9 Reasons Tuxedo Cats Rock!

Tuxedo cats are those awesome felines who have stark black and white markings resembling men’s formal wear. No other cat is as dramatic as a tuxie dressed in his bib and tucker. Some tuxies wear spats or white boots. They are truly the gentlemen of the cat color patterns. There are also female tuxedo cats who have the same wonderful marking plus the distinctive personality traits.


These felines with their formal wear coloring, are the only cats admitted into the Metropolitan Opera, and have been the themes of awesome musicals. Tuxedo cats were the cats of choice kept by William Shakespeare, Beethoven, and Sir Isaac Newton.

These illustrious gentlemen knew that these clever little trouble-makers with their unerring sense of mischief and loving nature, were the perfect companions and muses for creativity.

Watch for Mr. Mistoffeles in “Cats.” He is one of the most famous tuxedo-clad kitties. And of course, Sylvester the Cat and Felix of cartoon fame also wore tuxes.  And if you were to peruse pictures of the Clinton White House, you will see Socks, who wore a tux and sat quietly under chairs during formal dinners.


Genetically tuxies are piebald or bi-colored cats. They are black with white patches on their paws, chest, throat, belly, and chin. You may also find tuxies sporting white faces along with their distinctive bow tie. If you own a tuxie, you will declare to the world that your pet is even-tempered, affectionate and very intelligent. They also are the boss of the house.

People often ask “is a tuxedo cat a breed?”  To find out read our in-depth article A Tribute to Tuxedo Cats

Let’s face it, tuxies are dressed to the nines all the time. They don’t care what you look like; they just know they are always looking sharp.  In fact, most love to have their pictures taken and are extremely photogenic.

Tuxedo cats have their own distinct personalities. They claim areas of the house for their own and will often drag a blanket and toys to their special spot. They are spunky, care for their owners, and are very affectionate.

Following are 9 compelling reasons to own a tuxie, if you don’t already:

#1.  Tuxedo cats are extremely intelligent

Some say they are more intelligent than regular cats. There may be an intelligence difference of as much as 200% between a tuxedo and a regular cat. A 200% intelligence margin is a statistic thrown around by tuxedo cat owners.  How can you doubt the intelligence of a tuxedo cat?  The tuxedo cat has ruled the Kit-Cat Clock Company for 81 years. This beloved keeper of time, has graced homes. Now this classy tuxie had both intelligence and staying power.


Their intelligence makes them born leaders. In the 2012 election season a tuxie named Tuxedo Stan campaigned for mayor of Halifax, Canada. Stan was a visible champion of Halifax’s stray cat problem and advocated a city-sponsored spay/neuter and cat care program to help his constituents.

#2. Tuxedo cats have several remarkable traits

They become invisible on the vernal or diurnal equinox. They often have open eyes at birth. They are the best swimmers in the cat family, even though they hate water.


Give your tuxedo cat a mathematical problem, single digits only, please, and they will tap out the answers. Did you know your tuxedo cat can see infrared light?

#3.  Tuxies have unique genes giving them that distinctive bi-colored look

You can also see cats of other coloring, not just black and white, who have tuxedo markings. However, according to tuxie owners, these different colored tux cats are somewhat inferior.


Their cool coat patterns come from the gene for white spotting that is dominant and dramatically masks the cat’s true color in the areas where white happens. If you happen to find a tuxedo cat that sports a black patch on a white chest these cats are black tie cats. They are very lucky and will bring you wealth and amusement.

Tuxedo kittens are among the most adorable pets on the face of the earth. They are friendly and outgoing and tend to wander less than other kittens. This breed is very laid-back. The Tuxie kitten is a miniature adult. They already have the marking of their adulthood. Take a Tuxedo kitten to the theater; you will be the talk of the event.

#4.  Like all black cats, they were once worshiped in ancient Egypt

If you owned a black cat with tuxedo markings, you had tremendous luck and were sought after for special ceremonies.


