings.
My cats Stumpy, Patches, Smokey and Momma and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because one day last year Patches slipped out the door and disappeared for the day. We searched all over the neighborhood for her and eventually found her in the neighbors yard. If we had the tracker, we could have found her right away
My cat’s name is Willow and we would love to win a Tractive GPS cat tracker because.she once somehow got out of the house ( She is an indoor cat and we still have no idea how she escaped) We sat outside every night for over 2 weeks with a Have a heart trap until one night she did go into the trap and thankfully she was safe!!! Having the GPOS tracer wold have been such a help.
My cats Lily, Max, Junior, Sylvester, Bud, Em, Mew and Sasha and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because Lily LOVES to sneak out (all our cats are indoor cats) and we have already “lost” her once. For an entire week she was sneaking around the neighborhood until we finally caught her and brought her home. She looks like a Russian Blue & I was so scared someone was going to pick her up thinking she was a purebred (she’s not and she is a shelter rescue, like all of the cats, but since she is so exotic looking I was worried) and keep her.
My catsare Raina, Jake and Ali, and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because then our mommy wouldn’t worry so much about us!
I’ve been dreaming about this idea for years! How exciting to see it’s becoming a reality!
So glad they finally came out with one for cats. Everything is always for dogs. I’ve needed this so many different times over the years for cats that disappeared or got lost. I need to win this right now today! My little feral black cat that I have been trying to tame has disappeared and has been gone for almost 3 days. We do have foxes and coyotes in the area even though it’s in the middle of town. I hope and pray she comes back and when she does need to get a tracker on her. Thank you!
My cat is Ashe and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because if she ever got out and was lost, we would not be able to handle it 🙁 This would give us peace of mind.
My cat Cleocatra Piper and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because she loves the outdoors, but sometimes sneaks out of her leash before we can grab her!
My cats Luna, Gracie, Binx and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because they love the outdoors but Mom is too scared to let them out for fear they’ll get lost.
My cat, Moby, and I would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because I rescued him as a kitten while he was dodging traffic on a very busy 3 lane highway and he is very energetic! He currently is NOT allowed out but he does try to make a run for it every time the door opens. I would hate to lose this little bundle of joy!
My cat, Jackson, and I would love to win a Tractive GPS Tracker because although he is not allowed out of the house he is a bolter and tries to run as soon as the door is cracked open. And boy is he fast. He’s a black kitty and hard to find at night. He is 12 years old and in remission from GI and Spleen cancer. He went through 12 months of chemo and is currently on medication that he needs daily. So if he were to ever get lost, he would be without the medication that he desperately needs. I do not want to lose my sweet boy. I’ve had him since he was 3 months old. He is my baby! Thank you!
My cats Pumpkin and Dinky and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because they get into all kinds of mischief and I’d love to find out where they go when outside. Also, if the weather turns bad I’d like to know where they are to rescue them & bring them indoors.
My cats Newton, Domino, Booberry, Nigel, Slick, Reo and Sister and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because it would break my heart to not know where they were.
My cats fred and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because i suspect he is out causing all kinds of trouble in my neighborhood when I’m at work and I need to see for myself.
My cats names are Norton, Sweet Pea, PaNina, Punkie, Mama Bella, Boomer, Lenny, Squiggy, Mango & Miss Violet! We would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because because 2 of our boys (Lenny & Mango) ate sometimes hard to find at night when everyone else is already inside for the evening! 😉
My cat originally named Runway (now Shaman) was found at the airport and brought to Second Hand Purrs Cat Shelter where I adopted him.
He is a true free spirit and I am sure if he was not under my watchful eye he would be taking off for the airport again to fly off to a warmer climate than Wisconsin.
A Tracker would be a blessing for him as he is an escape artist always looking for the opportune moment.
Thank you for this offer.
My cat’s name is Saul and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because I know the devistation of having a cat disappear and never knowing what happened to it.
My cats, Larry, Norman, and Lukie, and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because I lost Larry once for 5 days. I never, ever want to go through that trauma again!! Thank you for creating a tracker FOR CATS!
Since this Pandemic, my daughter has become a nervous wreck. She was such a happy-go-lucky person. She had a wonderful job. And as I said things were great. Now with Cvoid 19, she has become anxious, paranoid, nervous, unwilling to go out with her friends. Her only best friend is her cat, Detective Abner; whom she found under a dumpster. She loves that cat, and she constantly worries about him when he is outside playing in the mud and chasing squirrels or deer. She worries about him too much. He’s her special needs cat (he has FIV herpes in his eyes-needs special meds). With this tracker, I believe it would help her anxiety.
Thank you for listening to this cat-lover Mom.
P. S. he’s also a cat burglar.
My cats would love to win a GPS Tractive cat tracker because all three of them are 18 years old. Losing them at this stage to escaping the house would be awful.
My cats Rusty and Mango and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because the two stealthy kitties manage to sneak out the door sometimes at night when I open it only briefly — not knowing they were hiding behind me ready to run out. I would like to know that they aren’t going somewhere unsafe when they do this and they would be glad to be found because I’d know where to find them.
