Long time readers may recall an article we did in 2016 called In Praise of Black Cats – in that post, one purrticular disturbing statistic is the fact that black cats (especially seniors) are the least popular cats to be adopted from shelters. Interestingly enough, the second least popular cats to be adopted are orange tabbies. Now orange you glad we shared that! Our own orange tabby (Mouse – photo below) is a real cuddler.
To highlight the meowgnificence of these ginger ninjas, we decided to share 9 Fun Facts about orange tabby cats to bring awareness to their plight in shelters across the county.
A quote from Jim Davis (creator of Garfield) comes to mind ~ “In my head, the sky is blue, the grass is green and cats are orange.”

Give us any color, any breed, any age, any size—if it’s a cat, we’ll still love it. Kitties offer that perfect mix of charm and companionship, while still actually being fairly low-maintenance (never mind what dog owners will tell you!).
But there’s something special about orange tabby cats that we find particularly charming. These flame-colored kittens are adorable and really stand out–in a good way. We should mention that we’re certainly not alone in our affinity; even famed British politician Winston Churchill was known for having an orange tabby (he named him Tango). These little guys are great family pets with a super friendly temperament and laid-back “cattitude.”
So, need some more convincing about why you should welcome this orange-colored kitty into your home? Keep reading—we’ve got at least 9 reasons why you may want this furry feline to be the newest member of your family!

Fun Fact #1: The orange tabby cat isn’t actually its own breed
The word “tabby” refers to specific coat markings rather than demarcating it as a specific breed of feline. This is akin to the brindle marking on certain dogs; that is, there is no “brindle breed” but many different canine breeds can and do have a brindle coat. In the same way, many different breeds of cats (just about all breeds, in fact) can present with an orange tabby coloration, including Persians, American Bobtails, Munchkin cats, Abyssinian cats, and Maine Coon cats.
* Do check out Maine Coon Lover which is a website filled with tips for Maine Coon owners.

Fun Fact #2: The orange tabby will typically present with 1 of 4 different types of coat patterns
People who own and love orange tabbies will easily be able to tell the difference between the various coat marking patterns that are common to this type of feline. They include the classic pattern, mackerel pattern, striped pattern, and ticked pattern.
One thing you’ll never see? A tabby with a solid orange coat. For some reason, orange tabbies will always have some sort of pattern in their coat—the mackerel one, in particular, makes them look quite a lot like little tigers! (And for what it’s worth, domestic house cats and tigers share about 96% of their DNA—oh my!)

Fun Fact #3: The orange color comes from a specific pigment
Orange tabbies don’t all present in the exact same hue, but will have some variation of a reddish, orange, and/or cream-colored hue. Why? These cats have a predominance of a certain pigment known as pheomelanin—the same pigment that produces red hair in humans.
Fortunately, that mean old joke that redheads have no souls doesn’t seem to apply to “redheaded” cats, since these orange tabbies are generally as sweet as they come!

Fun Fact #4: Orange tabby cats have a historical reference
Apparently, there’s an old legend about baby Jesus who, when he couldn’t sleep, was comforted by a warm and purring orange tabby. The story goes that this little feline made such an impression on the young child that Mother Mary kissed the cat on the forehead, leaving the letter “M” in its fur (some retellings actually state that Mother Mary drew her first initial on the cat’s forehead with a gentle finger).

Interestingly, no one really knows for sure where the name “Tabby” itself actually originated, although it is a word for a kind of striped silk made in the Middle East. Perhaps that is of some relation to the Jesus story? Of course, we can’t ever know for sure, but it’s certainly entertaining to ponder.
Fun Fact #5: You may see their nicknames in your pantry
Known for years as either “marmalade cats” or “ginger cats,” the orange tabby has been so-nicknamed to ensure it’s distinction from the black tabby variety. It’s no wonder that so many orange tabbies end up with names like Ginger, Big Red, Marmalade, or even Tangerine (although “Orange” somehow seems far less creative).

Fun Fact #6: Male orange tabby cats outnumber females approximately 4 to 1
For reasons that are not fully understood, about 80% of orange tabby cats are male. This certainly seems to point to some genetic link between sex and coat markings, although veterinarians and researchers still haven’t seemed to pinpoint the exact factors. Conversely, most Calico and tortoiseshell cats are female, so it’s evident that there are strong correlations that go with either sex.

Fun Fact #7: Orange tabby cats love to eat
True to their cartoon mascot Garfield, orange tabbies tend to enjoy eating–so much so that leaving their food out all day (a freedom that many cat owners enjoy) can lead to a big cat—and big problems. Just like in humans, obesity in cats has been linked with a variety of health problems, including feline diabetes, cancer, and joint damage. A proper cat diet is a must for orange tabbies!
If you’re lucky enough to welcome an orange tabby into your home, do your due diligence and ensure that your feline companion remains at a healthy weight, and be sure to offer it plenty of cat-friendly play to help keep it bones, muscles, and joints strong.
Fun Fact #8: They tend to be low-energy
While cats in general aren’t necessarily known for their bounding energy levels nor need for continual exercise, the orange tabby cat really seems to make a point of it. In fact, many owners of orange tabbies will fully admit that their cats are just plain lazy. This is especially important to remember given what we already know about these orange felines—that is, they love to sit around and eat food.

On the one hand, this laid-back “cattitude” can make them excellent lap buddies and snugglers. On the other hand, it’s just another precaution to remember, since it may make them more at risk for becoming overweight and obese.
Fun Fact #9: Like any other cat, an orange tabby will have its own personality
From affectionate to aloof, playful to reserved, outgoing to stranger-danger-obsessed, orange tabby cats really come in all shades—personality shades, that is. There’s really no way around it: making the decision to welcome a cat into your home–orange tabby or otherwise—is somewhat of a risk you take. And while most orange tabbies that we’ve come across are as cute and cuddly as the next kitten, you can never really know for sure just how well the cat you’ve adopted will fit in with the rest of your family (both 2-legged family members and other 4-legged members, too!).

That said, we’ll argue that this certainly seems like a risk worth taking! After all, chances are you’re going to be raising an adorable, gorgeous, and friendly feline that you and your loved ones will cherish for years.
About the Author
Mary Nielsen founded FelineLiving.net and is a passionate cat lover, blogger, and part-time music teacher. She founded her blog to share her ups and downs of being a pet parent to a bunch of adorable kittens and cats. When she is not playing with them or teaching, you can find her experimenting in the kitchen.
Got a sweet orange tabby of your own at home? Let us know about its quirks by sharing in the ‘Leave a Reply’ box below!
They are also some of the best mousers ever. And they have always been one of my favorites because they always seem so loyal to their owner.
I have pet mice and an orange Tabby. He respects my mice and would never harm them. I would never want a cat that hunts
Oh. Girl. Reality chek, please. It’s great yur cat gets along, but. Remember…. A cat is a cat. They are hard wired to hunt.
Cats are hunters.. all of them. They are made that way, it’s in their genes. It’s great that your cat respects the pet mice you have but given the opportunity your cat would hunt them. Instinct will always take over our feline companions. Cats all think the same way by nature…hunt kill eat repeat.
My orange tabby plays with mice, but never kills them. Whenever there is a dead mouse – it is due to our dog, not cat. Our kitties sound similar!
My Leela is the same way! In the winter, we have small field mice come into the house to get warm. Leela is 5 and ever since she was a kitten; I.’ve watched with awe at her playing with them, (she LOVES putting one in a small box and dragging the poor thing around the house!), feeding them-bringing them her cookies, napping with them..and I HAD to draw the line with her gently carrying them in her mouth like a baby, and hopping up on OUR (HER) bed. We’ve had some arguments about this-yes, Leela argues with me either audibly or whispering her mews & meows, and stomping her paw if it goes on for more than a minute..in fact, we just had one a little while ago when she wanted her dinner on my new over-the bed table. We had this same argument a few days ago, after I first put it together, and I was FaceTiming my daughters-who were in hysterics. “Drama Queen of the Year”. I sent some of her Chinese friends pictures on twitter, but don’t remember if I posted them to her twitter yet-she has a LOT of fans in China and they send her things so often, my mailman knocks on the door to announce “Another delivery from China for Princess Leela”. 🙄😸 (long story)
Anyways, back to mice..she also likes chipmunks (“big Mousey”) that got into the house last year and they batted nuts back and forth in my kitchen. At 3AM.
Leela is a VERY strange, but VERY LOVING Ginger. As a Vet Tech since 1978, I’ve known a LOT of cats over the years-although Leela is only my 2nd indoor only kitty. But my kids would be the first to tell you-I’ve ALWAYS had “strange” animals…to put it mildly. They had quite the childhood as I co-founded a wildlife rescue & rehab back home, long before they were even born. I think Leela is super special though because when a friend brought her to me as a VERY sick abandoned 3-4wk old baby-I had JUST been released from 4 weeks in the hospital, (heart attack), and had lost everything in a fire just 2 months before-including my 9yr old silver kitty. I was told Leela wouldn’t make it and basically lived in my rocking chair for over a month, giving her IV Fluids, tube feeding her, and rocking & singing to her. Obviously, she made it and because I’m disabled and rarely leave the house, (although in warm weather, she LOVES putting her “pretty dress” on and going across the street to the park where she plays with kids..and drives local dogs NUTS! She LOVES giving kids hugs and kisses and I had to put a cat tree in my front window where there’s a bus stop. The kids all talk to her every morning, and some afternoons; and most adults around here know Leela’s name, but not mine. Between her beginnings, (she STILL “asks” to be rocked sometimes), the fact it’s always me and her, AND I trained her to “help” me-in case I fall or need help in another room, she’ll bring me her phone. She also LOVES the local firefighters who worked with me so she wouldn’t be afraid of them if something were to happen again-whenever she sees the lights or hears the sirens, she bounces from window to window & wakes me up if I’m asleep. We live in a VERY small town, so, as I said, most people know about Leela and know it’s just the two of us here. If you want to see her pictures, she’s @Kitty_Leela on twitter…I’ve got quite a few I need to post tomorrow of her weeks adventures…and yes, she’s spoiled rotten, has more toys than we can even donate to the local shelter..and she deserves EVERY BIT of the spoiling, and love she gets…and gives back 100x more!
