Last year we published some exclusive sketches of the CAPTAIN GINGER comic book, the space opera featuring cats in space. This month, AHOY Comics is publishing the graphic novel trade paperback which collects the entire story so far.
Now in one volume: the acclaimed tale of a starship run by cats!

The intrepid Captain Ginger struggles to keep his fellow felines united against a hostile universe—and their own worst feline instincts, too. Featuring the entire original miniseries, plus two rare extra stories and a sketchbook of character designs.

Introduction by Walter Simonson (Thor, Ragnarok) who says, “This book is steeped in cat lore, cat behavior, and cat knowledge.” Other comments include…
“So wonderfully trippy and science fiction-y it reminds readers what it is about sci-fi that they love.” – Adventures in Poor Taste
Here’s a quote from writer Stuart Moore: “I love cats—even that stupid one cramming himself right now into my paper-recycling box, which you no longer fit into, Rocko! I cooked up CAPTAIN GINGER specifically for artist June Brigman, who loves cats at least as much as I do.”

“Can you imagine your cat running a spaceship? Of course you can’t—the sweet little guy would just scratch up all the controls and then run around in circles until you fed him. But what if all nine of his lives depended on it? That’s the premise behind CAPTAIN GINGER. If you love cats too, I hope you’ll give our book a try.” – Stuart Moore.
We’re delighted to offer 10 copies of CAPTAIN GINGER for ten lucky Purrington Post readers to WIN!

* Contest Now Closed
This contest ended on July 9th, 2019 and was available to U.S. residents only. To enter you needed to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
My cat’s name is [insert your cat’s name] and if he/she were part of a starship crew they’d probably run [insert the job your cat would likely be doing]
The 10 winners were chosen by the AHOY Comics team from all the correctly submitted entries, and contacted by email
CAPTAIN GINGER was written by Stuart Moore with artists June Brigman, Roy Richardson and Veronica Gandini.
My cat’s name is Mama’s Boy and if he were part of a starship crew they’d probably run out of food!
My cat’s names are Grey Kitty & White Kitty and if he/she were part of a starship crew they’d probably run Engineering, constantly battling to be the chief technical officer all the while allowing the ship to fall into disrepair.
My cat’s name is Snorkel and if he were part of a starship crew they’d probably run the Rat Zapper because we don’t like Rats.
My cat’s name is Claire and if she were part of a starship crew she would definitely be in command!!
My cat’s name is Harper and if he were part of a starship crew he would probably be ship’s security.
My cat’s name is Nettie and if she were part of a starship crew they’d probably run the entire ship, because she thinks she’s royalty!
My cats name is Maddie, And if he was part of a starship crew, he would definitely be in command. I also believe that he would have his trusty sidekick for ideas
My cat’s name is Boris and if he were part of a starship crew he’d probably run the ship’s saloon because he’s very friendly and loves meeting people!
My cat’s name is Xuxa and if she were part of a starship crew they’d probably run whatever part of the ship requires the least amount of effort to maintain, preferrably so little that she can spend most of her time napping.
My cat’s name is Paige and if he/she were part of a starship crew they’d probably run to the Galley no job just telling the cook to put the food in the bowl!
My cat’s name is Buffy and if he were part of a starship crew, he probably would take over the running of the
starship crew as he is frisky , young and wants to do right by the ship !
My cat’s names are Cami, Max and Garfield and if they were part of a starship crew they’d probably run the ship, Cami as Captain, Max as her first Mate, and Garfield, she’d be the ships cuddling counselor.
My cat’s name is Peter and if she were part of a starship crew they’d probably run the main computer station cause she likes hitting the keys and sending coded cat messages.
My cat’s name is Brix and if she were part of a starship crew she would probably run the joint. She’s alpha in our household, despite being younger and smaller than the dudes!
My cat’s name is Orion and if he were part of a starship crew, they’d probably run the medical department due to his excellent bedside manner, his compassion and his knack for interpreting cat scans.
My cat’s name is Wez, and if she were part of a starship crew, she and her partner in crime, Cthulhu, could probably run a very lucrative, illegal, mahjong den, in a secret room at the back of the holo-deck.
