It’s obvious that cats have life figured out way better than us humans. If only there was a way we could tap into their genius…
The Ask Your Cat Deck finally gives humans access to a cat’s limitless brilliance. Each card offers a different answer to life’s burning questions. Now you can tap into your cat’s genius with these 50 answer cards loaded with cattitude.
Need more proof? Check out these quotes from people who have the cards already and love them!
- “As a Certified Crazy Cat Lady (CCCL), this card deck is so spot on that it might be written by actual cats! The humor in the card responses is sharper than my cats’ claws!” -Devin D.
- “This deck helped me understand that my cat is just like one opposable thumb away from evolving into a serial killer…and I appreciate that.” -Jeff N.
- “My cat Louie chewed up my first deck. Was he afraid that I’d finally learn all of his cat secrets? I think I’ve just talked myself into getting another deck!” -Jill H.
- “I love my Ask Your Cat Deck so much because I feel like I’m getting my cat’s wisdom without any high maintenance payback.” -Maria N.
- “These cards are a riot! The brutal honesty is strangely comforting, and it’s become my new go-to for guidance and a good laugh. A must-have for all cat lovers.” -Kelly E.
- “This deck is a real treat for both humans and their feline overlords. Highly recommended for a good laugh and some kitty wisdom!” -Jacqueline W.
- “This deck is scary accurate. In fact, my cat is threatening to sue.” -Mari W.
How about these two quotes from celebrity cat lovers:
Check out the video below for a cat’s purrspective on how the cards work:
We are so excited to announce that creator (Wendy Miller) kindly offered us 3 decks of Ask Your Cat for three lucky Purrington Post readers to WIN! How pawsome is that!
This contest ended on February 20th, 2024 and was available to U.S. residents only. To enter you simply had to submit a comment in our “Leave a Reply” section at the bottom of this page saying:
My cats [names of your cats] and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is [your question]
The 3 winners were chosen by the Ask Your Cat team from all the correctly submitted entries and contacted by email.
Mini Bio
The creator of “Ask Your Cat” is Wendy Miller – Founder and Chief Creative Weirdo of Card To Believe LLC. A life-long animal lover, during a meditation she was once visited by a cat who inspired her to create a different answer deck that’s a tribute to the smartest beings on earth, Cats. Wendy knew she was onto something special when her team previewed the deck at CatCon and got non-stop love. Since then, the Ask Your Cat Kickstarter was fully funded in just five days! Wendy even donates a portion of all profits from the card deck sales to support cat charities.
My cat Knuckles and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask him is, why are you so terrified of my electric toothbrush?
My cats Gus Gus and Opal and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is why do my cats sound like a ventriloquist yodeling when they see a bird outside the window?
My cats Jake, Ali and Agatha and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is what are the words to the song of your people so I can sing along.
My cats Cleo & Oliver and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is why are you, Oliver, so fascinated with the Swiffer Sweeper?
My cat Topaz and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask him is, why are you so why do you always need to be on the kitchen table?
My cats names are Pie and Lola and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask them is that a ghost you’re staring at or is it a conspiracy to freak me out because you think it’s funny?
My cats Lily & Willow and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask Lily is “Why are you galloping up and down the hall at 3AM?” and Willow “What’s with all the screaming MEOWs?”
My cat Zack and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask him is, why do you keep biting my feet?
My cats Pooky, Elsa, Olaf, Mal, BingBong, & Lilo and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is “Why do you furry weirdos love me so much?”.
My cats, Tessa, Maisy, and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask them is why do the scratch incessantly on walls and doors?
My cats Ivy & Fergus and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is, “Why don’t you cuddle each other more?”
My cats Flora, Eddie & Honey and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is, is there anything else we can get you, your majesties ?
My cats sunny and Casper and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask Sunny is if she misses me when I petsit elsewhere? She usually sticks to me when I’m back home but she’s always with my parents when I’m gone.
My cats Gabe and Thor, and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask them is … Thor (who weighs 9#), why are you such a bully to Gabe (who is 25#)?
My cat Nala and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is, Nala do you really need a snack at 4 am every morning?
My cats Legs, Bad Lad, Dexter, Indiana, Kitten and Ninja and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is are you happy cats, because we love you so much, and as your slaves, we want to please your purry bottoms
My cat’s name is Remi and the first question I would ask her is why she won’t wear the adorable Valentine’s outfit bought her. (and please get down off the top of the refrigerator)
The hair follicles on humans and animals send sensory signals to the brain. Cat’s are all hair. The sensation of items on their body overstimulates their brain and cause the sensation of immobility. Animals are not meant for clothing.
