Have you ever wondered why cats knock things off counters? Follow you to the bathroom? Make biscuits on your body? Well you’re not alone.
There’s a delightful book called Makin’ Biscuits that is a hilarious compilation of personal anecdotes from cat lovers across the globe that delves in the feline psyche to unlock some of the greatest cat behavior mysteries of all time. It’s full of story submissions from well-known celebrities, musicians, cat behaviorists, authors, everyday people and more. Some of their stories will have you laughing out loud, while others will tug at your heart, and some will leave you scratching your head in puzzlement. Ahh…the magic, mystery and joy of feline behavior! >^..^<
Deborah Barnes is the author of this 3-time award winning book, whose full title is: Makin’ Biscuits – Weird Cat Habits and the Even Weirder Habits of the Humans Who Love Them.
Photo: Book cover and author Deb looking chic in full cat glam attire
Barnes issued an open call on her award-winning blog, Zee & Zoey’s Cat Chronicles , asking readers to share some of the weird things their cats had done and the comments poured in. She heard from cat lovers of every lifestyle, sex, age, and occupation – bloggers, authors, celebrities, musicians, behaviorists, and more – all opened up to share some of the eccentricities of their feline friends.
Contributors include Vanna White, hostess of Wheel of Fortune, whose cat Stella is fascinated with opening closed doors, or blogger Sandra MacGregor of hairballsandhissyfits.com who was convinced she had a burglar in her house when she heard a loud thumping noise in the middle of the night – it was her cat, Amarula, carrying one of her winter boots up the steps!
Each chapter begins by Barnes narrating a story about her own cats, segues to “Mews From Others” where she shares anecdotes from other cat lovers, and ends with a “Purr Points to Ponder” section of information, advice, and tips to help cat guardians provide their cats with an optimally enriched environment befitting their instinctual nature.
Photo: Deb chillin’ with her seven cuddly kitties
Along with the entertaining peek into the feline mind, Makin’ Biscuits is also a serious book with an important message on proper pet responsibility and is filled with well-researched advice, tips, and solutions to help guardians ensure their cat lives an optimally happy and healthy life befitting his feline nature.
We spoke with author (Deb) and she graciously donated five copies for us to offer up in a contest exclusive to Purrington Post readers.
* Contest Ended
This contest ended on December 15th, 2017 and was available to residents of North America only. Entrants simply needed to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
My cat’s name is [insert your cat’s name] and the weirdest thing he/she does is [insert your cat’s unusual behavior]
The winners were chosen by Deb Barnes from all the correctly submitted entries and contacted by email. Be sure to read the hilarious entries below.
Author Bio
Deborah Barnes resides in South Florida with her fiancé, Dan, and feline family of seven—Zee, Zoey, Mia, Peanut, Rolz, Kizmet, and Jazmine. She is the author of the 3-time award winning book, Makin’ Biscuits – Weird Cat Habits and the Even Weirder Habits of the Humans Who Love Them, as well as Purr Prints of the Heart – A Cat’s Tale of Life, Death, and Beyond, and The Chronicles of Zee & Zoey – A Journey of the Extraordinarily Ordinary.
My cat’s name is Arlo and the weirdest thing he does is slobber all over while he is making biscuits

My cat’s name is Lila Pearl and the weirdest thing she does is lick on plastic bags.
My cat’s name is Tarifa and the weirdest thing she does is try to crawl under the covers so she can chew on my hair.
My cat’s name is Kitty and the weirdest thing she does is not eat her canned cat food. She wants it, she laps up the liquid, but she does not actually eat it.
My cat’s name is Marceline and the weirdest thing she does is love to play in the bathtub with the faucet running but will NOT let you even try to give her a bath
Our Maine coon kitty name is Joie–He has huge biscuit Paws! OMG!
Other 2 kitties-Mickie and Louie-both rescued dears have quirky behaviors when making biscuits dough
My cat’s name is Felicia and the weirdest thing she does is deliberately lay across the entrance to rooms so that we have to step over her to get into the room.
