We’ve talked many times before about how notoriously difficult it can be to tell when a cat is sick. Early detection is vital to prevent ailments from getting critical. In cats, urological conditions are among the most common health concerns.
Introducing SPACE KOTTY – a smart litter box designed to monitor your cat’s health by analyzing weight changes (if a cat loses or gains weight too quickly), potty behavior (frequency and length of visits to the litter box) and alerting to any possible worrying symptoms.

Alerts and notifications are sent to the accompanying mobile app that stores complete monitoring history (very helpful while visiting a vet) and also features a vet visits scheduler, disease history entries, surgeries and vaccinations planner, etc.
The most severe alerts are signaled by the litter box itself (side lights).
SPACE KOTTY features a highly efficient odor-eliminating system – a professional UV-C lamp that sterilizes the litter box killing bacteria, viruses and mold.

Touted as one of “the cleanest litterboxes ever”, the system uses a quiet but highly efficient system of a fan in combination with an activated carbon pollen filter to eliminate odors.
It even supports multiple cats via accurate individual recognition and monitoring (RFID-based – it reads the cat’s chip implant or optionally their collar id tag).
SPACE KOTTY is cordless, using a battery power supply allowing it to be placed in the most convenient spot in the house. It ensures uninterrupted work and monitoring even without power. After charging, the battery lasts for eight to ten days.
In addition to it’s sleek, elegant design it boasts a first in pet industry – a litter auto-ordering system. How cool is that! >^..^<
According to vets, this smart litter box may save the lives of thousands of cats. It’s available right now on Kickstarter for a very special early bird price. Learn more about SPACE KOTTY.