The Artist Who Loved Cats: The Inspiring Tale of Theophile Alexandre Steinlen is a picture book biography of the artist who created the iconic Le Chat Noir cabaret posters.

Steinlen moved to Paris in 1881 to pursue his creative dreams, ultimately creating more than 700 journal illustrations, famous posters, sculptures, cartoon strips, and paintings. Many of Steinlen’s artworks feature cats, his favorite subject.

This story opens in modern-day France, when a little girl named Antoinette notices a little bronze cat in the window of her favorite antique store, and begs the shopkeeper Monsieur Arvieux and his clever cat Noir to tell her all about the artist.

More than just a biography, The Artist Who Loved Cats is a celebration of art, inspiration, and following your heart to create a life that you love. This book is pawsitively delightful! >^..^<
We’re so pleased to be able to offer 5 copies of The Artist Who Loved Cats for five lucky Purrington Post readers to WIN!

* Contest Details
This contest ended on June 25th, 2019 and was available to U.S. residents only. To enter you needed to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
My cat’s name is [insert your cat’s name] and if he/she lived in Paris, they’d probably spend most of their time doing [insert your cat’s secret French passion]
The 5 winners were chosen by the author and illustrator from all the correctly submitted entries and contacted by email.
Author & Illustrator Bios
Author Susan Schaefer Bernardo and illustrator Courtenay Fletcher met in a Mommy and Me class 14 years ago when their kids were tots – now they are a dynamic duo committed to creating and publishing books to heal and inspire children through their company, Inner Flower Child Books! A trip to Paris and a serendipitous discovery inspired their latest book, The Artist Who Loved Cats: The Inspiring Tale of Theophile-Alexandre Steinlen.

Learn more about Susan and Courtenay here =>
My cat’s name is Hillary.If she lived in Paris, she’d probably spend all he time in the window watching pigeons.
My cat’s name is Jane Avril and if she lived in Paris, she’d probably spend most of her time catting & can-canning around the Moulin Rouge & modeling for a famous painter!
My cat’s name is Paul Simon and if he lived in Paris, he’d probably spend most of his time being fabulous effortlessly.
My cat’s name is Merlin, and if he lived in Paris, he’d probably spend most of his time flirting with the ladies! He’s *very* affectionate 🙂 .
My cat’s name is Callie, and if she lived in Paris, she’d probably try to climb the Eiffel Tower.
My cat’t name is Elvis, and if he lived in Paris he would be hiding and peeking out from corners. Elvis is very shy and afraid of people and lately since his brothers are gone he is now afraid of cats.
My cat’s name is Jackson and if he lived in Paris, he’d probably spend his days sashaying down the street with his extremely fluffy tail swishing high in the air and giving thumbs up to everyone with his polydactyl paws!
My cat’s name is Harry Dunn and if he lived in Paris, he’d probably spend most of his time sneaking in the Catacombs and scaring helpless visitors that are walking through the tunnels! (He probably pretends he’s doing just that- jumping out behind sofa’s and doors etc.. )
My cat’s name is Barack and if he lived in Paris hew would try to sample as much French cuisine as possible.
My cats name is Kali and if she lived in Paris she would do what she does now. Sleep 90 % and then eat and sit in my lap or lay beside me in my be and sleep more. She loves the poster I have by this artist as do I. Did not know he had more will check on it now . My cat and cats do not go outside ever. Kali andI talk to each other when she wants something form me. Either petting or food
My cat’s name is Sassy and if she lived in Paris, she’d probably spend most of her time flirting and giving kisses.
My cat’s name is Big Bad Baby Twinkle and if she lived in Paris, she’d probably spend most of her time eating so many croissants that there would be a SHORTAGE!!! Sacre Mew!!!
My cat’s name is Felicity and if she lived in Paris, where I was born, she’d probably spend most of her time observing people on the streets, carefully considering their behaviors, and delicately taste-testing les différents types de fromages.
My cat’s name is Lucly and if he lived in Paris, they’d probably spend most of their time doing charming the mademoiselle kitties!
My cat’s name is Percy and if he lived in Paris, he’d be strolling beside the Seine, red-orange ring tail held high, while I followed close behind. He is the prince in exile of a tribe of cats, the Powznik-Maroux, who live near the Centre Pompidou.
