Cats in the City of Plague is not your average pandemic novel. This time the pandemic is the infamous “Black Death” from 14th century Europe, and the heroes are a crew of brave cats fleeing from humans who irrationally blame them for the disease.
In this historical novel, a resourceful cat and his feline friends must escape their Medieval French town and survive the night after superstitious humans blame them for the great pandemic. Instead of being petted and adored, cats are thrown out of their homes without explanation.
The hero of Cats in the City of Plague, Leander, is slow to realize that the humans in his French town have turned against him. Along with the mysterious Innocent and the pugnacious Eusebius, Leander decides to flee the dangerous city and return to the forest where, cat legend says, they originated.
Leander is a feline who can’t understand the recent events. He and his fellow cats never did anything wrong, and according to the legend of Le Chat, humans and cats are supposed to have an understanding. When he is forced out of his home, Leander must leave behind his life of comfort to seek safety.
Along with several other cats, Leander aims to flee the city and return to the wild where his kind once lived. The last half of the book recounts the cats’ suspenseful flight as they scale the city walls and dodge human and animal foes.
But time is running out. Will they make it, and if they do will these city cats learn to survive in the wild?
Curious to find out? Well we’re pleased to announce that the author (details below) kindly offered us 5 signed copies for 5 lucky Purrington Post readers to WIN (choice of paperback or e-Book).
* Contest Closed
This contest ended on January 28th, 2022 and was available to North American residents. To enter you simply needed to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
My cats [names of your cats] and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because [your reason]
The 5 winners were chosen by the author from all the correctly submitted entries and contacted by email.
Author Bio
This book has a story of its own – the author (A.L. Marlow) a retired college professor first began working on this novel in 1982. He put it aside for many years until his son—and the global pandemic—convinced him to pick it up again. Cats in the City of Plague is A.L. Marlow’s first novel. He has, however, been a successful non-fiction writer who has published several books and many articles both for scholarly and general readers. He has also had several plays performed in New York City and has published one short story for young readers. He has enjoyed the pleasure of cat companionship for most of his life. [Photo below: Author years ago with his most special cat.]

P.S. – If you can’t wait and want to grab your own copy, check it out here on Amazon => Cats in City of Plague
My cats (Rambo and Tyson) and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because both of them were rescued from the streets where they learned to be wary of people who would hurt them. It sounds as if these cats in the story ALSO find their way to safety in the end of their story.. similar to MY kitties.
Our senior kittens (Sneaky Pete and Barn E. Cat) would like to win a copy of Cats in the City because they fled from bad peoples too. The boys love it when their mommy reads to them. Our senior pupper, Rosie, loves to listen adventure stories too.
My cat Mittens and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague.
He loves to lay on the couch with me cuddled up in my arm and I talk quietly
to him about the day I found him . It seems he really is listening.
My cats Rufio, Finn, Lucy, and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because it sounds like a really fun read! French themes and cats are some of my favorite things.
My cat Rey and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because I love cats and historical fiction. And, maybe, this book can take us away from the real plague going on outside these days. Because it, for sure sounds like a page turner. And, Rey likes to hear my voice, lol!
This book sounds awesome. My 6 cats, Noodle, Mr Woodford, Grumbles, Fred, Baby, Pippy and I would love to read it together!
My cats Ms. Caity Sunshine and Mr. Business, and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because we all love to get together and read every afternoon, and we are all taking French lessons as well!
My cats, Olive, Riddler, Ember, Penny and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because they came into my home from people who couldn’t take of them or found their way to my house from the highway.
My cat Kitty and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because this looks really excellent and beautifully done–very atmospheric!
My 3 cats Sinbad, Hermione, and Goliath would love to win this book. Reading time means cuddling and we are here for that. Plus a book with kitties in it would be *chefs kiss*.
My babies Talyn, Abby, Pip, Moose, Tux and my newest addition who I saved dodging traffic on a local 3 lane highway, Moby , love it when I tell them about other cats! I would thoroughly enjoy this in a paperback version as I prefer that tactile feel. Many people come to me with cat questions, that’s how much I know and care about cats. Even my post marriage name I kept because, well it’s kinda obvious. Needless to say, I would be please to own this! Thanks!
My cat Bianca and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because we love to read stories of daring adventures together (sometimes in French!) and this book would be an excellent addition to our collection.
My cats Mischief & Mayhem and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because they are true heroes trapped in a little country house with a crazy cat lady (me) and need to hear stories of feline heroism to remind them of their younger days on the streets and inspire them to greatness.
My cat Selos and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because I love anything to do with cats and would love to read a book about them. I adopted Selos from the Windsor/Essex Humane Society, started by fostering her at 5 weeks and fell in love
My cats Bernie and Emily Dickinson and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because cats should be the heroes of every story.
My cats Snowy and Nookie and I would love to win a copy of Cats In the City of Plague because I LOVE cats and am obsessed with the Black Plague!!!! I have 2 books on the Plague. I’ve had cats all my life. I LOVE them sooo much! This is the perfect book for me!!! Please pick us! Thanks! 😊
My cat Chilli and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because we’re both avid readers. 🙂
My cats [BW Huckleberry, Strawberry and Gooseberry] and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because I think it’s high time this story came out. I want cats to get proper credit for their work.
My cats Sophie and Delilah would both love to have a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because they are tired of me reading from the same book every day
My cats Mr. Jin, Junior, Lucky, Sadie, Coco, Rudy, Moonie, Greta, Maggie, and Ivan Ivanovich would love to have a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because they love hearing stories where cats are heroes! And I love history, cats and reading, so… 😻
My cats names are Little Bear, Puffi, Myusha, Sparkey, Yona and BB-8 and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because I like to curl up on the sofa and read out loud to them.
