In April of 2018 we wrote a piece on a soon to be published illustrated gift book for adults grieving a companion cat. The book is called P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna and you can check out our original article here.

Fast forward 3 years and the book (now published) has been wildly popular and a profound source of comfort for those grieving a lost pet. P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna gives friends and loved ones an opportunity to step forward and offer tangible comfort during the grieving period, when many people feel isolated and misunderstood after a beloved pet dies.

Designed to be gifted to friends, family, colleagues or clients, Tuna offers readers solace and inspiration using New Yorker-style illustrations paired with simple, evocative language.
It’s a beautifully illustrated book sure to inspire and delight.

Our cats occupy a unique space in our hearts. When they’re gone, the loss can be devastating, the grief profound.
P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna gives us an opportunity to give friends, loved ones, or ourselves tangible comfort during the grieving period, when so many of us feel isolated and misunderstood after a beloved pet dies.

The author and illustrator (devoted cat lovers themselves) offer this book as a universal love letter from the felines we’ve bid goodbye to. It celebrates the special bonds we forge with our four-legged companions and reminds us that their love for us―and ours for them―need never end.
We’re so excited to announce a new contest where 5 lucky Purrington Post readers will each WIN a pair of books. One is for the winner to keep, one to give away.
* Contest Details
This contest ends on April 5th, 2021 and is available to U.S. and Canadian residents only.

To enter you simply need to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because [enter your reason]
The 5 winners will be chosen from all the correctly submitted entries by the author and contacted by email on or around April 15th, 2021.
Be creative with your entry. Have fun and good luck!
About Sarah (Writer)
Over the past 25 years, Sarah Chauncey has written and edited for nearly every medium. Her professional experience runs the gamut from personal essays and short stories, to entertainment and lifestyle journalism (online and print), academic journals, television writing and production, brand storytelling, ghostwriting online content for celebrities, and more. Her clients have ranged from MTV Networks to NASA, and her writing has appeared in such diverse outlets as, Journal of Community Psychology, Canadian Living and Lambda Rising Book Report (now Lambda Literary Review).
About Francis (Illustrator)
In the 35 years since Francis Tremblay received his Graphic Communications degree at Laval University in Quebec, he has worked continuously as an artist, illustrator, designer and art director. When he’s not working on or showing his art, he’s drawing original cards and caricatures—or painting, illustrating, and photographing settings from Brooklyn to Madrid for magazines and clients.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because it might help me feel “understood” when I grieve so deeply for my cats. It’s crippling! So many of my friends and family have said, “It’s just a cat.” to me. They are so much more. I also have a particular friend in mind, for the 2nd copy. She is a dedicated rescuer, she fosters, she has pets of her own, too. Her heart has been broken many times. This would be a perfect gift. Thank you for the chance, and I wish everyone luck.
I would love to win two copies of “I love You More Than Tuna” because both myself and my BFF operate hospice houses for cats which means we get our hearts broken frequently. These books would be a great comfort to both of us at that all-too-frequent time.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because because both my friend i would love it to remind of us pets that we have and have passed over the rainbow bridge.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because over the past two years I’ve lost my 7 senior cats. They all lived to a ripe old age. Never thought when I first brought each of them home that they would not live forever. Each was deemed unadoptable but as I was blessed enough to volunteer for a few rescues, I was able to adopt them and make them family, I was rewarded with a lifetime of love and laughter and fun by these ‘not so perfect’ beings who made my heart soar. The downside of having so many cats at once is that they do get old together, thankfully all but one got to live a very long life. The one that didn’t only lived to be 9. The rest anywhere between 16 and almost 19. The immense loss and emptiness to have to let go of a beloved family member after so many years is tough and my heart has taken several beatings these last two years. Merely seeing this book’s title made me teary eyed. I can no longer eat tuna as there are no more hungry mouths trying to help me eat it. There are no longer any face rubs, any ‘I love you more than tuna but please share most of it with me’. Thank you for writing this book as the pain of losing a beloved feline family member is real and it takes quite a while to recover from it.