Such a beautiful story, thanks for sharing! ♡♡♡
Thank you for a wonderful story! I just came home from our shelter, where I picked out a new kitty and she is an orange tabby! I have never had an orang tabby and look forward to many years with my new pal. We who love our cats, really, really love our cats and they are an important part of our lives, all the more so, if we live along. A new adventure and a new friend. I get to pick her up at the Vets on Friday. I can’t wait! Thanks again for sharing!
yeah that was pretty dumb to say, Emily….
I agree with that! I have a female orange tabby and she has never caught anything, but would if she could.
I have an orange Tabby too. They are smart, and your cat doesn’t kill your mouse because he knows that it’s “your mouse” and that you don’t want harm to come to it. The same reason my tabby doesn’t mess with my bunny. However, this doesn’t mean that your cat wouldn’t kill mice, birds, moles, etc if left outside for a while. Like others said, cats are hunters!
If the mice escaped their enclosure a cat will go after it. It’s instinct! They can’t change their genetic wiring. My Maine Coon got my son’s hamster when he got loose. Of course we were horrified when we awoke to find his hamster dead. But our kitty did what kitties do. It’s not mean, it’s not cruel, it’s nature. Tho i find it upsetting to watch. Our cat displayed the hamster in the center of the main living space as he was giving him (the hamster) to us as a gift.
I have three male ginger tabbies and I agree they are respectable they don’t attack our other household pets they do protect our family just last night octavion killed a snake and brought it to my feet I respect and love my catchildren
Hi. I got a orange kitten at 4 weeks. We had to feed him around the clock and do everything for him. After a few weeks he got stronger and then started biting us. You couldn’t pet him for him attacking. Someone said you need to tired him out and play with him more. Did that. Still attack and bite. Then we were able to get another kitten. Took about 2 weeks before they became friends.
Anyway, he is now 4 months old and has tired my house up. I had to block the living room and dining room. I had to remove my lamps, and things off the fireplace mantle. Now if he sees there us somewhere you don’t want him on, he does his best to jump on it. My other cat is only 2 weeks younger and us so sweet clam. If he goes where I don’t want I tell him no and he doesn’t do it again. Two more months my they both get neuter. Do you think he will ever clam down, obey rules. I bought a cat tree, lots of toys, claiming medicine. He’s a nightmare. I love him, but I don’t see ever being able to open up my rooms again. I know I could with my other kitten. I am very close to finding him a new home. I really don’t want to. Tirer of my stuff getting broke. I never allow cats on my counters or kitchen table, and I don’t want him up on the fire place. Other than that he has 3 huge rooms to play in and halls and stairs. Any advise for me?
Absolutely! Cats are natural hunters. You can never take that away. Please keep the mice away from reach of the cat or they will wind up being snacks.
It’s in their nature to hunt. It’s fine if your cat leaves your pet mice alone, but I believe you are expecting too much from cats
Emily be careful one day your orange cat would feel play full and will kill your mouse by accident.
My 2 orange mousers often bring a dead (or occasionally alive) mouse home as a gift to his master. It’s in their DNA
That is so very true. As a matter of fact they are VERY loyal. The cat is my Dads and he is loyal to ME. Guess the cat chose.
Agreed. Our Orange tabby Alastair nailed a foot-long snake in our front yard when he was only 5 months old. He’s fearless, but at the end of the day he’s our affectionate little snugglebeast that sleeps between us on the bed
I have always preferred orange tabbys because , in my experience, they have been the most affectionate and loyal…even to the point of being a little “clingy”. But, I love that trait!
One drawback I have noticed, though, is a greater susceptibility to skin problems and problems with fleas and ticks! This seems to be in line with redheaded people and THEIR own disorders regarding sensitive skin.
I love my boy he is the smartest Cat I ever knowed. He is so very big weighing 25pounds RadarLove plays fetch with me or himself talks saved my life some I’ll take the clingy boy.
That maybe true about the skin sensitivity. I adopted a white kitty with red tabby markings, she has what my vet thinks are food allergies which make her itchy, she has to eat a limited ingredient diet
My orange kitty is a demon but his son is an angel.
so is my orange 7 month old, I tell him no & he jumps on me & attacks.i’ve tried spraying but that does not deter him,i.ve tried everything I’ve read on the internet, he seems to have a mind of his own.i don’t want to give him up but I may have to,any help out there?
Firmily in a loud voice say No! When it bites or attacks you. Kittens usually outgrow that behavior.
My orange cat just sits watching for something to get into. He seems to always be in trouble .very loving always wants to play. An he knows how to wake us in the morning. If one trick work another will.
Mine is the same way. I wake up thinking a stray hair is in my face when it’s my orange tabbys whiskers trying to wake mw up.
AWWW is it a boy or girl?
I have a young female orange and a full white male desexed.
They are best friends they sleep with us they hang at the shower waiting for us to finish.
My orange was a rescue kitten and has a 2nd chance at life she is spoilt to a T..
Wouldn’t change a thing with our fur babies
Awee my 16 pound male tabby Maxwell loves to hangout in between the shower curtains and waits for me to finish or he sits on ledge when I’m taking a bath and he dips his tail in and just sways it back and forth lol. Last week I had barely turned on water in bathtub faucet for him to drink he meows at me to turn it on and then I dropped water over his head and he liked it and so then I picked him up and sat him in tub and turned on water a bit more and he laid in the water and let me bathe him for first time he’s my boyfriends cat I’ve been with him over a year and he says maxwell has claimed me lol, he won’t let anybody else bathe him :):):)
“Fun Fact #6. Male orange tabby cats outnumber females approximately 4 to 1.
For reasons that are not fully understood, about 80% of orange tabby cats are male. This certainly seems to point to some genetic link between sex and coat markings, although veterinarians and researchers still haven’t seemed to pinpoint the exact factors. Conversely, most Calico and tortoiseshell cats are female, so it’s evident that there are strong correlations that go with either sex.”
The reasons ARE fully understood and they are pretty obvious when you know a bit about genetics. I will not talk about the white color because it’s a different subject and it works differently.
Just a reminder: Males are XY and females are XX. Orange & black colors are given by the X chromosome. Like us, the orange color is a recessive gene, BOTH parents need to have it in order to obtain an orange female since they have 2 X chromosomes (1 from each parent). If not, the black color will show up. To obtain an orange female, the mother must be a calico or orange cat and the dad must be orange as well. If the dad is black and the mother is an orange or calico cat, you will only obtain black OR orange males and black or calico females. It’s the same for “diluted versions” of orange & black (cream & blue – people call it falsely “grey”), it’s a recessive gene, but nothing to do with males or females, both parents need to be “diluted” to give diluted kittens.
By example, I have 2 cats that are real brother & sister and I don’t know what their parents look like, but I have a very good idea. The male is a blue cat and the female is a cream cat. For sure, both parents were diluted as well. The dad is a cream male just like his daughter and the mother is a blue & cream calico.
Why are there only 1/3000 calico males? Because orange & black colors are only on the X chromosome and since males are XY and females are XX, males only have 1 possible color between both. In order to have both colors in a male, he must be XXY, which is an abnormal number of chromosomes called “trisomy”, that’s why they are also sterile.
Mine is a male creamy Orange with orange eyes.
Thanks for the info. I love it when someone can actually give a reason for something that they are discussing. You really helped me learn something new today. Thanks again Stephanie. I have a male orange tabby that was an adult rescue. He’s actually the most laid back cat I’ve ever owned. We just love him and he loves us too, even the dogs. Lol. It’s great he cuddles right up with them.
Wow thank you. That makes perfect sense now. You explained so perfectly. Lol I wonder now why ppl dont know that…? Well know I know ! My mother in law has an orange female and her sister has an orange male and I found a sweet Orange tabby at the shelter I would like to scoop up she is sooo adorable !
Thank you for this information! I have a diluted orange female and I wondered how she got that way.
My rescue orange tabby is 1 of 6. Rounding out the litter is 3 black (mostly) and white, 1 calico (the only female) and a light colored tabby. The mother was mostly white w a little tabby on her head and back. Any thoughts on what the father was like? My orange tabby has yellow eyes. My other rescue is a black and white and the copper eyes. Both are gorgeous!
Female Cats are superfecund, so brothers and sisters could always be half brother and half sister, sharing only the mother so keep that in mind when estimating the parent’s fur.
We were given an orange kitten I named Peanut and he was a wonderful addition to our fur family. Then one night he had four ‘miracle’ kittens. Two were white and orange twins. I named the one I kept “Orange Julius”
We got Peanut spayed shortly after she weaned kittens.
I have a ginger tabby her name is Kagome (aka The Monster) . I have had her since she was 7 weeks old. She was 24 oz of meanness. And she is now 5 yrs and still mean as hell,lol but I would not trade her for nothing. I also have her daughter she is a tortishell and she is sweet as honey .
Same jeannie
I have 4 ginger baby boys and they are my loves. Their mother is a calico with not much white on her at all. Their dad is an orange tabby. I’m so happy that she had all orange babies. I’ve never had orange cats before. They are the biggest lovers! They are 6 months old now and they are beautiful. They stick together like glue. They’ve all been neutered and had their shots. Im looking forward to spending years with them ♡
I have 3 babies and 1 of them is a 5mth old orange female tabby named saffron,or saffy. She actually just got fixed at the vet today and she is such a sweetheart and never complained 1 time, but was so excited when she realized that she was back home. Her 2 4mth old brothers, Sisco and socks, r getting fixed next month. She is the calmest,sweetest laid back of the 3 but we love em all the same!!
I have a nine year cold orange tabby male,his mom is our eleven year old tortie and his dad was an orange tabby.He is so sweet and she (his mother) is a little devil even at her age.We just rescued two male silver and black tabby kittens. What fun!!!!
My first cat was an adopted 2 year old, female orange tabby. She was beautiful and curious. It wasn’t long after she was brought home, I realized she needed a buddy. I went back to the Humane Association and there he was, a 2 year old orange tabby. She was spayed, he was neutered and they became instant brother and sister. They both lived to 10/11 years giving me such joy. Eight years later, I am retired, able to have one small cat or dog as a companion pet in my apartment complex. My neighbor has a gray/black tabby with a face that melted my heart. I made the decision of adopting a cat with no particular breed in mind at some future point. I went to the Human Association “just to look”; no intention of bring a pet home at this time. Well…then I saw him, an orange tabby about 2 years old, laying so beautifully stretched out sleeping. He came home with me right then and there and I have not regretted it for one moment. We were meant to be together. I dare say my heart is forever given to orange tabbies!