My cat Gizmo is weird he trys to play with my dogs tail ,my dog will be asleep and Gizmo will go for his tail and wake him up . Gizmo does this so many times. Something he trys to get my dogs nose . He’s just weird I guess.
my cats name is Midnight and the weirdest thing she does is crawls under the dog. when the dog is laying down, she will nudge her head under the dogs “armpit” until she is all the under. if the dog gets up, she says a very disgusted-sounding “meow’ and walks away
My son’s cat’s name was Chewy. He liked to steal and hoard things, such as rubber drain plugs, pens, pencils, small computer parts, my granddaughter’s toys, etc. He would then deposit them under my son’s bed then go about his usual business.
My first cat, Leona, would run down a long hall in my apartment and jump up and touch a “spot” on the wall; I never saw the “spot” but she would jump at the same general area each time she did it.
My cats are Paige and Ivy. Ivy favorite resting place is the bidet in the bathroom next to the toilet nothing like my family and friends walking into the bathroom to this, usually they are all laughing when they come out, and quite
often my other cat Paige will be curled up in the bathroom sink which posses an interesting problem on it’s own.
I’m glad everyone takes it in good humor.
My cat’s name is Mushi and the weirdest thing she does is that she has to always scratch, scratch, scratch and dig, dig, dig all of my Avon order boxes to smithereens. She also makes a lot of biscuits too.
My cats name is Zaynee. The weirdest thing Zaynee does is splash around in the water dishes, taking her paw and scooping out water all over the floor before she drinks. She also knocks over all the small garbage bins then walks away….i could go on forever, she is a weird kitty but we love her.
My cat Max loves playing in the water too. Does not drink out of the bowl. Must play in water, and lick the water off his paw.
My cat’s name is Juneau and the weirdest thing she does is jump and flip off of the walls!! You would never know she is about 12 years old!!
My cat’s name is #Cali_The_Calico and she does is a cleaning gesture with her front paws; one at a time as she sweeps with her front paws (hands) the floor around her water bowl. She’ll have a lovely breakfast or lunch or even dinner and then she always stays hydrated but she “cleans” around it. I keep her floor and bowls clean,but for some reason she acts as a furry broom – I’m guessing to suit herself. I get a kick out of her, she is the CEO of my Heart.
My cat’s name is Pippa and the weirdest thing she does is peel the fur off her play mice so she has two toys… the inner plastic one that rattles and the hunk of fur. She goes thru about 1 per week!
My kitty’s name is Sasha and the weirdest thing she does is eat beans. She will eat any kind of beans, including refried beans (her favorite), chili, lima beans, etc.
My cat’s name is Rabbit and the weirdest thing he does is walk in front of you then just fall over so you’ll pay attention to him.
My cats name is Lynx and the weirdest thing he does is play fetch for hours. He will being a pompom up on the bed when I am trying to go to sleep and drop it on my face till I will play with him.
My cat’s name is Lily and the weirdest thing she does is sit straight up on her butt and look around like a monster is after here.
My cat’s name is Sammy and the weirdest thing he does is asleep with me nose to nose with his arms around my neck. He stays like that all night!
Mitzi loves making biscuits and sucking on the blanket while biscuit making with a far off look! Kitten hood memories maybe?
IMy cat’s name is Eclipse and the weirdest thing he does is instead of standing in the litter box to do his business, he balances on the edge of the box. Never misses the box though.
My cat’s name is Sherlock and the weirdest thing he does is lick my arm and hand when I start to pet him. Usually does this most when I first come home before settling down to sleep next to me.
My cat’s name is Boris and the weirdest thing he/she does is run to a rug at the opposite end of the hall from the bedroom & waits to be carried to the bedroom at bedtime.
My cat’s name is Mischievous and the weirdest thing he does is chew on the ends of Zorro’s whiskers until the whiskers are all stubby and gnarled.
My cat’s name is Zorro and the weirdest thing he does is allow Mischievous to chew on his whiskers until they are all stubby and gnarled.
The weirdest thing my cat Tubby ever did was hang from my hanging plant and knock it down at 3:30am. What a mess he made. MOL. Thanks for the chance.
My cat’s name is Eddie and the weirdest thing she does is play goalie when you throw a paper ball. She actually does a dive to save the ball!
My cat’s name is Stormy and the weirdest thing she does is run into the room and take her “Pit Bull” stance when her “Momma” Sapphire, our real Pit Bull, gets upset barking at the door. She was rescued from a storm drain as a very young kitten and our Pit Bull said that even though she had been spayed did not mean she could have a puppy and she chose Stormy to be her puppy. Two plus years later if you ask the group of cats who’s the dog Sapphire will come from another room to put her nose on Stormy to tell you she is the dog.
