9 Fun Facts About Orange Tabby Cats

Long time readers may recall an article we did in 2016 called In Praise of Black Cats – in that post, one purrticular disturbing statistic is the fact that black cats (especially seniors) are the least popular cats to be adopted from shelters. Interestingly enough, the second least popular cats to be adopted are orange tabbies.  Now orange you glad we shared that!  Our own orange tabby (Mouse – photo below) is a real cuddler.

To highlight the meowgnificence of these ginger ninjas,  we decided to share 9 Fun Facts about orange tabby cats to bring awareness to their plight in shelters across the county.

A quote from  Jim Davis (creator of Garfield) comes to mind ~ “In my head, the sky is blue, the grass is green and cats are orange.”

We were so pleased when our paw pal Mary Nielsen {founder of FelineLiving.net} agreed to guest post this article and share her insights.
Here’s what Mary had to say…

Give us any color, any breed, any age, any size—if it’s a cat, we’ll still love it. Kitties offer that perfect mix of charm and companionship, while still actually being fairly low-maintenance (never mind what dog owners will tell you!).

But there’s something special about orange tabby cats that we find particularly charming. These flame-colored kittens are adorable and really stand out–in a good way. We should mention that we’re certainly not alone in our affinity; even famed British politician Winston Churchill was known for having an orange tabby (he named him Tango). These little guys are great family pets with a super friendly temperament and laid-back “cattitude.”

So, need some more convincing about why you should welcome this orange-colored kitty into your home? Keep reading—we’ve got at least 9 reasons why you may want this furry feline to be the newest member of your family!

Fun Fact #1: The orange tabby cat isn’t actually its own breed

The word “tabby” refers to specific coat markings rather than demarcating it as a specific breed of feline. This is akin to the brindle marking on certain dogs; that is, there is no “brindle breed” but many different canine breeds can and do have a brindle coat. In the same way, many different breeds of cats (just about all breeds, in fact) can present with an orange tabby coloration, including Persians, American Bobtails, Munchkin cats, Abyssinian cats, and Maine Coon cats.

* Do check out Maine Coon Lover which is a website filled with tips for Maine Coon owners.

Fun Fact #2: The orange tabby will typically present with 1 of 4 different types of coat patterns

People who own and love orange tabbies will easily be able to tell the difference between the various coat marking patterns that are common to this type of feline. They include the classic pattern, mackerel pattern, striped pattern, and ticked pattern.

One thing you’ll never see? A tabby with a solid orange coat. For some reason, orange tabbies will always have some sort of pattern in their coat—the mackerel one, in particular, makes them look quite a lot like little tigers! (And for what it’s worth, domestic house cats and tigers share about 96% of their DNA—oh my!)

Fun Fact #3: The orange color comes from a specific pigment

Orange tabbies don’t all present in the exact same hue, but will have some variation of a reddish, orange, and/or cream-colored hue. Why? These cats have a predominance of a certain pigment known as pheomelanin—the same pigment that produces red hair in humans.

Fortunately, that mean old joke that redheads have no souls doesn’t seem to apply to “redheaded” cats, since these orange tabbies are generally as sweet as they come!

Fun Fact #4: Orange tabby cats have a historical reference

Apparently, there’s an old legend about baby Jesus who, when he couldn’t sleep, was comforted by a warm and purring orange tabby. The story goes that this little feline made such an impression on the young child that Mother Mary kissed the cat on the forehead, leaving the letter “M” in its fur (some retellings actually state that Mother Mary drew her first initial on the cat’s forehead with a gentle finger).

This supposedly explains why any tabby cat you’ll come across today has a pattern on its forehead shaped like the letter M.

Interestingly, no one really knows for sure where the name “Tabby” itself actually originated, although it is a word for a kind of striped silk made in the Middle East. Perhaps that is of some relation to the Jesus story? Of course, we can’t ever know for sure, but it’s certainly entertaining to ponder.

Fun Fact #5: You may see their nicknames in your pantry

Known for years as either “marmalade cats” or “ginger cats,” the orange tabby has been so-nicknamed to ensure it’s distinction from the black tabby variety. It’s no wonder that so many orange tabbies end up with names like Ginger, Big Red, Marmalade, or even Tangerine (although “Orange” somehow seems far less creative).

Fun Fact #6: Male orange tabby cats outnumber females approximately 4 to 1

For reasons that are not fully understood, about 80% of orange tabby cats are male. This certainly seems to point to some genetic link between sex and coat markings, although veterinarians and researchers still haven’t seemed to pinpoint the exact factors. Conversely, most Calico and tortoiseshell cats are female, so it’s evident that there are strong correlations that go with either sex.

Fun Fact #7: Orange tabby cats love to eat

True to their cartoon mascot Garfield, orange tabbies tend to enjoy eating–so much so that leaving their food out all day (a freedom that many cat owners enjoy) can lead to a big cat—and big problems. Just like in humans, obesity in cats has been linked with a variety of health problems, including feline diabetes, cancer, and joint damage. A proper cat diet is a must for orange tabbies!