What a great giveaway! I would love to win two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I share my life with 4 indoor cats and I have cat boxes on my property as shelter for the outdoor cats in my neighborhood. My best friend has way too many felines to publish, so I would share with her. Thanks for this great giveaway.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I still grieve for my feline friend Smokey and need to understand why. She was more than a pet, she was my companion and true friend.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I have two kitties at home and they are my true babies. I don’t have any kids. They’re it. Crouton is a senior with kidney failure/hyperthyroidism and Blisters is a kitten who keeps him young.
I would love to win two copies of PS I Love You More than Tuna, because it is priceless and has helped me and several friends who’ve had kitties die that were my and their super close family members. My copy has been gifted off to friends repeatedly-more important for someone freshly hurting yo have it!!
I’m 80 years young. If I could have one wish it would be to have my
Mittens and Patches back with me. Days are long and sad without them.
I would love to win two copies of P.s. I Love You More Than Tuna.
So many people don’t understand that your cats are your family.
Darlene Kelly,March21, 2021
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I know far too much the loss of a companion animal. Most recently 3 weeks ago. My husband and I are very fortunate to be surrounded by family, friends and coworkers that are compassionate animal loving people. I would love to have a copy to pass along to a family member that has also lost a companion animal recently.
I would love to win 2 copies of “P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna” because my cat Calie loves tuna, and so do I.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because of so many reasons. My first is that although my first kitty, Sapphire, got his angel wings at the age of 20 1/2 years old close to 13 years ago, he still takes up a lot of room in my heart and I miss him. Sapphire’s wings did open my door to two more kitties in need of a home though, so my next reason would be to prepare myself for when they leave get their angel wings. Though nothing really prepares us for our fur babies’ departures. Another reason why I would love to win two copies of “P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna” is of course to share the second copy with friends and family who have taken kitties into their homes and their hearts.
I would LOVE to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because my best friend (who also happens to be named Sarah) are both cat fiends and I love finding new ways to show her my love and appreciation for always being there for me throughout the more than 10 years we’ve been friends.
I would love to WIN two copies of “P.S. I Love Your More Than Tuna” because, like many pet owners, I have grieved the loss of beloved cat companions. Many had just lived life to the fullest, reaching old age comfortably in a loving home. I have lost 2 kittens to feline leukemia and a three-year-old orange tabby to kidney disease. Currently, I have three cats who are wonderful, loving companions who sense my grief after losing my daughter, who was only 37. They bring me joy and solace.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because we all could use some help when we lose our fur children. I would share my 2nd book with my mom who lives out of state, as her fur girls light on earth is dimming.
I would love to win two copies of “P. S. I Love You More than Tuna”, because my Daughter is in a nursing home for physical rehab after an amputation. She loves and misses her cats so much. Unfortunately, one of them passed and she feels so bad for not being here for him. This would be perfect for her and I both.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I am also an author and I wrote my book in memory of my baby sphynx, Fluffy, who died suddenly and unexpectedly from a cardiac defect, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), on December 9th, 2020. Fluffy was my world, and I miss him more than anything. I would love this book to not only support another author, but to help support myself in my time of immense grief.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because, even after almost 2 years, I still can’t get over the loss of my house panther. He is always on my mind. I make sure his urn is in a safe place when we have bad storms, even if that means I bring them with me to evacuate.
