Spring is in the air so let there be poetry! In feline fitting style we found a new poetry book called “I’m Not Sorry: Poems by Cats” that was just released (March 2018) on Amazon. The cats who authored its various poems have destroyed curtains, scratched couches, bitten hands, shredded toilet paper… and they are not sorry.
So to celebrate their paw-someness, they decided to share these insightful and funny poems written by themselves.
With titles like “It’s 6 a.m., time to wake up”, “I hate the vet”, “Oops, I did it again”, “Let me in”, and “Red dot, red dot”, this collection of laugh-out-loud poems offers a cat’s view on common wacky and exasperating feline behavior. See a few examples for yourself.
It’s a perfect gift for crazy cat lovers who appreciate hilarious insights into the feline psyche.
We caught up with their co-writer (Rosa Silva) who was kind enough to offer 5 Purrington Post readers the chance to WIN a copy. Contest details below:
* Contest Now Closed
This contest ended on April 7th, 2018 and was available to North American residents. Entrants needed to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
My cat’s name is [insert your cat’s name] and if he/she wrote a poem the title would be… [insert your cat’s poem title]
The 5 winners were chosen by Rosa Silva from all the correctly submitted entries and contacted by email.
About the Author
Rosa Silva is the author of “I’m Not Sorry: Poems by Cats” and when she’s not working on her next book, you can find her reading, travelling, or writing the next post for her blog Cat Lady Confidential. She shares her home with (surprisingly) just one cat. Mister Cat is a blue eyed prince who was rescued by Rosa from the streets when he was only a 6-month-old kitten. He loves sleeping, sun puddles and yummy snacks.
Want a Copy Now?
You can order it on Amazon here => Buy a copy of ‘I’m Not Sorry: Poems by Cats’
My cat’s name is Miss Waikiki and if she wrote a poem the title would be Sorry, I practiced my biscuit making on your boobs.
My cat’s name is Ember and if she wrote a poem the title would be “Being Queen”.
My Cats name is Resme and if she wrote a poem the title would be I Love You More!
My cat’s name is [annabella, chloe, hank and danny] and if he/she wrote a poem the title would be… [we don’t care what your rules are! we do things our way!]
My cat’s name is Lily and if she wrote a poem the title would be ” Nothing good happens at 4am”
My cats names are Fang Psycho Kitty and Blaze, and if they wrote poems they would be titled We make our humans donate blood whenever the mood hits.
My cats names are Kathleen and Domino and if they wrote a poem the title would be… All About Us!
My cat’s name is Smokey and if she wrote a poem the title would be “Humans … The Intelligent Species?”
My cat’s name is Hootie and if he could write poetry, his first three poems would be named “Feed Me Now”, “Feed Me Again”, and “I’m Ready For Dinner Again”.
My cat’s name is Riki Tiki Purr Purr and if she wrote a poem the title would be…Let’s play fetch 100 times more!
My cat’s name is Mookah, and if she wrote a poem the title would be… “I Sharpen My Claws…Just Because…”
My cat’s name is Serena and her poem’s title would be “But I Have to Sit on Your Lap!” And she is not one bit sorry for the permanent scratch / scars all over my legs to prove it!
My cat’s name is Billie Jo and if she wrote a poem the title would be…”I love my Mom, but I just can’t stop hitting her.” (She is a stray that turned up at my house, and I love her to death. She just pops me with her paw all the time.)
My cats name is Gizmo and if he wrote a poem it would be Let the fun begin.
My cat’s name is MoMo and if he wrote a poem the title would be…Sharp Shooter: Tale of a Cat who Can Pee in Any Sized Cup.
My cat’s name is Midnight and if she wrote a poem the title would be ” You are MY human, leave the dog Alone!’
My cat’s name is Chantilly and if she wrote a poem the title would be ” I know you think I’m cute. Admit it.”
My cat’s name is Bobby McGee and if she wrote a poem the title would be ‘What Are You Looking At: Ponderings From a Scattered Litterbox’.
My cat’s name is Lucy and if she wrote a poem the title would be… I Stare At You and Read Your Mind….. 🙂
My cat’s name is Eli. If he wrote a poem, the title would be Why don’t you read my momma’s book, Cat-House Sonnets?
My cat Buddie would write the poem: ‘Touch the phone one more time and see what happens’.
My cat’s name is Stripey and if he wrote a poem, the title would be, “Who’s that birdy in the window?”
My cat’s name is Roku and if he wrote a poem the title would be…I am the Master you are my slave
My cat’s name is Meku and if she wrote a poem the title would be… FEED ME NOW!