If you’re lucky enough to welcome an orange tabby into your home, do your due diligence and ensure that your feline companion remains at a healthy weight, and be sure to offer it plenty of cat-friendly play to help keep it bones, muscles, and joints strong.

Fun Fact #8: They tend to be low-energy

While cats in general aren’t necessarily known for their bounding energy levels nor need for continual exercise, the orange tabby cat really seems to make a point of it. In fact, many owners of orange tabbies will fully admit that their cats are just plain lazy. This is especially important to remember given what we already know about these orange felines—that is, they love to sit around and eat food.

On the one hand, this laid-back “cattitude” can make them excellent lap buddies and snugglers. On the other hand, it’s just another precaution to remember, since it may make them more at risk for becoming overweight and obese.

Fun Fact #9: Like any other cat, an orange tabby will have its own personality

From affectionate to aloof, playful to reserved, outgoing to stranger-danger-obsessed, orange tabby cats really come in all shades—personality shades, that is. There’s really no way around it: making the decision to welcome a cat into your home–orange tabby or otherwise—is somewhat of a risk you take. And while most orange tabbies that we’ve come across are as cute and cuddly as the next kitten, you can never really know for sure just how well the cat you’ve adopted will fit in with the rest of your family (both 2-legged family members and other 4-legged members, too!).

That said, we’ll argue that this certainly seems like a risk worth taking! After all, chances are you’re going to be raising an adorable, gorgeous, and friendly feline that you and your loved ones will cherish for years.

About the Author

Mary Nielsen founded FelineLiving.net and is a passionate cat lover, blogger, and part-time music teacher. She founded her blog to share her ups and downs of being a pet parent to a bunch of adorable kittens and cats. When she is not playing with them or teaching, you can find her experimenting in the kitchen.

Got a sweet orange tabby of your own at home? Let us know about its quirks by sharing in the ‘Leave a Reply’ box below!