I would love to win two copies of “P.S. I Love You More Thank Tuna” because i have been a cat lover and owner all my life. I grew up on a dairy farm away from neighbors, so cats were a large part of my life. They provided companionship and solace for me on the bad days. I spoke to them when I was lonely and shared my joy with them. I have lost my share of “fur babies” over the years and missed each and everyone of them dearly. Each of my cats had their own distinct personality and no two were alike. When I married the first thing we did was get a cat. Our Jefferson was with us for 16 years, two moves and the birth of two children. He took it all in stride and remained a faithful and loving companion. This past year our daughter recently lost her cat at 17 years of age. This would be a perfect gift for her.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I had to say goodbye to my sweet Himalayan kitty in 2020 after 14 years. Two years prior, my Norwegian Forest cat crossed over the rainbow bridge. Though some time has passed and I’ve adopted a rescue cat, the heartbreak is still present and I think this book will provide just the right dose of comfort whenever it’s needed. I know others who are grieving the loss of pets and would pass along the second copy to a friend in need of consoling.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because my daughter and I both just recently lost a beloved senior cat. We are always there for each other, in heartbreak and in joy, and it would mean so much to be able to share this wonderful book with her.
I would love to win two copies of “P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna” because I have recently lost 3 of my beautiful babies that meant the world to me! I am a recovering addict and lost my fiance to drug addiction and my cats were there with me throughout all of it! They helped get me through the toughest time of my life and showed me nothing but love! I am completely lost and heartbroken without them. These books would mean everything to me right now!
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because when God calls Harley-Dollface, my kidty cat companion of now 12 years, over the rainbow bridge, I know I’ll be devastated. She is my one proof in life that God does answer our prayers with a YES, even though we have to wait for awhile. I waited 17 years for Harley, whom I prayed to God asking Him to bless me with a furry friend to sleep beside me and cuddle with me when I was 13 years old. When I needed her most, when my dad passed on, she and I rescued each other, I was 30 years old and didn’t have anyone to care for, so God said it’s time for you two to meet and share life together. For 12 years now Harley is proving she’s an exceptional kidty, she has the heart of a dog, and the disposition of angels, she loves to be included in everything I do and there’s never been another cat like her or ever will be. I’m still waiting for my human companion to be married to and share life together with, and I’m hoping Harley will be included in that union too, but if God should choose to take her before then, I’ll really need this book to help me cope and it will be a blessing to help me grieve whether Mr. Boaz is here or not when that happens. And the second copy, I know God will show me whom I’m to gift it too!
I would LOVE to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I’ve experience the extreme pain and grief when a beloved pet passes away. Sometimes tragically and sometimes without the opportunity to say goodbye and let them know how much I loved them and I hope they know I loved them too. I know, inevitably it will happen again, and I could use some help to get through it or share in a more meaningful way, when it happens to someone else I care about.
I would love to win two copies of ‘ P.S. I love you more than tuna’ because I have two cat’s paulie and lucy who I love more than ice cream !
I would love to win two copies of “P.S. I love you more than Tuna because I have lost so much more in the past 2 years. My two cats are my rock after losing my stepson and his father in fall of 2019. I lost my 1st 2 cats in 2007. One was my parents’ cat but the other, Peppie, had been my BFF since 1998 and I’m pretty sure I did love him more than my significant other at the time. We had recently welcomed a kitten into the family and his health issues were discovered too late. He passed before the vet appointment.😢. I didn’t have cats for almost a decade because I felt like I failed Peppie. My partner surprised me with a 12wk old kitten after Christmas 2016. We bonded instantly. My other kiity was rescued from under a car in our parking lot. After losing my stepson and partner I don’t know how I would have been able to go on without my two special kitties.
I would love to win two copies of “P.S I love you more than tuna” because I want to share this story with others. I have alot of furry babies and when I have lost one of my loves the grief is unbearable. The love they have given me opens my heart and home again. Even after the hurt because their love shows me the joy out weights the pain
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because my kitties Sammy, Midnight, Moonlight, Star and Alize would love to for me to read to them!
I would love to in two copies of P.S. I love you more than tuna because I have 2 cats Jack & Penny & My daughter has a cat called Betty that only eats tuna cat food.
