In celebration of June being Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat Month, and with kitten season now upon us, there are more cats in need than ever. So we decided to showcase a heartwarming and inspirational story of two adorable rescue cats.
Meet Momo (below left) and Cleo (below right) – both are female tuxedo cats. Although they look very much alike the two are not related. Neither had a positive start in life and both spent time alone on the streets before finding their furever home.

Momo was found emaciated, roaming the streets with a gift ribbon around her neck when she was about one year old. She must have been an unwanted gift since nobody came looking for her at the shelter. Cleo was found in a parking lot when she was only 10 weeks old with both her hind legs crushed. She had to wear an external fixture for about two months until her bones grew back together.
That was then. Today these two adorable ladies are happy, loved and quickly becoming IG rock stars with a large and growing fan base on their feed called @2chaoscats.

Cat mom Annabelle Bückner and her boyfriend adopted these two cuties and she was kind enough to share their story with us. It began with a visit to her local shelter in Hamburg, Germany and here’s what she told us:
When we first met her, Momo was battling the cat flu but seemed curious and very interested in us. We instantly fell in love with her and took her home. We soon realized that she would be an indoor cat. She had asthma attacks for the first couple of weeks and has a weird habit of eating things like plastic, ribbons of any kind or human hair. Our first cat just got hit by a car, so we weren’t mentally ready to let her roam the area by herself anyway. We couldn’t leave her alone all day while we were gone either, so we quickly decided to get her a sister.

That’s when we adopted Cleo. The vets really did one hell of a job! Her hip is a little underdeveloped and she can’t sit properly – other than that, she’s healthy and good-spirited. She constantly asks for cuddles, meowing until you drop everything to give her the attention she wants. Sometimes I even feel her curling up on top of my head at night to sleep on the upper part of my pillow, right next to me.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Meet two uber adorable rescue cats named Momo and Cleo” quote=”Meet two uber adorable rescue cats named Momo and Cleo”]
Being cat-like curious, we had to probe a bit deeper and so we asked Annabelle some more questions…
Q: How old are they now?
We adopted Momo in October of 2016 when she was around 1 year old. Cleo was adopted in February of 2017 when she was only about 6 months old. We’ll let you do the math.