I saw my 6 month old Orange tabby male kitten with orange eyes at the humane society and he rubbed against my hand so i rescued him. He began after a couple of weeks to bite me in my socks and arms and i would tell him no and he continued. So i went to another humane society another couple of weeks later to find him a buddy playmate after i had seen a chocolate pt 5 month old Siamese that looked like a panda bear on their website that had only been at the shelter for only 1 night. I adopted him after he rubbed against my hand as well. It took them 1 week to adapt to each other and they are the best playmates and love me and each other. They’re awesome babies and love the cat room i made for them in my house with their toys and tall tree. They sleep with me as well at night.
That’s great and kind of similar in nature to my story – We found my Lucy sixteen years ago as a stray,she was about six mos old. Seven weeks later we went to the SPCA to find her a Desi, (around same age) grey with white markings. They have been together sixteen years now and have been the love bugs of my life. We like to travel since retired, but I have to put a halt on it for now as I want to spend as much time with them as I can, since they’re getting up there in age. They both sleep with me at night as well 😉
We got a really neat orange guy as a kitten nearly a year ago. Also we have a 7 year old female Jack Russell, and they get along really well. Lots of wrestling, with Scout ( kitty) ending up with a wet head. Never any aggression at all. He loves all the neighbors, and neighborhood cats, which is a lot. They are all fixed, so just a lot of hanging out, staring at stuff 😊
I have 1 ginger boy, 2 black & silver boys and 2 black & silver girls! They range from 9 months to 17 years of age. I love them all.
My beautiful Bela orange tabby is very possessive of me and I brought a new kitty in for her to play with! Really thought she would just love her boy was I wrong. It’s been close to a year and my Bela is still mad and she basically hates me now! I feel terrible but I can’t give up Coco the new rescue who is a torte! Bela is 9 years and Coco is 10 months now…
Hi, I have a 1 1/2 year old male orange tabby named hennessey or “baby henny”. He “talks” all the time or makes a growling sound to communicate. All of a sudden he will just wildly run across the room and then lay on his back and let you pet his tummy. Such a silly man! Thanks you for your article!
My tubby tabby LOVED to eat…everything from mushrooom omelets to lasagna! And he loved to get into trouble; in one case making a 30-mile round trip under the hood of my Dad’s car…from Groton MA to Nashua NH…and then back! So, during the winter months, tap the hood of your car if you or your neighbors have pets.
Loved reading about all the tabbies. I have a 9 year old male Tabby, and is something else. He’s into everything he can get into. I have to put things up or he’ll have them on the floor. No matter what they are. Lately he’s been pooping on my family room carpet, don’t know why? Last night he pooped a little bit, and threw up on a small rug. He’s alway’s been an onery cat. We’ve had our times together, but I don’t know what to do with him. I love him so much, but enough is enough. What am I to do? Any ideas? Oh, I watch how much he eats, don’t want him to get to fat. He won’t eat anything but Purina Salmon & Rice, no treats or anything else. The Vet thinks he might have a Pedigree of some sort in him. He meows weird sometimes, has a pushed in little nose, and is a beautiful guy, and can be so loveable sometimes.
I hope you still have your fur baby. Research cat nutrition, google a cat food calculator and enter the analysis from your food. Fish can be dangerous for your pet. Does he have any stones or obstructions. Aim for no more than 10% carbohydrates in the food. Cats are obligatory carnivores, they get their nutrition from meat and their water content too. To get even the most stubborn cat to make a switch crush tender vittles and sprinkle on their food. Gradually decrease the amount as they get used to the food. Diet causes so many health issues, most people don’t know about. Also see if an anti anxiety would help, like Prozac. Cats are generally clean animals. I hope this helps. I use Nutro Max Cat chicken in sauce chunks. Reversed my cats diabetes. As pet owners we have to be careful and educated on how we feed are dogs and cats.
I had same issues with my big beautiful boy and it ended up with him having Mega Colon. Please read up on it!
I have a orange tabby his name is George “the demon” ever since I brought him home at weeks he has been a trouble maker. He is always running laps, forever biting me and loves to play. I have tried water bottle he looks at me with the face like is that all you got then bites me. He will sit on my chest for love then bam I get the bite. No matter I do with him he bites. He is now 7 months calmed down a bit with the biting I no longer look like I was in a battle.
What do you with this kind of cat urghh
Mine did that to me all the time so i rescued my chocolate pt Siamese kitten about 2 weeks or more after i had adopted him and 1 week later they are the best of buddies. He just needed a buddy to play with. I also take him out in my yard on a leash because he discovered climbing on my shed, chicken coup and house and don’t want him discovering the busy street
Lol. Not! I think yours may need a bff like my Nico. Like i mentioned Nico and Panda are the best playmates. It worked out and no biting now. Nico just wakes me up early in the morning with his whiskers in my face. He’s made that a habit with Panda awake next to me as well. Hahaha. Thanks everyone. Enjoy….
I have an orange tabby cat, Sammy. We have had him since he was 9 weeks old. He is mean!! one day i was folding laundry and he just jumped on me and bit my arm bringing the blood. I called the vet to see what I could do about him…..she said I could give him tranquilizers or make him an outside cat. I didn’t want to give him pills so I got a collar and tied him out on the patio where he could get into the yard. He was happy as could be sat there like a dog that had been used to being tied out. Eventually he would go out by himself. He knocks on the front of our house when he wants in. I got another kitten 4 years ago and Sammy hated her he comes in the house hissing and growling because he know she is in here. Sammy is very smart; just mean. Of course, I love him anyway.
i also have a demon George 7 months old will he ever calm down? my husband wants to give him away,i still have hope,any help ?
Thanks for the article… I have a lovely orange striped tabby male named Felix… I’ve had him for 15 years and I raised him since he was a very young kitten. I adopted him from the North Short Animal League. I got him as a buddy for my other male tuxedo tabby, Maxi, who recently passed away from being very ill at 16 years old. So I have Felix still in my life for now but I wouldn’t get another cat b/c I don’t think Felix would get along with another cat at this point in his life. We’re very close but Felix has some personality… he can be very scared (around strangers), playful, needy, vocal and independent too. I love him dearly and I want to enjoy the time I have left with Felix, however long that ends up to be in his now senior years. He’s got beautiful orange and white coloring all over with a striped tail, like a creamsicle candy cane… he’s my goon (as I call him).
I have a 16 year old female orange tabby! Her name is Ginger. She does LOVE to eat & she is SUPER LAZY!! Lol As she’s gotten older, around when she turned 10-11, she stopped using the litter box. I think it’s because it just hurts her joints too much to get in & out. But aside from that & the God-awful amount of shedding she does, she’s the sweetest, nicest cat you ever wanted to meet! She has her silly moments & (since she’s mute, as well) can never resist the urge to push out the loudest, high-pitched “squeak” she can muster whenever she sees me or smearing a thick layer of fur on my clothes. I wouldn’t trade her for the world. I love her! Flaws, & all!
I’ve had 3. Right now,I have Chopin a nd Vivaldi. They are brothers and quite hard to distinquish,except when I pick one up. Vivaldi is much bigger and his hair is more coarse. But all three are very loveable and SPECIAL!
I have been taking care of cats since I was 10, a lot of cats have come and go, some died in my care, some just changed owner and deserved a better life. It is true what you said about the orange tabby, they are specials, in a lot of ways. They are low maintenance and active cats- orange tabby have been in my life many times- and each ones leaved me with special memory to remembered by.
PS: i just got a new orange tabby who followed me back from restaurant without me noticing him get into my car- and he really makes my family happy 😊. He is about 7 months by the time he come to me .
my orange pookers name is Timmy Marcel and he is our joy. Hubby never liked cats, thought they were aloof, etc. but this one has a big personality, we call him a cat/dog. Not a big cuddler though but smart as a whip! The eating? He’s a grazer, likes his wet but loves his dry, the crunch I’m thinking because I have had to hide all my dried flowers. He is very spoiled which is exactly how we like it. what else are we suppose to do with that cutie patootie face? All in all he is a very kind, funny little (whoa little? not anymore!) pussycat and we are so glad we adopted him 3 years ago.
I saw my 6 month old Orange tabby male kitten with orange eyes at the humane society and he rubbed against my hand so i rescued him. He began after a couple of weeks to bite me in my socks and arms and i would tell him no and he continued. So i went to another humane society another couple of weeks later to find him a buddy playmate after i had seen a chocolate pt 5 month old Siamese that looked like a panda bear on their website that had only been at the shelter for only 1 night. I adopted him after he rubbed against my hand as well. It took them 1 week to adapt to each other and they are the best playmates and love me and each other. They’re awesome babies and love the cat room i made for them in my house with their toys and tall tree. They sleep with me as well at night. I call mine Monkey because he peeks at me through my plants with his little face that looks like a monkey. Lol
We had to leave our ginger male of 7 months in France, we gave him to a family with a 9 year old boy. Perfect for both. This Cat knows his purpose in life. He saved a young pregnant girl, then he saved our marriage and then he made a boy smile.
He life saver comes to mind
I got a 6 month old cat recently and his name is simba he is male, at the moment he has a cold probably from stress of being moved to a new home but him and my dog Annie scare each other constantly ( i think Simba scared Annie in a playful way) Annie is a large pitbull golden retriever and lab mix so she is large. He is active and plays a little aggressively which we are teaching him not to do atm, other than that he eats when he wants and he looks like a normal weight. I just don’t know how large he is supposed to get weight, or size.
Two ginger brothers. One is adventurous and I worry for him, the other anxious and introverted! Both like to eat and I can see how they could get rotund if we let them. We love our little guys!
I have one. HE IS SO FAT! His name is Peter and he is a big boy. He definitely loves to eat. He isn’t unhealthy though. He is an inside and outside cat and spends lots of time outside hunting, and running around. Im not sure how bc he is so big… Well more fluffy. He’s really fluffy so i think it makes him look bigger than he is.
We adopted Fred and Ginger (siblings 4 months old) Ginger is long hair and Fred short hair. We got them shortly after losing our 18 year old calico to kidney failure. Our 15 year old grey tabby gets along great with these two nuts! They are better than watching tv; chasing, wrestling and snuggling with each other.