I have three cats… Ella, Greylee, and Mia. They are not Paris cats.. They don’t like travel. Course it does seem that all their travel ends up at the vet.
I have three cats… Ella, Greylee, and Mia. They are not Paris cats.. They don’t like travel. Course it does seem that all their travel ends up at the vet.
My cat’s name is Jake and if he lived in Paris, he’d probably spend most of his time eating croissants, because he loves bread!
My cats’ names are Calvin and Hobbes. If they lived in Paris, they would be reeking havoc from the Mont to Notre Dame. They would get imprisoned in the Conciergerie (in Marie Antoinette’s cell, no less) but get pardoned just before losing their heads and go to live happily ever after in a houseboat on the Seine.
My cat’s name is Penny & if she lived in Paris she would spend most of her time eating croissants!
My cat’s name is Saba. If Saba was in Paris, he would sit outside at a café all day, in a spot with the right mix of sun and shade, eating and talking with anyone who was up for a chat.
My cats name is Ms Magoo and if she lived in Paris she would be sipping catmint wine and taking a sunset cruise on the Seine.
My cats names are Cami, Max and Garfield and if they lived in Paris, they’d probably spend most of their time laying in the window watching and studying the fabulous French walk by in between napping and playing!
My cats Name is Ms Magoo and if she lived in Paris she would spend most of her time sipping catmint wine and taking sunset cruises on the Seine.
I have a total of 8 cats. Did have 9 but he passed away about 3 weeks ago. He was 17 years young.
There names are: Callie, Sammy, Sadie, Manny, MeMe, Scooter, Bailey and Thomas. Anytime a kitten
or a cat shows up I feed them and take care of them . Oh I also have one that just comes to eat and
then leaves. AM and PM. I just love them all. Their travel is consumed by going to the vet for whatever
My cat’s name is Batman. He is a sleek black cat that doesn’t need a cape. And if he lived in gay Paree (Paris) he would leap from building top to building top keeping a keen cats eyes view on protecting the city below. At least that’s what he day dreams of in his daily adventures. Maybe I should’ve named him “Walter Mitty-Kitty” – as he was a day dreamer too.
My cats name is Missy, and if she lived in Paris, she would probably spend most of her time stalking warm ,fresh baguettes . Once she pounced and caught said baguette, she would shred it to pieces, and use the pieces to attract birds to chase!
My cats name is Electra and if she lived in Paris she would spend most of her time sleeping on my lap.
My cat’s names are Tarifa, Suha, and Elvis, and if they lived in Paris, they’d probably spend most of their time observing the life of the city through their many windows while their servant read THE ARTIST WHO LOVED CATS — Paris is fascinating and full of life!
My cat’s name is Tully and if he lived in Paris he would spend most of his time hanging out at Pont Neuf fishing in the Seine and popping over to the left bank to lounge in a chair hoping for a tiny mouse or two to come scampering by.
My cat’s names are Luna, Koko, and Yum Yum and if they lived in Paris, they’d probably spend most of their time sipping coffee at a cafe and enjoying the local street scene.
My cats’ names are Boo and Misha, and if they lived in Paris, they’d probably spend most of their time stealing cheese from restaurant tabletops and bird-watching from the top of the Eiffel Tower.
My cat’s name is Daisy and if she lived in Paris-she would know everyone! She’d probably spend most of her time enjoying the sunshine and chattering at birds in the Spring and greeting her favorite human neighbors all year round!
My cat’s name is Wilson, and if he lived in Paris, he’d probably spend most of his time walking around the neighborhood wearing a little beret and charming everyone, just as he does here.
My cat’s name is Joon and if she lived in Paris, she’d would spend most of her time at a 5 star restaurant eating all the delicious table scraps from le chat loving Parisians.
My cat’s name i Rusty and if he lived in Paris he would spend most of his time eating pate’. ( much better than canned liver cat food).
My cat’s name is Simon and if he lived in Paris, he’d probably spend most of his time lounging in a shady spot, keeping one eye open for other cats intruding upon his territory.
My cats’ names are Keri & Loki and if they lived in Paris they would probably spend most of their time watching the people passing by the windows and enjoying the smells of fresh baked goods and the Seine. OOh, la la.