I would like to win 2 books because I love my cats and always will. My cats are Shane. Shadow. Henry, Black Tail and
Molly an Gibson.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I have two friends who are grieving the loss of their cats just as I am myself. We are all suffering mostly in silence and would like some solace as described in your post.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because my current cat is almost 20 years old and the time I have left with her is unknown. She’s been with me through so much (almost 20 years worth of so much) and she will leave a huge hole in my heart. I would gift the second copy to my neighbor who fosters kittens for a local shelter. Not all of them make it and I couldn’t imagine the heartbreak of loosing a baby.
I would love to win two copies of “P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna” because I would share the books with friends and family to bring them comfort, laughs, and tears. That’s what the book brought me. I was comforted and laughed and cried when I read the book. I’ve read the book many times and will continue to read it. I preordered three copies before it was published. One for me and two that I’ve already gifted. I’d like to have more copies to gift. My 21+ years Angel Zipper’s favorite treat was tuna (tuna water and sashimi) and so much of him was just like Hedda. Thank you for offering the giveaway. The book is a gift of love.
I would love to win 2 copies of P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna because my beloved brown tabby, Lucy, passed away last May at age 16. I adored her and am still hurting. I will eventually adopt another cat but still am not emotionally ready. Cats put a smile on your face and warm your heart🐱
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because not only do my three cats love me moe than tuna, I also love them more than tuna!
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because it looks like a cute read.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because tomorrow, March 22, 2021, we take our beloved “Tough Old Man” of 18+ years for his trip across the rainbow bridge. He’s not the first kitty we’ve had to let go on that journey, and he won’t be the last because we love our fur-babies to the very end and beyond – but the decision and loss never gets any easier. Our friends are cat-lovers and two lost their baby only a few weeks ago. They and the cat’s buddy-dog would also love a comforting book of their own.
I lost my best friend the day before Thanksgiving to kidney failure. He was 13 and had been my heart beat since he was 3 mths. old. I am still broken over it. Your book may be just what i need to help get through the pain.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I’ve lost four kitties. I’ve still grieving the most recent one, because I didn’t take her to the vet to be released from her pain. I kept hoping or a miracle.
I would love to win two copies of “I love You More Than Tuna” because my sister and I have loved and lost kitty soulmates over the years and I think this book would help us both in dealing with the grief and loss,
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I love to read and I would keep one copy for myself and donate one to the shelter I volunteer for so they can use it as a prize at their trivia night fundraiser.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I just said goodbye to my 18 year old senior grandpaw kitty on Feb 20 and I have a friend who is saying good bye to her senior fospice cat right now as I write this.
I would love to WIN two copies of “P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna” because, as a cat sitter, I would live to have one on my shelf. The other i would either “loan” to clients who lose the fur baby or put up as a giveaway on my cat Instagram account (if that’s allowed).
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because the book looks really cute and I love the illustrations.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I know someone who could use it right now. I lost one of my kitties over a year ago but I can still feel her sitting in my lap sometimes…
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because both my cat and I understand that love greater than tuna-love is truly a great love.
I would love to Win two copies of “P.S. I Love you More Than Tuna” because I love my three cats & would love to gift one to an awesome & wonderful friend!
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because in my life I have loved and lost more than 20 cats, from El Toro, the kitten my dad brought home “because no kid of his would be scared of animals” (many years after he died, I realized he wanted a cat, I was an excuse); to my little house feral Morrigan, who I lost at age 18 last year (she finally warmed up enough to sleep with me).
I miss them all. Some more than others, but not by much.
I have been a cat lover all of my life and have had pet cats most of my life. They have always been there at my lowest points. When I had breast cancer my orange tabby (Shakespeare) rarely left my side. When anyone came to see me or change my dressing, he would sit on the foot of my bed & watch them until he was sure they were not going to hurt me. Then he would go to sleep. Shakespeare crossed the Rainbow Bridge several years ago & I will always miss him.
I would love to win a copy,cor two, of the book.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I know that when our pets leave us they are truly never gone. No longer by our side but always in our heart. I would love to keep a copy and gift a copy to my friend.