I have an orange tabby( I always had one) and he’s the most empathetic, accepting and loving kitty. When I brought home my little Chartrex girl,Chloe,he accepted her within a day, while it took Timmy,my Russian Blue, a month to accept her in the same room. Jacky, my ginger boy, is a big cat( he weights 7.5 kilos and he likes to eat but he also plays and runs around. I think he is so big because his mother,Toffy, was a big Norwegian Forest cat. I fully recommend people to get an Orange tabby, they are the best boys out there.
My orange white Female is named peaches she is fabulous. She is not low energy though she’s into everything.
My 1st cat was an orange tabby I will never forget him. I was 3 yrs old when my mom got him for my sister and I. He was the most loving gentle cat. It takes a special cat to allow children to play with them. Allow them to tote them around . Allow the children to dress them in baby doll clothes and go along with the child playing and pretending its the childs baby. His name was Puff and unfortunately He passed away when he was only 3 yrs old. My sister and I cried and cried. Im 53 now and have always had a cat. They are just like my child. They are so spoiled . I’ve had every color there is. They have always been my children/best friends. I think God created them for ppl who arent very sociable and loners. I’d pick my cats over human companionship any day!! 😺
Hi, I just read this article. I have two orange cats, Sunny and Tangerine. They are my little loves. I also have two black cats and a calico as well. Honestly, i do prefer orange tabbys over the rest of any color. Dont get me wrong i love them all, there is just something special about my orange tabbys? They pkay together well and are very fun loving towards people. Sunny is much lazier than Tangerine though.. Lol Both love to eat, so i have to control that. I think this was a really cool article it was a great short read… Thank you. Thank you Stehphanie for the great genetic information!
My orange kitty named Mac (for his Mackerel markings) is full of energy, but he’s just over a year old. He loves tearing up paper especially, and is astute in getting to the highest places in my home, once getting stuck and had to be retrieved by my husband who happens to be 6ft 4in. He’s a natural alarm clock, every day at 5 am he climbs on me and purrs and kneads. If I ignore this, he starts tapping my face til I open my eyes and give him a pet. He loves watching wildlife outside, making those adorable chirping sounds. He sleeps at my feet, and loves to eat. Also, once we fixed him, for some reason he decided to get even by refusing to cover his litter box leavings. Truly annoying and we have tried to fix it, with assistance from our vet, but he just won’t do it. I suppose in the scheme of things, it could be worse. He’s outgoing, never scared of people, and tolerates being picked up for short sessions. I love him. I had a little black cat before him who I loved too, and it took years to get another. But he’s a treasure to my whole family, especially my son who was scared of animals before. And now he plays with him, even pretending to be a cat too
my daughters orange male cat has just been diagnosed with cancer . we don’t know how long he will live . He is my grandsons cat. how do we find another orange cat to help ease my grandsons broken heart?
I just lost my kitty of 17 years end of February … would like to get an orange tabby, but not sure am ready. I just love a kitty that purrs & snuggles … I have a rough collie doggy, that loves all creatures, so that is not a problem. Am thinking I would not let the new kitty outside b/c my neighbors have some mean cats. They use to beat up my kitty b/c she wasn’t very big … love all the pictures posted above
My orange tabby wasn’t too sedentary: he made a 30-mile round trip under the hood of my Dad’s car!, going from Groton, MA to Nashua, NH and back clinging to the wheel well…and lived to meow about it! During the colder months, be sure to check under the hood of your car if your (or your neighbor’s) pet may be in there getting some heat
I have an orange tabby his name is Seymour. For the most part he’s a great cat very good with my other pets my children and my grandchildren. But since he was a kitten he’s been a pushy little sob at 2 am he will open my bedroom door jump up on my bed and nudge me until I get out of bed and feed him. He has learned recently to tug at my jeans pants or wrap himself around my leg and pull me to the basement door to let me know his little box needs cleaned out. I’m finding out that orange tabby specially mine is very intelligent. With little to no traning. Seymour is a loveable little turd
When I have friends or family come to my house, even cat haters that meet my orange tabby. He wins them over every time. I even had a dislike for cats before I got him. He follows me around the house and almost always has to be in my lap when I sit down. Couldn’t ask for a better companion.
Hello I just adopted a 9 week old orange tabby which I named Topazz. He is awesome. He has 3 older brothers Jelly Bean 4yrs old bengal tabby his partner in crime. Then Fluffy Doodle 6 yr old Turkish van water anthe OG Moon Pi 8 yrs old Siamese lynx. Topazz loves to play and talk like his older brothers.
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I feel grateful to own a female orange tabby after reading this. I never knew having them female was rather unusual. My older sister found her as a kitten alone on the street walking home so we decided to take her in. She can be quite aggressive some but at times she’s really friendly and enjoys a stroke or cuddle. She’s still with me today as a young cat.
My cat has golden eyes but I don’t know what kind of cat he is?
He has short orange fur with the tabby pattern, while he can be lazy he is really energetic and is always happy.
Sometimes he actually smiles while watching the birds fly around, He’s a really good mouser and knows how to survive naturally, and he loves water, my family also thought he was dirty when we first got him… Any idea on what kind of cat he is Please Tell me at [email protected]
I have a 9 month old reddish-orange tabby named Leo. He’s extremely smart at such a young age, and knows my whole daily routine. He’s very active, especially after he eats, and he loves to bite alot! I knicknamed him Puppy-Kitty because of his biting. But he’s very adorable, and when he sleeps, he cuddles up to you, making that strong, humming sound vibrating throughout his body lol! He’s such a ham!
I have had 2 orange tabby cats and just love their character and cuteness. After reading this article, it’s so good to know that orange tabby cats love to eat and are lazy, that explains mine to a “T!” It does make me worried about my cats weight, which is about 23lbs and is 8 years old. We only give him 2/3 of a cup of food per day and not many treats. Is there a good cat food for overweight cats?!
Our 9 year olds male orange tabby loves dry cat food. He reached 28 lbs and had a spinal embolism. (STROKE) Survived 2 years now on only tsp of kibble per day and canned meat cat food. Weight now 15 lbs. Kibble is life threatening for overweight cats. Please take away the kibble.
My daughter wanted a kitty so we went to our local shelter and she fell in love with the cutest little orange Tabby..she named her Nala, Nala was 9 weeks old and full of energy…she has been with us 1 month and already has won our hearts. She for sure is one of the pack, her and her brother( dwarf bunnie) Domino and sister, Chloe(yorky/Maltese mix) all get along great together. They even nap together.
We have 2 with very different personalities–the female, Peach, is the more dominant. The male, Mango, is super sweet. He’ll curl up either on your stomach at night to sleep or nearby. We love our rescued orange tabbies!
I’m learning a lot about orange tabby’s very laid back cuddly loving loves to eat nonstop I’ve also read has main coon in them my cat Wiley acts like a dog follows me everywhere comes when called or just using my finger loves water
Another thing he does is bite and chews on everything me the furniture tables so I call him cat dog
I have three cats. The middle child is Tudie, a male orange tabby who will turn 21 in July. The oldest is going to be 22 in August. His name is Baby and he is a Madonna Tabby. The youngest, Jezebel, will be nine in October. She’s the third black cat I’ve had. Tudie has been moaning in his sleep lately. He’s a cuddler, so at night he snuggles up as close as he can get too. Lately, he’s lost weight and although he will roll over to have his belly petty, he seems to be extremely sensitive in the area of his back legs, and he looks VERY emaciated from the top view of his back legs. I have been so fortunate to have the two eldest kitties for so long. They are love buddies, sometimes to the extreme (sexually). I will be devastated when I lose them, and Jezebel will probably not know how to behave, since she’s never been an only child. I’ve been trying all sorts of ways to increase calories for the oldest kitties. They have free access to dry food and water always fresh, but I do open canned food high in protein whenever they demand it, which is quite frequently. I’ve had cats with diabetes in the past, but Tudie doesn’t exhibit those signs, and he is still grooming himself although he does have some weird habits like peeing in the bathtub. I think he prefers to be the only one using the litterbox, which is not possible in my condo. Please tell me if you have any suggestions for adding some weight. I am NOT expecting miracles, as these are the longest living of any cats I’ve had, and I’ve had a number of them over the last 40 years.
Marta Sanzalone
It is 1/18/19 today and your post on this website was June 26, 2018, so I don’t know if you still have your orange tabby cat, Tudie. From your description, it sounds like he might be having some urinary problems (kidneys) as far as not wanting to pee in the litterbox; it might be painful for him. I had a male cat a few yrs ago who stopped using the litter pan to pee. Turned out it was painful for him & he associated the litter pan with the pain. As far as the problems with his back legs, he might have arthritis. My daughter had a small dog who was up in years & developed arthritis. The vet had her give him medicine to help w/ the pain & also the vet did laser treatments which helped. Massaging him gently also helped. But, again, if you still have Tudie, I strongly encourage you to take him to a good vet to determine what is the matter & what needs to be done.
Marta, I 2nd what Patrica had to say. I also had a tom who would pee over the tub drain every time he got a bladder infection. If not taken care of quickly, you’ll soon notice blood in his urine. As far as the pain in the hips, maybe a heating pa on LOW might help. Also, when my orange boy lost a lot of weight (long story), those drinks called “Ensure” were orininally for the sick, the elderly, and cancer patient’s; and are high in calories and nutrients. My Tango loved all the flavors (vanilla, choc, strawberry), but you might want to just start with a capfull of vanilla. But do talk to your vet first.
We just adopted a red headed stranger we named willie Nelson, he is 14 weeks and sweet as can be!!!!
I had a beautiful long-haired orange and white cat named Buddy … It’s been 5yrs now since he went missing and I think of him ALLLL the time and loved him so much and he loved me , our bond was incredible ~ I’m now looking for an orange and white longed haired tabby ~ if anyone knows of anyone or has one , plz contact me @ 8642309673 ~.
I used to have 5 cats; 3 orange tabbies, 1 white with black spots and 1 mackerel tabby.