My cat’s name is Oliver, and his weirdest behavior is trying to feed himself. He will try to climb on the counter while I am trying to put food in his bowl. He will try to reach and do it himself. Then he will eat his, then try to come get mine. No, he doesn’t get any, so don’t worry!
My cat’s name is Nightshade and the weirdest thing he does is wait until I am sound asleep and then come and stuff his big fuzzy paw into my mouth in order to wake me up again for a snuggle.
My cat’s name is Ava Marie and the weirdest thing she does is when she is sleeping she puts her tail & paws over her nose, like she has just “farted” & it smells really bad or that she will turn her back on us like it was us that did it. Sometimes, she’ll have a look that will say” did i do that”.
My cat’s name is Kimba and the weirdest thing she does is lick the water off my boys legs after they get out of the shower!
My cats names are Cheese. Pickle and paw.They love to hide there presents any where in our house especially in my daughter’s bed alive !!!!!!

My cat’s name is Mojo and the weirdest thing he does is wait for me to sit next to him so he can eat. Sometimes he’ll meow at me to follow him to his food and when I’m standing there is when he’ll eat. the other weird thing he does is he’ll chomp down on strawberries. He loves ’em.
My cat’s name is Ty and the weirdest thing he does is he loves to stand on top of the bag of chips and stomp them down until the chips are dust.
My cat’s name is Buddy and the weirdest thing he does is lick the outside of the shower curtain while I’m taking a shower.
My cats name is Felix and the weirdest thing he does is drag a long, stuffed snake everywhere he goes.
My cat’s name is Blaze and the weirdest thing he does is taking his play toys and putting them in his water dish!
My cat’s name is Baby A and the weirdest thing he does is squeeze my hand back if i squeeze his paw as we’re falling asleep
My cat’s name is Annie and the weirdest thing she does is no matter what time of day or reason she will come running if I clap my hands two times.
My cat’s name is Leo Lionheart and the weirdest thing he did as a kitten was to climb to the top of his cat tree and fly off it and land on the bed. When he did his flight all paws where stretched out and he looked like a flying squirrel.
My kitties name is mama kitty and one of her many strange but funny behaviors is when she gets annoyed with me and scratches me but then wants love at the same time
My cat’s name is Sami and the weirdest thing he does is to scratch the floor in front of his water bowl.
My cat’s name is Mister Beau and the weirdest thing he does is opens the cabinet door under the bathroom sink so he can hide out when the landscapers come over with their obnoxiously loud lawn equipment.
Hi my cats names are Molly and Bentley and Bentley does the weirdest thing every morning when I feed them when he’s almost finished he put his two mice toys in his bowl and into his sisters bowl everyday and only in the morning I don’t know why ! Even if I hide the toys he will find them and put them in the bowl .
My cat’s name is Annie, and the weirdest thing she does is run between my feet when I’m heading for the bathroom.
My cat’s name is Annie and the weirdest thing she does is run between my feet when I am heading for the bathroom.
My big boy Maine Coon Bugzy loves to groom my head when I shave it and meows till I go turn on shower faucet just the right drip…..not too little, not too much…. so he can slurp. My calico girl BG wiggles under sheets, digs a little while then curls up and purrs away and waits till I get out of shower so she can battle with the water dripping down shower curtain. Theye do other things that amuse me but those are the weirdest. Love my babies.
My cat’s name is Willow Rose and the weirdest thing she does is suckle on my neck (which wouldn’t be weird if she was a small kitten but she’s almost 9 mos old).
My cat’s name is Bailey and the weirdest thing he does is steal all kinds of fruit and veggies. He loves Corn on the cob right off the cob, is constantly stealing Zucchini, tomatoes, bananas and if i’m eating watermelon he will try and take it right out of my hands.
My cat’s name is Spike and the weirdest thing he does is sit between my feet while I’m standing, like a baby penguin does with his mother. And if I squat down or go down on all fours, he will curl up underneath me in what we call the ‘kitty garage’. Such a fluffy weirdo!!!
