It’s no secret that we’re big fans of the Cat Ball® … you’ve no doubt heard of them? If not, they’re a business based in the state of Washington, and have sold their cat beds on five continents to fans from all around the world receiving consistently outstanding reviews.
The distinctive Cat Ball® cat bed is hexagonal with two openings. They use a foam inside, creating an unusual pet bed with thick, padded walls. Your cat can hide inside this private cave and watch the busy world go by.
The production team even make their own bias tape to finish the seams of the Cat Ball®, which creates a professional and tailored look. The original, six paneled design has two openings, one is bigger than the other. The small opening one is about 6″ diameter and the larger one is about 10″.
The bed diameter is 17″, the height is about 16″. Their unique six paneled design maintains its shape without any wires or frame. As their company tagline denotes…Your cat will figure it out!
We spoke with owner (Jennifer) of The Cat Ball® and she was kind enough to offer two lucky Purrington Post readers the chance to each WIN one of the original Cat Ball styles. >^..^< Retail value is $55.00.
* Contest Now Closed
This contest ended on December 31st, 2017 and was available to residents of North America only. Entrants simply needed to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
My cats name is [insert your cat’s name] and he/she would love their very own Cat Ball because [insert your cat’s reason]
The winners were chosen by The Cat Ball team from all the correctly submitted entries and contacted by email.
Be sure to check out their website at
My cats name is Kitty and she would love her very own Cat Ball because Kitty wants to romp and snuggle with cushioned comfort! (And she has an excellent design sense.)
My cats name is Midnight and she would love her own Cat Ball because then she could hide from her dog siblings ( and swat them as they walk by) and have her own private spot.
My cats name is Gypsy and she would love her very own Cat Ball because Gypsy loves to snuggle and hide from her TWO BIG brothers.
My cats name is Ezzy and she would love her very own Cat Ball because her Great Pyrenees brother and sister would LOVE for her to quit stealing their beds! They come in and look so very sad when she’s laying on their HUGE beds. They would LOVE for her to have her own bed. Please help siblings settle this problem by choosing Ezzy to win!
My cats name is Mushi and she would love her very own Cat Ball because then she would be able to have her own snuggly bed and not hog Mommy’s bed.
I shelter elderly rescue cats. I have 12 at the moment. They would love this!
I shared on Twitter /
My cats name is Mr. Tom and he would love their very own Cat Ball because he doesn’t have his own bed.
My cats names are Hamilton and Jefferson. They are a year old and love the cube they have to play and sleep in. They would really love a “Cat Ball” because they would love to figure it out. Looks very well made and Hamilton and Jefferson deserve the best. Thanks for the chance.
Our boys would probably have a tussle over who gets to lay in this. It would be fun to see.
My cat’s name is Simon and he would love his very own Cat Ball because he would love a custom made hideaway where he could sneak away and snooze the day away!
My cats name is Rikki Bobbie and he would love his very own Cat Ball because he is a rescued feral with some anxiety issues. Having a place of his own might help with that.
My cats name is Marceline and she would love her very own Cat Ball because she loves to hide inside things
My cats name is Precious and she would love her very own Cat Ball because she sleeps in a cardboard box which definitely isn’t as soft or pretty as these beds are- she loves to explore new and pretty things and wont sleep on the bed with my other 2 kitties.
My cats name is Lily. She is 2 years old. She would love her only Cat Ball because she is all play and very little sleep and could hide from her older sister.
My cat, Tinsel (named after the color of tinsel) would absolutely love this Cat Ball, as it would give him some peace & quiet from our border collie, Spencer. I would place it up high enough so that Tinsel would have solitude & Spencer would just stare!
My cats name is Meilin and she would love her very own Cat Ball because she loves to play at everything, even sleeping.
My cats name is Sherlock and he would loverhis very own Cat Ball because he loves to snuggle up in cozy places. Now that we have snow here in Buffalo, he needs a warm cozy spot for when I am away at work.
My cats’ name are Ghost, Psyco, Juneau, and Ember and they would love to donate the Cat Ball to the local cat rescue that is currently building a shelter for FIV and FeLV cats and nursing kittens. This would be a great addition!!
My cats name is Peep and she would love their very own Cat Ball because she thinks she is the queen of the house and needs one of her own.
My cat’s name is Jasmine and she would love her very own Cat Ball because she would love a cozy, private place to sleep or just relax in and take in the action/sights around her.