The first four are the mama’s first litter and we were so shocked when we checked their bits (about 2 weeks after their birth) and found out they’re all males. And I agree, my 3 oranges like to eat a lot to the point one of them was a bit overweight cause he rarely went outside. Just eating, snuggling and sleeping. The most calm cat I’ve ever had. BUT the other one, he runs a lot, plays a lot, going outside a lot, meows a lot (even he meows in his sleep), etc etc. He gives us headache at night haha And they looked so much like each other, so one usually would get blamed for a mistake the other one did hahaha
I have a 15 yr old male (of course) named Jersey Boy, officially. Unofficially, he is “Senor Naughty Pants”. He is a 9 year survivor of saddle thrombosis (blood clot) including recovering from paralysis in his hind end. My vet calls him the “Miracle Cat” of their practice. He lives up to his nickname daily; Sr. NP knocks over any inattended container w/a beverage in it, jumps on my shoulders whenever my back is turned (sometimes from several ft away!), but is currently cuddling with me. Ginger cats rock!!!
Thank you so much for the information and the article. I just adopted an Orange/White Tabby from the Bloomfield Animal Shelter. He is missing one of his back paws (seems to have been in a fight). What kind of Cat Tree would you recommend for him. (he weighs 11.2 lbs right now). Large Cat with Beautiful Big Green Eyes!!!
I have 3 Orange Tabbies currently. 2 males and 1 female, lazy you say, not a chance here.
The eldest Orange Tabby cats are brother and sister, both standard sized tabby cats, then I have a miniature male orange tabby, now him, he’ll eat forever and never gain weight! But all in all, we leave food down because we have 7 cats in all, all indoor, all spayed and neutered.
But our orange tabbies do not eat all the time, I can leave food down and it’ll still be there when the evening comes.
They eat normally just like the rest of the brood that aren’t orange, but grey/white, black/white{cow spots}, black/silver-sheen, grey/black striped and of course the orange trio, all eat fairly the same, none eats any more or less than the rest. My trio of orange cats, 2 going on 6 years old Halloween 2018 and the mini turned 3 this past June 6, 2018, are nowhere near lazy, they all love to play and have fun, they are always entertaining themselves with the toys that are left out for them to play with, balls, cat nip filled rats or mice or chasing each other through the house, sounding like a herd of buffalo on the stampede at times! ROFL
But I love them all and every one of them has their own unique personality too.
So I just can’t agree with them being lazy at all, can’t even agree with them over-eating, the brother/sister pair are VERY PICKY on what they will or will not eat, the only one I have that will try and eat ANYTHING is the miniature orange cat, he’ll try and swipe food right out of your hand if he thinks he can get away with it, or right off your plate.
He made my wife really upset with him one night as he snuck up on the bed while she was eating a turkey sandwich and quick as lightning he struck and stole some of the turkey right out from inside her sandwich. It was hilarious to watch, but my wife didn’t think so. ROFLMBO
Wouldn’t give up my orange kitties for anything, they entertain me with their antics far too much, as do all the rest of my cat family.
I have a 1 yr old polydactyl orange tabby rescue kitty named Ernest – after Ernest Hemingway. The first polydactyl cat was brought here from Europe by ship as a gift for Hemingway’s children. Ernest also has a heart defect and had a bout with Bartonella but is now doing beautifully! He is feisty and very affectionate! With all those extra claws, playtime can be dangerous! Haha As he has gotten older his fur has taken on a kind of “dirty” look – especially his paws. I asked the vet about it and they said “He’s what is called a “dirty tabby” – totally normal”. We are getting ready to adopt a little brother for him – another polydactyl with a heart defect. As a mom to a human child with numerous heart defects (5 surgeries to date), I feel like these kittens should be a piece of cake! Lol
Hello. I just wanted to say I loved this article and share about my little guy! For awhile, I waited until I could find one of those ads, “Free Kittens” to find myself a ginger kitten, so he could be ginger just like his daddy. Surprisingly it took me about a year to find him but finally did almost 3 years ago! I have a very strong cream colored male tabby. All orange with almost speckled colored spots with few strips on his legs. I keep him groomed with a lion cut and it is absolutely gorgeous. I call him my little lion cheetah. I named him Fajar but with a pronunciation as “fy-ger”. It is Indonesian for the word “dawn” with its Arabian origin meaning: “early morning just before the sunrise,” alike my meaning as “new orange light in the sky (but soon to come).” He was meant to represent my “new beginning.” Along with the name Fajar, I nicknamed him Wonton, sometimes calling him my Chinese Soup. If you seen him, you’d find it absolutely adorable. Unfortunately, during the first two years with this young fello, we didn’t live so “newly” rather negatively and unstable due to myself at a younger age than I currently am as 27; we have definitely gone through tough times. I was afraid to lose him not having a place for him to stay. I still feel bad my sweet boy had to ride along through all my young age issues. Luckily he is still with me and I have found us an incredible home to ourselves and we live so happily in our studio apartment. He is the sweetest, most loving cat I have ever had the privilege to love and care for. He’s the best thing in this life and I don’t know how I’d react without him. I came across your article looking for pet insurance to make sure he remains healthy without anymore financial difficulties. To comment on your statement about them being mostly lazy, he is the devil! He is NOT lazy and I find him running back and forth and attacking people (playfully) more than anything else. LoL It is absolutely adorable. Sometimes he comes across his tail and starts chasing it or rolling around. You’d lose yourself. But back to his loving personality, when he was a kitten I had to keep him in the living room because he would wake me up consistently throughout the night trying to stretch up to give me kisses. NOTHING WOULD STOP IT! LoL He is almost 3 y/o now and has calmed it some though. Everyday I look forward to coming home to his cuddles and kisses. He’s like my excited little puppy lion. He has been my new light in the sky, and for as long as we shall live. I love him dearly. I’ve had other orange tabby’s, as well as other kinds and colors; but this one is an amazing wonderful little fluff of Wonton soup!! Anyway.. Thank you for the great read and I hope you enjoyed our short little story too. 🙂
With Kindness,
Skeeter & Wonton
Lydia September 9, 2018
Hello to all of the orange kitty lovers!! 🙂 I too am the happy mom of the most wonderful orange boy named
Punkin. Punkin is 13 years old and I adore him. I went searching for an orange kitten back in 2005, I could not
afford to adopt a kitty from the local animal shelter(although I really wanted to!) so I went to several farms in
my area but, to my surprise, the farmers said they didn’t have any cats. I happened to stop in at a used book-
store near my house and the owner said that a friend of hers might have an orange kitten. I visited the friend
at her in-laws’ farm and lo and behold there was a litter of kittens up in the hayloft! A teenage girl brought down
a tiny orange ball of fluff, his eyes weren’t even open yet, and put him in my arms. It was LOVE at first sight for me! 🙂
I had to wait about six weeks until Punkin was weaned and ready to leave his cat mother. It was a long wait but
My boy is 13 now but I still call him my ‘sweet baby boy’. I absolutely adore him. Yes, I totally agree
that orange kitties are special: Punkin loves to ‘touch’ my clothes that I have laid out on the bed and he knows
how to get the door under the kitchen sink open to get to his food so I put a bungee cord through the latch with
a clothespin on it to keep it closed. Punkin also taps me on the shoulder when he wants my attention. He knows
the meaning of ‘kitchen’, ‘outside’, ‘porch’, and ‘uh-uh’. Punkin enjoys watching tv, especially animal shows and
politicians!! I absolutely adore my baby boy and I shower him with kisses and hugs. I know he loves me too-
I get many head butts and slow, lazy kitty stares. Orange kitties 4ever!! 🙂
My dark orange tabby, Arnold Schwarzenbeggar, adopted me when he was about 4 years old. When neutered, we discovered he has FIV, so we have to be careful with his health since his immune system doesn’t work. He is such a loving, quiet sweetheart (except for his loud purring). He’s definitely a lap cat and enjoys eating.
After having a good old black cat for many years, we thought we were dedicated black cat people. Then a couple of years after he passed, they had adoption kitties at the store. We just went to look because “we weren’t getting a cat”. Well, now we have a little orange friend. He’s a darn good little cat.
Hi,thanks a lot I enjoyed it all
I am taking care of orange tabby super cute male cat, it’s Honey 😍😍He showed up near my apartment few days after I moved in, he was super friendly from the very beginning, mostly was belonging to someone, I can’t imagine how any human can dump such a cat, he is bigger than original size for cats,not fat, just very tall with big adorable face, when I hold him it looks more like a dog!! he’s spending most of his time with me now,I’m thinking of fixing him& keeping him indoor with me
I was lucky to adopt my Juliette a orange tabby who is nine months now. She is more of a out door cat than a indoor cat and snuggles you when she wants to brings my living and dead bugs. Biggest thing is she chirps like a bird and rarely meows which I rarely have heard from cats but it’s adorable, very vocal little girl. She does eat a lot but we have a big backyard with grass and trees and boarded wall she plays in more than staying inside which is great for her excercise, right?
dexters dumb and ugly
My orange tabby – like most – is male, fat, loving and beautiful. He is twice the size of his little gray playmate, but they cuddle and purr like they own the world. Which they do, of course.
I have started feeding my cats and dog a raw diet
They are different animals. Their costs are shineyier and their happier!!! Ourina killed my maincoon at 8 years old. Kibble is nutritionally empty because of the flash baking then they spray synthetic nutrients and pallatant all ove it to get. Them to eat it. Dont take my word for it. Do your own research.
I LOVE orange tabbys, given the choice, Id never own a different colored cat. Call me crazy, but they seem to always be snuggly, lovable, loyal, happy (all the traits that one looks for in a cat) and as previously stated, great “mousers”, and usually very proud of their hunts. I love the orange felines.
I’m the happy human mom of J J. She was feral and my vet tried to talk me out of taking her home. He said she was “incorigable “. She reminded me of myself. I took her home and she is soon to be 19 years old. She is my best friend and has not disappointed in any way.❤
I have a orange tabby rescue named CiCi she is so sweet… She is into everything about 10 at night she wants to run jump and play with her toys. I’m a natural born red head so it was only fitting for me to have her… she is only the 2nd cat I’ve ever owned but I’d be lost without her schangains ! She also has food allergies and eats Natural Balance !