I would love to win two copies of “P.S. I LOVE YOU MORE THAN TUNA” because I work in cat advocacy, and so it is understandable that these books would definitely strike a chord.
On November 2, 2020, I lost my 18 1/2 year old best friend, Cole. He came into my life in an unexpected way. He and his siblings were making noise playing in our downspout, supervised by their feral mother. I started putting out food and water for the little family, gradually moving them closer and closer to the deck and then back door. Finally, three kittens would come into the kitchen for food, with the door propped open. We installed a cat door and let them come and go as they pleased after having them spayed and neutered. Cali, Princess, and Cole worked their way into my heart. After Cali passed, we managed to get Princess and Cole to be indoors only. Cole was the last surviving member of the family. I miss him so much. My heart is breaking. Even though we have two other cats (siblings also), I still grieve my beautiful little gray tuxedo boy. I will miss them all forever, but especially my Cole-Man.
I would love to win the two copies of “‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna and I already know who I would give the second copy to i f I win. I don’t see our pets as pets, they are and have always been family to me.
I would love to win two copies of P.S. I Love You More than Tuna because I know it would give comfort to my next door neighbors who lost one of their fur babies a week ago. I know it would comfort them. I’d keep the other copy for myself since 3 years ago I lost my remaining cat (I adopted two rescue kittens later that year) and know it will comfort me hopefully, not for a long, long time.
Would love to win two copies of I Love You More Than Tuna as I am still grieving the loss of my beautiful sweet sealpoint Siamese boy years later. I know it will help ease my long time grief! And I could gift the other copy to Twitter pals who have recently lost a beloved fur baby. Love never dies! After we lost our boy to intestinal lymphoma, we rescued a dilute tortie fairy cat who is crazy in love with me!
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I can’t imagine being without cats in my life. I have fond memories of all my cats that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I now have two male cats, Hamilton and Jefferson and they make me smile every day. I’ve heard a lot about the book and would really love to read. I would gift the other book to my Sister, she has a cat named GusGus.
I would love to WIN two copies of P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because like so many, I’ve lost a cat (or three). Especially after the last one passed away, I felt unsettled. Many of my friends have also lost beloved cats, some recently, and would love to have the second copy.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because a very good friend of mine recently lost one of her kitties and even though I’ve been there many times myself, I don’t know what to say to help heal her heart, so I’d love to give her a copy of this book. And, of course, I’d love to read it too!
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I’m still grieving over the loss of the best cat ever, Patches. She was the most beautiful and gentle calico cat I’ve ever known. Unfortunately for me, my husband has been absolutely no help in my grief. Patches was special. She was born at home on April 12, 2007 and had a kink in the tip of her tail. She had to be put to sleep on January 8, 2015. I was devastated then, and I still am even though we have other cats, two of them being Patches’ littermates, Little Bear and Puffi. They don’t have the same sweet personality as Patches, and I miss her more than words can express. I’m even tearing up writing this note.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because my friend Jill has lost her cats Stella and Fred.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I am a cat lover and owner of two
cats right now, and I think the book will be great! One is named Po. The other is MeiMei, which means little sister
in Chinese. They are also both senior kitties.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I have a friend who lost 2 kitties over the last 3 years. She is a sensitive soul and still misses them. I would love to have a copy for myself because I already dread losing my Furball of Love. I can’t imagine her not being there and I can hardly remember a life when she wasn’t there. We cannot avoid grief — it is the Cost of Love—but we can prepare for it, and learn from it.
This quote is pulled from a different context, but still applies: “Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.”
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I have lost two young cats recently. One I lost to cancer and the other to FIP. I also run a cat rescue and I usually am the one that has to take the cats to the vet when it is their time to head to the rainbow bridge. Cats are amazing and I don’t know what I would do without my cats.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because it will be a wonderful read in bed with my two rescue cats and a valuable reminder to cherish the time I have with them. I will especially appreciate when I can return to this book for comfort when it is time for my furry friends to cross the rainbow bridge. I will share the second book with another cat lover furriend <3 thank you for oppurrrtunity :]
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because it would be an awesome mother’s day gift for my “crazy cat lady” mom! She will love this!