My cats names are Mack, Minnie, Buddy, Jack, Tiger and Henry. The weirdest thing Minnie does is pull all the kitchen towels out of the drawer. The weirdest thing Mack does is she won’t let you pick her up, but she sleeps on my legs at night and sits on my lap all day. The weirdest thing Buddy and Jack do is take a poop and then dart around the house like crazy cats. The weirdest thing tiger does is sleep on the closet shelf. Then there is Henry he sleeps on his back, belly completely exposed, cause he is weird. Love them all.
My cat’s name is Mrs.Bates and the weirdest thing she does is lick my toes but only the big ones.
My cat’s name is Ramona, and the weirdest thing she does is she gets so excited when she knows she is going to get some pets or lovins she will headbang.
My cats name is Lucy and the weirdest thing she does is follw me around as I am getting ready for bed, sometimes should grows impatient and wil start meowing real loud for me to hurry up.
My little gal is “Cowlee Rose,” (named that way because she looks like a spotted cow) : < ) makes us laugh; she (tries) to pick up the 'pooper scooper' and clean her litter box! We laugh so hard! She gets the shovel in the box and some how makes enough noise with it attempting to clean her mess up! If she had thumbs, she'd succeed. She watches what I do, then tries things herself! Turns touch lamps on, plays telephone answering machine, etc!
My cat’s name is Miss Waikiki and the weirdest thing she does is wake me at 5 every morning to make sure my face is clean before anyone sees me get out of bed. But she starts by licking my lips and I often fear she might have been having a butt washing session prior to coming to see me. Sometimes she even leaves me a ponytail holder next to my pillow.
My cats name is JessieBelle and she has two obsessions. First one is she LOVES toothpicks, not to eat, but just to play with. They are now kept “out of site!” Her second obsession is trying to unwrap peppermint candies, which have also being kept out of her sight. Lord help me if she figures out what drawers I put them in! =^..^=
My cat’s name is Charlie and the weirdest thing he does is singing at his water cup. I keep a cup filled with water on the bathroom counter for him and whenever he is feeling strong emotions he goes in there and sings in front of the cup. I have seen him get mad at one of the other cats and stomp down the hall, and in a minute we hear his song. He treats the cup like a diary!
My cat’s name is Oreo and the weirdest thing that he does is to rattle the vertical window blinds in the living room and run frantically to the spare bedroom window and then back again whilst meowing loudly.
My cats name is Tippy and her weirdest behavior is when I come home , she will race around me until i sit down , then curl on my chest and knead my neck while sucking my ear. She is around 10yrs and still does it every day.
I am definitely a cat person. I’ve always lived in small apartments in the city so all of my cats have been strictly indoor cats. That way they don’t get run over by cars as did all the cats I had as a kid.
Cats are totally cool. Sometimes I think they understand what I say and sometimes I think they read
my mind.
My cats name is Eden and the weirdest thing she does is make biscuits on my cheek!
One of our cats is Miss Penelope and the weirdest thing she has done (to date!) is to jump up on things, the higher the better. This includes the tops of opened doors, shelves in closets, the top of the range fan hood, and (her all-time fave) on the back and/or shoulders of her “Daddykins”, especially when he’s just trying to come in the door after work. She always launches herself silently, so “Daddykins” gets no warning that he’s about to get a thump on his back/shoulders with the corresponding weight and furry, whiskery face rub whether or not he has his balance. As she is “Daddy’s girl” I am spared this greeting, thank goodness!!
My cat’s name is Miles, and the weirdest thing he does enter the litter box sometimes when his older brother is in there and sits beside him, quietly keeping him company. He also purrs and kneads his brother in his sleep (and anyone/anything else his paws may be touching), and also steals money and credit cards, hiding them throughout the house. I’m going to be broke any day now, and the recipient of a giant credit card bill, for cat toys, ‘nip, snacks, and trees..
