Concerned that your cat might be stressed or anxious? We’ve got some good news from our pals at Okoa Pet – their “Chill, Kitty Kitty” CBD+ Calming Treats for Cats might just be the ‘purr-fect’ antidote to your cat’s stress. These tasty natural soft chews are designed to:
- Help your cat cope with sources of stress such as unfamiliar surroundings, a trip to the vet, or separation
- Dial down your cat’s stress-induced behaviors including excessive meowing, pacing, hiding, or increased aggression
- Offer a natural calming remedy to help your cat relax
“Chill, Kitty-Kitty” CBD+ calming treats for cats are delicious, natural soft chews made with organic broad-spectrum hemp with naturally occurring CBD. Win a pack (contest details below).

Each chew combines 2mg of CBD with other premium calming ingredients including choline, taurine, tryptophan, and valerian root. Infused with catnip extract, your cat will love chilling with this great-tasting, natural salmon-flavored calming treat.
We tested them on two of our most finicky clan (Sloan (left) & Ming (right) – photo below). Neither are nervous cats, so we really couldn’t assess the efficacy, but we wanted to see if they at least liked the taste. Both of them gave these calming soft chews a ‘two paws up’.

When should I consider calming support for my cat?
As in humans, anxiety is something that cats suffer from when they become stressed out by a situation. Cats become edgy when they sense danger, and they move into ‘fight-or-flight mode, psychologically preparing themselves to take major action to avoid harm. This response can be absolutely critical to survival when it’s necessary, but anxious cats move into a ‘fight-or-flight’ mindset far too often, and when they don’t need to. This effect can be devastating and stressful for a cat, severely affecting his mood and quality of life.