While I would rather not *need* this book, the truth is, goodbyes to our beloved pets happen. Both mine and my friend Shana’s cats are now well into the double digit years. It would be a thoughtful way for both of us to begin to let go, once that happens 🙁🐾. Thank you for the opportunity!
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I still miss my 3 fur babies very much. I lost Midnight, Mocha & Misty within an 18 month period between 2016 – 2017. I would give the second copy of the book to my sister who lost her cat Peaches last year after 21 years together. I have 2 new kitties now, but a piece of my heart will always belong to the beloved Triple M Gang.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I live with 6 cats that truly do love me more than tuna though tuna is a close second.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I’ve lost a 2 really special cats within the past 5 years.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna’ because I love cats and enjoy laughing about their antics. Also, if I win I get two copies so I can donate the second copy to my grade school’s children’s library for them to enjoy as well.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because books about cats are always the purrrrfect way to paws for thought and contemplate our fur-midable feline friendships.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because my good friend and I both rescue kitties and we both have over a dozen of them. Several of mine and hers are coming up on the teen years and they are starting to show a decline in activities and wanting to cuddle more. We have a lot of heartache in our very near future and every little bit will help. If I won these books I would, of course, keep one for myself, and gift her the other one. Thank you so much for offering these books!
Kat Herder &
The Furry Purrhannas
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because my brother recently lost their beloved Bear kitty. Like many we have relied on our kitties for comfort during this very stressful past year. Now there is plenty of room in his and my sister in law to rescue again but they need some guidance to handle their grief for Bear kitty first. I would also cherish a copy because I have 4 kitties around the age of 12 years. They are healthy and I know will be with me for many more years but I would like to have this book in my library for my comfort. My kitties are my children as I will be a mess when the time comes. Thank you for opening your heart and generosity for this contest, I hope you pick me to win.
I would love to win two copies of P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna because You never forget the love you have for your pets, or the love they have showed you over the years. Even the ones you rescued that were so afraid of you. They always stay in your heart no matter how many you have.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I have always loved cats and have lost so many who were near and dear to my heart. I especially miss Princess Leinani who used to be my little shadow. She would sleep by my side every night under the covers. She used to lick my hand until I was relaxed enough to sleep. When I was sick, she didn’t even ask for dinner. One time I passed out and she was right there beside me licking my face when I woke up. I believe in soul mates and most of all, I believe in soul cats. Nani was my soul cat. I have never had children, so my cats have been my kids. I would share the other copy of this book with my friend who loves cats as much as I do.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna’ because my 2 year old grandson loves cats as much as I and one of the things we always talk about in our video calls is what our kitties have been up to. I would love to share this book with him!
This is such an important resource. I know myself how deeply I have grieved and still grieve for my beloved brother and sister kitties, and right now I have a friend who is on the very early stages of her grief journey and I know she would be touched to receive a copy of this book. Thank you.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna’ because losing your feline partner is absolutely one of the hardest things to get through. There aren’t words to express the feelings or understanding you have for a friend that is dealing with such loss- so being able to share something that shows the bond a person had with a kitty that will bring a smile to their heart would be a wonderful gift.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because there is nothing better than being loved by a cat. I miss all the kitties that have passed through my life.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because as a person that has grieved the loss of a beloved cat, I want to be able to help out others who go through this.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna” so that I could donate both copies to a local vets office to give to somebody who is going through the process of saying goodbye to their furry family member. The book was released the week after I had to say goodbye to my beloved Fletcher cat, so I had already preordered my own copy. I think it would be nice give this book to somebody to help with saying goodbye.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna” because of Oona, Snickers, Francis, Tiger, Oreo, Gigi and Rally….whose spirits now live on in Rocky, Tallulah and Earl.