I just couldn’t resist also telling you about a stunt that one of our now-angel cats pulled some years ago. Muffin was a probable Chartreaux (no papers to prove it) who lived up to the breed by being very friendly and wanting to get involved in anything going on in her (inside-only) world. In this incident, we had a problem with the lock mechanism in our front door and had to have a locksmith come to change it for a new unit. Muffin was quite interested in the proceedings, getting her head under the locksmith’s arm to see exactly what he was doing, pawing at the contents of his open toolbox, and checking the insides of his taken-off boots, just in case he brought something for her into the house in them. The man was very tolerant of her antics (thank goodness!) and the lock unit was changed without any difficulty. He packed up his tools and the leftover lock bits, then sat down to put his boots on. We think that he had somehow forgotten about Muffin, as she had wandered off when he began to pack up his things (no more show to watch, we guessed), and we knew he wasn’t owned by any cats himself. I had gone to get our chequebook when I heard a yelp and an attempt at stifling a curse. Rushing back to where the locksmith was getting ready to leave, we saw Muffin, smug as all-get-out, perched on his shoulder. She had ambushed him from behind and was leaning rather unsteadily over his shoulder to peer into the boot he held in his hand, just to make sure that there really WAS nothing in it for cats. While not taking offense at being removed from this perch, she did look somewhat confused at being interrupted while busy investigating something new in her territory. No extra charges were added to our bill for terrifying the locksmith……..
My cat is named Momohime. The weirdest thing she does is she won’t let anyone but me touch her but if my dad or grandpa go by the window while she is looking out she will swat at them and play with them.
My cats name is Leo ( I also have Dream,Smokey,Angel,Dakota,Midnight,Hope and Sunny). Leo is the baby he tends to run around the walls,over chairs,cabinets etc. like some one who dose that parqour ( I think that is how you spell it) and acting crazy every night right before bedtime. It’s cute but I swear he is high on something some times. His tongue hags about and he pants so loud I’m sure he is going to have a heart attack.
My cat Sissy will chase her tail and growl at it.
What does this mean? Is it serious?
My cat’s name is Magic. ( I also have Heather and Miisu). Magic is a beautiful black Siberian who loves to fetch and return. His record is over 40 fetches in a row. He also will come and put tap my thigh with his paw and gently meow when he wants to initiate the fetch game.
My cat’s name Is Pepper and the weirdest thing she still does is “talk” to me every time I leave the house. She waits for me to mimick her meow and we go back and forth meowing at each other until she is happy with our “conversation” and heads to the feed bowl. I feel then she is allowing me to leave! ♥️
My cat’s name is Yohan, and the weirdest thing he does is hump his stuffed dog when company comes over. As soon as he hears voices in the living room, he drags his stuffed dog out, brings it up on the coffee table with him, and humps it for all to see!
My cat’s name is MeiMei (which means little sister in Chinese), and the weirdest thing she does is to knock the scoop off the counter to let us know she’s hungry. She also loves tomato sauce and comes around when I am having lasagna.
My cat’s name is Tillie and the weirdest thing she does is ‘squirt the mushroom.’ I have a mushroom shaped wooden cutting board hung on my fridge, and when Tillie gets excited, she backs up to it and acts like she’s going to spray, but she doesn’t…she just gets her excited tail. We call it squirting the mushroom, ha!!!
My male cat Snipper will start pawing at the alarm clock by my bed until he gets the radio to play, in an attempt to wake me up and feed him.
My cats name is Whiskers and the weirdest thing he does is bark like the dogs at the postman
We have 6 furbabies – Little Bear and Puffi who are littermates born at home; they’re 10 years old last April 12. Then there’s Sparkey who was rescued at a gas station when he was a kitten in October 2011. The next one is also a rescue in 2012 and his name is Myusha, age 10 (we learned at the vet he had been microchipped and learned from neighbors that he had been abandoned. After Myusha came Yona, who was a kitten playing with Sparkey through a gap in the patio screen door. Apparently it was open enough that she came in, and she hasn’t been out except for vet visits. She came in in 2015. Last but definitely not least is our itty bitty kitty BB-8, who showed up on our patio this past spring and socialized herself out there with us. I brought her in to protect her from the elements, big feral cats, and raccoons/possums. She’s a tiny black bundle of joy who flops at your feet wanting to be petted on her belly (I think she’s part puppy).
My cat’s name is Lyle and the weirdest thing she does is sleep in the ashes… in the fireplace. Cleaning that up is fun. Her brother’s name is Linus. The weirdest thing he does is join me for showers and baths. He even joined my 96-year-old grandmother when she was showering at my house. She did not think it was cute.
My cat’s name is Bindi, and the weirdest thing she does is jump in the bath tub, then paw and scratch as hard and fast as she can. Her ears are flat on her head while doing so which looks hilarious as she is a Maine Coon with large ears adorned with long lynx tips. It is so funny and cute, I never get tired of watching her do it. Neither do her two sisters!