My cat Kismet would love to win a GPS Tractive cat tracker because she stealthily snuck out of our house a couple of years ago. It was so terrifying because we are in a rural area. We found her after scouring for miles. This would be such a wonderful device to have!! Thank you!
What a precious gift of peace in knowing where your fur child is! My daughter adopted a stray who came to her rental two months ago…Craig. Since she lives in a city next to a busy street, this would give her peace of mind if he ever got out of the door unintentionally. Thank you for the opportunity to win this.
I would love to win the Tractive GPS for my cat Allie. Allie is can indoor kitty however she is also an escape artist. In the summer when the windows are open, more than once she has pushed out a screen (first floor) and goes on her merry way.
I eventually find her, but I have been so afraid of loosing her……
Thanks for any consideration…..
I travel a lot with my cats Dale & Abigail. I would not like them to be lost during our travels. With this device we would be united.
My cats are Ivy and Minty and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because these little minions go roaming and I’m pretty sure one has another family lol
My cats Boris & Buddy and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because in case they get a ‘wild hair’ & manage to get out the door.
My cat Basil and I would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because Basil loves to explore the neighborhood and hesitates to come in when called. This way I could find him much faster.
My cats Pooky, Elsa. Olaf, Mal, BingBong, & Lilo and I would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because last year one of my cats went missing for 2 days. I was lucky that he returned on his own but I never want to be left worrying like that again.
I have 7 cats, all rescues-Truman, Roo, Nod, Scout. Jimmy, Fuzz and Oak. They are all indoor- only and are able to go out safely in a catio, which they love. But they want to help other outdoor cats be found if lost, so we would donate the Tractive to a friend who has outdoor cats- she also feeds 11 cat colonies every day of the year, so we feel she deserves a great surprise! Thank you
My cats Emrys, Sophy, Luna and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because we would love to see what our fur babies are doing while home alone.
My cats Liza Rose, Judy, Sweet Pea, Kami and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because two of my cats were strays and we never want them to be lost again, and two have never been outside at all and we would be devastated to think of them out trying to fend for themselves.
My cats are Ralphie, Norton, Mouse, Max and Herbie and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because I’d love to know where Herbie the Love Tank roams off to.
I am terrified that any one of my three cats would be lost in our neighborhood. We live in an area where bobcats, coyotes, mountain lions, and even bears have been seen nearby. The GPS tracker would be a real comfort to me. Thanks for the opportunity to win one.
My cats Tonks, Newt, and Lionel and I would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because we have experienced the loss of a beloved cat, Alfred, who went missing two years ago—what a difference this tracker would’ve made in preventing that very sad loss. Thanks for developing it!
My cat are Lyle and Linus. We would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because Lyle gets brain melt and disappears for 20-36 hours on really hot days. It would give me peace of mind to know I can find her or at least see that she is moving, even if she isn’t coming home.
My cat Monty and I would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because he was a stray when rescued with a broken paw and internal bleeding. After 8 months of loving care and vet treatment, by Thames Valley Animal Welfare, we were very happy to give him a new home over 5.5 years ago. Winning this prize would be the bit of good luck he deserves and hopefully ensure he does not become a stray again..
My cats Destiny and Derby would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because we go out into our fenced yard and even though we haven’t figured out how to climb the fence yet Mom thinks we might and she says there are scary things on the other side.
My cats Crouton and Blisters would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because they are very curious cats. You know the saying and I want them to be safe!
My cats Champagne and TeaCup would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because, if lost, WE WANT TO FIND THEM QUICK!
My cat Cosima is a curious girl, a few times a week she dashes out the front door as I’m bringing in groceries. Fortunately I’ve been able to grab her quickly, however I’d love to be prepared should she ever get further away. Finding her quickly is a MUST in areas with coyotes.
My cat’s name is Arya and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because she is always chasing chipmunks off into the woods
My cats name is Franklin and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker for him because he was a stray and we are concerned he might run off too far from the house out here in the country where we live.
My cat mousey and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because I would like to keep an eye on her to make sure she’s okay 👍
I would love to win one of these trackers. I have a cat that is constantly sneaking out. I usually catch him immediately but the fear of him getting lost is overwhelming. I lost my cat, Jacques in 2013 in that same way (snuck out underfoot). I searched everywhere for him to no avail. He was microchipped and had a collar and tag with his name and number but, still was never found or reported to me. I had flyers up everywhere in my town. Nothing. This GPS would have prevented this. There were no devices like this that I know of back then.