My kitty Monkey Boy and his sister Calypso would have a ball with this
My cats name is Zaynee and she would like a cat ball to hide in and provide more entertainment for herself. She is an inside cat and would like more to figure out and play with, maybe lounge in the ball. She is interested in a cat bed thats covered, as she has never been in one like this. This would provide a bit more entertainment during the times we cannot play with her.
My cats names are Butters and Taz. They would love a cat ball because they love places to hide in and sleep!!
I have 4 cats ages 5 to 20 years old, Noel,Mandy Fergie and Bella. They are all amazing cats we love so much and they would love to play inside this ball and roll around in it. I had not seen one before.
My cats name is Mitzi and she would love to have her very own Cat Ball to have a cave to snuggle in with its own escape back hatch in case Luna comes too close. She is not sure if she cares about other cats but she is slowlllly learning to trust!
My cats names are Delilah, Kit Kat, Lilly, Daisy and Dusty – Delilah, our big girl at 23 pounds would LOVE this cat ball. She’s the biggest, most lovable, drooly cat you’ve ever met. Delilah would love this cat ball to nestle and sleep in Bcuz as it stands now she sleep in her ratted and tatted orange box that is seriously falling apart. She has had this box since I got her which was 4 years now, so it’s time for the new. The fresh design is going to have her paws
kneeing away and drooling all over Bcuz she will be so happy that this cat ball would be for her! her! her! The biggest sweetest cat momma you ever met! Delilah will be sure to take pictures so you can see how snug I’m sure she will fit but she loves cosy!
My cats name is Gumdrop and she would love their very own Cat Ball because she is one curious cat, always looking for new adventures and discoveries. This would so suit her!
My cats name is , Noel,Mandy Fergie and Bella and they would love their very own Cat Ball because they are all amazing cats we love so much and they would love to play inside this ball and roll around in it. I had not seen one before.
sorry forgot to include this in what it wrote if you could erase the previous one
My cats name is Izzy and she would love her very own Cat Ball because she loves her privacy.
My cat”s name is Roku he would love his very own Cat Ball because he loves having his quiet time to himself
My name is Rhody. I would love to win the bed. Maybe then, my mom would have a place to sleep. Maybe then she’d leave me alone. Every single night, she lies down to sleep on my bed. She thinks that the bed is hers. This is quite upsetting as you can imagine. I’m sleeping comfortably and she bothers me! Sometimes, she expects me to actually move! The nerve!!! I think that little bed is just the right size for her. Don’t you?
My cats’ names are Misty and Princess and they would love their very own Cat Ball because there can never be too many cozy places to sleep the day away.
My cats name is Ozzie and he would love his very own Cat Ball because he’s very round like a ball and would fit inside purrrfectly!
My cats name is Cody and he would love his very own Cat Ball because he loves sleeping inside of things.
My cat’s name is Mosey and would love this bed because he truly likes to hide away. Usually it’s under the sinks but mom doesn’t like it when he does that. Plus it’s getting cold and would be much more cozy.
Miss Kitty would love this. Skipper would not be able to share this with her and she would then have a “place” of her own.
My cats’ name are Tarifa, Suha, and Elvis, and they would love their very own Cat Ball because they do love snuggling into soft warmth, especially in what passes for “cool” nights here in la-la land!
My cat’s name is Belle and she would love her own cat ball because she loves to snuggle!!
My cats name is Amira she is a tortie, but love to hide in cubbies to plan her next move or just sleep for awhile to restore her energy, she sure would make good use with this.
My cats name is Cookie (short for Oreo), and she would love her very own Cat Ball because her sister, Mouse, keeps stealing Cookie’s warm spot every time Cookie gets up, and won’t give it back!
My cats’ name is romey and he would luv a catball because it would give a another safe kozy hiding place when motorcycles, ambulances or tractors zip up the road; as well as that lawn mower crew in the spring/summer and the plower dude in the winter. As if the weekly vacuum from the humans were not bad enough let alone the pitbull from next door.
My cats name is Tar Baby and she would love her very own Cat Ball because she is 18 years old and a Princess!
My cats name is Furby and he would love their very own Cat Ball because he loves to curl up inside of a scrunched up blanket, this would be so much nicer because it has an opening already.
My cat’s name is Georgia Joon and she would love her very own Cat Ball because she feels she is royalty and should be treated as such!
My cats name is Pieps and she would love her very own Cat Ball because it beats the heck out of a cardboard box.
My cats’ names are Domino and Kathleen and they would love his very own Cat Ball to share because they enjoy cuddling up and taking long naps.