My 3 cat’s names are Viking Cat King Arthur and his minions Sasha & Inky and if they lived in Paris, they would probably spend most of their time doing chasing each other up and down the Eiffel Tower, thinking it was just a really big cat tree.
My cat’s name is L J Gibbs and if he lived in Paris, he’d probably spend most of his time doing each of the fine French bistros!
My cat’s name is Seurat (for another famous artist) and if he lived in Paris, he’d probably spend most of his time sleeping, because: cat….
My cats’ names are Mickey Le Mouse, Rufus Le Rouge, and Ernie. If they lived in Paris, they’d probably spend most of their time in bistros chasing cute French girl cats and sampling Mouse Mousse.
I’m currently cat-less, but my friend’s cat’s name is Qvaron and if he lived in Paris, he’d probably spend most of their time hanging around the cafe begging for cream in someone’s saucer… (my friend would get the book anyway, she has the poster of the book cover’s artwork hanging on her wall!)
My cat’s names are Knute, Fearless, Chewie and Davey Jones. If they lived in Paris, Knute would find the most comfortable pillow to sleep on in the sunniest winder. Fearless would hide under a duvet. Chewie would give high fives to all who walked by and Davey Jones would spend his days disassembling the Eiffel Tower
Our cat’s name was Petra. When we lived in Paris in the 1980’s she stayed mostly inside our son’s bedroom. Occasionally, she liked to perch on the balcony outside the window. One night, our French neighbors knocked on the door to tell us Petra had been locked outside the window (horror!) and we quickly let her in. We took her over to Paris with us for our 3-year stay and brought her back. She was a precious and beautiful kitty. Today, she waits on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge for us. Rest in peace, our sweet Petra.
My cat’s names are Little Bear, Puffi, Myusha, Sparkey, Yona and BB-8, and if they lived in Paris, they’d probably spend most of their time sleeping, unless they are safely watching birds from the windows. They DO watch birds and squirrels where we live.
My cat’s name is Hewitt and if he lived in Paris, they’d probably spend most of their time hanging out at tourist attractions and being admired and petted.
my cats are Violet Marie, Sam, George and Percy. If they lived in Paris, I’ need to make a lot more money.
My cat’s name is Lucy, and if she lived in Paris, she’d probably spend her time hiding under a table at her favorite cafe.
My cat’s names are Kathleen and Domino and if they lived in Paris, they’d probably spend most of their time watching birds, dining leisurely and napping!
My cat’s name is Elvis, and if he lived in Paris he would probably spend most of his time trying to impress the ladies…or trying to get a snack!
My cats name is Kefir and if he lived in Paris he would be flirting with all the ladies while he is strutting under the Arc de triumph
My cat’s name is Boris and if he lived in Paris, he’d probably spend most of his time acting like PePe LePew and romance all the female French kitties.
My cat’s names are Fannie, Lucy, Dottie, Charlie and George. Were they to live in Paris they would sunbath in the Champ de Mars, chase the beautiful birds, beg for attention from visitors, and try to catch the sparking lights of the Eiffel Tower at nightfall.
My cat’s name is Rexi and if she lived in Paris, she’d probably spend most of her time at the Musée d’Orsay. Rexi loves to roll around on steps, rubbing her back against the next step up for a spinal massage. If a tourist is not paying proper attention to his or her footing, Rexi will make a lovely trilling sound by way of saying “je suis ici” (I’m here!). Once she’s done with the steps, Rexi will test the sturdiness of various art frames with her teeth and inspect the hanging apparatuses with her claws. With her cornflower eyes, she will spot any vermin on the loose in the storage areas. If a curator accidentally steps on her tail, Rexi will not hiss — she never has! — but demand an apology of the human, preferably of the groveling on-hands-and-knees variety. At some point, Rexi will gaze at some of Theophile Alexandre Steinlen’s artwork in the museum’s collection, comparing the chat noir depicted with her own coat that displays a buff-and-brown herringbone pattern along her spine, stripes on the upper legs, black paws, tail, mask, and ears, with a final surprise of two dark spots on her light tummy. Mais oui! She is the more beautiful one!
(Note: I’m not sure if the Musée d’Orsay has one of the “Cabaret du Chat Noir” lithographs in its collection, but it does include a sampling of Steinlen’s work.)
My cat’s name is Buffy. If she lived in Paris, she’d probably spend all her time learning to understand French, sleeping on the top of a comfortable old chair and wondering why she and I are living in new and strange surroundings!