My cat’s name is Myles Tristan, ESQ. and the weirdest thing he does in Summertime is to grab a fresh blueberry from the colander on the countertop with his paw, place it in his mouth, jump onto the floor, bat it around the house for a while and then, hop onto the kitchen table and drop it down in front of me.
He has learned to recognize the shape of the blueberry and knows one when he sees one.
This does not work with grapes.
I adopted this Lynx Pointe Siamese as a kitten from the Human Society.
My cat’s name is Mooch and the weirdest thing he/she does is chew all our phone cords.
My cat’s name is Cannoli, and the weirdest thing she does is she steals my slippers from closet and play with them all over the house. I put them away and close the closet doors. She manages to make a way in, and spreads the slippers all over the place.
My cat’s name is May Lovey Girl. Her favorite game is “knock it down”. I sit and work on my computer at night. I have it on my lap on a pillow. I put a round piece of her hard food at the edge of the pillow and say “Knock it Down!” She will reach up with her paw , knock it down, and eat it. She will also fetch it if you throw it. It’s hilarious and fun. She will play this game for about 30-45 minutes before getting tired.
My cat’s name is Riki Tiki Purr Purr and the weirdest thing he/she does is fetch fuzz balls and drops them on my head when I am sleeping so that I wake up and toss them for her…actually I mostly find it delightful at least when she does it and I am awake!
My cats name is JAGZ and the weirdest thing she does is she doee not like to walk on the floor. She will literally jump from one piece of furniture to another just so her feet don’t hit the floor.
My cats name is Dooder and the weirdest thing she has ever done is sleeping on stinky pants when she has a perfectly good bed.
My cat rocket goes in the bath tub after I take a shower
Our cat Rocket fetches balls, turns the lights on and off by jumping up and hitting the switch with his paw. He also wrestles our 35 lb. dog. They smash chests and Rocket chases the dog around the house. I once saw him ride our dog like a horse. Our new little rescue cat Pixie likes to lick plastic bags (!)
My cats are named Moses and Lucy, and the weirdest things they do is Lucy will scratch at the top of my bed sheet when I’m in bed so I “open” the bed cave for her to climb in. She cuddles up to me and my stuffed dog, Cuddles, and purrs away. I don’t know how she breathes under there, but she loves it. She also loves to be up high, so from the kitchen counter to the top of the fridge. From there she meows insistently until I respond and applaud at how clever and what a great jumper she is. Then she goes above the kitchen cabinets and runs scrunched down back and forth like a cat spy! It’s so hilarious and you can her her scooting around up there. She also runs around fast and crazy after she has a poo on the box. Moses runs like a puppy when he gets excited and chirps rather than meows. I love my fur babies. They’re so funny!!!
My cat is named Wasabi and he likes to be carried down to his basement bedroom by my husband at bedtime in a tote bag.
My cat’s name is Tippy, and the weirdest thing she does is go crazy over fruit, especially cantaloupe. Every time I cut one in half, she comes out of nowhere & starts meowing like crazy to have some. Same with apples, she’ll hear me take a bite and follows me & meows until I share. Opening a can of tuna doesn’t even get her off the couch though.
I have several cats, all rescues, that have unique habits such as opening & slamming cabinet doors, drinking out of their cat bowls with their front paws & grooming on my hair if I am watching TV or in bed. they do many cute, funny things everyday. one even will retrieve small toys like a dog.
My cat’s name is Eve and the weirdest thing she does is when she doesn’t get her way she sucks her tail, like a baby sucking their thumb.
My cat’s name is Hazel and the weirdest thing she does is lick my feet every morning when I try to get out of bed.
My cat’s name is Eve and the weirdest thing she does is every morning if I’m not up in time to feed her she will meow as load as she can, smack me in the face, jump on me, and nubble on my ear until I wake up.
My oldest cat is Katie Kitty Too and the weirdest thing she does is she wants me to hold her upside down in my lap while I am sitting at the computer… and then she falls asleep. I only have one hand to use while on the computer.
My cat’s name is Odie and the weirdest thing he does is lick the bottle of Apple cider vinegar if it’s left out.
My cat’s name is Zeke and he knows when I bring a basket of clothes upstairs from washing them, they are nice and warm, and he immediately runs to the basket and hops in, or if he is sleeping, all I need to yell is basket and he appears and jumps in.
