Can you guess the most popular cat names in 2017?
Find Cat Names, an interactive cat naming website, just released their list of the year’s most popular cat names, and the results are surprising. The names Simba and Nala – two main characters in the 1994 animated film The Lion King –have always been popular choices for cat owners. In 2017, however, love for the Lion King reached a new high with Simba taking the top spot on the list of most popular boy cat names and Nala reaching number one for most popular female cat names.
Photo credit: Wiki Commons (public)
Who’d have guessed? They say that the ‘90s are making a comeback, so perhaps people are feeling nostalgic for this Disney classic? That wasn’t the only surprise this year. The name Milo, typically considered a popular dog name, skyrocketed to the number two spot on the list of top male cat names.
The results are based on the search selections of the 2.2 million new cat owners who used the site so far this year.
Here are the top 10 Female and Male cat names for 2017:
Top Female Cat Names
- Nala
- Bella
- Luna
- Abby
- Daisy
- Angel
- Cleo
- Hazel
- Belle
- Coco
Top Male Cat Names
- Simba
- Milo
- Tiger
- Oreo
- Bear
- Biscuit
- Felix
- Jasper
- Alfie
- Caesar
Is your cat’s name part of this year’s Top 10 list?
With millions of people all over the world likely to be getting a new cat in 2018, one big decision has to be made – what name for my cat should I choose? Do you name your cat by the way it looks? Sounds? Plays? Should you copy other cats’ names? Use the above list? Find something original and unusual? Or go for the practical?
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Start by deciding what type of names you like the most – human cat names, traditional cat names, silly cat names, foreign cat names, and so on. Draw up a shortlist of maybe 10 names and mull them over for a few days. The name for your cat really needs to suit your cat, and it will say a lot about you too! If you’re naming a kitten, remember that the name will need to suit the kitten when it is grown up! Don’t rush. Let it be a meowathon and not a sprint! >^..^<
Check out the infograph below and find the top cat names tracked in several key categories. There’s plenty of inspurration to be found here!
Infograph is courtesy of Find Cat Names
What’s your favorite cat name? Drop us a comment in the ‘Leave a Reply’ section below.
Since my 16 year old, special needs rescue cat is named Tazzy, I’ve become partial to that name. I’ve never heard the name before. I like it.
Love Tazzy for a name
Very unique 
I have a Tazzy too. Sometimes referred to as Tazzy Wazzy Razzamatazzy.
Our four inside cats names reflect what they were like as kittens and all are rescues. Monster 10yrs, Tuffy 3&1/2 yes, both boys, Tiny9months and she is very tiny, then Butterball and she eats like one 8 months also daughter of our most tame ferrel momma MeowMeow 4yrs ” still can’t actually touch her but, she loves canned food so much she cries for it daily of course we don’t have names for the other 8 ferrels we care for that was brn and never leave our small 2 acres. Yet we love them all
I have six cats. Gracie Lou, Sydney Mae, Rayleigh May, Chloe Grace, Nicholas Dakota, & Tia Ray. Other names that I have given to other cats that I had, was, Muffins Audrey, Mystery Annette, Chloe Odessa, Piper Gail, & Charlie Sawyer. I love to give them “real” names with a middle name.
There has been a Simba — Queen Simba — in our furmily. And I love the name “Hazel”.
My cat is a calico her name is Callie she also has a middle name which is ann
My 1st cat was a Girl named Pippi after Pippi Longstocking. My 2nd was a boy named Squeaky (Squeaks for short). My current is a Girl named Toots
I feel so odd, I have not given a popular name to any of my many cats: George (3), Lover, Whiskey, Monkey, Smoke, Dufus, Keester, Hook, Mao, Crystal, Annie, Inky, Dinky, Charlie, Toby, Taffy, Rufus, Cobra, Dreamy ….. all the farm cats had names!
I have 4 cats. All are Maine Coons or Maine Coon mixes. Two females names Misty and Moxie and two males named Marlowe and Magnum. They range in age from 12 years to 15 months. Never a dull moment in our household.
We have a favorite cat whose name is Captain Haddock, or Haddie for short. I think he is part Bengal, and he has an exceptional personality.
I named my male cat Pirelli after an Italian tyre brand manufacturer because he runs very fast and drifts.
I had a Luna once, but she came w that name.
I had Simbi, but that’s a voodoo Loa, not a Disney character.
I have/had
Empress Jingû
Wilberforce Claiborne Humphries III
I hate common cutesy names….so….
Awful names!
