Our friends from Kitangle Litter Boxes kindly donated one of their best selling litter box designs – the Cream Corner Kitty (image below) to be offered in a contest for one lucky Purrington Post reader to win.
Kitangle litter boxes are modern and stylish and were designed to be in plain view within your home, and, to NOT look like a litter box. They match with modern bathrooms, laundry rooms, and even multipurpose spaces for those living in a condo or small apartment. They are designed to fit into small spaces, into corners, and along walls nicely despite being larger boxes.
Kitangle boxes are high sided for more effective urine containment. High sides are a specific and desired design feature that helps large cats, “leg-lifting” cats, and older cats with mobility issues. They also reduce odor and ensure no more urination over the sides of the box. These design features combined with the use of a scoopable litter all help with easier cleaning of the boxes and a better smelling home overall.
Most cats enjoy privacy in the litter box and they want to be out of sight. But, if your cat prefers a more open environment, the lid is totally optional. Their unique design feature allows you to lift the top off if desired. The modern angular design still looks attractive in your home with the top removed.
Contest Entry Guidelines:
This contest ended on April 28th, 2017 and was available to residents of the United States only. To enter the contest entrants simply needed to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of the page saying:
My cat’s name is [insert your cat’s name] and he/she wants this paw-some Cream Corner Kitangle Litter Box because…[reason].
The winner was chosen by the Kitangle team from all correct entries and contacted by email. Check out the wonderful comments submitted.
Retail value is approx. $150.00 USD
My cat’s name is Boris the Spider and he wants this paw-some Cream Corner Kitangle Litter Box because he is an older cat with cerebellar hypoplasia (he walks like he is under the influence) on many occasions he needs support to stay upright in the litter tray to avoid untimely bathtub visits. He would love to see if this is the box for him
and his loving owners 
Meow Elko! Our names’ are Mama B, Monkey, Raine, Willie Jean, Bertie, Frankie, Jacob, Thomas, Squeee, Thelma, Louise, Lil’ P and Tater, and we really want this paw-some Cream Corner Kitangle Litter Box because it would look totally claw-some in our apartment where we have our own clowder room. This catabulously designed litter box would also give us added purrivacy. Thank you for giving us this oppurrtunity to win such a meowarvolous purroduct that we wouldn’t normally be able.to afford, since our Mom, #donnathecrazycatlady, is disabled and on a fixed income, but still rescues and saves lost and abandoned kitties, just like she did with all of us.
This would be so great for my two kitties that love to play in the litter box. Their names are Indi (short for Indiana) and Tigger
Crystal, Please call Dawn
My cat’s name is Charity and she wants this paw-some Cream Corner Kitangle Litter Box because it will fit nicely in the bathroom and has a lid. She can finally get the privacy her human friends enjoy. I can see her jumping for joy if she wins. Wish us luck.
My cats name is…Lola, Oliver,Luvi,Laci,and Luci and they want this Paw-some Cream Corner Kitangle Litter Box because they truly need some privacy…Oliver and Lola are 12 yrs old and Luvi came to us last year …homeless and pregnant with 6 little angels…two of which we kept…so it would be truly appreciated as the kittens now 8 months old are a bit too playful at potty time than my older babies like…thank you in advance! I sure hope they win this! I might buy a second one for the older babies if this one turns out good!
My Cats name is Ozzy, and he wants this paw-some Cream Corner Kitangle Litter Box because…He told me he did! Really! I Swear, He said..”Maaawwww ..I waaant Creammm Corner Kitangle!”
And what Ozzy wants, Ozzy gets! So, I might need your help on this one, Please.
My cat’s Rosie and Princess would love a paw-some Cream Corner Kitangle Litter Box, because their human works really hard and is involved in rescuing kitties. We are both rescues ourselves. Our apartment is very small and we, Princess and Rosie would like our human to get something that looks nice and saves room. We love her, she deserves it. Thank You very much Purrrrrr
My cat’s name is Clem and he wants this pawsome litter box because he is a very good boy who manages to bring his mommy & daddy so much joy & happiness. Since adopting Clem, his mommy & daddy have grown much closer & have been able to maintain a much better relationship with each other despite life’s many stresses.
My cats name is Nala, she’s nine weeks old and super cute and fluffy. Nala would love a paw some litter box as she’s still on her litterbox L Plates. She scratches the stuff everywhere and makes a terrible mess, lucky she’s cute! She could definitely use some help containing her litter until she learns to use it properly.
My cats name is Levi and he wants this pawsome Cream Corner Kitangle litter box because he doesn’t know how to keep his litter in and scratches the walls instead of the litter. Maybe this will help him since he has the sides to guide him into the litter.
My car’s name is Rocky and he wants this pawsime Cream Corner kitangle litter box because he wants his own corner of paradise and is tired of sharing with his six brothers. He is bigger than they are but he’s sensitive and they bully him and the enclosed box is just what he needs!