“My cat’s name is Kitty and if she wrote a poem the title would be “Mwar Mew Mwar Mwar Mew, Mew Mew.”
My cat’s name is Ricky and if he wrote a poem the title would be “The Door Should Be Open.”
My cats name is Finester and if he wrote a PAWem, it would be titled “Tolerance– neverending struggle to accept my sister Finley”
My cat’s name is Anderson Coopurr and if he wrote a poem it would be “I Will Just Have One Small Bite / You Did Not Care About That Plant, Right?”
My cat’s name is Kaci and if she wrote a poem the title would be… “Wake up, it’s feeding time”
My cat’s name is Dasha and if he/she wrote a poem the title would be… feast in my belly
I have a cat named Tink, and she’s currently working on a poem titled, “I Would LIke To Go Outside Now”.
My cat’s name is Harvey Wallbanger. We cannot leave a single towel hanging in the bathroom. He climbs up on the tub, braces against the shower door and swipes them. Who doesn’t love a fresh clean towel to rest on. We removed doorknobs off the towel cabinet because he figured out how to get a whole weeks worth of towels at one time.
My cat’s name is Guinness and if he wrote a poem the title would be “Sorry I sprained your wrist over that jalapeño-cheddar bagel, but it was worth it”
My cat’s name is Ariela and if she wrote a poem the title would be “Nya, Nya, Nya! Can’t Catch Me!!”
My cat’s name is Mira and if she wrote a poem the title would be “I want to be an only cat.”
My cat’s name is Jade Lionheart, and if he wrote a poem the title would be: Good Grief…It’s Exhausting to Supervise Literally EVERYTHING.
My cat’s name is Kitty and if he wrote a poem the title would be… Unconditional!!!
My cat’s name is Tom and if he wrote a poem the title would be… You know I’m too good for that!
My cat’s name is [Cooper and if he wrote a poem the title would be… It’s 5am, time to get up!
My cats name is Suki and if she wrote a poem it would be….Im hungry feed me now or I’ll swat your ankle.
My cat Rocky, His poem title would be, ‘The bet place to sleep? A cello case’.
My cat’s name is Lois and if she wrote a poem the title would be “I want a TREAT!”
Thank you, The book sounds wonderful!
Rocky could also write a poem called, ‘Where is my lap, I need a lap’, purr, purr, purr.
My cats names are Nightshade & Boo, and if they wrote a poem it would probably be called “Silly Human, This Is Our Bed, Not Yours!”
My cat’s name is Squirt and his poem would be
“Don’t You Tell Me I Can’t Go in the Basement”
I also have Sterling who would write
“I’m Not Eating That and You Can’t Make Me”
My ten year old ginger male named DARLIN’ loves to chew on anything that will fit in his mouth. The title of his poem would be “I Choose to Chew”.
My cat’s name is Yoda and if he wrote a poem the title would be “I’m a Curly-Tailed Naughty Cat and Proud of It.”
My cat’s name is Sparkle and if he wrote a poem the title would be “I love hugs and kisses”
My cats name is Kefir and if he wrote a poem it would be called I look Sweet but I Stalk Feet
My cat’s name is Misty and if she wrote a poem the title would be “I’ll only let you pet me when you’re trying to sleep”.
My cat’s name is Hemi and if she wrote a poem the title would be “Attempt to give me medicine at your own risk!!”
My cat’s name is Ninja and if he wrote a poem the title would be “You may gaze upon me but if you pick me up I will shred you!”
My other 2 cat’s names are YellowJacket and Bill the Cat and if they wrote a poem the title would be “But I’m STARVING!!!!”
My “cats” names are Kallie, Shiloh and Raven
the title to there poem would be ” We work as a Team ”
when she does not get up on time for morning feeding
well spelling is not one of my things there should be their
My Gabby would write three poems, “You May Pet Me Now” , “Why is He Here?” and “Too Much of a Good Bellyrub”
My cat’s names are Princess and Gigi and if they wrote a poem the title would be: “Ode To Us 2 Cats”.
My Cat’s name is Crazy Callie, and if she wrote a poem it would be called “Ha, Ha, You Can’t Reach Me!” Callie enjoys climbing up top of my wall unit in the dining room, and takes naps up there too.
My cat’s name is Esme’ and if she wrote a poem the title would be “Where’s my Prozac?”.
My cat’s name is Kashet and if she wrote a poem the title would be… “Out of Love, Again”
My cat’s name is Lucky and if she wrote a poem the title would be… “Rating the water taps” .
My cat’s name is Casanova and if he wrote a poem the title would be ” It wasn’t me.”