My cats Frex, Wyld, Griz and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is “Griz, why are you afraid of my sneezes?”
My cat’s name is Honey and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is Why do you wake up from any place in the house, any time of day or night, when I have a cup of coffee around, and put your face into it?
My cat Oz and I would love to win a deck of Ask Yout Cat cards and the first question I would ask him is What Do You Want?????
Me and my 3 cats, KitKat, Ozzieman and Mouse would love to win a deck of the cards. They talk to me quiet a bit and usually it’s Feed Me or Give me Treats!
My cats, Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot and Abby, and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is what are y’all staring at in the corner of the living room?
My cat’s name is Oliver and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck. The first question I’d ask is why he likes to knock stuff down when I’m asleep.
Those cards and pins are a hoot!
My cats Liam, Elizabeth and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is, Is there anything you need that I’m not giving you?
Our two seniors, Sneaky Pete and Barn E. Cat 18 and 17yo. are rescues.
They love to play.
Usually Mexican train.
We anxiously await your response and one deck of cards
My cats , Bunny , Butter , Bubba , Bugs and Kiki would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck and the first question I would ask us “ why can’t you all just get along?”
My cats Waldo, Yoyo, Troyka, and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is “What are you staring at in the corner?”.
My cats Double, Trouble, Ninja, Monkey, Lynx, Turk, Zoe and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is why Zoe feels it is necessary to kill all the birds and lizards and leaves the mice to live.
My cats Geronimo and Shanaynay I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is why does Shanaynay always sit in the kitchen by herself and meow very loudly?
My cats Jasmine and Kenya and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is “Kenya what is it that you are saying so nonstop some mornings?!”
My kitties, Django, Shiznitz and Winter all want to win the book, but they don’t want to share. The first question I would ask them is “Why do you always fight over that space on my desk?”
My cats Ralph, Alice, TomTom and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is why the zoomies at 3:00am? You sound like a herd of elephants escaped the zoo!
My cats names are Queso, Bella, Whiskers, Anarchy(Annie) & Coraline Jones. The first question I would ask is if they are plotting to overthrow the world when they all get together & they just stare at people.
My cats Domino and Kathleen and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is what really goes on inside your brain!
My cats Fred & Sophie and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is which wet cat food do you prefer?
I’ve got a hoard but would love to give it a try.
My cats, Marley and Buddie, and I would like to enter to win a “Ask your cat” deck and my first question would be “why do you guys insist on sitting on my computer?”
I have two cats, Rapunzel and Rocky. They have completely different personalities. Would love to win the Cat Deck
My cats Pandy, Baby Girl, Shadow and Peg and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is do you love us as much as we love you?
My cats — Felicity, Vanna Ballerina, and Barnaby Carson BarnCat — and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck! The first question I would ask is do you like our group call-and-response sing-alongs, or are you just trying to sing over me?
My cats Luna, Stella, and Cosmo, and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is why doesn’t my cat give me a three second warning before detonating her ‘murder button’.
My cat, Jazzee, and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is why do you hate getting your claws trimmed?
My cat Gumdrop and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is When is my next treat?
My cats Wolfgang, Nala & Jolene and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is Wolfgang are you Crouton reincarnated? I think my other two fur babies can confirm via their conversations in kitty language that Mommy doesn’t understand.
My cat Baxter and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is do you like sharing the bed with me at night?
My cats Dottie, Tanji, Charlie and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is: Do y’all want to help foster more kittens?
My cats Trixie and Sourdough and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is “Is it treat time yet?”
My cats Ziva, Kenmore, Oliver, Dexter and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck! The first question I would ask is why don’t you like the music that I play?
My cat Mew and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is what order do you like to eat your food in, because you act like something is your favorite, but then turn your nose up at it the next time I put it out for you? Do I need to feed them to you consecutively, or do you like the way I change up the flavors for you now?
My cats Infinity, Destiny, Harley, Pixie, Daisy, Roxy, Lovey, Simba and Peppa and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is the most relaxing thing your cats enjoy.
My cats Ms. Caity Sunshine and Mr. Frisky Business and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is why do my kitties drag my hair ties off of the bathroom counter to bat all over the house while they completely ignore all of the “cat toys” that I feel that I keep having to spend money on?
My cat, Lady Elvendork, and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is why do you yowl like you have your foot caught in a bear trap when I relax with my coffee in the morning and stop when I say “What’s the matter boobala? Well, come over here then my pooh my pooh”?
My cats, Roxi and Asia, and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is, “What was your previous home like?”