Anxiety can be triggered by many different things, but the most common anxiety triggers are a change of environment and being left alone. For instance, a cat moving into a new home will be placed into unfamiliar surroundings, and likely experience some initial nervousness. If they are left alone in this new environment, that can make their anxiety even worse.
“Chill-Kitty Kitty” soft chews are a natural calming remedy designed to help your kitty cope with stress. They’re Infused with hemp-derived CBD and other calming herbs like valerian root for gentle relaxation.
Directions for Use
Meant for cats of all sizes, Okoa Pet “Chill, Kitty Kitty” CBD+ infused calming cat treats are administered by mouth to help your kitty relax. Give one hour before needed or twice generally for daily use. Finding the right serving size can vary from one situation to the next. Okoa Pet recommends starting with a small serving size and slowly increase it once a week until you see results. For best results give 1/2 to 1 chew twice daily.
Our test pilot (Sloan – video below) was quite taken with these treats.
We’re pleased to announce that the kind folks at Okoa Pet offered us 5 packages of their CBD Calming Treats for five lucky Purrington Post readers to WIN!
* Contest Details
This contest ends on June 30th, 2022 and is available to North American residents. To enter you simply need to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because [your answer]
The 5 winners will be chosen from all the correctly submitted entries by the Okoa Pet team and contacted by email on or around July 15th, 2022. Good luck.
Special Offer: From now until the end of July 2022 with coupon code ‘OKOAPURRING’ you’ll get 10% OFF any purchase from Okoa Pet storewide on checkout. For more details please check out Chill, Kitty Kitty.
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because we are not always one big happy family.
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because – he gets a monthly UTI from having anxiety. Couple of months back he had to have PU surgery because of it.
I would love to win these for my daughter’s cat she gets anxious in car rides
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because we are moving soon, my elderly cat Fred needs them.
would love my cat to try she dont like other people or loud sounds
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calm Treats because he’s been nervous and anxious since we adopted him 2 years ago.
I would love my cat to try these CBD calming treats because: at the age of 10, he still has trouble coping due to trauma as a kitten. Thank you.
I would love my cat to try these CBD calming treats because my cats are nervous all the time, jumping at any strange noise
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because my two senior cats get so anxious when I bring them to the vet’s office. They pant and their hearts race so much, the vet can’t even get a proper reading. One of the cats pees and poops all over her carrier too. I sure wish I could give them something to help!
I would love to try these CBD Calming Treats because one of my cats is constantly trying to kill the other two. Mama needs some peace!
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because it is summertime and he is terrified of thunderstorms, and we get a lot of storms during the summer
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because I think she would just like to chill out!
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because he howls like a banshee whenever I put him in his carrier.
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because my cats have a meow-ful to say when they are nervous or anxious LOL ^.^ they will both meow their mouths off!
I would LOVE my cat to try these CBD Calming treats because for the past 4 years their Mommie(me) and the fur babies have had a house fire, been homeless, lost our house due to the owner not paying the mortgage that I paid $30,000 on the 29th of November, possibly being homeless again because of that, packing, getting rid of stuff, and moving to a much much smaller apartment(2000sqf down to 700sqf)which my fur babies are having a rough time adjusting to all of the changes, they’re more anxious than before this and so am I(lol, can you send me some for myself, lol😸just playing(my fur baby made me say that🙀😹😂. They deserve a break from all of this crazy stuff that I’m going through, which isn’t their fault that their Mommie is so stupid🙄.
I have three fur kitties, Tomyia, Quomyia, and FannieMaeOmyia, and they all said that they really want to win these treats, and so do I, so, please pick my name on this one, I’d really appreciate it if you do, so would my fur kitties, of course 🤷♀️, got to live them fur kitties. Thank you for letting me know about this, have a purrtastic day.
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because I have one aggressive girl cat who chases the boys, but pays particular attention to chasing Nemo. He is my oldest and most gentle, docile cat and she upsets him way too much. I’ve tried other methods and nothing works, my hope is to try the CBD Calming Treats and see if that helps.
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because it needs to endure a cross-country trip.
We would love to try these treats for our stressed kitties at our shelter!
I would love to try these calming treats! I have 3 cats, one thinks he isn’t neutered (he is!). He suddenly becomes “hot to trot” and tries out his moves on the other two (one 16-1/2). He’s also food “aggressive” and has to eat in a small room behind a closed door. He seems to be happier, and the girls have access to their bowls. Sam-I-Am even figured out the Surefeeder and breaks into the elder cat’s bowl if not 100% supervised. Chip access is not necessary!
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because CBD has been good for me!
Barnaby Barn Cat (4th rescue) has gone from being baby boy to big bad bully too often w/ my 3 girls, and they could all stand to take a chill chew from time to time to break his periodic pushy pacing episodes.
When he’s mellowed out, the others can relax a bit, and so can this feline human companion!
would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because as a former CBD sales representative I have studied the benefits of using CBD for animals. It is a very healthy benefit in treating many conditions, and a far better alternative to harmful prescriptions. I love the opportunity to try various CBD brands for pets.
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because my cat needs something like this. She is hyper – very timid and afraid of almost everything.
I would love my 2 cats to try these CBD Calming Treats because they are stressed from wanting to go outside, but they are almost 3 and have never been out of the house. We bought them the Outback Jack Kitty Compound Play House/tunnel, but once they are inside, they pace back and forth, meowing…when we put them back inside, they meow and scratch at the door….so they should greatly benefit from your product !!!
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because his has early renal failure and has to have sub q fluids every three days which really stress him out. I would love to be able to make this procedure more comfortable for him. The many vet visits are very difficult for him.
I would love to try these CBD calming treats because Cecil is afraid of thunderstorms and rainy season is about to start in Florida.
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because by 13 year old Maine Coon/Siberian mixed breed, Vanya, has always been on high alert with everything. Several months ago, she had a seizure, had a second one about a month later; thankfully no more. I’m thinking this may be very helpful for her!
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because she has a really anxious personality overall
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because one of cats tends to hide a lot of the time, but she is super friendly when she overcomes her fear. Maybe these treats will help Elsa spend more time out of hiding.
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because he is a furry little psychopath (albeit charmingly so) without them. (Don’t tell him I said that. Puleeze!)
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because my cat, Jefferson, may be a big cat, but is very skittish and so many things scarehim and then he wants to hide. It would be nice for him to be more relaxed and not so anxious.
I would love my cat Yona to try these CBD Calming Treats because she is a skittish, neurotic, unfriendly hot mess! We really need something to calm her down.
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because Luciano was born feral and despite nearly 20 years as an indoor cat he is easily stressed. This last year his age and anxiety seem to trigger sinus congestion 🙁
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because my cat Elmer thinks the world is out to murder him.
I would love my cats Lucy and Polly to try CBD calming treats because sometimes I have kittens in my house for a foster program and they just are not comfortable with that so I think calming treats would probably really help them and maybe they could become friends with the new kittens
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because since welcoming a new kitten into our home, our older cat has become very irritable. I would like to find a way to alleviate some of her stress and help her to become more comfortable and less anxious.
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because she becomes very anxious and scared not only during fireworks, but every time we have guests over. I would like her to feel more comfortable in her own home and feel less stress on her little loaf body ^.^
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because she is a sKittish Kitty. We travel by plane and car, and I would love for her to feel more Chill in changing environments. It would make ME feel more Chill, as well, if my sKittish Kitty were more Chill! 😸😸
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because I have to move cross country in a couple of months and I am looking for something that will help my cats relax during the move.
In the event of acute fear or acute stress, it helps to talk to the kitty in a calming manner and to pet it (depending on the cat). Don’t try to carry the cat to the object of her fear to show her there is nothing to worry about. She won’t understand and will only be more afraid. CBD Calming Treats – a good solution.
I would love my cat to try these CBD Calming Treats because I am moving soon and am worried about her stressing with the change of environment.
The Purrington Post is a delightful treasure for cat lovers everywhere. Its engaging content, which ranges from informative articles to heartwarming stories, truly captures the essence of what it means to love and care for felines. The attention to detail in their posts, whether it’s about cat health, behavior, or just adorable cat antics, is impressive. What sets The Purrington Post apart is its community feel; it’s not just a website but a gathering place for cat enthusiasts to share their experiences and learn from each other. The beautiful photographs and well-researched articles make it a go-to resource for anyone seeking to understand and appreciate their furry companions better. It’s evident that The Purrington Post is created by people who are not just knowledgeable about cats but are truly passionate about them.