My cats Domino and Kathleen and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because they want to sit on my lap while I read a marvelous book!
My cat, Mister Beau, and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because Mister Beau is an intrepid cat and he loves to read about other intrepid cats.
My cats Millie & Moxie and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because they are strictly indoor cats with limited experience of what goes on in the outside world, so they would thoroughly enjoy this adventurous tale featuring brave & heroic felines.
My kitty Cali and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because we are both home bodies (Cali also being an indoor kitty), and we love to be at home and I love to be able to spend time with my fur baby (especially on the couch cuddling) and would love to read a novel with kitties as the main characters (I also love to read)! I truly love cats and would love to read this fascinating novel with my baby girl right by my side.
My cats Boo and Floyd and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City in the City of Plague because Mom takes care of feral cats and we want to find out what is outside. We hope it has a happy ending. We watch the outside and Mom says, you don’t how lucky you are. We might learn about outside.
My boys, Citrine & Topaz would enjoy this book when I’m released from the hospital.
What fun my book club (all cat lovers) would have with this book. My current rescue cats, Meeko and Sgt. Tibbs (Tibby) would be thrilled to have the opportunity to compare life stories with the heroes of this book. Tibby’s life on the street was tough, as I had to have all his teeth removed 1 month after adopting him at only 1!! I think they realize how lucky they have been.
My cats Penny, Sheldon, Jazpurr, Loki, Nacho and Salem and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because it sounds like a very appropriate book to read during this crazy COViD pandemic. My cats love having me home with them and this would be a really great time to read such an enjoyable book.
My cats, Baby, Tweety and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because both of my cats adopted me and I am always happy to read other loving pet stories.
My cats Suha and Elvis and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because advocacy and education for and about cats is our life! and this is a subject I often mention in today’s present climate of ignorance and misdirected blame against innocent cats. Thank you for the opportunity to win what promises to be a very interesting read!
Our cat Cognac would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because we love historical fiction, we love France, and have been conversing with him in French since he was a kitten. This book will be a nice addition to our bookshelf next to Watership Down and Chet the Jet books.
My rescue cats Bentley, Lou, Morris & Melvin would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because we, too, love historical fiction! We all listen to audio books together but I could read this one to them! Thank you for featuring this interesting sounding book for a great prize!
My cats, Grace, Arty, Marshall and Joey and I would love to win a copy of In the City of Plague because kittys are the only ones who give us comfort in a pandemic. Their the ones who keep us going.
My cats Gandalf and Scarlett would love to win a paperback copy of ‘Cats In The City Of Plague’ because I love to read, usually with one or two cats on my lap, usually a cup of hot chocolate at my elbow. They both know when I sit down with a book that it’s cozy-up time and Mom won’t be getting up for awhile. Then it will be time to beg for another snack.
My cats and I would love to win a paperback copy of “Cats IN The City Of Plague” because they love to snuggle while I read. It sounds like a fascinating book and one we can relate to in this time of the pandemic.
My cats Dobby and Hermione and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because we’re all purrfectly bored sitting around the house waiting for the pandemic to ease. We crave an escape from our dull city life and long for grand adventures in the wilds of the countryside.
My cats Hamilton and Jefferson and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because we love to read, especially books with cats in the storyline. Reading is a great time for all of us to spend time together and relax.
My cats Sophia, Dharma, Shadow and Jayden and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because we love cats and love to read!
My cat Spinach and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because we’re funny and cute!! Our partner would love to see us pickup a book and finally start reading!
My cats Nikolai, Isabelle, and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because we love any and all books about cats.
“My cats GnarlyDude, Mauler, BangerBaby, It, DogMomma and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because the doctors told me I won’t be able to walk again in 2 months. This book will be my first one to read and focus my mind in another direction.
My cat Sugarpuss and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City if plague because reading is one of our favorite activities. Especially when can can sit outside enjoying nature and a good book!
Hi!! FuzzButt, Spot, Snowy, the Fluffy Demon, and I would love a chance to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because a) we’re tired of being stuck at home with a repetitive and depressing 24-hour news cycle, and b) because I haven’t acquired any new books to read in almost a year. We would love an opportunity to sit in bed and curl up with a good story!
Hi Flavien and I, would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because it would be a great book to read together after some hard working days at work saving animal lives as a veterinary technician.
The actual pandemic just increase the amount of work we have with the small amount of staff we are.
My cats kitty, Freddie and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because I always wanted to read fiction about cats who were the main characters. Also, plague is an interesting subject now. There are lots of movies about an apocalypse, and I always wondered what would happen to all the cats if tons of humans disappeared.
My wife and I like dystopian movies and books. This book sounds really different. Kind of reminds me of Watership Down (one of my favorite all-time books). I would probably love this story.
My cats Binx, Peanut, Mouse, Cookie, Ghost, Juno & Jax and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because we love hearing stories about other cats & their adventures!!
My cats Lucy and paulie and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague, because we love to read.
My cat Finnegan and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because I have both degrees in English and in history and I teach. I think this would be an interesting read and augment my ability to discuss history not just in terms of human experience, but in terms of animal experience, as well. Educators are forever meant to be guiding their students to look at as many different perspectives as possible and to just be able to read this fictional account and keep in mind the idea that animals were often blamed for or displaced by historical tragedies would help with my teaching and hopefully create more thoughtful children and adults who will be more involved in being good stewards to our animal companions in the future.
My cats Harley and Tressa and I would love to win a copy of Cats in the City of Plague because they like for mom to read to them about the lives and adventures of other cats around the world.