My cat’s name is Spyder and the weirdest thing he does is lay in the bathroom sink and ask for the water to be turned on to a drip. He will lay there and get all wet, and then turn and get his other side wet. The silly part is he will fight if you try to give him a bath, but he likes bathing himself this way!
My cat’ is named Keyona (Key-oh-nah), Hawaiian for Anna or Hannah. The weirdest thing she does is she likes to lick plastic bags. Every night she tucks me into bed by kissing and licking my hand. Next she lays beside my head and makes biscuits on top of the covers and purrs nonstop for about ten minutes until she lays down on my husband’s side of the bed to sleep until he comes to bed!
My cat’s name is Mr. Banks … a big orange tabby and so lovable. His favourite thing is to toss an elastic band (the thick ones, I tie a knot in them) up in the air and lunge for it each time it hits the floor. So funny to watch. He takes a running jump onto the counter, up on the fridge and onto the cupboards next to the ceiling. I have plants, etc. up there and he has never knocked over one thing! His weirdest? He calls us to turn the tap on in the bathroom so he can drink from the tap; or he wants the bowl filled up that he drinks from in the bathtub. Just like having a two year old again!!!
My cat’s name is Charlotte and the weirdest thing she does is whenever I am getting my medicine ready to take she comes over to see if I am taking my Viactiv, too then she promptly goes and sits by the basement door as I unwrap and eat it. Then she waist for me to kind of ball it up and throw it so she can play with it. She loves those wrappers and this happens 2/x per day.
My cat’s name was Beans (went to the bridge in 2005) and the weirdest thing he ever did involved emptying his bladder in litter box # 1, shaking the sand out of his feet, then climbing into litter box # 2 and emptying his bowels. When I mentioned this to the vet, she said, “Oh……you have one of THOSE.” She never did explain what that meant. Beans was a beautiful Maine Coon mix with MANY quirky behaviors and not a day goes by that I don’t miss him.
My cat’s name is Ali and the weirdest thing she does is gently bite you whenever she wants attention. If you don’t respond, then the nips get a little harder until she receives the attention she is demanding.
My cat’s name is Peanut, and the weirdest thing he does every morning is stretching his arms far out and then covering my eyes with his paws … then the little guy falls back asleep!
My cat’s name is Harper Lee, but I call her Hyper Lee–because she is! The weirdest thing she has ever done is smash an empty gallon water jug. She batted it all over the floor and walls until it looked as though it had been run over by a moving vehicle. It was so bashed up, I emailed a photo of it to my best friend, who called immediately, wanting to know if I had dropped it down the stairs.
My cat’s name is Wilma and the weirdest thing she does is sitting and/or walking around the house carrying her pink “baby” toy in her mouth and howling at the top of her lungs. Sometimes for up to half an hour. But she only does this with her pink “baby” toy.
My cat’s name is Bradley and the weirdest thing he does is visit the neighbors. I live in a building with an enclosed courtyard, Bradley will look into their windows and meow until the let him in. He’ll wonder around sniffing everything and visit for awhile then ask to be let out. If no one is home, he’ll just meow until I go get him.
My cat’s name is Quincy and the weirdest thing he does is carry his purple pillow around the house with him, and he will growl if you try to take it away, LOL!
My cat Clawde thinks he is a drummer- he has pretty good rhythm too! He stands at any door and consistently pounds one paw over the other, incessantly, to the point where we can begin to sing songs to the beat! So his nickname is Tommy Lee.
My cat Purrcy would be a gymnast. Any kitchen drawer you open, he would leap up, grab the drawer, and swing from it until he was satisfied he approved of what you were taking out or putting in….
My cats name is Bootstrap and he likes to play fetch but only with one special ball.
My cat’s names are Catherine, Tucker, Gypsy, Cyrus, Onyx, Prestone, Kiowa, Daisy, Jaezibel, W’Rossa, Louis, Freddie, Buddie, Emily and Erika. The weirdest thing the Kitties like doing is burrowing in my dresser drawers, and Onyx loves her two waterfall water bowls, she uses both of them for baths but hides when the sink is full of water. Freddie is a lovebug and when called and asked gives hugs and Kisses.