I had an orange tabby cat named Tiger Ray. His body length, tail length, and height to his shoulders was right at one half the size of a cheetah. He weighed 17 pounds at his max, his body was long and lean, all solid muscle. He would catch locus, mice, rats, birds, and squirrels. He caught one squirrel, stripped it, and ate most of it in ten minutes. He was also great at showing love and knowing when I needed help! He was an excellent weather man. I have written several poems about Him. They have been published in eight different books; two of which went international. I won four trophies from his poems. Turned one poem into a song, and it got up to a National release. Give me two more hours and I could tell you lots more about Tiger Ray. Here is one short poem: I had a cat named Tiger Ray, He had orange strips I was told, but after watching His life I prefer to believe He was Solid Gold! Stephen Ray
Our orange tabby showed up on our doorstep 6 years ago. We have no idea how old he is, but he is still with us. He came potty trained and is laid back and friendly. He does shed alot (not good for the allergies), but wouldn’t change a thing. We got a miniature dashound about year and half ago and they ‘play’. The dog chases him relentlessly. When he had enough, he retreats to higher ground where she can’t go. Smart! He is not Leary of people and approaches anyone willing to pet him.
We adopted an orange FEMALE kitty, a year and half old and had had a litter. She’s absolute beautiful! I’m dog insane lady, but thought Juniper , whom I’ve renamed Junipurr, is very dog like.
She’s very like much of what I’ve read about orange cats. Voracious eater, purrs at a glance, easy to pick up, follows us everywhere and very smart. She and my dog are leary of one another, hoping they become friends some day.
Junipurr is a love.
Our orange tabby Pumpkin, adopted us! It was in October when Pumpkin found us every day walking our dog, he would come out of nowhere and follow us home. We started to ask around the neighborhood to find out where he lived and learned he belonged to a neighbor just 9 houses down from us. Our neighbor said they could not keep the cat in the house, he kept running away. Oddly enough, he would come back to our house and sit in our yard and walk with us every day. After several weeks our neighbor asked us if we wanted to keep him. We reluctantly said we would give it a try. My husband and I were not fond of orange cats (no idea why), but we were falling in love with him. He is so cuddly and smart. He actually knows and comes to his name! He is one of the best things that ever happened to us. We love him so much. We cannot believe we almost past him up all because of his color. His persistence of wanting to be with us finally paid off as we eventually officially adopted him from our neighbor and has been ours for over 5 years. But who is kidding who, he really he adopted us. Interestingly, he never tries to get out of the house!
I have a orange tabby, a rescue cat, that is now just over thirteen years old. Sadly, she jut started refusing to eat or drink. A sign of the end of days for my baby. I know that the end is near, and I will be heartbroken when the time comes, She is my best friend.
Get a memorial for your cat. You can frame it and hang it up on the wall. My grandmother has that for her dog that died in 2014. It’s a nice way to remember your pet.
this is awesome!
I have an Orange Tabby, his name is Meowey. He is about 3 1/2 years old and we got him from the shelter. When we got him, they said that they found him roaming around the streets of Baltimore city. He gets along with our other two cats, and our dog too. Mixed breed orange tabbies are great cats.
Meowey is about 16 pounds, and he is the best boy!
I just laid Latte to rest….Linda doesn’t know I’m posting this…Latte was 13 and had a personality like no cat we’ve ever known…she was Linda’s constant companion and she did not give up easily…came back to life 3 different times just to be with us a little longer…she will be missed…loved to catch snakes, type on keyboard, crawl under covers, fly around yard and up the tree like a wild woman, and eat, eat, eat…but she was trim and fit…Latte
My orange tabby”Redsy” is the best kitty. He’s affectionate , friendly to people other than his family, is a great mouser/mole catcher and has a youthful muscular body even at 13 years old. We adopted him from a neighbor who abandoned him when they moved 7 years ago. He’s a pal’s pal….
My fur baby was found 1030 at night as Hurricane Florence was coming ashore. Weighing approx2 lbs- vet estimated him at 6 months of age, it’s a miracle he didn’t blow away. Every day – when I leave the house for work or any reason I walk out the front door, “Flo” is diligently awaiting my return- Laying right in front of the door, anxiously awaiting my return. This has become a bond between us that can’t be described in a short paragraph!
came home one day to find an adorable, tiny kitten in my driveway. yellow with big blue eyes. let me walk up and pick her (we now know). brought her in, made a home in a crate and proceeded to love her. trip to the vet said 10oz, 5 weeks old and a male. 3 months later she was getting adjusted to our chiahuaha and 2 other cats but mostly still in the crate due to very small size. trip for neutering revealed she was a female, 2 lbs and very sweet with a very pink nose and mouth. after that we started introducing her out of cage to her family. they were great with her.she is now complete tabby with the full stripes and markings, . sweetheart, huge . 10 lbs and very large golden eyes, still very pink nose and mouth. she has even won my husband over who is really not an animal lover.
Nearly 5 years ago, I got two 8 week old kittens from a friend of mine. At the time, my mom, who lived with me, was in decent, but, not great health and I thought that “the boys” would give her companionship, as well as entertainment while I was at work. Boy was I right! They gave her 3 more good years and were both laying next to her when she finally lost her fight with cancer. One of them is a black/white tabby that she named Elmer. The other is a ginger that I named Sir Fluffmiester The First (just Fluff for short). Elmer always takes a while to warm up to new people. Fluff, on the other hand, will come right up to anyone and anounce his presense while expecting anyone and everyone to pet him! These days, the boys can be found hanging out in the office area of my small automotive shop. Fluffs job is to greet the customers. Elmers job is to hide until he gets to know them. They’re never allowed in the work area because of all the dangerous chemicals and equipment. They do their jobs so well that sometimes customers stop by just to visit them, even if they don’t need repairs done on their vehicles.
I received a beautiful orange tabby from my daughter 2 years ago and have loved that big boy ever since then. Max is a very laid back cat that will “talk” to me as if we are having a conversation. He brings me presents all the time whenever I let him outside such as lizards, snakes baby rabbits, birds, etc. He has yet to get a squirrel. He chased one up a tall pine tree and couldn’t get down, ended up calling the fire department guys to get him down for me.
I don’t know why my rescue orange cat loves to sit on my chest. Any thoughts?
Loves the heartbeat perhaps to help him be calm.
I adopted mine when he was 4 months old (he turns 9 in November). I remember him being the only one in the kennel that stuck his little paw out to say hello as I was walking by. He’s more of a creamy orange with a white bib and all white paws. He is totally spoiled, but very territorial and doesn’t play well with other cats (I found this out when I had to pet sit my sister’s cat for a week). Plus despite this, he’s friendly to most people that come to our house. One thing I think is unusual about mine is that he doesn’t like fish. He will smell and walk away from any canned catfood with fish. One time I bought Orijen catfood (not realizing all of them have fish in the ingredients). I placed a small bowl of it next to his regular catfood, so he could get used to the smell before mixing it. He walked away and didn’t even touch his regular food until I got rid of it. As far as weight, I think he’s on the smaller side compared to some tabbies I’ve seen. At almost 9 yrs old, he weighs about 12 pounds. My son, who is a Star Wars fan, named him Commander Cody aka Cody, because Commander Cody’s helmet is orange and white.
I have just taken in several kitties as I rescue them. I am currently at 26 of them. I believe 8 of them are of the orange variety. I would like to try to share pics of the one that just returned from being neutered and of his mate and 4 three week old kittens. however I do not see a way to do so. I love them all and I may not agree with the part of them being lazy as ALL of mine are extremely active and love to play all day just like all the ones that are not of the orange variety. and they ALL simply love it when I treat them with some catnip! and I ALWAYS have food and fresh water available for ALL my babies and NONE of them are overweight!
I just lost my 11 year old orange tabby 3 days ago….complications from diabetes. Loved him soooo much, my heart feels like it is broken in half. When I am ready, I will absolutely rescue another orange tabby, so loveable, loyal, affectionate!
My OR Tabby was a big boy and a Red boy (RIP). He was a silly boy too, and brave… when it came to people. He always came running to see who was here and insisted all strangers must pet and adore him. He also thought he was a mighty hunter… until the day he finally caught a huge squirrel and it buzz-sawed him like a furry chainsaw set on wood chipper! After he healed from The Great Squirrel Battle, Tango refused to ever set foot outside again, because “THEY were out there” in great numbers, and to add inslt to injury, peeking in the windows at him & generally taunting him. Tango didnt Cat very well either. He used to fall out of trees, off the arm & back of chairs, and occasionally off the bed. He also was a lover and so laid back that during football season he’d happily walk around wearing his seahawks jersey, scarf, hawk stripes painted on his cheeks, westing his Marshawn Lynch deadlocks wig (ears peeking thru) during game time; posing for pics to text to a rival team fan whenever we got a touchdown. He was the best cat EVER, loving and loyal to a fault.
We had an Orange tabby and named him Garfield. No lie this cat REALLY LOVED LASAGNA. Every time we made it he jumped on us and started eating it. He would even jump on the stove when it came out of the oven.
He not only loved LASAGNA but anything with sauce and mozzarella he ate! 🤣
Garfield’s soul was in that cat!
We have had our tabby, Boycat, for almost 18 years now. He’s been the best little buddy. But sadly, his health is failing and we are heartbroken to be making plans to put him down. We are all so sad.
We love you BC. 🙁
We just adopted our tabby a week ago. I just love love my pringles. Thats his name. He’s so cute and funny the way he communicates with us. He’s always begging for our food. Its funny how I go into the kitchen and he runs in there to see what I’m about to eat. He waits for food to fall and be just the talking. He also jumps in and out our bed at night purring and hitting our hands to rub him.. I love my little orange Tabby….
My Brown tabby had 5 Orange tabby boys, one black tabby boy, and one light tan spotted tabby girl. Unfortunately the runt (one of the Orange ones) passed away within the first few hours after birth. We tried everything to keep him alive. But all of our kittens are very people friendly, sweet as can be, and have hilarious personalities. But we really can’t afford to keep them all. Their mom is a Brown tabby and we need to find a place for her too. If you know anyone who wants a cat please email me at [email protected] I live in Pocola, Oklahoma. Or find me on Facebook.
*PRAYERS* for all of them to find loving permanent homes. PLEASE SPAY YOUR MAMA CAT.
I was so surprised to hear that orange tabbies are the second least adoptable cats. Are people crazy. Cooper Murphy is our second orange tabby. Out of 19 cats over 35 years, I cannot believe we have only had two. Adorable, affectionate, easy-going…what more could a cat person ask for. And yes, they do like to eat. For me, black cats and gingers should be at the top of the adoptable list.