My cat’s names are Tarifa, Suha, and Elvis, and if they were part of a starship crew they’d probably run around the main deck searching for hidden stashes of silvervine.
My cat’s name is Boopy and if he were part of a spaceship crew he would be in charge of converting litter box waste into spaceship fuel.
My Cat’s name is Penny & if she were part of a starship crew they’d probably run an eye clinic.(she has 1 eye)
My cat’s name is Rufus and if he were part of a starship crew, he would run the sickbay. A handsome, ginger gentleman with the experience of many years, the physique of a back alley tough, a tattered ear, a rumbling purr and gentle paws, Rufus rarely loses a patient. And he specializes in care of the hearts of his lovely queen crew mates.
My cat’s name is April and if she were part of a starship crew, she’d run the captain out on a rail and take his job.
My cat’s name is Bunbun and would run any investigation on or off the ship.
My cats names are Domino and Kathleen and if they were part of a starship crew they’d probably run the sleep chamber and kitchen galley!
My cat’s name is Tuffi Bug and she would be the medical coordinator to over see the care of wounded soldiers coming in for care.
My cats names are Eustis, Zoe and Gonzo. If they were part of a starship crew, Eustis would be captain, Gonzo would be a Star-trek Redshirt and Zoe would some annoying thing like Dr. Smith from Lost in Space.
My chonk’s name is Franklin and on a starship crew, he’d be loafer in chief.
My cat’s name is Fred and if he were part of a starship crewshe would definitely be in charge of the Mess Hall!
My cat’s name is Lee and if he were part of a starship crew he’d probably run the astral observatory.
My cat’s name is Luci(feria) and if she were part of a starship crew they’d probably run the whole show. She’s a boss!
My other cat’s name is Jesus nd if he were part of a starship crew they’d probably run whatever he was told to run. Ideally the laundry because warm blankets and naps.
My cat’s name is Odie and if he were part of a starship crew he’d probably run the galley and keep everyone well nourishes and supplied with catnip.
My cat’s name is Osiris, and if he was part of a starship crew, he would probably run the bar. Catnip and cream for everyone.
I rescue cats and they would take over the ship .
My cat’s name is Kitty and if she were part of a starship crew she would probably get excited when she hears aliens or squirrels scampering outside the ship!
My cat’s name is Lucy and if she was part of a Starship crew she would probably lay around and be lazy all day except for when she got to go outside and then she would run the universe
My cat’s name is Bandit, and if she were part of a Starship crew, she would probably be in charge of the ship’s stores & gally because my plump pumpkin never misses an opportunity to eat!
My cat’s name is Jake and if he was part of a starship crew he would probably run the kitchen!!!
My cat’s name is aurora and if she were part of a starship crew she would be in charge of the meal planning and food prep for the crew. She loves all the good, all the time!
My cat’s name is Ricky and if he were part of a Starship crew, he would run the recreation center.
My cat’s name is Jazz and if she were part of a starship crew they’d probably run Security. She always has to know everything that’s going on.
My cat’s name is Snickers and if she were part of a starship crew she’d probably run the schedule because she’s always telling me when it’s breakfast, dinner, time to go to bed, time to get up, time to play and time to nap.
My cat’s name is Riki Tiki and if she were part of a starship crew they’d probably run the kitchen because she is a connoisseur of all things food!
My cat’s name is Seurat and if he were part of a starship crew, he’d probably run the supply department, because he likes to make sure there are plenty of things on board to meet his food, comfort and entertainment needs (and those of others as well. Perhaps.).
My cat’s name is CK and if she were part of a starship crew they’d probably run the Teeth and Claws mission. Her teeth and claws are sharp and she has no fear!
My ginger cat’s name is Sparkey and if he were part of a starship crew he’d probably run security, because he’s ALWAYS sitting in the kitchen window watching the neighbors and all other goings on outside.
My cat’s name is Murphy and if he were part of a starship crew he’d probably run the Feline Civilian Liaison Division. Murphy would be the POC (point of contact) should diplomatic negotiations need to occur. He is very good at Feline/Canine American negotiations.