All your things thrown to the floor,
The toilet paper unrolled
The claw scratches on the door
The water splashed from the bowl
It wasn’t me.
My cat’s name is Yuki and if she wrote a poem the title would be… One treat, two treat, three treat MORE!
My cat’s name is Pixie and her poem would actually be a series etitled:
“Abrupt Awakenings and Unknowable Privations: A Midnight Operetta”
My cat’s name is Pixie and her poem would actually be a series entitled:
“Abrupt Awakenings and Unknowable Privations: A Midnight Operetta”
My cats name is Tupac Shakur and his poem would be titled Food from my Mama.
Purr slobber roll into love
You absorb stop time
My cat’s name is Nightshade and if he wrote a poem the title would be “The Mouse in Your Mouth”.
My cats names are Boris and Natasha (Bo and Tasha for short)
If Tasha wrote a poem it would be “your cat is a hat” as the little stinker thinks Mom’s head it is a great place to sit. 🙀
My cats name is Blue and if he wrote a poem it would be called “Your my Bitch”
My cat’s name is Milky and if he wrote a poem the title would be “Off to Nap Now.”
I must have the best cats in the world, all they want to do is be loved and sleep. Is that normal? LOL
My liitle boy, Max, could have contributed to this book if he were asked AND had agrred to be included…..he gets into some unique situations. His title “You want to do what?…. read the paper, take a nap, watch tv,…..not without me…
One of my cat’s name is Bosco. His potem would be, i will complain forever if it takes that long to convince my mom to lie in bed with me.
My cat’s name is Soleil and if he/she wrote a poem the title would be…Waiting and famished
My friends and relations,
I’m still waiting for Temptations.
She is taking her sweet time,
I am going borderline
My mommy is so lazy!
My cat’s name is Prissy and if she wrote a poem it would be “How To Ignore and Irritate My Human”. She is a very strong willed 15 year old baby who loves to do things to drive me crazy
She wants loving when I’m busy. And of course, I stop and love her
My cat’s name is Kareb and if she wrote a poem the title would be “Please, no diet for me”
My cat’s name is Cleocatra Piper and if she wrote a poem the title would be “Oh, you’re going to bed now? I was finally ready to settle down on your lap.”
My one cat’s name is Frosty and if she wrote a poem the title would be… “I love the man that lives here but the lady has got to go! ” My other cat’s name is Max and if he wrote a poem the title would be… “Because I have claws, you shall never have nice things again. “
My cat’s name is Abby and if she wrote a poem it would be “Yep, I peed on your laptop.”
My cat’s name is Toots and if she wrote a poem the title would be… “Toots is my name, and all things include ONLY Mom is my game!”
My cat’s name is Tilly and if she wrote a poem the title would be “Time For a Snack, I’m Done; Time For a Snack, I’m Done!”
My # 1 cat is Keyona and if she wrote a poem the title would be…”I love you so much that I can’t stop making biscuits and kissing you good night for rescuing me!” My #2 cat is Snowball and if he wrote a poem it would be…”I love you both but Keyona bosses me around too much!”
My cat Chloe would write, “I puked again and I’m not sorry you stepped in it”. My cat Ashy would write, “I will stare at you for hours until you give up and give me a treat!” My cat Boo would write, “I will annoy you for food and then walk away from the can you dump in my bowl.” My cat Minki wouldn’t write anything because she is hiding from the other three!
My cat’s name is Charlie, and if he wrote a poem the title would be, “Move over, this eighty percent of the bed is mine.”
Move over, this eighty percent of the bed is mine
That twenty percent over there, that is thine
The blanket, though, I will not share
Even though your tail is bare
You’re cramped, you say, and getting sore?
I suppose you’ll have to try the floor
My cat’s name is Zoey and if she wrote a poem the title would be “Sorry I’m Laying on Your Face While You Sleep – Get Over It”.
Tarifa, Suha, and Elvis are served by me, and if Elvis was to write a poem, it would be entitled, “I’m Not Sorry For Chasing Suha!”
My cat’s name is Nero and if he wrote a poem the title would be… Only Barf on the SILK Rug
My cat’s name is George and if he/she wrote a poem the title would be… Leave the Door Open
My cat Blackie would write “Don’t Be So Possessive You Other Cats”
My cat Nutmeg would write “I Talk Because I Can”
My cat Koko would write “Becoming Invisible is What I Do”
My cat Toby would write “Play, Play, Play With Me!”
My cat Riley would write “Scaredy Cat, Scaredy Cat, Run Away”
My cat’s name is Kimba and if she wrote a poem the title would be… “Throw That Football!”