My name is Oakley and the weirdest ( and icky) thing I do is wash and drink out of the toilet, I get in lots of trouble but the water is always so nice and cold

My cat’s name is Lucky and he stands up to pee. Also, my cat Callie eats my hair when ever she can (while I’m sleeping or she will sit on the back of the recliner and chew away.) How do I know? It’s all connected in her poo!
My cats name is Dusty (although I have 4 other Girl cats this is my first boy and he’s a hoot! EVERY NIGHT without fail he will bring something up to my bed and want to play fetch with it. Usually it’s a tea bag or straw (only with the paper on it of course) but last night he grabbed a pair of underwear from the folding pile. I wasn’t sure what he thought he was going to do with them so I threw them to see if that’s what it was and sure enough he retrieved them for me again and again – when he was done he fell asleep with them over his head lol he is def the one who makes me smile from within
My cat’s name is Cleo and the weirdest thing she does is run to her mat when she sees me and wait impatiently for her (I know it sounds weird but I’ve read it’s more common than one would realize) spanking. Yup, Cleo loves getting spanked. She claws, rolls around and chatters when she gets spanked. I don’t do it too hard, and she usually lets me know when enough’s enough.
My cat’s name is Harley Hershey Bear and the weirdest thing he does is follow me into the bathroom so he can watch the water swirl in the toilet bowl when I flush. He jumps up, puts his paws on the bowl, his ears perked forward, and looks down in the bowl as though that is the most interesting site he will see all day!
My cat’s name is Jake, and the weirdest thing he does is he wants to try and eat anything that I am eating.
My cat’s name is Yang and the weirdest thing he does is … this is a hard one because Yang is one weird cat but the weirdest thing to me is he LOVES the Revolution and will try to get the used bottles out of the trash.
My cat’s name is Scylla and the weirdest thing she does is pretend to be afraid of Fenris, please note she is only afraid of him when it is to her advantage. She isn’t the least bit frightened of him if he is eating something good and she wants a taste of it.
My cat’s name is Yin and the weirdest thing she does is she sings to her toys.
My cat’s name is Chimera and the weirdest thing she does is scratch at windows and doors when she wants in or out.
My cat’s name is Dean and the weirdest thing he does is……
When he gets the zoomies and starts running through the house at breakneck speed….he runs down the hall, jumps up and pushes himself sideways off the door like a ninja…..runs back into the living room and does the same thing off the love seat…..leaping sideways into the kitchen. He does this over and over. Stay out of his way! Ninja Kitty coming through! Zoom! (my description is so poor….this is a must see kind of thing…..it’s crazy)
My cat’s name is JOJO and the weirdest thing she does is flip herself on her back for belly rubs with a big big smile- and when i rub her beloly she makes bisquits in the air and pats my face
My cat’s name is GiGi and the weirdest thing she does is… if you sneeze, she makes arrrrr arrrr arrrr noises at you, sometimes chattering on for almost a full minute. She will also do this every time you sniffle (after crying) and when you put silverware away and she hears the ting…ting…ting noise.
My cat’s name is Gilley and he likes to try to ‘make biscuits’ on my neck when I try to go to sleep. When I feel a cat jump up on the bed and hear a LOUD purr start up, I know he’s coming to get me. The weirdest thing is he will sniff my face first- I guess to see if I am awake. If I breathe in and out very forcefully and evenly, he apparently thinks I am asleep and will usually leave me alone and climb up in his bed to sleep.
My cat’s name is Harley and the weirdest thing she does is walks along the back of couches and chairs, jumping from one to another and then on the fireplace, climbing up on the firebox, then jumping up on the manel, which scares me.
My cat’s name is Teddy and the weirdest thing he does is jump up on my back waist to get my attention which he definitely gets.
My cat’s name is Buttercup LuLu – and the weirdest thing she does is chew on the paper towel rolls and meow at the top of her lungs when she uses the litter box to proclaim that she has to pee or poo. She wants all to know that it is her time to do her deed.
Prince does that too; meow after using the kitty box !!!
My cat’s name is Prince and the weirdest thing he does is bring up clothes from the basement such as hats ,gloves And A pair of jeans.
My 3 adopted shelter cats all have different and distinct behaviors including making biscuits when super hat and feeling love!
Thank you so very much. JAGZ and I are so excited to have been chosen as a winner of the book, Makin’ Biscuits – Weird Cat Habits and the Even Weirder Habits of the Humans Who Love Them.

Thank you again for your generosity and kindness.