My cats name is Tammy and she would love their very own Cat Ball because this kitty deserves the best cat bed ever!
My cats name is Cuddles, Lucky Girl, Cleo, Squeak, and Oreo and she would love their very own Cat Ball because because this kitty deserves the best cat bed ever.
My cats name is Gem and she would love their very own Cat Ball because she wants to have a place to hide from her adopted younger brother. He is rambunctious and always wants to play—sometimes Gem wants peace and quiet.
My cats names are Smokey, Chesney, Gandolfini, Jakey, and Halloween, and they would love their very own Cat Ball because it would give them something to play hide n seek in, as well as rest in.
My cats’ names are Moko, Arata, and Kotoha and they would love their very own Cat Ball because they all love sleeping in little places. We also have three dogs, so the cats really like a place that they can call their own – no dogs allowed (although they all DO get along, there are just times you can see the cats don’t want to have to deal with the dogs)
My cats name is Luda and he/she would love their very own Cat Ball because the two openings let him see what is going on while the soft sides cushion him and keep him cozy.
My cat Gizmo would love his very own cat ball ,he loves hiding in things and this cat ball would be perfect.
My cat’s name is Simba, and he would love his very own Cat Ball because we try to share my office chair, but Simba wants to sleep in it all day, and I need to use it to work at my computer. Usually, Simba wins since he looks so relaxed and comfortable in my chair, so I end up using a hard, folding chair with a small cushion so he can sleep and be comfortable. I just don’t have the heart to move him when he looks so happy there snoozing. Simba does have his own bed, but wants to be near me, so he picked my chair. I know he would love this cozy bed for him to curl up in and feel safe and be warm.
My cats name is Prim and she would love her very own Cat Ball because she spends so much time being sweet she deserves her own sweet spot to crash out when she hits sweetness overload.
My cats name is Missy and she would love her very own Cat Ball because she loves to curl up into a ball and sleep in cozy places!
My cat’s name is Princess and she would love her very own Cat Ball bed because she’s been sick and doesn’t deserve the suffering she’s going through, the bed would help her rest and her mom is very sad this Christmas
My 2 cats would love a Cat Ball Bed because they love to snuggle up in small spaces.
My cats name is Harley and she would love their very own Cat Ball because she loves to play with her toys and would love to hide in the cat ball.
My cat’s name is Hoodeenee and he would love his very own Cat Ball because he loves to have his own place to snooze instead of sharing with his four brothers.
My cat’s name is Willow and she would love their very own Cat Ball because She would love having this bed to play in, sleep in and attack her cat sibling and humans from
My cat’s name is Stuart and he would love his very own Cat Ball because he is an old man of 16 and needs a place to keep an eye on his domain where he feels safe, warm and comfortable. Stuart might share his Cat Ball with his sisters, Nora and BooBoo, for the occasional nap.
My cats name is Sala and she would love their very own Cat Ball because she likes to have her alone time and she could snuggle up and enjoy it in the Cat Ball.
My cat’s name is Tilley and she would love her very own Cat Ball because she likes to be comforted by small spaces. She is the smallest of our 5 cats and likes special retreats to get away from the others.
My cats name is Teddy and he would love their very own Cat Ball because he is spoiled rotten and most of his friends have one and he doesn’t.
My cats name is Smudge and she would love their very own CatBall because she loves being fully enclosed and hidden!
My cats name is Pinky Moo Moo and she would love their very own Cat Ball because she loves jumping in and out of things and believing that no one can spot her… even though she always leaves her tail sticking out
My cats name is Snickers and she would love their very own Cat Ball because she loves to take naps inside something cuddly.
Hi! My cats names are Max and Olive and they’d love their very own Cat Ball so they can snuggle up together and keep warm all winter!
My cats name is Kimba and she would love her very own Cat Ball because it would so much better than hiding out in the scrap paper bin!
My cat’s name is Missy and she would love her very own Cat Ball because Missy is a bit of a “nervous nelly” and she would appreciate a beautiful, comfortable, and private place to sleep!
My cats name is Prince and he would love their very own Cat Ball because then he would be able to have his very own “castle” to sleep & play in!
My cat’s name is Muffie and she would like her very own Cat Ball because she sleeps a lot.
I have 5 cats, all of them rescues, and I think they’d love this!
My cat’s name is Daisy & she would love her very own Cat Ball because she loves to hide & cuddle. This looks like the perfect way to do this!