My 8 yr old cat Blitz would love to win a Tractive Cat Tracker for his mom to track him when he stands on his hind legs to pull the door lever down, then conveniently hight-tails-it for the culvert under our street. Once in a while, he’ll slip between the legs of the unsuspecting parent or visitor. He does not want to be found until it’s his time to come home. Sometimes we’re on our way to an appt, and cannot take the time to chase after him. At least I would know where to look after returning home. I get so worried because just 1 house over is a busy street that has claimed the lives of so many wayward pets. This tracker would help me locate him and bring him home. Thank you for creating a device that will ease the hearts of so many pet parents whose babies have gone missing.
i would love to win a Tractive Cat GPS tracker for my cat Shadow who is an indoor cat because he is always looking to get out the front door and has done several times and i have to go look for him and sometimes its several hours before i find him especially at night because he is all black and you cant see him in the dark
My cat Meowy and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because he loves to explore and this way I’d be safe because I know where he is.
My cat Monkey and I would love to get a Tractive GPS collar! Monkey has several illnesses. She was a feral kitty years ago. I started feeding her and trying to tame her. She stopped showing up one day…. Where was she!?! She had been hit by a car! Weeks later, I found her, broken and battered. I nursed her back to health. She’s been my special kitty ever since! With all her other illnesses, I worry about her missing her medication. She will go outside just to sit in the sun for a bit. This tracker would really help give peace of mind!!
My cat (kitten) Samson would love to win a Tractive GPS collar! He has just arrived at our house and was my Christmas present! Not sure if Samson will be a door dasher or not, but we would be absolutely devasted if he got out and we lost him. One of our FB friends kitties got out during the Summer and she still hasn’t found her, I am just sick over her losing her precious baby and wish that she would have had a Tractive GPS collar.
My cats Binx, Peanut, Mouse, Cookie, Ghost, Juno, and Jax & I would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because we had another semi-feral stray named Cheeto, who everyone in the neighborhood loved very much. He still insisted on going outside, but he always came to visit us. I had him neutered & caught up with his shots. I called him every day at dinnertime & he always showed up. Till one day he didn’t. All the neighbor kids were devastated, and so was I. We searched & posted him on sites, but nothing. He’s been gone now for 6 months, but I won’t stop hoping he’ll be found. I wish he had a tracking chip!! 😔 Also, Binx & Juno like to sneak out when they can, (they used to be strays also), but they never go very far. It would be awesome to put trackers on them to see what they get up to!
My cat Bots and I would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because sometimes I escape when mom opens the door and I’m faster than her.
Clarabelle might get her “wings” back if I could keep track of her!
My cat is Clarabell and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because I clipped her wings because she started ignoring me
My cat Cali and I would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because this would make me feel more comfortable to know my Cali is safe inside our home and where she may be in our home. Cali is an indoor kitty so she remains inside all the time and this would also help comfort me for when maintenance may come in when I may not be home and being sure she is not let out on accident.
My cats Bug, Callie, Pumpkin and Jack and we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because we are all indoor cats and are tempted by the squirrels and birds outside and if any of them got out, I would be devastated if I could not find them.
My cats Blinkers, Socks, Smoky, Shadow and Tips. we would love to win a Tractive GPS Cat Tracker because I’ve lost a lot of cats and still think and wonder about them. and where they are at.
We have 9 cats…Massey, Maple, Maggie May, Maxwell, Macie, Mash, Marlie, Mr. Marbles and Toby, the latter was a foster fail, so we kept his original name since he was used to it or else I would have given him an ‘Ma’ name of some sort too! 😻 We would have 10 cats, but three years ago, my beloved rescue girl, Margo, that I had only had for 4 months got chased off of our front porch by our neighbor’s dogs. We live in a very rural area, but that didn’t stop us from searching, knocking on neighbors doors, posting to social media, contacting rescues/shelters or anything else we could think of to get her back…or to know if she was alive or not. When I rescued Margo, she was on her deathbed and I don’t think she would have lasted another night in the car sales parking lot where I found her. She turned out to be a beautiful, loving sweetheart and our last step (she was at the vet’s for a week after I rescued her & then vaccines, bloodwork, spayed) was to get her microchipped, but it never happened. I have so many shoulda, woulda, coulda’s when I look back to that terrible day. I have cried endlessly and so wish I knew where she was or if she even is alive. If I would have had a GPS tracker on her I would know. The heartbreak of losing my special girl will never leave me. She is in my heart wherever I go. 💖
Having to move soon for a short time and then re-locate again I am so worried at losing my cat. I have been searching for the best Tracker and that is how I stumbled on this competition as I believe that this product will be perfect for me and my cat Tish, The best on the market. Would love to win one.
I have a friends who lost a cat and I want to help him find his cat. He’s lost his cat for almost two years. 🙁 And also my cat Severus goes of a lot (and brings friends) and we don’t want to lose him. That’s why I want to win one!
Hey ,Firstly I love cats and have three of them Peri, Guci , Prady. Secondly , found your article very interesting and helpful for my current study on GPS Tracking. I am someone who loves pets and getting to know a fact where you can actually track your pets is awesome and such a relief. I will definitely use some points of the article in my project.
This is such an important tool to keep up with your furry friends. Keep up the great blog work!
That is a really awesome and useful device for cat owners because every cat owner fears that their cat gets lost. I also try to get it for my cat Ana