My rescues…..Angel (Mom) to: Belle, Butch, Sonny, Dolly, Lucy and Ethel. Bud and Lou arrived within days of each other and Mick a month later. Creamsicle, Max and Lily, joined by Scarlet and Tara….Cleo was the last but another has shown up, Sam…hmmmm must be published somehow because I’ve seen a beautiful black feral lurking around.
One cat was a usual name Whiskers. Then 3 kittens were born wild in my wood shed. We rescued them, named the tabby Carrot Top. The twins appeared to have Russian Bk\lue in them, both gray. One named Mitchell, but I called him my Dolly. His twin was stuck in the wall, actually cut the bathroom wall out to get her. I named her Ms. Beemer. Now we have Blaze another tabbly. I just got two barn cats and they are nmaed Sugar and Spice and I am everything nice!
I have a rescued cat from outside that we call ‘Cobweb’. He is a Tuxie and is so named because before we brought him in, he would hide in one of the barns we have on our property. He would come out to eat and would be covered in cobwebs…so hence the name. We brought him in about 6 months later, got him neutered and he’s an inside cat since then. He is about 3 yrs. old now and rules the house and our dog ‘Hester’. Our property has always attracted cats and we have quite a group outside that we feed everyday. They all have names too, Porky, Mama, Longshanks, Peanut and Pebbles (they are brother and sister), Coal, Evie, Scotch (Peanut and Pebbles Mom), Cisco, Heidi (Mama’s daughter),Smudge, and Sigh.
I have 3 fur babies :
Bhutros Hirschel
Percival Lowell ( Percy)
Agnes Rose
I have 3 cats -12 yr male- Troxel(he was a barn kitten & slept in a riding helmet , so we named him after the helmet brand
10 yr female -Jade-(she was a stray i rescued) she has big almond shaped pretty green eyes
3 yr male-Ace-(tuxedo) black & white so named for ace of spades
My friend called her cat Trevor

I had 2 cats who both lived to be 18. I named my darling fluffy mainecoon Priscilla Ann and my male tabby, Sydney Armand. I now have 2 cats. My male Tuxedo is called Sammy and my orange male cat is named Boris. He came with that name.
I have two males: a tuxedo named Sammy and an orange one named Boris. Previously, I had a female named Priscilla Ann and a male named Sydney Armand.
Awesome awesome post!! Great infographic, too. Thank you for sharing.
i have also a cute cat,name Lilly
Past cats-Pepper, Sophie, Lucky, Peanut, and Belle and Beau (who were littermates)
My current cats are Charlie and Selene. Charlie is named after Charlie Chaplin (he’s entirely black, kind of strange, and was found wandering around outside as a kitten). Selene is named after the ancient Greek personification of the moon (she’s a tabby with various shades of grey in her fur, as well as some white-very moon-like coloration).
I have my cats named Kit Kat she’s 3 years old, Milkz he’ll be a year in March and Oreo who will be a year in November!
I like to name my cats after their personality or a unique trait. My newest kitten is a reverse tuxedo with a black patch over his left eye. His name is Chihuly after my favorite artist Dale Chihuly.
I have Hazelnut, Amiga, and Princessa, all feral cats I’ve taken off the streets. Cats’ feeders named a feral male cat in my yard ‘John the Bully,’ because he fights other cats, and I’ve seen him hiss and rush at humans who try to chase him away. I had a cat named ‘Angel’, who used to attack the vet like a maniac and threaten dogs five times his size, including the neighbor’s dog that was horse-sized. Also had a white Persian slightly mixed with Angora called ‘Milky.’
Never allow young human children to name cats. Just ask my friend “Little Bender.”
Need unique name for my orange tabby I want to name her Princess Priscilla any other ideas would be helpful
My past cats names: Garfield, Leo, Lucy, Luna, Bagheera, Tweety (came with his name)
At the moment I have indoor cats: Lilly (Tabby) and Merlin (Tuxedo, Maine Coon Mix)
We also have barn cats: Ziggy (orange, male), Boomer (Tabby, female), Pinky (Grey, Medium Hair Length, female)
Boomer’s kittens last spring were Luke (Orange, Male) and Josie (Tabby, female); Pinky’s kittens were Oscar (Greytabby with white, male), Olive (Grey, female) and Luna (Looks like a Siamese Lynx Point, female)
Someone also dumped their Mama Cat with 3 kittens on our farm, their names were Camilla (Mama, Tabby, female), Queeny (Diluted Calico, female), Ella (Greytabby with white, female) and Milo (Black and White, male)
The kittens all found loving homes but Camilla the Mama Cat disappeared