Q: Did the names you gave them have any special meaning?
Momo was a lemur in a anime/cartoon show (“Avatar: The last airbender“) we were watching at the time. The lemur made similar cooing sounds so we named her after him. The tv show is beautiful by the way – it’s all about how different people have to work together to make peace in the world. Very nature-related too. We loved the message behind it, so we thought it might be a good name for a cat we rescued.
Cleo had broken hind legs and had to wear external fixtures for around 2 months. Since she was still a kitten, her legs couldn’t really develop during that time. She couldn’t properly sit and would extend her legs in front of her instead of bending them underneath her body (like she probably did when she had the fixtures), making her look like a diva. It reminded us of Cleopatra, hence the name Cleo
Q: How do they get along?
They have very different characters, so they’re not the best of friends. Momo is very picky and special about what she likes and dislikes. Everything has to happen at her own time. She’s usually quiet and distant, except when she wants to play or cuddle. Cleo is still like a kitten in her behavior. She gets excited super quickly and jumps around most of the time. She always wants to play, she always wants to cuddle. I think it’s too much for Momo at times. But they play together, chase each other around and occasionally, you find them cleaning each other, which is always nice to see. Before we got Cleo, Momo used to be a little chubby and very lazy. She’s doing much much better since Cleo is around. I feel like they power each other out when we’re not home and enjoy each other’s company, despite their differences.
Q: Naughtiest thing either one of them has ever done?
Well.. Our first cat, Mr. Mau, was adopted by us when he was only 3 weeks old. We bottle-fed him (every 2 hours, even at night), went on walks with him when he grew up (no leash), sat in cafés during summer.. He was our baby and our best friend. He got hit by a car when he was 1,5 years old. I had to scratch him off the street, which was the hardest, most painful thing I had to do in my life. All we had left of him were his ashes and a couple of whiskers, which I put together with a nice red ribbon next to his urn on our dresser. Momo got onto the dresser one day and ate the whole whisker-package, including the ribbon. I knew it had to be her but wasn’t 100% sure until I saw the ribbon while cleaning the cat toilet. I started to cry immediately.
Q: Funniest thing either one of them has ever done?
Momo is very “together“ – she moves like a panther and doesn’t do anything that might seem unnecessary. She’s a true lady. Cleo on the other hand is very clumsy with her footwork since she had broken hind legs. Once she was running around aimlessly and jumped into the space between an armchair and the wall – head first. She didn’t seem to be able to get out, so we looked closer and saw her standing on her front paws, squeezed in-between the tiny space, not being able to move. We waited for a couple of minutes, thinking it might be best to let her manage the situation by herself, but she just couldn’t move an inch. It was a little sad but made us laugh so hard. You’d think she learner her lesson though – that happens about once a week.
Q: What made you start 2chaoscats?
I saw all these purebred cats on social media and thought: it should be possible to make shelter cats “famous“ too and get the word out how much they need loving homes.
Q: What message are you hoping to share with your website?
Don’t get me wrong, I love all cats. A lot of good friends have purebred cats and they’re adorable, happy and well taken care of. But I’m volunteering in our local shelter regularly (the one we got Momo and Cleo from) and seeing all this misery makes you sad. The staff is doing everything they can, but there are just so many animals that get sold for profit and abandoned later on or multiply on the streets, that it seems like and endless fight. There are just too many beautiful animals desperately needing a loving home. I had to do more than volunteering. I thought it might be useful to show how cute cats can be, regardless from where they’re from. Maybe it would get a couple of people to go to shelters before deciding to buy a cat. I thought: if I can get a single person to adopt a cat instead of buying a cat, I would be happy. And as a matter of fact, a bunch of people from my home town contacted me and some of them actually went to the shelter to check out their options.
Q: What would you like to say to your many followers on IG?
I don’t use Instagram privately so I didn’t know what to expect at first. But I found amazing, kind people and love to communicate with all of them. For example: early on I got invited to a cat-group to discuss instagram-matters and these girls especially are my everything. I’ve never met them in real life but I feel so close to them because they’re all so incredibly caring. Their support gives me strength in all kinds of situations.
So I’d like to say to my followers that I appreciate our community. Meeting new, like-minded people is such a pleasure and I would have never thought that being active on social media can give me so much happiness and hope. I’ve seen people raise thousand of euros for cats in need and so many cats saved from death-row because people shared their stories to get other people moving. Some say that social media is shallow and superficial. But I’ve been proven the contrary: there’s a lot of good that can be done through social media and I’ve experienced a whole lot of kindness on instagram. THANK YOU.
Q: Any more cats planned to join your home?
We have a 36 square-meter flat (= 390 square foot). Our space is completely maxed-out with 2 humans and 2 cats, so, unfortunately, we can’t take in any more cats in. I’d like to move to big house with a garden one day (maybe on the country-side?) and become a foster home though. That is my long-term goal
For more information on cat flu be sure to check out this informative article: My Cat Has the Flu! What Can I do?
A very special thanks to Annabelle for sharing her story and of course, to Cleo and Momo for gracing our page with their cuteness! >^..^<
To learn more about 2 Chaos Cats please check out their website at
Your story is really similar to mine! Finding one unlucky kitten, wanting to get him a sibling for company and falling in love with them both! I do like a good cat rescue story
Cleo and Momo are gorgeous – I’m sure they would be friends with my Dumpling and Noodle too 
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the tale of these two amazing cats! It was very funny and entertaining to read all of the unique stories and adventures you observe/experience with these two kitties! Thank you so much for taking the time to share about Cleo and Momo, I really like how caring and loving you are as an owner to them
My Mr. Edison is in my lap as I read about your two darlings. So great you could care for these two, Cleo and Momo, who really needed your love. My Mr. E has a sister; I adopted him first, but wanted a girl kitty also, and the worker at the pound called me about her. She is not completely white like Mr. E– I’d asked for full white when I went to the pound as I was adopting in honor of my full white cat, Shasta, a female, who had just died. I wanted to honor her by immediately helping others of her sort as she had had many adoptions and discards before I found her–and she stayed with me 9 years…until her death. My cats are my purrfurred family, and I’m sure yours are yours!
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the tale of these two amazing cats! It was very funny and entertaining to read all of the unique stories and adventures you observe/experience with these two kitties! Thank you so much for taking the time to share about Cleo and Momo, I really like how caring and loving you are as an owner to them