  1. Benita June 8, 2017
    • Emily September 2, 2018
      • Julie October 25, 2018
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      • FurbabyQueso November 1, 2018
        • Elaine & Leela October 19, 2019
          • Ginniveve Jackson November 11, 2019
          • Dawn & Rosie May 20, 2020
      • pineapple November 13, 2018
        • Suz Stevens March 18, 2019
      • Amanda August 13, 2019
        • Diane September 19, 2019
        • Heather October 13, 2019
          • Frieda August 4, 2020
      • Sondra October 5, 2019
      • Karen Hermansen October 18, 2019
      • soledad romero February 21, 2020
      • Dude k March 22, 2020
    • Bella October 19, 2018
    • Michael G Murray April 8, 2019
  2. Helen Faught June 8, 2017
    • ClaudiaBelle January 5, 2019
    • Patty G February 15, 2019
    • Fallon June 13, 2019
      • cheryl mcwilliams December 31, 2019
        • Irene Camara July 31, 2020
  3. Cathie June 8, 2017
    • Ebony February 16, 2018
      • Bella October 19, 2018
  4. Julie June 12, 2017
    • Kandi Neely September 28, 2019
  5. Stephanie June 13, 2017
    • Ebony February 16, 2018
    • Colleen February 27, 2018
    • KIMBERLY June 4, 2018
    • Margi A Stern September 27, 2018
    • Joyce Diesman January 21, 2019
    • Dennis September 26, 2019
    • Anna Olson Grass October 15, 2019
  6. Jeannie August 12, 2017
    • Fallon June 13, 2019
  7. Laura August 18, 2017
  8. Karen Bennett August 31, 2017
  9. JV suter September 5, 2017
  10. Glenda Western September 30, 2017
    • Ebony February 16, 2018
      • Suz Stevens March 18, 2019
  11. Glen November 15, 2017
  12. Faith Stacy December 1, 2017
  13. Lee December 1, 2017
  14. Laura smith December 6, 2017
  15. Kathy December 10, 2017
  16. Beverly Wenge December 13, 2017
    • Loretta January 4, 2018
    • Tamala Holcomb April 3, 2018
  17. Vicki December 20, 2017
    • Ebony February 16, 2018
    • Norma October 18, 2019
    • cheryl mcwilliams December 31, 2019
  18. Karen December 27, 2017
  19. Rachel Ross December 31, 2017
  20. Pingback: Recap of 2017 – Kwok The Wok January 2, 2018
  21. Laura January 7, 2018
  22. Sean Mohamad January 15, 2018
  23. Cindy January 16, 2018
    • Ebony February 16, 2018
  24. Marion January 20, 2018
    • Ebony February 16, 2018
  25. Hannah Battle January 23, 2018
  26. G January 26, 2018
  27. r February 12, 2018
    • Cathy April 7, 2019
  28. Gina February 21, 2018
  29. Mary Bailey March 8, 2018
  30. Monica March 10, 2018
  31. Goldina March 12, 2018
  32. Samantha March 13, 2018
  33. peggyporter March 31, 2018
  34. sherry April 1, 2018
  35. Kathy April 12, 2018
  36. Christine Smith April 19, 2018
  37. Chris April 22, 2018
  38. Lisa April 29, 2018
  39. BestMathias May 4, 2018
  40. NeVaeh May 12, 2018
  41. Veronica Hassler May 30, 2018
  42. Ramone June 5, 2018
  43. Amy June 9, 2018
    • Pat Denman November 26, 2018
  44. Carrie June 11, 2018
  45. Michele June 15, 2018
  46. Shelby June 16, 2018
  47. Shelby June 16, 2018
  48. Marta Sanzalone June 26, 2018
    • Patricia Gay January 18, 2019
    • Mouse August 23, 2019
  49. NICK J June 28, 2018
  50. Tonya July 1, 2018
  51. Sara July 4, 2018
  52. Andrea July 9, 2018
  53. ARLENE SCHOUENBORG July 19, 2018
  54. RGBLightShow~Man July 23, 2018
  55. Brenda Isaacs-Booth July 28, 2018
  56. Skeeter August 15, 2018
  57. Lydia Garrett September 8, 2018
  58. Rosie Avant September 18, 2018
  59. Brad L September 24, 2018
  60. Hope October 5, 2018
  61. Christy October 6, 2018
  62. Dexter Cat October 24, 2018
  63. Jennifer Donovan November 6, 2018
  64. Leah D Caso November 12, 2018
  65. Jeff S January 16, 2019
  66. JaNelle January 24, 2019
  67. Brenda February 19, 2019
  68. Stephen Williams February 23, 2019
  69. Stephanie February 24, 2019
  70. Michele Pascoe March 8, 2019
  71. Monica March 16, 2019
  72. DAVID E PARR March 18, 2019
    • Mackayla March 28, 2019
  73. VA C . NC XXICX BX . VBHM XNJ March 18, 2019
  74. Mackayla March 28, 2019
  75. Mackayla March 28, 2019
  76. Ted March 31, 2019
  77. Pati D'Amico April 26, 2019
  78. Jeff April 27, 2019
  79. carole adams May 19, 2019
  80. Mike May 26, 2019
  81. Sandra K Taylor June 25, 2019
  82. Elisabeth Anderson June 30, 2019
    • Ken July 7, 2019
  83. Kim July 30, 2019
  84. Debra A Wanzo August 5, 2019
  85. linda August 11, 2019
  86. Mouse August 13, 2019
  87. Robyn Quinn-Hakeem September 14, 2019
  88. Joe September 20, 2019
  89. Joyce Stowers October 1, 2019
  90. Carolyn Ralston October 3, 2019
    • jmuhj October 18, 2019
  91. Kitties Blue October 18, 2019
  92. Loiralei October 18, 2019
  93. jmuhj October 18, 2019
  94. Helga October 18, 2019
  95. BONNIE October 19, 2019
  96. Carolyn October 20, 2019
  97. Sarah October 22, 2019
  98. Elaina mattern October 27, 2019
  99. Jackie January 11, 2020
  100. Kathie Fisher January 17, 2020
  101. cac0mistle January 23, 2020
  102. Audrey February 8, 2020
  103. Danya Good March 29, 2020
  104. Angela Butz March 29, 2020
  105. Brenda April 1, 2020
  106. Jesus April 3, 2020
  107. Cristian April 14, 2020
  108. William Voelker April 26, 2020
  109. Dennis May 5, 2020
  110. dee and brad May 6, 2020
  111. Rachael B May 10, 2020
  112. karen May 18, 2020
  113. Tony June 17, 2020
  114. Shay June 21, 2020
  115. Chrissy June 29, 2020
  116. Rita schwartz July 10, 2020
  117. Vivki August 14, 2020
  118. Mildred E. Toups August 19, 2020
  119. Jamie Allen September 14, 2020
  120. Lori October 2, 2020
  121. JanetR.Vicedomini October 18, 2020
  122. Amilia rosita cassona November 3, 2020
  123. Salima Emedi November 10, 2020
  124. Nettie November 14, 2020
  125. David Sprague November 15, 2020
  126. Ann November 28, 2020
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  128. Amanda February 14, 2021
  129. Marie February 16, 2021
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  131. Katelynn April 12, 2021
  132. Koyasha April 27, 2021
  133. Wondering April 30, 2021
  134. melanie gwilliam July 18, 2021
  135. Hoston Misti July 29, 2021
  136. Masjapyh Kingshop July 29, 2021
  137. Jeff August 12, 2021
  138. bob August 24, 2021
  139. Bea November 27, 2021
  140. Bendy December 31, 2021
  141. Nammi January 6, 2022
  142. Colleen Burrows August 23, 2022

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