My cat’s name is Bear Cat and if he wrote a poem the title would be, “I’m the shark!”
My cat’s name is Ellie Mae and if she wrote a poem the title would be, “I love everything! I love to play, I love to eat, I love to sleep, I really love my Momma and Daddy.”
my cats name is Lucy and if she wrote a poem it would be titled ” I do what I want.”
My cat’s name is Tommy, and if he wrote a poem the title would be… “I May Be Old, But I’m Still the King”
My cat’s name is Oliver, and if he wrote the book, it would be called “I’m The King and I Know It-Deal With It.”
My cat’s names are Odie and Reggie and if they wrote a poem the title would be….We didn’t do it, it was a burglar.
We have 3 cats who always fight! When its muddy in the night they roam the house way up high. Footprints every where they have been. Dirty dirty again and again!
This book is right up my alley. I am a self proclaimed crazy cat lady, and I have two very intelligent cats.
Oops that’s what happens when you don’t read directions: My cats are named Tigger and Kitty. My cats poem would be titled…Sleep all day and party all night!
My cat’s name is Thomas and if he wrote a poem the title would be… “Feed Me!…thanks, but that’s not what I wanted.
My cats name is Bacon and if he wrote a poem, the title would be “Everything’s a toy”
My cat’s name is Harley and if she wrote a poem the title would be “Here comes some Hullabaloo!”
my cat’s name is Louie and if he wrote a poem the title would be “mine, mine, mine..”
“I love me more than anything” Posted by Angus, a long haired 15 year old black and white cat.
My cat’s names are Mamma, Puff Ball, & Mr. Puddy. If they wrote a poem it would be I’ll Meow & Scratch at your bedroom door until you get up & FEED ME.
My cat’s name is Lily and she would definitely say “It’s my house and you are not welcome in it” to the to the other feline inhabitants.
All the cats at the our animal shelter would say “PICK ME” because I am the one that will make you HAPPY!
My sisters cat’s names are Starbuck and Pixel and if they wrote a poem the title would be “An Ode to Two Sisters: One fat and funny, the other cute and skinny.”
My cat’s name is Floki and if he wrote a poem the title would be “my humans live to serve me,”
My cat’s name is a Quill and if he wrote a poem the title would be… Mom, Please play with me.
My sweet girl’s name is Cleocatra and if she wrote a poem it would be “I’m looking at you…so?”
My cat’s name is Lexi and if he/she wrote a poem the title would be… I don’t care if It’s 5:30 AM, go get my MickyD boogie burger (mcdouble) now or else, I’m hungry.
My cat’s name is Punchy and if he wrote a poem the title would be Gimme All the Wet Food.
My cat’s name is Dancer, and if he wrote a poem the title would be: “My Favorite Hidey-Holes”
Then he’d write a second poem, entitled: “The Art of Sleep”
My cat’s name is Braden and if he wrote a poem the title would be “I love my Dad, but I’m so bad.”
My name is Sammy and if I wrote a poem, the title would be: I ate the ribbon attached to the balloon again and threw it up in front of the bathroom door so u would step in it on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night😂🎈🐈
My cats’ name are Lily, Garfield, Patchy and Lego if they all got together and wrote a poem the title would be running rampage from catnip knots while holding the human slaves hostage.
My cats name is Heidi, and if she wrote a poem it would be called: I could go outside, but sleeping is better.
My cats name is Heidi, and if she wrote a poem it would be called: I could go outside, but sleeping is better. (=^.^=)
My cat’s name is Bob (looks like a bobcat) and if he wrote a poem the title would be “You Don’t Really Wish to Know What is Going On In My Head”.
My cat’s name is Jake and if he wrote a poem the title would be “Pay attention to me, Right Meow!!”
My cat’s name is Rayas and if he wrote a poem the title would be “No One’s Fed My for Days and I’m SO Hungry”.
Our cat’s name is Zoe. She would title her poem, “From Feral to Fabulous!”
My cat’s name is Charlotte and if she wrote a poem the title would be “Feed Me Now…Meow!”
My cats’ names are Zephyr and Comet Blue and if they wrote a poem the title would be “You sleep when we allow you to sleep.”
I have two cats, one is named Abbey. She is a senior kitty. Her poem would be ‘Ode to a senior kitty, can keeping younger kitties in line.
The other kitty is named Timber. His poem would be “what am I thinking when I stare at mom”.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this book. Paws crossed!