My oldest cat’s name is Oreo ( but we call him Cookie), and he would love to be on a starship. He would be in charge of navigation ( that is, looking out the ports at the stars and planets). He’d have our other 6 cats (Truman, Scout, Roo, Nod, Jimmy, and Fuzz) actually do all the work!
My cat’s name is Ahab, and if he were in a starship, he would be running amok in the ship’s galley.
My cat’s name is Lucy, and if she were part of a starship’s crew she be in Med Bay, experimenting with long duration napping (necessary for long trips after al).
My cat’s name is Houdini, and if he were part of a starship crew, he’d probably be in charge of maintaining order, on the ship. Houdini is able to mediate, negotiate, (and even use his weight) to split up a fight, and to maintain peace among his shipmates. He’s a lover, not a fighter. >^..^<
My cat’s name is Furby, and if he were part of a starship crew, he would definitely be at the science station. He’s a regular Mr. Spock – calm, rational, always ready to investigate and seek out new experiences. He even manages the cocked eyebrow!
‘Cosmo’ would be Captain Ginger’s XO…our colony of 27 cats of all sizes and breeds DO NOT challenge her
authority. Cool under pressure, Cosmo would be the ultimate ‘go to’ cat under pressure in a ‘galaxy far, far
My cat’s name is Daisy and if she were part of a starship crew she’d probably be the Captain!! She is very bossy and loves adventure!
My cat’s name is Xena (Warrior Princess0and if she were part of a starship crew she would probably run the Away Team that transports down to Planet Kitchen and chases off the aggressive and greedy Fly People who were trying to take over the planet.
My cats name is Cassius and he would find the best places to nap and hide.
My cat’s name is Cassidy and if she were part of a starship crew she’d probably be the alarm engineer because she has the LOUDEST meow ever! Many, many cat people have been stunned by the decibels she has been capable of!
My cats’ names are Sampson and Sookie and if they were part of a starship crew they’d probably run Surveillance-Sampson is always looking for something and Sookie would be Ship Counselor and sitting with her paws crossed waiting to help crewmates out.
My cat’s name is Eclipse and if he were part of a starship crew he’d probably run the chow hall because he loves to eat, eat, eat!!!!
My cat’s name is Evenstar and if she were part of a starship crew she’d probably run the stealth technology (or “cloaking “) station. Evenstar’s favorite game is to hide and then leap out to startle a passing human. The louder the ensuing shriek, the higher her pleasure.
My cat is Bucky who is about 18 years old and would probably sleep through the whole voyage.
My cat’s name is Fluffy the UNfluffy and if he were part of a starship crew he’d probably run the weapons department and run into trouble because he doesn’t know when to stop being the comic relief even when he’s in or under attack mode.
My cat’s name is Otto and he would be the Chef! ! He is completely and totally food motivated. The door replicators would be filled with diverse and good tasting and foul smelling feline delicacies. He would even supply an on demand canine menu to accommodate any cross-species ambassadorial event
My cat’s name is Henry. And if he were part of a Starship crew, he’d probably run for Pawlitics. He’d Legalize Catnip, Rebuild our crumbling Cat Perches, Raise the Minimum Treats, Universal Head Massages, End Bath Brutality, Expand Box Security, Overturn the Litter Box and End the War on Dogs!
My cat’s name is Bella and if she were part of a starship crew she’d probably run the exploration department. She loves to investigate and play with anything she can get her paws on.
My cats’s name Is Button and if he were part of a starship crew he’d probably run the Catnip Blaster!
Shoot any approaching enemies with the Catnip Blaster to subdue them and bend them to your will. You can do whatever you want because they will be busy with the Catnip!
More importantly, Button loves catnip and will insist on working with it!!!
Captain Button, Catnip Blaster
My cat’s name is Milky and if he were part of a starship crew he’d probably run the chow hall megahorn because he’s got the loudest meow when it comes time to eat.
My cat’s name is Eddie and if she were part of a starship crew they’d probably run away! No, seriously, she’d properly run the command centre, because world domination is her number one goal.