My cat’s name is Lucy and if she lived in Paris she would probably be a kitty of the night ,because she flirts with everybody and Paris is a city of lights that never sleeps. Lucy would run all over Paris flirting with all the male cat’s she could meet.
My cat’s name is Floyd and if he lived in Paris, he would sleep all day. He would spend his nights cruising around and visiting all the hot night spots and everyone would know. Everyone would want to be his friend. His beret would be worn perfectly on his. He knows he is the talk of Paris and he loves it.
My cat’s name is Patsy and if she lived in Paris, they’d probably spend most of their time being painted like one of those French girls.
My cat’s name is Oliver and if he lived in Paris, he would probably spend most of his time searching out where on earth I’ve hidden the pastries!
My cat’s name is Daisy and if she lived in Paris, she would sleep in the middle of my bed and ignore the fact she was in an amazing place.
My cat’s name is Milky and if he lived in Paris, he’d probably spend most of his time basking in the sun on the balcony of the little apartment I would reside in. He would look at the birds and people passing by. He would be so happy.
My cat’s name is Amber Lynn, and if she lived in Paris, she probably would spend most of her time eating French Creme Pasteries!
Ny cat’s name is Angel. And if she lived in Paris she probably would spend most of her time wearing a diamond studded collar & eating fancy feast off the finest crystal. She would also have many male feline admirers including Pepe Le Pew who she would love/hate from a distance on her royal throne.
My cat’s name is Willie, and if he lived in Paris he’d probably hang out at Le Cafe Chat enjoying as many French pastries as he could charm someone into giving him!
My cat’s name is Princess and if she lived in Paris, she probably would be camped outside a French Fromagerie shop tasting several varieties of cheese (she’s very food motivated) and watching the French boy chats passing by, mewing ooo la la
My cat’s name is Kitty and if she lived in Paris, they’d probably spend most of their time chasing little ratatouilles and cheese crumbs!
My cat’s name is Kitty and if she lived in Paris, she’d probably spend most of her time working in an atelier creating beaux-arts architecture.
My cat’s name is Simon and if he lived in Paris he’d probably spend most of his time eating crepes and chasing French mice!
My cat’s name is Princess Boo (the Floof), and if she lived in Paris she would be lying in the sun waiting for her admirers to come and stroke her unbelievable soft fur and feed her some exquisite amuse-bouche and pate (she is after all, a princess!)
My cat’s name is Fergus and if he lived in Paris, he’d probably spend most of his time performing important quality control as official Fois Gras (and other regional French delicacies) taster of Paris. [And yes I know this isn’t PC but am being fanciful here in the spirit of the book].
My cat’s name is Nibbler and if she lived in Paris. she would spend all he time stealing pastries since she loves to “borrow” items.
My cat’s name is Prince and if he lived in Paris, he would spend all his time in an outdoor Café stealing all the food off the patrons plates.
My cat’s name is CK and if she lived in Paris, they’d probably spend most of their time running her restaurant Le Chez Keisha. It would be stocked with all the latest cat foods imported from all over the world. She’d be dividing her time with her spinoff café named Keisha’s Café. A Le Chez Keisha U.S. has been open for abut 5 years and moving to Paris would give her a chance to open one there also. This gives me an idea for a new blog post.
My cat’s names are Little Boy Blue (Russian Blue), Tiggy Pooh/”Stripey” (brown tabby/smartest of the four), Pretty Boy (Maine Coon) and Shiaka “Bob” (grey female tabby) and if we all lived in Paris, they’d probably spend most of their time chasing and catching french mice and sitting pretty for french cat “cookies”. They would become best friends with country french cats as well as city french kitties and hunt together and teach their new friends “how to sit up pretty” for cookies (cat treats). We will have to learn the french words for cookies and teach their new friends. My babies are all “adopted” kitties. Blue and Tiggy were born on our porch during Hurricane Ike. They invited the female tabby to live with us when her family moved out of their apartment and left her and Pretty Boy followed me four miles from a bus stop a block from Randalls grocery store.
My cat’s name is Audrey and if she lived in Paris, she’d probably spend most of her time eating
friandises, drinking lait, chasing les rats and taking siestes de chat! After all, cats are the same all around the World! 🙂