Tasha and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat Deck. First, I would ask her why the trash she fishes out of the bin is so much more fun to play with than her toys.
My cats Cashmere and Persistent and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is do you feel that this is really your home
My cats, Ruby, Sunny and all the rest and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is: Do you mind when I kiss your nose?
My cat, Maggie, and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat Deck, and the first question I would ask is, ” Why do you like to look at the world upside down?”.
Misty Cat …….had a touch of siamese in her. I want to know which planet was her original home.
My cats Jack, Brad, Eddie, Liebe and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is what is one thing I could do to improve your kitty lives?
My cat Tiggy and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck and the first question I would ask is: Why do you try and trip me when I come out to feed you?
I found two kittens in my backyard and brought them inside. Their names are Ninjin and Tomo and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is will these kittens share their energy with me?
Lois (my cat) and I would love to win.
My cats Cosima and Orion and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is why did you hit your brother at every meal even though he’s done nothing to you.
My cats name is Roxy and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask Why do you you bite my ankles when I’m doing dishes?
My cats names are LaFonda, Rosie, Mickey, Minnie, Maxie, and Tiger, and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is why don’t you guys call on the Cat Gods to let me win the lotto, so that I could buy you ALL THE TOYS, ALL THE TREATS, and build you the best catio that ever was built?!
My cats brad and Dan and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is why did you race really fast jump spin and run in the opposite direction
My cat Jemma and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is why do you try and steal all the other cats wet food before eating your own?
My cat Rexi and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is Will this *finally* be the year you acknowledge me as your humble servant, my Cat Queen?
My cats Mama Bella, Lenny & Squiggy, Mango & Miss Violet and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is what goes on here when we’re not home?
My cat Luke and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is why do you go into every litter box before choosing which one to use?
My cats, Sam, Sadie and Vienna, and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is “Why can’t Sadie and Vienna get along better?”
My cats Polly, Lucy, and Darrell and I would love to win and ask your cat deck of cards the first question I would ask them at least Lucy and Polly why are you so mean to Darrell
My 3 cats *

1. Sasha Sissy JazPurr MsT
2. Tucker Wolverine
3. Ringo Lopez El Diablo Fluffy Butt
and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is “Why do you sleep all day then overnight you crazy play and demand attention?”
*what cat has only 1 name?

My cat Mia and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is do you enjoy your new sweater for winter?
My cats, Cleo, Barney and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is “Barney, why do you insist smacking me in the face every. single. morning. before my alarm goes off?! You know I’m going to get up + feed you straight away, regardless of whether you hit me or not!” D:
My cats, Hamilton and Jefferson, I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is do you like each other or just tolerate each other?
Noodle loves being asked questions, it’s one of his favorite things.
My cats, Viola, Buckaroo and Carl and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is are you happy?
My cat’s name is Charlie and I would love to ask him why he always pukes in sets of threes….. three times in a row. always.
My cat Scarlett and I would like to win this card deck. Perhaps I can find out what you see on the wall when I open the refrigerator door!
My cats name is Willow and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is when will you finally sit on our laps?
I would love to win this game to play with my grandchildren
My cats Cappuccino and Cinnamon and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is “is there anything I can do to make you happier?”
My cats Meccailey, Ryder, Beef and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is do we ever get it right when we narrate your thoughts?
My cats Pansy and Basil and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is “How do you know it is exactly 30 minutes before the alarm clock will go off, when you come jump on the bed and wake me up for kitty breakfast?”
My cat squeakers and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is why does she climb up on my dresser and right when I say “No!” She sweeps it right off?
My cat Dot and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is why do you chew on the plastic flowers?
My cat Floyd and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is there anything I can do to make you even happier?
My cats Scout, Sammy Jo and Elsa and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is, “Should we adopt a kitten?”
My cats Gypsie, Tallulah, Rotten and i would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck and the first question I would ask is, Do you have an accent?
my cat luna would love to win an ask your cat deck. she is such a diva, i guess being half maine cooon makes think that way. we have several other cats but she rules the house.
I am sorry I don’t know if my if my post got posted. my cat luna would love the cat deck. she is half maine coon and rules the house as we have several other cats. she has her own Personality. if she wants loving she will give it to you but when she has had enough she lets you know. Why do the cats want kisses all the time?
My cats Wilbur, Tolliver, Sprite, Elmer, Alfie, Gisele and Lennox and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is are you happy?
My cats Charles and Joe and I would love to win an Ask Your Cat deck, and the first question I would ask is, do you guys like the names we gave you?