That’s very sad that people don’t adopt orange tabby’s or black cats as much. I would guess it to be the opposite. Black cats have always reminded me of beautiful, miniature panthers. Sleek and strikingly beautiful. They tend to be shy but very loving. I once knew an old German man who called my orange cats “Golden Cats” and that they are. Precious, lovely to look at with a very affectionate stand out character. All cats, like people have different souls, personalities. Each one unique as a snowflake and each one is wonderful waiting for a chance to love and be loved.
Our beloved rescued male yellow tabby with white undercoat tipped the scales at 22 lbs. in his prime and was very sweet and mellow. Our flame-and-white female was active in the extreme, personality-plus, and quite a beauty.
Loved this post. As a big orange tabby fan I was so surprised to learn that orange tabbies are not adopted as much as others. We have three wonderful orange kitties, all different in looks and personality. Two are great mousers and all are very affectionate! To me their coloring is very appealing.
Love that photo of Mouse’s amazing face preceding the article. Article is really well written! I didn’t know that most orange tabbies are males. Also that the reason they’re not hired by orange juice factories is that they can’t “concentrate”. LOL
I never had a cat in my life, always a dog family, Saint Bernard to boot. When I was in my late 20s after a bad breakup I was lonley in my apt so went to the shelter and found Ginger Ale. He was 13 orange tabby. I refused to call him ginger ale, so his name was Ale. Bubba affectionately. And he was everything I needed at that time. We had 2 years together it wasn’t a loss I was prepared for, I Don’t know what made me adopt an older cat, I didn’t even think about his age. I just fell in love with him. He was the most loving boy. After bubba passed I got Toby, a now 4 year old orange tabby. After my experience with Ale I had to get another orange boy. And Toby is just perfect. Weird, funny, lazy, talks and talks and talks cuddles ALL THE TIME. ALL.THE.TIME. I’m not gonna go on like.a.crazy cat lady but I’ll never get another color cat, orange is where it’s at!
fun fact if you have a hamster or a mouse even a rat orange tabby cats just like to cuddle them even when they are kittens, I have a orange tabby cat and when i had my pet hamster that passed away he used to cuddle her every single day
My female orange tabby, Bobbie, is a sweetheart. She is very low key but loves to play with her cat toys, especially the toys that are full of catnip!
I have an adorable little boy orange tabby. His name is Henry and he’s 9 months old. He is still a kitten so he is very playful. I play with him but he also plays by himself. He throws his toys and chases them and he stands up in front of the TV to see what’s going on. He’s very entertaining.
I adopted him in October and i’m so glad I did. He’s a wonderful cat, very gentle and cuddly.
My orange tabbies weigh 30 lbs and 6 pouns. I call them a cat and a half and half a cat. The big one loves to chew on my USB cords.
I have love SIamese cats and lost my SIamese baby (Oscar, last March at the age of 19. With the exception of my 1st SIamese, all my cats from then on have been rescues. Last year, after Oscar, I went to a rescue event to look at a SIamese. The SIamese wouldn’t come out of her cage & I said to the volunteer that I was looking for a lap cat.
She said go sit down, so we sat down & she took an orange cat with orange eyes put her down, she walked over to us, passing a number of cats playing, and jumped up on the bench we were sitting on and put her head on my lap. She adopted us. I’m afraid she does eat too much, but she is so sweet. She’s on my lap as soon as I sit down, gives me kisses and purrs up a storm.
We adopted a SIamese from another rescue and he bites for no reason, chases Lulu around and bullies her. We’ve gotten him a “calm collar”, hasn’t really worked.
I’ve had 4 orange tabbies…3 male, one female. Interestingly, they ALL were extremely energetic and playful, compared especially to my other cats, and none of them were big eaters. They were all 4 very lean, at times giving me worry that they needed to gain weight. Only 2 were from the same litter. Therefore, in my personal experience, Orange Tabbies are LESS lazy and food-driven than other colors
I have an orange tabby, her name is Bunty. She is not quite a year old and is very playful. In fact she likes to sneak attack at my ankles every chance she gets. She also likes to paw at my face to get me up in the morning. She has a very tiny meow and a very loud purr motor and was born on the 4th of July in 2019. She helped heal the hole in my heart after my 18 year old silver tabby died.
I have a 7 yr old orange tabby who is not lazy. He is all over the place. I think he is bored and just wants to try to get outside whenever he can escape. My daughter named him Blitz and he has always fit his name. He is as inquisitive at 7 as he was at 2 mths. He knows when to run when a water spray bottle is aimed his direction. But we love him
There so cute because they just snuggle me in the mornings with there wiskers.my cat Tom is is a orange tabby cat and is a male.he is just so cute.😎😺
I have always been a dog lover until my bestie game me a orange tabby. He gave it to me hoping it would help with my depression.
I immediately fell in love with this heavenly little creature that fitted in my hand. I named him Tito and we have become best friends.
He wakes me every morning with kisses and cuddles.He is playful and very friendly.
This little creature has changed my life .
I now look forward to every day thanks to the unconditional love I receive from my bestie Tito.
To my Orange Tabby, I said it was ok Pettie, close your eyes and go sleepy.. my Best Friend of 17.5 years.. left behind 2 sisters.. very lonely without my best companion.
i have a orange tabby, his name is Fire, right now he isn’t so social (but we just got him so every things new to him)
i have had my GINGER boy Named COVID sincce he was 3 weeks old i rescued him from a fence and he could fit in the palm of my hand and he is not 8-9 weeks old an ic weighed him at 7 weeks an he was 950 grams hes trippled in size dose nybody know what the recomended size for these ginger beautys should be ? hes healthy sleeps on our bed and likes his own space chews everything and sometimes attacks you without reason he travels in the car and camper with us gose everywhere we go just not sure how big hes ment to get and how much weight he should be putting on in two week standard i had a female ginger named tiger she died at 14 years old but she was a very small cat and hes nearly the size of her so im not to sure
This is simply not true:
“This certainly seems to point to some genetic link between sex and coat markings, although veterinarians and researchers still haven’t seemed to pinpoint the exact factors.”
It’s an X-linked gene and we know exactly how it works.
My orange tabby Milo # “Big Kitten” is best friends with our 15 pound dog Buster who is part Jack Russell with a Poodle mix that loves to run and jump full bore at 7 in the morning with Milo trailing him at high speed around the house and the outdoor pool area for a good 30 minutes almost every day since East San Diego has around 300 days of pure sunshine every year.The best part of the day is when they spar with each other wrestling around the living room like they are the best of buddies… Big Kitten holds his own now that he is around the same size as Buster so it is usually an even sparring match…As far as hunting things Milo is a pure hunter bringing in small lizards and some over 8 inches long during the warmer months, he does this almost daily as a gift to his owners.My wife always screams when she see’s a lizard as it lays motionless pretending it is dead and 90% of the time the tail is missing from the lizard before I put it back outside to escape the wrath of Big Kitten and escape for another day of life.Ever since Milo has roamed the pool area the rats that lived in the back part of the yard are gone as well as the few roaches that get in the garage in the summer.Everyone that see’s milo sway through the yard and climb palm trees like a machine say he is a pure badass cat.God Bless you Big Kitten you are amazing to say the least.
Somebody abandoned my orange tabby, Byron, in my driveway when he was apx 3 weeks old. He was so week he couldn’t even walk. Our vet had us bottlefeed him for 2 weeks before we could change his food. 2 1/2 years later he is 15 pounds and plays fetch better than any dog I’ve ever had. And he loves to suck on ear lobes! I wouldn’t trade him for a million dollars.
I actually pet sat for a cat and 3 rats one time.for a client. The cat had no care for the rats and didn’t even have an interest in the them. The owner was obsessed with hers rats so I think the cat learned some sort of obedience/respect. They are smart!!
It was strange to me and I found it hard to believe.
I have a orange female tabby four years
Old she had one litter she’s fixed.a very
Calm laid back personality.but she is my
Only cat I can’t cuddle she growls at
Me but I think she likes the attention
I have her grey beige orange daughter
Who is pregnant more than once she
Did have orange ones before one was named sim a
Got hurt I lost him I was devestated.im
Also have a lighter Orange named chubby
Not fat but so affectionate cuddles love him
Then imbue born from orange tabbies daughter fuzzy pants imbue like Turkish angoria fluffy tail
Where did she come from. He is so smart
And dedicated intelligent. Watches my every move.🐯
Tigger he is a great snuggle baby.. he is a mama’s boy lol. But keeps bringing me humming birds even though I put a bell on his collar.. it worked for a few days but he is too good on hunting.. Help I wish he didn’t bring me any (germs)
I adopted 4 orange tabby brothers…They are the loves of my husband and I’s life! They are incredible!
I have a 1 yr 8 mo old male tabby named, Goose. He is such a good cat. He sits completely still while I clip his nails. We hold him like a baby, and he’ll tolerate it for a short while. He’s very long. The vet even commented several times on how long he is. He’s not fat at all. He weighs 11 pounds. I don’t know if cats go through growth spurts, but in the last few months, he’s really been a piggy. He’s super smart. I’ll catch him trying to open doors by the knobs. He gets along with our other pets. His best friend is our 3 year old dog (he’s a chiweenie). I’ve seen him try to flush the toilet. We let him outside during the day, if he wants. We live on 13 acres of woods, so he likes to hunt. Orange tabby cats really are the sweetest.
I have a cat who just turned 19 on 7-4. When I ask him if he wants a cooked wild shrimp he says Now. I tell. KC he’s so cute and he says yeaaa. He has chronic kidney disease and will have to put him down soon. He is the most affectionate cat and has been my buddy since I adopted him at the humane center. I can’t imagine my life without him. He used to lay at the front door waiting for me to come home. A real devoted loving smart guy who will never be replaced. I know God will have him in heaven with me and my whole family as he is my little boy. He’s an orange tabby who is my little angel. I believe if you give your cat love and let him know how special they are, then you will get it back ten fold. I know I did. Every day is a gift until it’s time to be with God, Jesus, and meet the rest of my family in heaven. I’ll see him when my time comes. For now, I’ll make sure he eats and is happy and cherish every minute with him.