My cat’s name is Charlie and if he wrote a poem the title would be… Sorry I projectile puked off the top of the kitty tower
My cat’s name is Sasquatch and if he wrote a poem the title would be Screw Your Houseplants, I’ll Destroy Them All.
My cat’s name is Arlo and if he wrote a poem, the title would be “That’s more than a cat tree, the servant brought me”
My cat’s name is Nicky and if she wrote a poem the title would be “DST is for Don’t Sit There…Feed Me”.
My cat’s name is Boo and if he wrote a poem the title would be “I Love to Clean My Tuxedo”
My cat’s name is Chewy, and if he wrote a poem the title would be… “I’m more than a 22lb, snoring, fluff ball…”
My cat’s name is Pizza and if he wrote a poem it would be called “I stuffed the pepperonis under the dishwasher and now the kitchen smells like rotten meat.” @thecatnamedpizza
My cat’s name is ” Sir FancyPants Wayne Keith” and if he wrote a poem the title would be… “How I became my mommy’s Guardian Angel”
My cat’s names are Brick and Cheddar and if they wrote poems the titles would be “Water Bowl? Drowning Pool? Same dif!” and “Ode to Little Bro: Why Dost Thou Drown Every Toy?”
I’m sure most of the poems apply to my 3 furballs.
one of my meany cat’s is named Angel and her poem would be I will bite you if i want to! she has a attitude and let’s say she is no angel.Giggle.
My cat’s name is Jago (King of the Britons) and his poem would be titled “My Majesty is Beyond Reproach”
My cat’s name is Mampara (meaning pest/imp) and if he wrote a book it would be called The Pest from the West.
My cat’s name is Norman, and if he wrote a poem, he would title it, “Stand Tall And Pee”
My cat’s name is Harley she wrote a poem the title would be “Mischief Maker in the House”.
My cat’s name is Cleocatra and if she wrote a poem the title would be Eat, Sleep, Go To The Litter Box, Repeat!
My cat’s name is Ember and if she wrote a poem the title would be… “Mousies, fishies, birdies, OH MY!”
“Help! There’s A Bird Outside My Window” By Tiger Lilly
My cat’s names are Odie and Reggie and if they wrote a poem the title would be… Sorry we can’t, we don’t have thumbs. (Their excuse for everything! From dishes to picking up their toys!)
My cat’s name is Leela and if she wrote a poem..(I think she already did-she stole my calligraphy brush last week), the title would be “NO you can’t work, NO you can’t study; I chose YOU to be my 24/7 buddy!” “Now, where’s my treat?”
If my cat wrote a poem it would be entitled: “Everyone knows I’m the head of this house”!! No, his name is not spoiled but it sure would suite him. lol
My cat is Corky and his poem would be…..”staring n plotting, staring n plotting”
The following poem also is a mostly true account involving pet cat Mimi, who was quite an adventurous indoors/outdoors cat.
‘If only I had something new,’
she thought, ‘something adventurous
to do, like when the fields grew tall
fields from which wild fowl fed and flew’;
she the black feline feisty and precious
needed something new or to climb the wall.
She walked over to the windowpane
and looked out to the neighboring homes
to where she hoped to find something
—something new, beyond the back lane
rocky road where she often roams
to where her eyes would be wandering.
And when her attention was caught
by the towering shingle roof
sheltering the large corner store
she at once decided she ought
to climb to its high peak as proof
of her worth to those who did her adore.
Through the yards one by one she went
glancing around this and that corner
over then under fences tall
till she stood at the wall she’d meant
to conquer as a foreigner
without any fear that she’d fall.
She looked to the two garbage cans
leaning against the wooden shed
right next to the store that was so pink;
up she jumped, her feet and hands
reached the top by but a thread
of no better place could she think.
Having achieved her noteworthy climb
she gazed over to the swaying trees
unaware that her hostess stood near;
at the bus stop as passed the time
the woman looked up into the breeze
and saw her feline who knew no fear.
Thus the feline had done something new
and not seeing her hostess’s stare
she returned home fulfilled and content
for from this day excitement she drew
and she thought again she’d climb and dare
those high places worthy of her scent.
My grand fat cat would make me wonder where
he was at, if he just played tit-for-tat
large and black, he really did know well that
he lived with me (host) who really would care
for his health yet mistakenly would dare
to feed him foods that made him rather fat
which accompanied him as a real brat
along with his lasting, piercing green stare.
Present with that still-endearing glare
were the frivolous acts of my sweet cat
and he’d sometimes cause me a fierce nightmare
in my life by after having just sat
in his space, just vanish—guess who’d bear
the worry, why was he not on his mat?!