My cat’s name is Fatboy and he wants this pawsome Cream Corner Kitangle litterbox because he’s a big cat to start with, and has a hard time fitting into a litterbox. BUT….the real reason, his daughter Angel is more than a little silly and thinks she has to go in and supervise when he goes into the litterbox! Since he weighs 14lbs and she’s pushy, it makes it interesting. So, a litterbox that will fit two, one to go, and one to supervise would be great!
My cats’ names are and they want this paw-some Cream Corner Kitangle Litter Box because…there are NINE of them! They are good kids and share everything, but that’s A LOT of per and poop…and BIG stinks! Please consider them.
Oops sorry…Their names are Nox, Luna, Gryf, Bee, Ginny, Cass, Sagey, Bonnie, and Poppy Sue
My cats name is SnowBaby, she wants/needs this litter box, because she’s getting too big for the one neighbors gave us.
SnowBaby is a Bengal…
The Mowrey Feline Mafia (Catherine age 16, Onyx &Cyrus age 6, Kiowa Age 5, Daisy age 4, Prestone age 1, and the Kittens: Rosa, Louis,Jaezibel, Freddie, and Buddy) would love to win this paw-some Cream Corner Kitangle Litter Box because…Catherine gets picked on by Cyrus and Daisy and she’s older with some litter aiming trouble. Buddy would also love this litter box cause he loves chicken, fresh roasted and cooked to perfection by mom, but sometimes he has tummy issues when he binges. He and Catherine have some troubles getting a private potty time and miss the comfort of their own purrder room.
My cat’s name is Daphne and she wants this paw-some Cream Corner Kitangle Litter Box because she has decided she no longer likes her current low-sided box because she doesn’t have enough privacy. Her arch nemisis, Jamie, has intimidated her because she hangs out too close to the box for comfort.
My cats’ names are Bianca and Cassia and they want this paw-some Cream Corner Kitangle
Litter Box because ever since their brother died
in February, they’ve been kicking litter outside of the box and sometimes missing it all together. We need a new litter box to call our own. Please help us!!!
My cat’s name is [Kenny] and he wants this paw-some Cream Corner Kitangle Litter Box because…he is a retired show cat that has a spinal injury. He is paralyzed in is hind legs and still walks his way to the box but finds it difficult to maneuver a traditional box. This design would be exactly what he needs to make is life so much better. He would have an awesome adjustment to his quality of life and would be able to share this news with all his friends !
My cat’s name is Loki and he wants this paw-some Cream Corner Kitangle Litter Box because he’s just paw-some like that!
My cat’s name is Midnight and he would love this awesome Cream Corner Kitangle Litter Box because then his mommy could place a fuzzy blanket in it and he could hide in it all day while keeping an eye on mommy.
My cat’s name is Domino and he wants this paw-some Cream Corner Kitangle Litter Box because he’s 18 years old and a bit arthritic and gets stiff sometimes. The box loos like the perfect height to get in and out comfortably. He would love to have some privacy from his nosey younger fur siblings Pierre and Phoebe. Sometimes you just want to do things on your own without an audience. I m sure he would be thrilled with this fancy new litter box. PLUS I can monitor his health better with this nifty box
I have a cat that prefers a lot of privacy–this box would be perfect for her (it would dissuade her mates from jumping in on her—no manners). And I love the color–there’s a corner just waiting for it in my laundry room.
My cat’s name is Eloa and she wants this paw-some Cream Corner Kitangle Litter Box because….she doesn’t want to share with fellow housecats Floyd and Bella any more. She wants her privacy.
My cat’s name is Toots and she wants this paw-some Cream Corner Kitangle Litter Box because she is a senior girl and sometimes has issues with not quite getting everything to stay in litter box.
Hi, one of my seven cats name is Mallow Cup and he wants this paw-some Cream Corner Kitangle Litter Box because when he was 10 he had a slipped disk on his back and was paralyzed. Amazingly Mallow Cup survived & recovered (though lost a couple of toes) and is now 17. But his age is starting to catch up with him, and using the litter box is getting hard for him. This looks like the perfect solution for my furbaby who is my emotional support kitty. I’m on disability for migraines & depression & when I’m sick he guards my sleep & purrs soothingly next to me when sleep eludes me.
My cats’ names are Lily and Charizard (it’s a Pokémon) and these ladies want this paw-some Cream Corner Kitangle Litter Box for different reasons. Lily is both long and prissy, so she wil only just barely put herself into the box. Sometimes this results in presents outside of the box that Charizard isn’t happy to find. They also like privacy, and find the Cream Corner Kitangle Litter Box much more stylish than the screen their daddy made from a cardboard box. (They still appreciate the love and effort that went into it.)