My rescue cat’s names are: Missy, Ptolemy, William, Harry, Ginger and Cato and after a rigorous round of chasing and playing with each other, they would love to chill in their very own Cat Ball. Of course, they would have to take turns using it!
My cats name is Jasper and he would LOVE his own Cat Ball because he is a big part Maine Coon and loves to curl up and snooze. He LOVES the color orange so he’d be thrilled.
My cats name is Tux and ever since I found him as a 3 month old feral he loves the cushy INSIDE life. This Cat Ball would make him feel like King of the Hill….or BALL.
My cats names are Harvey and Tequila (creamsicle_cats) and they would love their very own Cat Ball! Harvey is a very big cat so he takes up all the room in the current cat bed. Tequila would love a cat ball she can sleep in without having to squeeze in with the “big boy” lol
My cats name is Pretty Girl and she would love her very own Cat Ball because she would look so pretty in it!
My cat’s name is Saki and she would love her very own Cat Ball because right now her favorite place to sleep is a ratty old shoebox that I don’t have the heart to get rid of…
My cats names are Star, Moonlight, Alize, Sammy, and Midnight and they would love their very own Cat Ball because they all love sleeping in odd shaped places like boxes and things like this bed!
My cat’s name is Harley, she would love the Cat Ball! Her step-brother tends to swat her much of the time! She would love to hide in there and swat him when he passes by
My cats name’s are Gusty & Zephyr and they are 3 4-year-old polydactyl boys of the same litter. Zephyr was diagnosed with Hypertropic Caridiomyopathy & Chronic heart failure at 6 months old. Gusty would love to gift the Cat Ball to his brother Zephyr to provide a new happy, safe, and cozy hiding place as he continues to conquer his lifelong heart disease.
My cats name is Sasha and she would love their very own Cat Ball because she loves to find places to curl up.
My cats would love this cat ball. They love boxes and this would be much better for them.
My cats name’s are Odue and Reggie and they would love their very own Cat Ball because it would be a nice, snuggly place to take a car nap.
My cats name is Bambina and she would live her very own cat ball because it would give her a hiding place where can keep an eye on thing when she’s feeling overwhelmed
My cats’ names are Tinker Belle and Boots and they would love a Cat Ball to sleep in. They like to think they are not seen, but in a place where they can see everything.
my cats name is Phoebe and she would love a cat ball to get away from her sisters for awhile.
My cat’s name is Kitty and she would love their very own Cat Ball because she is a sweet, playful girl that loves to cuddle up, stretch, and have fun. Kitty is a stray we took in a year ago after her mama and papa got eaten by coyotes. We DIYed a bed for her from an old storage basket and used old dog beds while she was a stray outside and every night, we’d find her cuddled up in her spot. Kitty deserves a cozy little oasis of her own now that we have been able to take her in because of our 2 rowdy dogs that love to chase her down and want to play 24/7 haha. To get away, she will often hide in the couches. I can see her rolling around, playing, and also taking a nap in this beautiful cat ball! Thank you for a chance at such a generous giveaway!
My cat daisy would love her own cat ball. She’s always looking for a place to nao
My cats name is Henry he would love his very own Cat Ball because he is a very active cat he could create havoc among the dogs. It would also be a nice place to hide from our dogs even though he loves them both he still likes his alone time.
My cats’ names(9) are Meccailey, Leo, Kileigh, Haywood, India, Dylan, Zak, Percy & Hiway, and they would love to share a Cat Ball because they all love to snuggle!
My cat’s names are Taco, Dixie and Noodles. They’d love a Cat Ball because they could snuggle together, which they love to do!
I have 5 kitties so they all will enjoy it ,Buster , Mittens, Gizmo, JP , Stelfey, would love their very own Cat Ball , could hide from Sophia our dog and from one another just to get away and get peace!
My cat’s name is Amber and she would love a Cat Ball because hiding is her second favorite activity. Eating comes first!
My cats name are Beardsley, Icarus, Chrysanthemum, Miss Minnie, Zinnia, Creamsicle, and Lily and they would love their very own Cat Ball because they love to nap in comfort.
My cat’s name is Chester and he would love his very own Cat Ball because he likes to sleep in cozy spaces and the Cat Ball looks to be cozy and easy in/out and that would be perfect for him!
My cats name is Nala and she would love her very own Cat Ball because naps are her favorite thing ever! After she wears herself out by running and chasing her favorite mouse toy she loves to curl up in a ball and nap
My cats are Kitty Sunshine and Hemingway Rose and Hemingway Rose would LOVE to win a Cat Ball bc I recently adopted Hemi on August 15,2017 and she has been through SO very much in her little life. She’s very sick at the moment and I’d love to surprise her with one!
