OK – don’t let the title mislead you…it’s not about teaching your cat to be a chef in the kitchen and have him or her prepare you a host of feline inspired delicacies. Wouldn’t that be nice though! >^..^<
The author {Jess Erskine} best describes her book this way…”Ironically, ‘Cooking With Cats’ doesn’t have any recipes in it – it’s just a coloring book full of cats playing with food and wreaking havoc in the kitchen.” We simply describe it as furbulous feline fun!
We loved what we saw and contacted the author and her publicist who kindly offered to donate 5 signed copies to us which we raffled off to 5 lucky Purrington Post readers. The contest is now over.
We asked Jess a few questions…
Q: How did you come up with the idea for COOKING WITH CATS?
My dad thought of it first, so I stole it from him and ran with it… mashing cats together with every kind of food I love, like cupcakes and coffee and sushi and cinnamon buns. It’s hard to look at this coloring book without your mouth watering.
Q: Do you have a cat of your own?
I do. Morty is my favorite cat of all time, and he knows it. But he’s also a butt. He’s packed full of attitude and spice, and was the model for some of the pages in COOKING WITH CATS. His favorite activities are attacking legs, chasing bugs, hide and seek, naps, and watching “The Office” with me. But he’s still a butt.

Q: What makes Cooking with Cats different and unique?
I spent a lot of hours researching cats- paws, faces, breeds & expressions and used my own kitty Morty to pose for some of the illustrations, so I think you can see the love and effort that went into this book. I hope those who grab a copy for themselves or a friend, find some entertainment in the silly predicaments some of the catters have gotten into, and of course I hope they enjoy coloring the cats. And the donuts! (om nom nom!)

Q: Any new feline related projects in the works?
I haven’t started on any more cat related projects just yet, but this one was close to my heart. So if people like this one I would definitely love to make another cat coloring book! I’m always working on another book, currently I’m finishing up the second title in my “Finish the Drawing” series, books designed to promote creative thinking and expand the artistic imagination. Volume 2 will be available on Amazon at the end of June.
Q: Where can our readers find your book?
They can find it at RollingDonutPress.com or on Amazon. There’s also lots of pictures from the book to check out on our Cooking with Cats Facebook page.
* Contest Entry Guidelines:
This contest ended on June 23rd, 2017 and was available to residents of the United States and Canada only. To enter the contest entrants needed to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
If my cat [name of your cat] was a chef, he/she would probably make me a [name of the dish your kitty would prepare for you]
The winners were chosen by the author from all the correct entries and contacted by email.
Retail value is approx. $7.95 USD
Jess Erskine, age 24, was born and raised in the foothills of Kentucky – where tea is the sweetest, and gravy goes on everything. Jess is a self-taught illustrator and the founder of Rolling Donut Press, and is the author and illustrator of Finish the Drawing; Coupons for Couples; 50 Simple Reasons Why I Love You, Mom; Wow! Can We Do That Again? and other books.
Can’t wait and want to order one now? Grab a copy from Amazon here => Buy a Copy of Cooking with Cats
Got a funny story of your cat(s) creating mischief in the kitchen? Share it with us by dropping a comment below in the “Leave a Reply” box.
Has all this talk about Cats and Cooking made you hungry? Why not try making this easy DIY Cat Cake
If my cat Charity was a chef she would make me a pot of borsch. The beets would give her some awesome red paws against her all white body. She loves to add color into her life and I love beet soup.
If my cat Roscoe was a chef, he would probably make me a “Heart of
Squirrel Pie” because that is what he catches most often. Roscoe selectively licks the heart out of the chest, leaving the rest of the body to rot in the cemetery he created under the deck. Squirrel hearts are flavorful and nutritious, can be eaten raw, and are good for a cat’s health. If Roscoe were a chef this would surely be his favorite meal to show me how much he really loves me.
This looks so amazing!!!
I miss my cats terribly…if Roger was here with me, he would definitely be a sushi master. Lucy would scowl at him as he tried his best to make us a gourmet meal. She would just sit there and scrutinize. But he would try very, very hard to please us all.
If my cat Leo was a chef, he would probably make me a breakfast frittata and coffee!
If my cat, Skitty, was a chef she would probably make me…mole casserole! She is so sweet and brings home her loving kill daily!
6love the book could use with the kids i teach himane education u rock meeow purrr
If my tuxedo kitty Oreo woood make something do me…it would involve makin coffee and something to do with meat and/or fish that she’s ‘killed’ for me… perhaps sushi…?
If my cat Bella was a chef, she would probably make me a grilled cheese sandwich wrapped in a plastic bag for dessert!!
If my cat Peep was a chef, she would make us tuna salad, because as a rescue kitty she’s not too into people food but tuna is something she can’t resist!
If my cat Harry was a chef he would make me a tuna sub.
If Edgar was a chef he would want me to make turkey everyday. He loves turkey but only when it is super fresh.
If my cat Ruby Tuesday Afternoon Delight (Rubes for short) was a chef she would make me a gravy…a thin watery gravy….She love that stuff!!!!
If my cat Paisley was a chef she would make me deep fried insects. She is a bug hunter extraordinaire. She likes to drop them at my feet while they are still alive. The funny part is I am terrified of bugs. I always praise her and give her a favorite treat which is fried bologna or potato chips.
If my cat, Shadow was a chef, he would probably make me pork chops smothered in gravy with bits of cheese in it. Those are his favorite foods.
My 2 kitties would probably cook up a batch of Catnap Tuna casserole. With a side of Outside kibbles & mice. I don’t I think I could handle eating a mouse, cause I’m really afriad of them, but my kitties bring them to me as gifts.
If my cat YoYo would have been a chef, he would probably make me ceviche, unfortunately YoYo passed away on May 9, all I can wish for is that he is catering for all our furry companions in cats’ heaven as he would have done for me…
if my cat PUD was a chief I would be very fit and trim. She loves gravy on everything no matter what kind of food she prepared. tuna with fishy gravy or chicken with salmon sauce and cat snacks. bad for me but yummy for her.
If my cat Noel was a chef, she would probably make me a trout grilled its also her favorite dish .
If my cat Indie was a chef, he would probably make me a big bowl of cookies and cream ice cream! You see, his previous owners fed him a steady diet of ice cream, ham sandwiches, and cheese. He is a bit overweight now as you can imagine. I am making sure he has a healthy diet now, but I know if he had the option, he would LOVE some ice cream! Haha.
If my cat Precious was a chef i’m sure she’d choose mousecaroni to make_ a very flavorful italian dish with a spicy sauce and little mousie meat balls. my other cats JoJo and Munckin would love it too wich works for me-they can gobble it up and i’ll take a salad.
If my cat Nuts was a chef, he would probably make me a Grandma stew. He hates my mother and wants to eat her.
If my cat [Lemur] was a chef, he would probably make me a [Rabbit and snake salad, with mouse and cheese toppings– A Southern, Scottish, German dish] Yumm, Yumm my favorite.
If my cat Bitey was a chef, he would probably make me a mud pie because he’s an asshole! But I still love him!
I have 3 tuxedo cats so I only need black and white colored pencils.
If our cat Kitty was a chef, she would probably make us a fancy feast, and she would make sure to give us a stick of butter so we could just lick a spot or two off the top of it!
If my cat starrbarr were a chef he’d make spaghetti with possum balls and for dessert creme mouse’s. Which of course is flaming mouse custard served with a nice caramel sauce