Do understand that you don’t really own a tuxedo cat; they own you!

#5.  Tuxies are Jellicle cats

Jellicle cats come from the T.S. Elliot poem “The Song of the Jellicles” and is also a popular the Broadway musical “Cats” based on Mr. Elliot’s book.


Jellicles can come in all different colors, but the most awesome of these Jellicle cats is the tuxedo.

#6.  Tuxedo cats always match perfectly with your décor or clothing

Black and white are the perfect complementary colors. With a tuxedo cat on your lap, you will be considered the height of fashion.


These types of cats make you look elegant. Choose a tuxie that will complement your personality and see your friends flock to your home just to bask in the ambiance.

#7.  Tuxies are uber cuddly and love to nestle in your favorite sweater

Tuxedos particularly love to snuggle up in anything cashmere…so be sure to purchase a sweater that is cashmere to keep her happy.


Now who wouldn’t want to cuddle this beauty?

#8.  Tuxedo cats are deep thinkers

Perhaps they ponder deep philosophic questions. Cat owners often imagine that their Tuxedo cats love to write poetry and dramatic novels in their heads.

Have you ever seen a tuxedo sleeping in the sun? His tail twitches and his eyes blink. Yes, he is probably writing a poem.

#9.  Tuxedo cats are just plain good for your mental and physical health!

They provide endless snuggles when you are feeling blue. Cats tend to infuse you with kitty warmth, and their rumbly purrs are pure therapy. Their bedside manner is without match.  Your tuxedo will not get annoyed with your whining when you are ill. They will cater to your sleeping whims and cuddle right up to you. They will listen to your complaints all day long; just don’t miss their mealtimes. They really don’t like sneezes and coughs. They are highly protective of their own immune systems, and will run away if you are having a sneezing or coughing fit.


Tuxedo kitties have a special language to communicate between themselves. Perhaps it is based on body language or telepathy. Their brains are smaller than ours, but these little brains are packed full of intelligence and mischief.

Shower your tuxies with love and attention, and they will more than return the favor!