My cats are named Bailey and Chili and they would love their very own Cat Ball because they’re both fans of playing, hiding AND sleeping, and they saw that you can do all three of these things on @thecatball’s Instagram page
My cats name is Zeke and he would love his very own Cat Ball because he loves investigating new places to crawl inside and nap, and this looks so cute and comfy
My cat’s name is Maizey. Maizey is a Bengal I rescued that had been declawed. Maizey doesn’t always like the other cats in the house getting close to her- she would love a cat ball because she could hang out yet be mostly surrounded by the ball making her feel safe.
My cats name is Beau and he would love their very own Cat Ball because he’s a shy boy around other cats, but likes to be in the room with everyone, so this would be perfect for him to feel safe while also socializing with everyone.
My cats name is Ollie and he would love their very own Cat Ball because even A-Holes need comfy spots to sleep.
My cats names are Patsy & Eddie and they would love their very own Cat Ball to hide from one another!
y cats name is Cletus and he/she would love their very own Cat Ball because he’s an older, playful cat that loves everyone and everything. He’s not shy and he’s been a healthy one with no problems. He’s over 18 now and keeps up with the younger ones. He’s got so much love and deserves the same in return.
All of my rescue cats’ names are: Socks, Jasmine, Anastashia, Montique, Butch, Cassidy, Turk, Tigger, Sunny, Morley, Sebastian, Mr. T, Mittens, Stormy and Kitkit. They all would like their own Cat Ball; so they could retreat from each other for awhile; and yet, know where they all are while resting in peace.
My cats name is Norma and she would love her very own Cat Ball because it would be nice and cosy for her cat naps in the winter, she’d be snug as a bug in a rug!
My cats name is Daisy and she would love their very own Cat Ball because cozy is her happy place!
My cat Peaches would love his very own Cat Ball because he is getting older, and possibly arthritic, and likes to be warm and cozy.
My name is Oakley and I would love my very own cat ball because I could have so much fun in it.

I could pretend to be a snowball and roll around, or a bowling ball and I could use my brothers as the pins or even a big ball of cheese rolling down the hill and if I bump into my humans I’ll just say “ that’s how I roll”
Plus and added bonus if when I’m tired from all my adventures I can just curl up and go to sleep
My cats names are Casper, Wendy, Boo and Frankie, twelve week old rescue kittens, and they would love a Cat Ball to snuggle up and nap in after running around like wild cats for hours!
My cat’s name is Empress Catherine Priscilla Mowrey and she would like her own cat ball to nap in because at age 17 she is the grand dame of the household and ready to live life in style and comfort. She also lives with 14 other felines some are inside and four live outside but all she sees falls under her powerful paws.
My cats name is Snickers and she would love their very own Cat Ball because she loves to cuddle up for her midday nap, tunneled in a blanket or a small box.
My cats name is Thaddeus and he would love their very own Cat Ball because he needs a bed for the winter. He is cold all the time and I’m unable to afford a warming bed for him.
Hello, my cat’s name is Merlin and he would love a Cat Ball. He needs a special place to conjure up spells where his brother Mouse will not find him. Although he may be willing to share on a cold winters night.
Hello my cat’s names are Twinkie, Dawbie, Winkie, and Skittles. Twinkie is the only female of the cats and will not leave my bedroom. She would love this unique and creative Cat Ball to play in, to snuggle up in, and have as a bed she could call her own.
My cats names are Ava Marie & Fancy Pants and they would love their very own Cat Ball because then they could both play in it together & they really love being together.
My cats name is Misty Dawn and she would love their very own Cat Ball because She is elderly and is quite skittish around the other animals in the house.
My kitty’s name is “Mawatha”. She would love her very own Cat Ball® because her regular 9 to 5 job involves guarding the Home Range while her Cat Mama is away working to put “Kibble in the Bowl and Litter in the Box”. While Mawatha readily accepts her duties, which include a lot of cat napping, she needs a comfortable guard post that allows her a good view forward when her sensitive kitty ear wakens an alert kitty eye, but that also provides for an exit strategy if danger approaches. The Cat Ball®, with its large front entrance, and smaller, but practical back door, would be ideal!
Mawatha is a short-hair domestic Kalico Kitty and would love a Cat Ball® that provides a suitable backdrop for her wonderful patterning. (Working guard cat or no, she considers herself a Fashionable Kitty!)