I would love to win 2 copies of “P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna”. Of course, one copy for my book collection and the other for someone who, among many things she does, is a very special cat lover. She has taken in all her cats and they will all probably be going to cat heaven in the near future. She just lost one cat and I was surprised to learn that her husband took the cat’s death much harder than she did. They don’t have any (human) kids of their own but consider their cats as their children. I can very much relate to that since I had two cats when I lived in a big city condo and raised two black and whites until they went to cat heaven. I had Smokey put to sleep because he could no longer move on his own. I took him to our vet and told my boss that I’d be in late. My heart was broken after I told the vet to go ahead and let Smokey “go.” I had no idea that he was sick until that day but it was just too late to do anything. He lived close to 20 years with me. Blackie (tuxedo cat) was given to my cousin by his girlfriend and the poor guy was just left outside and wasn’t really wanted in that household. I just happened to drop by the house and my aunty said to take “the cat” home and that’s what I did. The two cats eventually warmed up to each other and they gave me many years of happiness as indoor cats. I never trusted anyone enough to take care of my cats when I’d go out of town so I would board them at the vets. I was getting ready to pick up Blackie early one Sunday morning and was surprised that the vet was calling me. He knew I would be coming in early to pick up Blackie so he called to let me know that Blackie had passed away while I was gone. Again, I was not aware of his illness and Blackie went to cat heaven while I was away. He saved me from seeing him in pain. Boy, this is turning into a short book which I had no intention of doing. Nevertheless, that’s my story and I got off track as to why I wanted the 2 copies of the book but the books will go to 2 very deserving cat lovers, believe me!
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because me Mum created the humaniac in me and we lost her this year, she loved books and cats and we need a few whiskers of hope!
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I love reading books, especially books about CATS for cats BY cats plus the added bonus of being able to SHARE one of the books with another cat lover is magnificent. Plus, I will be able to “read” this to my lil babies (Nefertiti, Bastet and Rowdy) although Nefertiti doesn’t seem to like to sit on laps but Rowdy and Bastet love sitting on my lap and being read to (or just hogging any kind of attention) they are my fur babies after all (all 3 are rescues). Thank you in advance.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I’m a HUGE cat lover (have 2) and I have friends that have 10+ cats, so I’d love a copy for me and one to share with one of those friends.
As my 88th young birthday nears, I have had many sorrows and aching hearts that I can still recall far too vividly. That’s what happens when we love our animals to the nth degree, right? I still have one 14 yr old beautiful fluffy orange tabby with the sweetest white face. So if he should leave first, I will surely be in need of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna’ and a second copy, please, for one of my many friends in the same situation. THANK YOU FOR THIS!!
I would love to win two copies of PS I love you more then Tuna.
One for myself cause my 15 house cats love me more then Tuna, ,(cause like me they prefer salmon) and the second book to give a friend and her 4 cats,who do like and love her more then Tuna.
Thank you for the chance to win.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because it is so hard when your best furry friend leaves you and you feel like you are all alone and that no one understands how it hurts. Also my other cat does almost love me more than tuna and vise versa!
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because my babies have been so instrumental in helping me grieve my father. I would give the 2nd book to a random cat parent at my fave local pet store as a random act of kindness.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because I am in my last years and I would love
Mommy to read it to me on my bad days when my arthritis doesn’t let me play that day. My name is Boo Boo my silly Daddy gave me that silly name, and he will be waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for me, until then we would love to read this book.
I would love to WIN two copies of ‘P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna‘ because my husband and my long-time co-worker could both use it. We lost our beloved Hootie several years back, but my husband still visibly mourns him daily. And my co-worker recently lost her own beloved kitty cat. I am really glad you’re giving away two of these, because it would be hard to choose between the two of them if I had only one copy!
I would love to win 2 copies of P.S. I love you More Than Tuna as a tribute to my 2 fur babies I lost in the past 2 weeks. And for my other 5 rescue cats who have stepped up & kept me going.