Don’t we all love to talk about our cats. We have an orange tabby for twelve years…he was abandoned at two years.He had a ravenous appetite and only after having the vet test him did we learn he had a thyroid problem.Now,imagine calling him from another room and he comes along,jumps upon the bench…chair wherever and waits to take his medicine twice daily.We have had cats since the 1950s and found the orange tabby to be the most talkative as the expression says,”Cats invented staff.” and we are here for him .Thanks.
Our female orange tabby ( Cuddles ) has just turned 13. We got her when she was a kitten and she was gorgeous!
Even though she is old now, she still loves to cuddle, she is playful, quirky, hilarious, the whole package!
Here are some interesting facts about tabby cats:
Tabbies Were Named After a Baghdad Silk. …
Tabby Is Not a Cat Breed. …
Tabbies Have a Characteristic “M” on Their ForBefore we proceed, let’s get a brief explanation about what tabby cat is all about, this is the best-known kind of cat. In fact, tabby cats are the most familiar household cats. The tabby pattern is thought to be the pattern of the cat ancestors. Tabby is not a breed of cats; neither is it a color of cats. The tabby pattern occurs in many breeds of cats and comes in different colors. The tabby may include stripes, swirls, spots, and whorls. There are four patterns of tabby cats: the mackerel, the classic, the spotted, and the ticked.
If you are interested in learning more about these awesome creatures, check out the following 11 fun facts about tabby cats.eheads. …
Tabby Cats Come in Many Coat Colors. …
Tabby Cats Have Five Unique Patterns. …
Tabby Patterns Are Suited for the Wild. …
Tabbies Are Affectionate and Intelligent.
My orange tabby named GNAR has a personality that is part Garfield. Yes, Gnar loves to eat, he has his own chair in the kitchen. When Mum cooks . Gnar loves the smell of food but any other smells forget it!
We recently were blessed with our new best friend ” Jack” as it has become a bit of tradition in naming our kitties after the season from which we bring them home. Jack for Jackolantern, yes he came home just before Halloween. Our other kitties are Christmas cats, Holly, and Noel. Both girls, Holly being the queen, Noel being the aloof and cautious. And both having to adjust to thier new housemate..already Jack has become the center of attention, I was fortunate enough to have met him when he was still very young, prior to being able to bring him home. Was able to recognize his distinctive qualities and personality in the short visits at his mama’s house. Of the four babies, he definitely stood apart, brave and bold, charming and affectionate, personable and playful. Yes, he was the one. Now he’s a lover and a spoiled little munchkin. Growing strong and getting all the love that all kits need to be the best. Although Holly is not happy to be sharing her house, Noel us being gracious and accepting. Even playing with him, in a cat like keep your distance kind of way..in closing, we have some special kind of kit. He’s Jack, and he knows it.
Number 8 HAS to be a lie 🤣
I have an orange kitty who’s almost three years old and fostering a kitten since he was five days old – now nine weeks. Granted, he’s still young and has the same energy a kitten should, however I’ve never seen a low-energy orange tabby before. My cat is always running around, trying to play, and definitely always outside to get that energy out. The rest of the article seems to be quite accurate, though. Since we got him and started letting him outside — he was born outside and lived that way for at least eight weeks, so it was hard to get him to like indoors — our neighbors have noticed their mole problem has completely disappeared. And that. Cat. Can. EAT! We do free eating for all of our cats, and we have my entire life. With such busy schedules we don’t want to leave them without food for ten plus hours a day, so we make sure to leave a bowl out. But he is probably the most high-energy cat I’ve ever seen and had! A beautiful love bug though. Wouldn’t trade him for anything!
I have a year old orange tabby . We found him in a bush when he was around 2 to 3 weeks old.. we named him mango ..
Playful.. fast .. cute .. little fat😀.. sometimes calm… Superb hunter.. he is all in one.. i travel with my cat ..all the time.. he kiss me every morning .. he is my alarm for morning wokeup.. he sleeps funny..
Very affectionate.. believe me guys cats make you smile
And happy.. #catme2020
I had a female orange tabby, Sadie, whom we lost on February 1st. After constantly having my concerns dismissed and the “bloodwork” go-to and chasing down the results just to be told “everything checked out” I ended up asking for an x-ray. I chased after that xray for months and finally switched vets and had it done immediately. There was a mass and I chose to have an ultrasound done to see if it could be removed. We found out it wasn’t one mass, it was several small masses (lymphoma) and it spread to her spleen between the X-ray and the ultrasound—about 2.5-3 weeks after the X-ray. We chose to fight for her, using a steroid and a chemo pill. That began on January 12. My worst nightmare came true February 1st. I noticed she seemed to be struggling to breathe. I knew when I left with her that I wouldn’t bring her home with me but I couldn’t give up hope. Ultimately, she herself let me know she was tired and she wanted to rest so I did the hardest thing I’ve ever done and put her to sleep. I came across this article just reading about them (because I miss her so much I’ve cried off and on all day and haven’t been able to eat).
Sadie was a female. She was a little leery about men but she connected with my husband when we adopted her from a rescue. Actually, she wanted nothing to do with me for about 2 months. He went back to deployment 3 days later and she became my cat after she let go of her little waiting period. . She chose me to be her person and it stayed that way for the rest of her life; I’m forever grateful for the time I had with her. She watched over my kids when they were babies, checked in their rooms at night frequently before hopping up on our bed and settling down with her body against mine, after licking my nose several times. That was her thing. She was my absolute best friend. She loved our whole family but *I* was her person and she was my cat. I never thought I could have a bond with a cat as strong as mine was with her. We felt each other’s emotions, she was ALWAYS there for me, loving and kind. She loved to eat when she was younger. At one point she was a solid 15 pounds—she was also a big cat in general.
Anyhow, orange tabbies are incredible cats. They’re life changing. Sadie was an indescribably phenomenal cat.. and when I have properly grieved her loss, I will most likely get another orange tabby.
I have a 1 year old female ginger tabby who has not become pregnant. Is it possible she is infertile? Thanks for any information.
Munchkin cats are quick, energetic, fun-loving, and affectionate. What they lack in leg length they more than make up for with their unique look and loving temperament.
The Munchkin is unique among dwarf cat breeds—this petite breed actually fits all the other size indicators of a normal adult-sized cat, except for their little legs. They’re also relatively new, having been legitimized as their own breed in the early 2000s.
Because these cats are the result of genetic mutation and a somewhat complicated breeding process, they are relatively rare. If you’re wondering how much Munchkin cats cost, you can expect to spend between $500–$1200 for a Munchkin cat, depending on pedigree.
Omg I have 4 Orange tabby cats and all of them get along great they’re like brothers, Whenever I’m crying (and that’s a lot) my cat Romey comes and cuddles me. And whenever I start cutting or starching he nudges my hand away and starts purring very loudly to comfort and calm me Hes truly magnificent. I would do anything for him
#8 definitely isn’t true for my Ares. He can be very exhausting 🙂 Even though he loves to eat and he is a little chonker (12.2 lbs), he loves to run around and chase my cat. She is a Ragdoll, she enjoys laying around and chilling, but the little devil has other things in mind. He is very affectionate, though, he follows me around my apartment wherever I go. I can’t even visit the bathroom in peace, sooner or later he will come and scratch on the door our stand outside and howl and make really weird noises until I let him in lol
@Elaine: did your cat Leela die??? You quit posting twits in Dec 2019. Are you ok?
PS: The reply button don’t work on Chrome, it just scrolls up to the username.
I have an Orange Tabby and she’s a girl. Such littke beauty kind affectionate and so chatty her name is Angel. We also have her brother from the same litter he is blonde such s beautiful cuddly cat also and like you said loves his food and yes he is lazy haha he’ll always be close by to me follows me around everywhere, Angel us the same with my little girl they have such a bond and every night at my daughters bedtime Angel will follow and curl up with her, has done this all her life. I love my ginger cats We had 2 as children they are the best and everyone of them that I know and had over the years have been so loving not once have we ever been scratched or bitten by ours.
Munchkins cat breeder, we stand behind our guarantee, our customers, and our kittens! We go to great efforts to ensure that our kittens are healthy and socialized with an excellent demeanor that is native to the breed of each kitten.
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Munchkins cat breeder, we stand behind our guarantee, our customers, and our kittens! We go to great efforts to ensure that our kittens are healthy and socialized with an excellent demeanor that is native to the breed of each kitten.
My orange cat Chuck goes #1 and #2 in the toilet! Damn this thing I’ve ever seen. I guess he learned it from his owner…lol. very smart cats.
I have a cat but I don’t know what breed he is. he is very crazy and the most dog-like cat you could ever see in your life.
any suggestions?
I adopted (kidnapped) a 1 year old orange cat in Houston, TX on a motor home journey and turned him into an indoor only cat. Sometime on the first day he jumped up on the bed. I kneeled down on the floor to be on his level and he came over and rubbed checks with me. I WAS SMITTEN. He was the love of my life for 15 years. Miss him so much.
We have a big orange boy at our house too, his name is Tiger. He is 5 yrs old, as sweet a cat as I have ever seen. Never has been mean to anyone, he’s a big baby. 6 months ago I brought home a very pale almost blond color tabby, he has beautiful markings and rings on his tail, but he is so different than Tiger, more aggressive, more playful, and even has a weird side to him, he will lay his ears back and attack your arm or leg, and really looks like he wants to hurt you, but then he will go back to being his sweet self, it’s strange.. His name is Charlie, he is still a baby and we all love him, except Tiger and Tom, who is an outside cat that is gray and white, he is 15 yrs old. they both don’t seem to like Charlie at all, won’t play with him, just won’t tolerate him at all. I thought that maybe it was because Charlie seems to be aggressive at times and they don’t care for that. Hopefully they will all get along soon…
I have raised 3 orange tabbies so far, they were named Gateau, Marron, and Carrot. Marron was my only girl orange tabby. Carrot was my oldest, he passed at 18 years old! We recently adopted 2 kittens, litter mates, and one of them is orange too, his name is Meelo. Meelo’s sister, Annie, is a cute black and tan tabby. I have such a soft spot for orange babies, I can’t believe they are the second least adopted just behind black cats!
My poor Elmo was killed on 20/08/22. I fell to pieces when i found him. I feel so very sad words cant describe. He was a gentle boy and we are all devestated. I cry all day and even though i have another boy all i can think of is my poor poor Elmo.