  1. Brad July 21, 2015
    • Beth Kramerhoopes September 8, 2016
    • Emma October 3, 2018
      • Sandy Wiedman August 30, 2019
    • ASHLEY & ROCKY SIMMONS March 1, 2019
      • Eidy Monteclaro March 30, 2020
        • Emma Waters July 15, 2020
    • Alex July 9, 2019
    • Port Arthur August 5, 2019
      • louise allan November 21, 2019
    • Hi July 28, 2020
  2. elizabeth kerr September 9, 2015
  3. Brenda April 7, 2016
    • mary hudgins August 31, 2016
      • Katnapper January 14, 2017
        • alina July 4, 2017
        • Jake Purdy July 23, 2017
          • Jake Purdy July 23, 2017
          • Anushka October 23, 2017
          • Thelma November 5, 2017
          • john November 11, 2017
          • Cathy Corey March 6, 2018
          • Cathy H August 19, 2018
          • celestine creech September 18, 2018
          • amacker bullwinkle February 25, 2019
          • Lillian Franco January 24, 2020
        • Denise July 10, 2018
        • Belinda May 24, 2019
      • B robinson January 29, 2017
      • Qendy January 16, 2019
    • Anushka October 23, 2017
    • Trix October 10, 2019
    • Eidy Monteclaro March 30, 2020
  4. Blech June 6, 2016
  5. tessamorajesse June 6, 2016
  6. HappyDiva53 June 16, 2016
  7. Sally Sears July 24, 2016
  8. Juaniemae July 31, 2016
    • Sandy August 29, 2016
    • Dawn Ball September 9, 2016
    • celestine creech September 18, 2018
  9. barbie mcdanel August 24, 2016
    • Karen cleveland April 7, 2017
  10. Rena McGatha Nims September 7, 2016
    • celestine creech September 18, 2018
  11. Erin November 2, 2016
    • celestine Creech September 18, 2018
  12. Carolyn C. C. November 4, 2016
    • NJ gardener April 19, 2017
    • Tuxedo April 20, 2019
  13. Mommalee December 8, 2016
    • celestine September 18, 2018
  14. Dan January 10, 2017
  15. Jo January 17, 2017
  16. JRiv January 17, 2017
  17. Darlene January 30, 2017
    • Elizabeth June 20, 2017
    • emma September 18, 2018
    • Trix October 10, 2019
  18. Michael February 19, 2017
    • Sheila September 22, 2019
  19. my name is cool April 1, 2017
  20. my name is cool April 1, 2017
  21. Nicky June 8, 2017
  22. Les. B. June 13, 2017
  23. Elizabeth June 20, 2017
  24. Mary June 27, 2017
    • celeste September 18, 2018
  25. Jeff July 14, 2017
  26. Tyler Tyler July 29, 2017
  27. timothy flanigan July 31, 2017
    • tina September 18, 2018
  28. Amber Mosier August 2, 2017
  29. Heather August 20, 2017
    • Janet Johnson October 15, 2017
    • tina September 18, 2018
  30. Danette Pascoe September 5, 2017
    • celeste September 18, 2018
    • Daisy May 15, 2019
  31. Adanna Bauman October 23, 2017
  32. Janet Walker November 2, 2017
    • celeste September 18, 2018
  33. Jennywestlund November 10, 2017
    • celeste September 18, 2018
  34. Ann McTaggart November 11, 2017
  35. Toni November 22, 2017
  36. Katie Broach December 5, 2017
    • celeste September 18, 2018
    • Jerry butler October 29, 2018
  37. Vanessa December 23, 2017
  38. Lesley January 6, 2018
    • celeste September 18, 2018
  39. D De Paul January 8, 2018
  40. Nina March 3, 2018
  41. Kimmie March 7, 2018
  42. Whiskers2017 April 11, 2018
  43. Holly April 14, 2018
  44. Melissa April 14, 2018
    • celeste September 18, 2018
  45. Katie April 26, 2018
  46. Bridget April 29, 2018
    • celeste September 18, 2018
    • celeste September 18, 2018
  47. Gary Meredith May 17, 2018
  48. Charlotte's mom June 21, 2018
  49. ruth July 18, 2018
  50. andre August 5, 2018
    • celeste September 18, 2018
  51. Cat September 27, 2018
  52. Leo the Lion's pet December 18, 2018
  53. yeet skeet December 26, 2018
  54. Kingsley Felix January 21, 2019
  55. izzy April 1, 2019
  56. Joanne April 8, 2019
  57. Damian Sanborn June 30, 2019
  58. Iaonas July 3, 2019
  59. Danno.B September 1, 2019
  60. Tracey December 24, 2019
  61. Gail December 28, 2019
  62. Michael Gabriel January 26, 2020
  63. aguy March 26, 2020
  64. Rebecca Elisabeth Crow May 29, 2020
  65. Kate August 4, 2020
  66. Micki August 23, 2020
  67. kai December 15, 2020
  68. Julie mele December 21, 2020
  69. Terrylynn King January 13, 2021
  70. Kathy Freeman January 18, 2021
  71. Ellowyn Merrill February 8, 2021
  72. Randy Smith March 6, 2021
  73. Shari G May 17, 2021
  74. Shari May 17, 2021
  75. Andrew June 3, 2021
  76. Karen the Ancient Cat Lady June 24, 2021
  77. Pati August 10, 2021
  78. elizabeth August 22, 2021
  79. Emmie September 12, 2021
  80. Daphne Ferguson September 14, 2021
  81. Shanthi October 18, 2021
  82. Brian Hall October 22, 2021
  83. stacey December 24, 2021
  84. kathy rowe April 2, 2022
  85. Sara October 6, 2022
  86. Osage December 11, 2022
  87. KLL June 25, 2023
  88. Linda June 28, 2023

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